Reform This!

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is a former US Navy Lieutenant Commander, a conservative, a patriot, a physician, and an American Muslim. A frequent television commentator on Blaze TV, Fox News Channel, CNN and MSNBC, he is also a co-founder of the Muslim Reform Movement. In this first of its kind podcast, Dr Jasser holds no punches as he breaches the many fault lines of the day between the West and Islamic communities. If you are looking for hope and have asked where are the courageous voices of pro-American Muslims, take a listen to Reform This!

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
Ep 1 | 2019’s Women of Islamism
In his first episode of 2019, Dr. Jasser looks at New Years’ Resolutions and why the threat of Islamism should matter to every American. Two American Muslim women were sworn into Congress this week as the media fawns over them ignoring their radical ideologies. Dr. Jasser shares why the whole drama is a disservice to America and to Muslims. Zuhdi also asks how the hate speech log a successful American Muslim physician, Lara Kollab, flew under the radar for so long until finally being exposed by Canary Mission as the radical anti-Semitic bigot she always was. Last why it matters that President Trump referred to Syria as just “sand and death”. Bonus: What you should learn from the emergence of Islamist political parties. in the West.
34 min
Ep. 51 | Syrian Scoreboard: Jihadis 1 US 0
Don't miss this episode as Dr Jasser gives some frontline insight into the surprise announcement by President Trump of a pullout of the only 2000 special forces from Syria. Zuhdi explains that while ISIS may be on the run in Syria since 2017 thanks to a more muscular bombardment, jihadists of both the Shia and Sunni extraction are now teeming all over Syria in a bigger threat to the region than ever. Our departure signals an abandonment of our Kurdish allies and a green light to giving up 30 percent of Syria to Khomeinist, Assadist, Turkish, and salafi-Jihadist militants who will decimate and threaten our allies the Kurds and Israel. Why? 
42 min
Ep. 50 | Rise of the Islamist Resistance
Don’t get too complacent. Islamist terror continues. ISIS took credit for another Islamist terror attack in Strasbourg France this week. Zuhdi shares the latest and what we can learn in the war against global jihad. Also the latest update on the Jamal Kashoggi assassinstion and the regime in Saudi Arabia with the Senate’s grand puffery. Dr. Jasser also discusses the hypocrisy of the free speech police in mainstream media. Pay attention to how the Iranian Islamist regime has coopted the resistance language of the Left.
38 min
Ep. 49 | Graham's Game of Thrones
Don't miss this week's episode as Zuhdi confronts Senator Lindsey Graham's bizarre demand that Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin-Salman, also known as ‘MBS', be immediately ousted as a result of his role in the Jamal Khashoggi affair. Moral outrage is one thing; asking for the release of prisoners of conscience would have been a better idea. The United States playing Game of Thrones is so "circa 20th century #FAIL" and is always far more liability than good. Also, did you know that this week the United Nations actually voted in support of the terror organization HAMAS and its attacks on Israel? Where is the outrage of the free world and the defense of our ally in democracy, Israel? Dr. Jasser sounds off on it all.
35 min
Ep. 48 | Islamists Fail Their Own Islamophobia ...
Don’t miss this week’s episode as Zuhdi shares what the passage of one landmark law in Tunisia defending the economic equality of men and women can mean to the movement of Muslims against Islamism. Also, a group called “the Refugee Justice League” exploits a young Muslim girl to defend the hijab and teach locals, not about religious freedom, but apparently about why the hijab prevents assault by crazed men. Last, British lawmakers are  now discussing four questions that define “Islamophobia”. Dr. Jasser dives into the absurdity of that whole discourse and why Islamists fail their own Islamophobia test.
37 min
Ep. 47 | Federal Fail
On this Thanksgiving Day weekend join Dr Jasser as he reflects on all we can be thankful for with all the blessings we have living in the freest nation on earth. Also this week a federal judge dealt an unexpected blow to the first test of a 1996 federal law against FGM (female genital mutilation). Judge Friedman declared the entire law banking FGM unconstitutional nullifying years of FBI work on the torture of young girls by radical Michigan doctors. Zuhdi discusses why conservatives cannot let radicals seek refuge in federalism. The federal government failed to protect young girls.
