Sara Gonzales Unfiltered

Sara Gonzales, everyone’s favorite spicy Latina, brings a no-holds-barred take to news and culture.

News Commentary
Ep 237 | "Myths" About Socialism
Should the treasonous ISIS bride seeking a return to the U.S. actually be charged with treason? Five "myths" about socialism... according to The Washington Post... Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) claims that the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars were "disastrous and wrong". Why are young Americans so vulnerable to believing such blatant revisionist history? President Trump says he agrees "one hundred percent" with keeping U.S. troops in Syria Ex-transgender man who now identifies as an "agender alien" reveals they have had their nipples and eyebrows removed in order to look "less human"
44 min
Ep 236 | Who Casts the Deciding Vote Against Tr...
Glenn breaks down all the noteworthy things he saw at CPAC Who will be the deciding vote in Congress to overturn President Trump's emergency declaration? The geography of partisan prejudice - Which of America's 3000 counties are the most Republican or Democrat-leaning? Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) refuses to denounce brutal Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore unloads on Ocasio-Cortez' Green New Deal Kindergarten students at a Virginia elementary school celebrate transgender kids on Read Across America Day
43 min
Ep 235 | Democrat Infighting
House Democrat recriminations have become a trend as radical liberals lash out at moderates Is the presumption of innocence dead in this country? Disturbingly, the answer appears to be yes... Political discourse is on the chopping block - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) plans to ostracize Democrats who vote for any Republican ideas Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) denies men have weightlifting advantage over women, demands probe into "discriminatory" competition Female high school athlete speaks out after losing championship to transgender sprinters
37 min
Ep 234 | Van Jones at CPAC & Gun Control Passes...
Van Jones gave a speech at CPAC on criminal justice reform - Are his efforts something that conservatives could learn from? U.S. House passes gun control bill mandating universal background checks in order to close non-existent loopholes regarding gun shows and online sales How should Americans approach the fine line between mental health awareness and gun rights? America’s first two Muslim congresswomen will both be fundraising for a Hamas-linked organization, the Council on American-Islamic Relations
43 min
Ep 233 | Michael Cohen's Testimony & Trump-Kim ...
Stu breaks down Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony President Trump and Kim Jong Un predict success in ongoing high-stakes nuclear summit House climate change hearing adjourns after not enough Democrats show up Pakistan warns of “surprise”, calls nuclear authority meeting after Indian air strike
39 min
Ep 232 | Dems Descend to New Low | Is America's...
New depths of depravity - Senate blocks bill on medical care for children born alive after attempted abortions Stu provides an update on the impending House vote to overturn President Trump's emergency declaration regarding border security Has America's covenant with God been irreparably broken? Glenn says the answer may be yes Federal court rules that male-only draft registration is unconstitutional - Should compulsory military service be gender-neutral? Should there even be a draft? ABC pulled Steven Crowder's Oscars commentary from YouTube, claiming copyright infringement - What was different this year? How was this not "fair use"?
42 min
Ep 231 | Crossroads on Abortion & Turning Point...
Senate will vote Monday on bill to stop infanticide and protect babies born alive after abortion procedures 'Unplanned' receives R-rating - Will this help or hurt the pro-life film's impact and bottom line? House Democrats gear up for Tuesday vote to nullify President Trump's border emergency declaration Venezuelan soldiers abandon posts at Colombia border | Vice President Pence says "It's time", increases sanctions to harm President Maduro Speaking of socialism, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) speaks out on criticism of the Green New Deal Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) debates children urging her to vote for the Green New Deal
46 min
Ep 230 | Patriots Owner Arrested & Vermont Abor...
New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft arrested in connection with a Florida prostitution ring Patriots quarterback Tom Brady says his "good witch" wife, Gisele, helps him win titles with altars and rituals Vermont House passes a staggering abortion bill – It permits an abortion at any point in pregnancy for any reason Jonathon Dunne explains what we, as Americans, need to do to restore the sanctity of life It turns out that Bernie Sanders gave some ringing endorsements for both Cuba and the Soviet Union in the 1980's - Could such revelations actually HELP his cause today?
41 min
Ep 229 | Smollett in Very Hot Water & A Great S...
Chicago police allege that Jussie Smollett paid $3,500 to stage his attack, hoping to promote his career The actor is facing six to thirteen years in prison for the false police report and mail fraud Supreme Court rules against excessive state fines - This is a very positive step in the fight against civil asset forfeiture Report: Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán jurors violated judge's directions not to follow news accounts of the trial, the drug lord could receive a new trial as a result Massive billboard in New York City blasts Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the wake of Amazon choosing to leave the area Bernie Sanders thinks people standing in bread lines is a good thing because it proves that government is working
34 min
Ep 228 | Infamous Quotes from John Wayne & Bern...
