Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

News Commentary
Ep 594 | How Kevin McCarthy Is Getting Trump to...
44 min
Ep 593 | Reality Check: 45 Years Since Reagan’s...
46 min
Ep 592 | Is There NO LIMIT to a Federal Judge’s...
48 min
Ep 591 | How Unbridled Globalism Exposes Us to ...
69 min
Ep 590 | Deterrence Is EVERYTHING for Crime and...
46 min
Ep 589 | Bernie Sanders Is Giving Conservatives...
47 min
Ep 588 | Will Republicans Really Run to the LEF...
48 min
Ep 587 | Top DEA Agent: We’re in a Struggle of ...
46 min
Ep 586 | ‘Appointing Better Judges’ Is the Cons...
52 min
Ep 585 | The Ultimate Sellout of American Worke...
66 min
Ep 584 | Forget About the Dem Debate: Focus on ...
47 min
Ep 583 | The Story of an ICE Hero Denied Justice
46 min
Ep 582 | Yes, Republicans Are Planning a Big Am...
46 min
Ep 581 | What if Republicans Had Supermajoritie...
49 min
Ep 580 | Truth Bomb: Dems Destroy America; Repu...
43 min
Ep 579 | An Angel Mom Who Lost Her Daughter to ...
56 min
Ep 578 | The Courts Are the Problem, NOT the So...
44 min
Ep 577 | WRONG: The Completely Illogical Argume...
46 min
Ep 576 | And the Most Articulate Candidate Runn...
74 min
Ep 575 | Everyone Is Missing the Point About th...
50 min
Ep 574 | State of the Union: The President's Po...
Everything you need to know about the president’s SOTU and more! There’s boundless potential for the president to continue using the bully pulpit to actually convert his eloquent words into action. We discuss some of the best moments, plus some of the areas where the swamp is winning within the administration and where Trump can improve.  Show Links:  Bernie the fake populist:  How Trump can make his smackdown of sanctuary politicians into real action: 
49 min
Ep 573 | How Trump Can Capitalize on the Democr...
With the increasing likelihood that the Democrats will help Trump win re-election, I lay out a vision for Trump to capitalize on this with a successful campaign message. First, he needs to endorse better candidates who will have his back in Congress. Then he needs to push a relentless focus on sanctuary cities, drugs, crime, homelessness, and national security problems and show all the ways that Bernie and his ilk are aggravating those concerns. Finally, press the pedal to the metal on implementing all his policies during his second term. Show Links:  New York's predictable crime bomb continues:  Chickens of refugee resettlement coming home to roost in Minneapolis: 
43 min
Ep 572 | Super Bowl Culture Wars
The actual game was terrific, but how can kids watch a broadcast that has X-rated material? I discuss the cultural divide that is now enveloping every aspect of entertainment. In addition, I explain why the Trump ad obfuscating the history of Alice Johnson and the general nature of who is in federal prison is a violation of what he campaigned on. Finally, I give some initial thoughts on the travel ban, as another Iraqi refugee is suspected of being a former al Qaeda member.   Show Links:  The good and bad of the new travel ban:  Johnson might have deserved a pardon, but she also deserved the original sentence: 
49 min
Ep 571 | The Most Important Congressional Prima...
Today I’m joined by Chris Putnam, who is perhaps the only viable conservative candidate challenging a liberal Republican this cycle. Kay Granger of Texas’ 12th Congressional District will be the chair of the House Appropriations Committee if Republicans win back the House. Putnam explains why it would be tantamount to just handing the leadership over to Democrats. He discusses his governing philosophy and how to keep the conservative culture of Texas alive with true conservative representation. 
47 min
Ep 570 | What America Can Learn from Israel’s B...
With Trump’s peace deal for Israel in the news this week, we discuss the security situation Israel faces with the insane borders Democrats want to draw for them. And we here in the U.S. are faced with similar problems, with violent groups digging tunnels into our country. Plus, more opportunities for Trump to lead on national security as well as get involved in primaries. Show Links:  The truth about 'Palestine': 
36 min