33 min
Ep. 46 | My Country, Our Country
During President Trump’s visit to Paris this week, he and President Macron  had a significant dust up of a debate about nationalism and patriotism. Don’t miss this episode as  Dr. Jasser shares with you why American nationalism or “Americanism” is truly the world’s “last, best hope” against Islamo-nationalism” or Islamism. This debate is not an exercise but rather the crux of our survival as a sovereign nation against the threat of Islamists globally. Zuhdi will dissect with you how one sermon from a Boston imam epitomizes this entire global conflict.
34 min
Ep. 45 | The Red-Green Axis Goes to Washington
Don't miss this week's episode of Reform This! Dr. Jasser will share with you how the world's "Red-Green Axis" (Socialist-Islamist Axis) has come to the open in the US Congress and how concerned Americans should be about the new Islamist members of Congress Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). Also Zuhdi asks why we aren't hearing more about the plight of Asia Bibi wrongly imprisoned for 9 years for blasphemy in Pakistan? Now finally released she faces threats globally of violent Islamist mobs.
39 min
Ep. 44 | We Must Confront all Forms of Anti-Sem...
This week in the wake of the recent terror attack against the Tree of Life Synagogue, Zuhdi looks at  the plague of anti-semitism and its both disparate and similar forms from neo-Nazis to Islamists. Also, Dr. Jasser asks whether in the wake of what is the most deadly attack ever against the Jewish community in the United States, the mainstream interfaith, media, and government responses in grief should lend these platforms to American Islamist groups?
39 min
Ep. 43 | Nothing Compares to ... Who?
Listen to this week's Reform This! as Zuhdi reacts to news that longtime controversial Irish singer Sinead O'Connor has converted to Islam, now donning a hijab and singing the call to prayer. What are rational questions Muslims and non-Muslims alike should ask? Meanwhile in France, another celebrity Muslim and arguably one of the most influential Islamists in the West, Tariq Ramadan, has begun his feeble defense against multiple charges of rape. Text messages are quickly proving he has been lying about quite a bit all along. Dr Jasser, discusses how Tariq Ramadan’s downfall will have a deep impact on the Islamist establishment across the West and into the nervous system in Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi’s Qatar.
47 min
Ep. 42 | Assassin’s Screed
This week, as the world remains fixated on the Jamal Kashoggi assassination, Dr. Jasser contineus to ask many of the questions too few are asking. Any critique of Kashoggi has been made out by the the media to be synonymous to blasphemy and the sanction of his horrific murder. In this episode, Zuhdi will tell you why any honest reformer, including himself would want the world to be honest about his or her ideas upon their death, rather than blind fictional lionization. What is really at stake for the free press, liberty, the United States, and Saudi Arabia in the Jamal Kashoggi affair? Get perspective here from a Muslim reformer. Dr. Jasser will also cover other stories you may have missed this week. 
41 min
Ep. 41 | The Fix is In
The Fix is in for the Islamists. On this week’s Reform This! Dr. Jasser asks why millions of Muslims on social media cheered on #Khabib’s victory over McGregor, caring little about his radicalism or the regime that created him. Instead, the opium of Islamism intoxicates those who love to see a Western fighter pummeled. Also, listen here to get the full unvarnished story about what we know so far about the disappearance of Jamal Kashoggi. The world has no clear answers. Yes, every journalist and activist should be free to speak and not fear torture or death. Ask all the others unheard of in Turkish and Saudi prisons or their families. This week, gauging by the coverage, one thing has become crystal clear, the Left media and its Islamists only seem to care about the death of popular Islamist activists and none of the others. 
48 min
Ep. 40 | Free Speech: Whose Sword & Whose Shiel...