Actor John Wayne’s notorious 1971 Playboy interview, in which he made inflammatory comments on racial superiority, goes viral on Twitter Bernie Sanders claims “most people” would give him credit for helping shift the Democratic Party to the Left - Also, allow us to revisit his disturbing "rape fantasy" essay What is the proper protocol for dealing with ISIS wives who now want to return home? Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said, “It’s possible” when asked whether President Trump could be a Russian asset Presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand is hilariously interrupted by a woman who just needs ranch dressing
45 min
Ep 227 | Sanders Running Again & Who Leads the ...
Bernie Sanders is running for President again - His 2020 agenda includes Medicare for All, action on climate change, and a $15-an-hour minimum wage Sanders on Howard Schultz: "We have a corrupt political system where any billionaire can throw ads on TV and become credible." Who leads the power rankings in the early stages of the Democratic primary? Lead economic researcher Justin Wheeler joins the program to share his thoughts on several key issues facing the U.S. economy Louis Farrakhan tells Rep. Ilhan Omar that she has nothing to apologize for over anti-Israel tweet, also claims that "the wicked Jews" use him to attack the women’s movement and march leaders
44 min
Ep 226 | All a Leftist Hoax?, Shifting Media St...
New evidence suggests actor Jussie Smollett orchestrated attack by alleged pro-Trump assailants In the 1980s, now-Governor Ralph Northam (D-VA) partied like it was 1884 - yet he still has his job while Megyn Kelly was fired for her benign comments on blackface on Halloween It turns out that The New York Times has completely changed its tune on blackface, as evidenced by its review of the 1986 film "Soul Man" An attempted coup? Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe alleges that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein offered to wear a wire inside the White House to obtain incriminating evidence against President Trump 16-year-old is skipping school on Fridays to protest climate change
48 min
Ep 225 | Border Emergency Declared | Guest: Jon...
President Trump declares border emergency, will redirect up to $8 Billion for new barrier Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-TX) called for tearing down existing border walls, but he ended up helping the conservative case for expanding the barriers Jason and Jonathon explain why conservatives should oppose the President being able to supersede Congress, even if it means addressing an ongoing crisis at the border Why do progressives always lump free college tuition in with single-payer healthcare? Colleges are making more money than ever, but they are failing to innovate the very system of education (at their own risk)
43 min
Ep 224 | Rep. Omar Goes off the Rails (Again) &...
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) clashes with Trump nominee for Special Representative to Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, regarding his involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair More Americans are behind on their car loans than ever before - Why is this happening in a good economy? Amazon pulls out of planned New York City headquarters - An incredible amount of investment capital has been wiped out overnight Report: President Trump will sign new spending bill to avoid another government shutdown, will declare national emergency regarding border crisis
39 min
Ep 223 | Passing the Buck, Staggering Debt & No...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom withdraws funding for over-budget "bullet train" project - Is there more to this move than just the state's financial situation? The national debt just topped $22 Trillion for the first time in history - Glenn and Stu break down the implications of that debt and the looming crisis on the horizon Vegan presidential candidate Cory Booker says humans eating meat will eventually destroy the planet Chris Pratt issues classy response after Ellen Page lashes out at him for attending "anti-LGBTQ" church Illustrating taxation is a lot easier than the Left would lead you to believe - What happens if you implement a flat tax?
41 min
Ep 222 | Congressional Apologies & A Disturbing...
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) apologized for her anti-Semitic comments, but there was a catch... Allow us to remind you, a few years back, Omar laughed and joked while talking about Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah A new "religion" in America has Andrew a bit disturbed - People have been observed kneeling before a portrait of Barack Obama, a practice similar to Chinese citizens kneeling before Mao Kamala Harris says she listened to Snoop Dogg and Tupac while smoking marijuana in college ...years before they made music... The controversy surrounding Katy Perry's shoes - Why are people so quick to be offended?
40 min
Ep 221 | Cold Hard History with Glenn & Fear th...
A 10-minute history lesson on Winston Churchill, Mohandas K. Gandhi, and the Axis Powers Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) says the Green New Deal is "bold", like defeating the Nazis or going to the Moon In Iowa, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) says President Trump may be headed for prison Parents are afraid to send their children to school in remote Russian archipelago due to threat of polar bear attacks Here come cloned Woolly Mammoths? Coca-Cola debuts Orange Vanilla, its first new flavor in more than a decade
36 min
Ep 220 | Farmers vs. Trump & Spending Some "Gre...
