Reform This!

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is a former US Navy Lieutenant Commander, a conservative, a patriot, a physician, and an American Muslim. A frequent television commentator on Blaze TV, Fox News Channel, CNN and MSNBC, he is also a co-founder of the Muslim Reform Movement. In this first of its kind podcast, Dr Jasser holds no punches as he breaches the many fault lines of the day between the West and Islamic communities. If you are looking for hope and have asked where are the courageous voices of pro-American Muslims, take a listen to Reform This!

Religion & Spirituality
Society & Culture
Ep 28 | America is a Choice
Join Dr. Jasser this week as he looks at the latest uproar between President Trump and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). Is it racist to tell another American, “Love it or Leave it?”. As the son of Syrian immigrants, Zuhdi explains how the idea that is America cannot survive immigrants who reject its exceptionalism and greatness. Dr. Jasser also looks at the suggestion by Boris Johnson in the UK that Islam kept Muslims centuries behind the West. Last, is ISIS resurgent? The jihadi hydra is returning.
46 min
Ep 27 | Independence From Islamists
Don’t miss this week’s podcast as Dr. Zuhdi Jasser reflects on the importance of the Fourth of July. He talks about how the sentiment of patriotism and American national identity and pride in our nation are so central to his own work for modern Muslim reform. He’ll also reflect on the Anti-Americanism of leading American clerics like Omar Suleiman as well as how relevant Nike’s cancellation of their flag show is to this whole cultural war with the Left and Islamists.
36 min
Ep 26 | What do Arabs Actually Believe?
Don’t miss this week, as Dr. Zuhdi Jasser takes a deep dive into new polling released in the Arab world about very telling trends. Also a similar poll about Americans and Holocaust denial may also tell us a great deal about the influence of anti-American media in the West. With the Democratic primary Presidential debates underway, Zuhdi also looks at some of the shocking positions of vying candidates. 
34 min
Ep 24 | Fast and Loose with the Lexicon
This week Dr Jasser discusses how from “Concentration camps” to “Islamophobia”, the Red-Green axis of the Left and Islamist lobby tries to manipulate the public lexicon to control speech and prevent blasphemy even in the West. With the death of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood’s, Mohammed Morsi, we can learn a great deal from the eulogies and press releases of American Islamists. Last, Zuhdi makes some sense out of  the latest brinksmanship between the Trump administration and Iran’s theocrats.
37 min
Ep 23 | Turn Off The Gaslight
This week join Dr Jasser as he looks at what can be learned from the Canadian Conservative Party’s abandonment of an anti-Islamist Muslim leader, Salam Mansur. It could be a sign that we are doomed in the West? Also learn the 11 signs of gaslighting and how it so mysteriously fits the Left’s and the Islamist’s playbook.
38 min
Ep 22 | Time to De-Ummah-tize
As Muslims around the world celebrated the end of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, (Holiday of the Feast) this week, many sermonizers called on Muslim faithful to "unite" as one nation, one ummah. Dr. Jasser discusses how central that purportedly benign supposed article of faith is to radicalizing Muslim communities globally. Also this week, CAIR is exposed as a fraud in a court settlement from a lawsuit on behalf of defrauded victims. Lastly, Google bans an app from a leading Islamist, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi.
39 min
Ep 21 | The Oppression of “Islamization”
This week, Dr. Jasser walks you through the heart of the global Islamist ideology — their attempt to Islamize “everything” — in every walk of life. Until Muslims confront the Islamist programs to Islamize knowledge and all other avenues of life, they will continue to suffocate and oppress Muslim communities. Learn about this central “oncogene” of Islamism— Islamization. Also, do you know what political Islam is? You’d be surprised what an American imam said about how much damage it does to the faith.
33 min
Ep 20 | Fahrenheit Al Jazeera
Join Dr. Jasser this week as he breaks down the scandal that evolved at Al Jazeera with a horrifically anti-Semitic video on the Holocaust that a radical Islamist correspondent of theirs, Muna Hawwa, of their AJ+ brand, put out last weekend. Al Jazeera has followed that with an unprecedented attempt at trying to cleanse the internet of the video while their suspended employee indignantly dug her heels in on free speech. Also this week, as tensions rise with Iran, Zuhdi looks at what our strategy should be globally against radical Islamism.
40 min
Ep 19 | Truth is Dying by a Thousand Cuts
Join Dr. Jasser as he tells you why Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s Holocaust and Israel historical revisionism is not just a sign of her own radicalism, but the dominant culture of propaganda, and victimization globally of Palestinian Islamists. Zuhdi will also put in perspective for you what exactly is happening between the United States and Iran and what the real story should be. Is there really a new risk of war? This and more from the world of Muslim radicalization and reform.