In this week's episode, Zuhdi looks at the war against Islamism in the West through the lens of free speech thirty years after the Khomeinist fatwa against Salman Rushdie. It's frightening to think that our freedoms in the West are being used as a sword against free thinkers and a shield to protect Islamists. We seemed to have learned nothing from the Rushdie affair and now our entire society is under the threat of blasphemy-like claims of "Islamophobia". The leading Islamist group in the U.S., CAIR epitomizes the tyranny of Islamists against free speech. Also, Ryan Mauro, with the Clarion Intelligence Network, broke the story on Jama'at al-Fuqra. Also, Austria's response to Islamists this week is to outlaw the 4 finger Muslim Brotherhood sign. What should we think about that? Last, this week the UFC world saw Conor McGregor call his opponent's handler a "terrorist snitch". Dr. Jasser discusses how this cross-cultural collision may break the glass on public ignorance about Islamism. 
51 min
Ep. 39 | Romancing Recip and Rouhani!
Don’t miss this week’s episode as Zuhdi gives you the rundown of why we should be very concerned that leading American Islamists like Nihad Awad of CAIR are in New York City meeting with radical Islamist tyrants on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly meeting. There is nothing more emblematic of the dangerous, if not seditious role of American Islamists than this meeting between Awad, Turkey’s Recip Erdogan and Iran’s Hassan Rouhani. Also, Dr. Jasser reflects on how the deep divide between Americans politically is transforming our nation into a cultural war that actually resembles his own deeper long-running efforts inside the Arab and Muslim communities domestically and abroad. Tribalism is Tribalism. 
49 min
Ep. 38 | Curriculum That Rots The Next Generation
This week Dr. Jasser shares with you an I24News story about an IMPACT study which exposes how the first revision of Palestinian grade school textbooks since 2000 is actually even more radical than ever. Weaving in jihad, martyrdom, and anti-Semitic motifs to every subject from math to literature and biology, the radicalization of the next generation of Palestinian Muslims is baked in. Zuhdi will discuss the only way real reform can happen among Palestinians. Also, a New Jersey grade school commemorates 9-11 by reading a fictional account about “A Boy Named Osama” contemplating Muslims as victims of American culture. Dr. Jasser confronts how disastrous this approach is for Muslims and non-Muslim Americans alike. 
48 min
Ep. 37 | 17 Years After 9-11: Victory Is Takin...
Join Dr. Jasser this week as he looks at the 17 year anniversary of 9-11 and why we should honor those lost by taking Western values on the offense against Islamism. Law students defend a 1993 WTC terrorist for irrational religious accommodation requests. Dr. Jasser looks at the battlefront of accommodation. Zuhdi then takes a deep dive into how immigrants either go down the path of separatism or Americanism our last line of defense against the Islamist threat- our American culture and contract.
52 min
Ep . 36 | The Road to Hell: Paving the Way for ...
This week, Zuhdi looks at the realities of free speech infringements by social media companies and what it could do to Muslim reform and national security all in the Orwellian name of national security. You won’t want to miss this frank conversation about why protecting the fringe should matter to all. Dr. Jasser will also tell you why he’s had it with Nike and Kaepernick's misplaced messaging and how it can be applied to Muslim reform issues. Last, an update on Iran and also a reflection on the perennial non-story of “anti-Muslim backlash”. 
46 min
Ep. 35 | The Chinese Government Says Islam Is A...
Join Dr. Jasser as he tries to shed light on the impending massacre in Idlib, Syria. History is watching. In tyrannical China, Islam is treated as a mental illness with over one million Muslims in a reprogramming internment camp. Dr. Jasser also shares some thoughts about underlying themes for Muslims as they approach election season — especially what diversity should mean. How should a college campus learn about 9-11? Last, is the travel ban working and what should be done to fix it.
45 min
Ep. 34 | A Call for an Internet Free Speech Bil...
Join Dr. Jasser in this week's episode as he looks at the biggest Islamic holiday of the year and the debate over animal sacrifice in Islam. Also ISIS's Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi has resurfaced and issued a holiday call to jihad for Muslims. What will they respond? With all the debate over free speech on social media, Zuhdi proposes an Internet Free Speech Bill of Rights to become the standard and end the debate over the role of government and corporate censorship of speech. There is no greater battlefront in the war on Islamism. Last who really thinks the Saudi Private Investment Fund interest in Tesla is about diversification or self-preservation and leverage over their greatest existential threat.