The President's tariff policy continues to harm the Midwestern farmers who supported then-candidate Trump in 2016 The details of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' "Green New Deal" sound too outlandish to be true, yet the plan is frighteningly real. - Just how intrusive can government be? Jason breaks down the U.S. military's timeline for withdrawing forces from Syria Steve implores the audience to see the new film, "Unplanned", a pro-life motion picture that doesn't shy away from the horrific details of abortion To offer your support to the family of Doc Thompson, please visit
41 min
Ep 219 | Ominous Reference, Fact Checks & Pagan...
The progressive women in white were just the tip of the iceberg - What was Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) doing during the State of the Union? Jemele Hill jokes about an assassination of President Trump with a reference to the film 'Malcolm X' Fact-checking the fact-checking of President Trump's comments on abortion Steve Deace reveals the pagan religious power of "my truth" Remembering Doc Thompson - To offer your support, visit What can the Right offer people to counter all the bold promises that the Left is making?
42 min
Ep 218 | A Bi-Partisan Speech, A War on Meat & ...
MSNBC host Chuck Todd called President Trump’s State of the Union Address “Theater of the Absurd” The New York Times ran a fact-check on Trump's comments regarding border security, but the fact-checkers seemed to second-guess themselves New food policy report calls for a global war on meat and sugar Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed 'American Indian’ as her race on a 1986 state bar registration Virginia's Democrat Attorney General Mark Herring says he wore blackface at a college party Connecticut may remove all sugary drinks from kids' menus A cryptocurrency exchange can't repay $190 million owed to customers because its CEO died without having shared the only password to access the network To donate to the family of our friend and colleague, Doc Thompson, visit
35 min
Ep 217 | State of the Union, Ominous Warning fo...
Americans love* socialism. Soak the rich? A majority* are saying go for it!     *Not really* General in charge of U.S. troops in the Middle East tells Senate he was not consulted about withdrawal from Syria, warns of potential ISIS resurgence Congressman proposes giving presidency more power to raise and enforce tariffs 27-year-old man from India plans to sue his parents for having him without his consent What do you expect to see from President Trump tonight? The cast seems to think he'll be more straightforward than combative What happens when the government runs out of money (again) in under two weeks?  Will President Trump take a stand at all? Behold the greatest montage ever of Democrats talking about impeaching President Trump Behold an even greater montage of Democrats talking about their proposals on healthcare, minimum wage and education
48 min
Ep 216 | Northam Under Fire, The Straw Police &...
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is in extremely hot water after an overtly racist yearbook photo surfaced over the weekend Washington, D.C. is paying a "plastic straw cop" a $60,000 salary to enforce the city’s straw ban A new bill introduced in Hawaii would increase the state's legal smoking age to 100... Yes, you read that right... You can drive, vote, and go to war at age 18, but you can't drink... Is that a problem? Shameful ad portrays American journalists as victims of persecution - While journalists around the world have routinely been killed for telling the truth...
42 min
Ep 215 | Missile Treaty Withdrawal & Here Comes...
President Trump and Secretary Pompeo say the U.S. will begin the process of withdrawing from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with Russia Meanwhile, China test-fires DF-26 Intermediate Ballistic Missile, which is intended to attack Guam, Japan and U.S. Navy warships British man interrogated by police for liking a "trans-phobic" tweet, an act labeled a "hate incident" Financial Blacklisting: Newsguard advises advertisers to avoid pro-Trump media Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) declares he is running for President, says "We are better when we help each other" Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Far-Left Democrat, proposes extreme tax rate Tesla driver recorded sleeping at the wheel as car speeds down the highway
41 min
Ep 214 | DeepFake Fears & Abortion Debacles | G...
Virginia lawmaker says that she wouldn’t have co-sponsored controversial abortion bill if she had read it closely Steve Buscemi/Jennifer Lawrence DeepFake has people fearing for the future - Technology has made the seamless manipulation of video a powerful weapon of propaganda The post-truth era is upon us, so how can the republic survive?  We need to be a people of values Andrew explains why taxpayers should NEVER fund new stadiums for billionaire sports franchise owners
42 min
Ep 213 | A Governor's Lunacy & The Big Freeze |...
Abortion insanity reaches a new level - Virginia governor describes protocol for "post-birth abortion" (a.k.a. cold-blooded murder) A polar vortex has enveloped the Midwest - So let's talk about global warming Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) stands by "Medicare-for-all" amid heavy criticism over private insurance comments Why is healthcare the only industry in which innovation drives costs up? Jason Buttrill has the answer. Could former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz be a viable presidential candidate?
45 min