39 min
Ep 18 | Be Afraid of the Red-Green Axis
This week don’t miss Dr. Jasser's introduction to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Zuhdi will then give you a primer in the domestic and global Red-Green Axis. Why do Socialists and Islamists work together, and who are they? Also a Muslim American Society grade school performance video featured kids at a Philly school celebrating anti-Semitism and the “chopping off of heads”. This is the tip of the iceberg of American Islamist supremacism and radicalization. Islamists invoke blasphemy laws in Britain, suppressing an “offensive” painting at a Saatchi gallery exhibit. Zuhdi discusses the implications.
35 min
Ep 17 | Baring it All
Don’t miss this week’s episode. Dr. Jasser, looks at what is likley behind the return of ISIS’ Caliph Al-Baghdadi and the messages in his video after a 5 year hiatus. Also, why the Muslim Brotherhood is obviously a foreign terror organization and why it matters to national security, to reformers and to Muslims. Wait. Did Sports Illustrated objectify an all too-willing and confused hijabi in a burkini to teach feminists a lesson about the virtues of misogyny? As Facebook shutters a large swath of new sites, Zuhdi again calls for an internet Free Speech Bill of Rights for activists.
37 min
Ep 16 | ISIS: Gone Today, Jihad Tomorrow
This week, Dr. Jasser looks at the resurgence of ISIS after the worst single terror attack since 9-11, this time in Sri Lanka. While the terror group is clearly regrouping after its defeats in Syria, Iraq and Libya, the global jihad continues to grow unabated. More and more innocents remain vulnerable, and the West has yet to develop an offense against the root cause of militant Islamism. What will that take? Also, another firestorm is brewing around Congresswoman Omar’s 2017 comments about American military operations in Somalia in 1993. With American heroes from “Black Hawk Down” weighing in, this may be one of her radical positions against America that she just can’t dodge.
40 min
Ep 15 | Arab Reawakening
This week, Dr. Jasser will fill you in on the news everyone is missing as they all obsess over the release of the Mueller Report. Two more Arab dictators have fallen, this time in Algeria and Sudan. What does that mean for their countries and the region? Speaking of revolutions, Iranian government hackers saw the tables turned on them as an anonymous group called Read My Lips exposes their information for the world to see. Also, sadly, the federal government’s anti-FGM case appeal against two Michigan physicians is dropped as the law is felt to be inadequate for a victory. What does this mean for the human rights of affected young Muslim girls? Lastly, the reason why the West needs to pay so much more attention to Honor Killings.
41 min
Ep 14 | Coddling Islamists in Congress
This week, join Dr. Jasser as fills you in on why the attention to the halfwittedness of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is going a long way towards finally educating Americans on the type of radical Islamist leadership which dominates so many Muslim communities. Rep. Omar's arrogance, ignorance and Islamism is the worst combination of characteristics for an American politician. Zuhdi looks at the maelstrom around her increasingly offensive tweets and asks why the Left insists on infantalizing her. Saudi Arabia’s Muslim World League's secretary general admonishes American Muslims like Ilhan Omar to better assimilate and be loyal to the Constitution. Is this a sign of real reform for Saudi Arabia or not? Lastly, the Iranian Republican Guard Corps was just named a foreign terror organization (FTO) by the Trump administration. Here's why that is the best thing for the Iranian people and the world.
42 min
Ep 13 | Will there be a Caliphate 2.0?
Join Dr. Jasser, this week, as he looks at the virtually ignored story about the final demise of the ISIS Caliphate. Who should take the credit? And what does it mean for our war against global jihadism? Will there be a Caliphate 2.0? Also, as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg calls for increased government regulation of social media, Zuhdi calls for the urgent need of a social media and internet free speech bill of rights. Don’t miss this episode!
41 min
Ep 12 | MBS the Islamophobe? Huh?
Don't miss this week's episode.  Now, American Islamists are oddly calling Gulf state monarchs and dictators "Islamophobes". That's right, in major U.S. publications, Islamists are saying these Muslim dictators are "Islamophobic bigots".  Dr. Jasser takes a deep look at how the American Islamists have now shown their hand. Zuhdi will make some sense out of that Orwellian doublespeak a.k.a.-- The Takfiri Olympics. Dr. Jasser also updates you on the recent large protests this week outside the CAIR-LA fundraiser keynoted by Congresswoman Ilhan "the Islamist" Omar (D-MN), as well as the Trump Administration’s recognition of Golan.
34 min
Ep 11 | In the End, it’s all about Religious Li...