51 min
Ep. 33 | Islamismophilia
Join Dr. Jasser this week as he takes a look at the Islamists elected in the primaries this week by the Minnesota Democratic Party including Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison and congressional candidate Ilhan Omar. American Islamists complain about their contrived concept of Islamophobia. Dr. Jasser coins a new term and danger to America: Islamismophilia or Islamistophilia. Then he looks again at the latest with a New Mexico judge's (Judge Backus) unbelievably tone-deaf ruling in favor of militant jihadists at the compound raided earlier this month releasing them on a signature bond. Recent comments from the Tunisian president should give everyone some hope about the possibility for secularism and defeat of Islamism in Muslim majority nations. Last, why a hard line against Turkey is necessary not only as we push for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson but because of the continued threat against human rights inside Turkey and outside by the spread of Erdogan's Islamism through the region. 
50 min
Ep. 32 | The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Imam
This week Dr. Jasser dives into what we know so far in the horrific case of child abuse and Islamist radicalization in a New Mexico compound. Listen to learn why this case is shaping up to be the most significant teaching moment about American Muslim radicalization since 9-11. The patriarch of the Wahhaj family, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, one of the country’s most pre-eminent Muslim imams, and is a leader in many of the most prominent Islamist organizations. While there is no evidence of Imam Siraj Wahhaj’s direct connection to the militancy of his son and family, his Islamism, which Zuhdi has long warned America about, is of major significance. Dr. Jasser will also share his recent experience at a Muslim Reformer’s conference in Aspen. Last, why the world should care about what may happen soon in Idlib, Syria. The war is not over. 
48 min
Ep. 31 | Minne-sota Arabia
This week, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser ask if you know what's happening with electoral politics in Minnesota? It's the mainstreaming of radical Islamist candidates more fit for Saudi Arabia than for the United States and right before their primaries Zuhdi also .follows up this week on the ISIS terror attack by Faisal Hassain that Canadian and Western media are pretending never happened and was only due to mental illness. Are the Canadian media actually the ones who are mentally ill? Also, reformers around the world are watching what's happening in Iran. Zuhdi gives you the latest update. And, this week's word of the week: "Islamophobia".. What it is and what it isn't.
54 min
Is the Battle for Islamic Reform Hopeless? - 7/...
In this can't miss podcast, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser looks at yet another terror attack, this time in Toronto where there has been a virtual blackout this week of information related to Faisal Hussein's radical Islamist ideology. Join Zuhdi has he takes a deeper look this week into the pathological community denial in the West's conversations about what motivates radical Islamists. To deny the influence of theocratic ideology in each of these cases actually perpetuates and inflames bigotry that may exist while leaving us even more vulnerable. Also, why on earth shouldn't a convicted radical Islamist terrorist lose his American citizenship upon sentencing and especially upon release from prison after serving 18 years? Last and perhaps most importantly, is the battle for reform within Islam hopeless? Zuhdi shares some personal insights.
46 min
Political Islam Continues To Spread Across The ...
This week Dr. Jasser looks at major fronts across the planet in the battle against the spread of political Islam and its Islamist movements. From Indonesia to Saudi Arabia on to France, Austria, and the United States, Zuhdi looks at the most telling current clinics in the battle between freedom and the onslaught of the Islamist movements. Listen to get the latest snapshot of where the world needs to wake up against Islamism.
44 min
The Muslim Brotherhood Is A Terrorist Organizat...
It's hard to believe there are Americans who  refuse to admit, are in denial, or actual allies of the global Muslim Brotherhood. This week Dr. Jasser on the heels of providing testimony to the Subcommittee on National Security of the House Committee on Government Oversight and Government Reform will share with you the obvious reality about the "Mothership" and the primary cancer of most radical Sunni Islamist organizations and Muslim Brotherhood. The Democrats provided a witness, Amb Daniel Benjamin, who went out of his way to defend the viability and so called democratic elements of the Muslim Brotherhood. Dr. Jasser will share with you his outrage and what lies behind the red-green access between supposedly respectable people on the left in the United States and global Islamist of the Muslim Brotherhood working from countries like Qatar and Turkey.
53 min