Just back from an extended trip to Australia, Dr. Jasser shares his heartfelt reflections after the terror attacks on the mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. He looks at the functional and dysfunctional responses. As Zuhdi just happened to be in that part of the world speaking to community, government and media leaders; he also looks at what the West has at stake in this generational battle for liberty against Islamist theocracy. You’d be surprised how much nations of the West share. A major Salafi-jihadi network in the Middle East, NaizakTV, continues to invoke militant Islamist hate speech against Dr. Jasser. He discusses whether Twitter will do something about it.
43 min
Ep 10 | House Democrats Emulate UN’s Bigotry
Speaker Pelosi’s Democrat-controlled House of Representatives twisted themselves into dysfunctional knots unable to even make a clear stand rebuking the anti-Semitic bigotry of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). Dr. Jasser shares what you may have missed in this major story this week and also what it means for anti-Islamist reformers and the power of Islamists and their progressive enablers. The House proves that not only are they unable to clearly rebuke anti-Semites in their own party, they treat Muslims with a pathological bigotry of low expectations. Congress has procedurally turned into the United Nations. Don’t miss this must-listen episode!
39 min
Ep 9 | Fezbook Folds to Islamists
This week Dr. Jasser asks how the Saudi regime can have so much “Islamic” credibility in Muslim communities while their Crown Prince just congratulated the Chinese for putting a million Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps? Also Zuhdi takes a deeper look at what limits if any should exist in free speech and how the de-platforming of Tommy Robinson and others like him only helps the Islamists and their jihad. Last with all the talk about anti-Semitism, it’s time America takes a crash course in the Islamist roots of anti-Semitism.
36 min
Ep 8 | Treason by Any Other Name
Don't miss this week's episode if you're looking for some common sense about the contrived controversy over ISIS bride Hoda Muthana. Secretary Mike Pompeo and President Trump rightly deny her re-entry on a technicality after years with our nation’s enemies—ISIS-- and the Council on American Islamic Relations now instead finds itself a new low, a new client, deciding to defend her right to return as a citizen and seek "therapy". Zuhdi will give you the contrasting viewpoint of patriotic American Muslims who have had enough with the boundless Islamist mantle of victimization. Enough is enough. No. Islamists are not victims. They are supremacists. And speaking of treason. If you haven't heard of Monica Witt, another American traitor now in hiding in Iran, you'll want to listen to this podcast.
36 min
Ep 7 | Back from Raqqa with Love
This week join Dr. Jasser as he takes a personal look at Valentine’s Day and how western society’s comfort with affection and love is defining incompatibility with Islamist theocrats and their tribal fundamentalists. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is putting America through a crash course on the ideological threats of Islamist extremism. Her ideology is obvious to anyone who understands Islamism. Zuhdi tells you what you aren't learning from media  about her natural and compulsive anti-Semitism. What her bigotry should teach all Americans about Islamism and the Left. Last, ISIS jihadis are trying to return home from Syria to their families in Britain, Canada and the U.S. Should they go directly to jail, or be given a second chance? Zuhdi discusses the depth of their threat and how the United States and other western nations should confront this issue. You won’t want to miss this one. 
46 min
Ep 6 | Status of the Unity
On the heels of this week's #SOTU address by President Trump, Zuhdi takes a look at how much there is to learn for Muslim reform from what American unity should be and is when America is strongest and most United. Dr. Jasser discusses our identity and what unites us. Also, the media all of a sudden wakes up to the handoff of American weapons to Islamist terror groups in the Middle East.
37 min
Ep 5 | Assimilation: Virtue or Vice?
Don’t miss this week’s episode as Dr. Jasser takes a deeper look at the unbelievable outrage over Tom Brokaw’s “faux pax” when he suggested that many in the HIspanic community need to work harder at assimilation. Zuhdi answers the question, also so relevant to defeating Islamism, whether assimilation is a virtue or a vice? Speaking of assimilation. France is set to “welcome back” over 130 ISIS jihadis coming back from Syria. Should they lose their citizenship? Dr. Jasser gives his two cents.
39 min
Ep 4 | The Art of the Venezuelan Deal
This week Dr Jasser reflects on what the power of art and humanities could do in driving long overdue Muslim reforms. There can be no modernity without the human creativity of the humanities. What can the United State's advocacy for freedom with the brewing revolution in Venezuela reveal about American Muslim leaders and also about US policies in the Middle East? Last, should Facebook decertify Maduro?
39 min
Ep 3 | Congressional Islamists
This week Dr. Jasser talks about the ISIS terror attack in Manbij Syria that killed 19 including four Americans. The American pullout of the few troops will likley continue. Zuhdi reviews what it all means. Also, the newly inaugurated Islamist Congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar doubles down on her anti-semitism and wasted no time in floating typical whacky Islamist conspiracy theories. And what so many Muslims need to learn from the courageous NBA player Enes Kanter.
40 min