The Glenn Beck Podcast

Glenn Beck sits down with notable guests to discuss big ideas, inspiring stories, and the origins of the extraordinary people behind them.

News Commentary
Ep 57 | After 2 Accidents and 29 Years of Night...
David Mellor considers himself “one of the luckiest people in the world,” and his story is AMAZING. He was hit by two different cars in two different cities – and both smashed his knee.  He has had dozens of surgeries and suffered from severe PTSD for 29 years without even realizing it. But through it all, his love for his family and Red Sox baseball kept him going, and he became the leading innovator of creative turf patterns. David’s new book, “One Base at a Time,” tells his unbelievable story of overcoming PTSD, from a life of nightmares to a life of wonder. But most importantly, he gives hope for everyone feeling broken that life can still be fulfilling.
81 min
Ep 56 | History in Clay Pots | David Barton | T...
David Barton has been described as “America’s historian.” He is a best-selling author and the founder of WallBuilders, and he sits on the board of Mercury One, Glenn’s humanitarian and educational charity. And if combined with Glenn's, his private collection of founding-era documents would be rivaled only by the Library of Congress. Barton and Glenn take a look at a few artifacts on both the good and bad sides of history. Most importantly, they emphasize knowing WHY you believe what you do. History has been dulled and politicized in our schools and government – and our Bill of Rights is suffering from it. But organizations like WallBuilders and Mercury One are dedicated to preserving and teaching the truth.
94 min
Ep 55 | Whistleblowing AGAINST the DNC | Andrii...
Andrii Telizhenko is calling out the DNC for corruption in Ukraine, but the mainstream media will not listen! As a former adviser to both Ukraine’s prosecutor general Victor Shokin and the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, he refused to work with the DNC to dig up dirt on Trump. He describes how Alexandra Chalupa introduced herself as a DNC worker, how conservatives were blocked from communicating, and how it’s no secret in Ukraine why Biden demanded Shokin be fired. According to Telizhenko, this meddling was one of the main reasons the Ukrainian people voted a COMEDIAN into office instead of another politician. He has seen firsthand the how the mainstream media is rewriting this story, but the facts WILL be set straight!
74 min
Ep 54 | Truth Over Politics: A British Rapper’s...
Zuby is a British rapper, author, and podcast host who went viral after claiming he broke the British women’s deadlift record because he “identified as a woman whilst lifting.” Raised in Saudi Arabia and working in the U.K., Zuby sees the United States as a country that raises its flags high even while plagued by the religion of social justice. Glenn and Zuby compare the U.S. and the U.K., from Boris Johnson and Brexit to the Second Amendment and homelessness. But on both sides of the pond and around the world, people are tired of corruption and want to be heard. Above all, Zuby strives for authenticity and truth in a world that would rather make everything political and polarizing. And he’s using his music and life to spread the message.
77 min
Ep 53 | The Truth About Jihad – From A Woman Wh...
Tania Joya grew up in a British Muslim community believing that she was only half as valuable as a man. She was radicalized by a college friend who told her America “deserved” 9/11 and soon after became a mail-order bride to an American who would rise in the ranks of ISIS. But through it all, she sensed something truly evil about the oppressive, hate-filled culture of Islamism that told her she had no rights. She now proudly says that the FBI and America saved her life – and gave her the freedom to tell quite a story. Tania doesn’t hold back as she lays out exactly what jihadism is and what she’s doing now to deradicalize the individuals it has enslaved.
98 min
Ep 52 | Google’s Hidden Dictatorship | Dr. Robe...
Imagine if free will just disappeared – and we didn’t even notice. Author and psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein started researching Google before the 2016 election and has since found chilling evidence that this is now the reality we’re facing. A Clinton supporter himself, he was disturbed to see how bias in Google’s search results was shifting votes to the left – and it didn’t stop there. Epstein warns about how everything from Google’s “free” tools to its work with world governments is part of a massive data-collecting surveillance system. He predicts that if this continues, in 2020 we won’t be able to distinguish between reality and the suggestions we’re fed. That is, unless we fight tech with tech.
69 min
Ep 51 | Over-Regulation Ends Freedom | Philip K...
Author and attorney Philip K. Howard is at the forefront of legal reform and the fight against government micromanagement. His latest book, “Try Common Sense: Replacing the Failed Ideologies of Right and Left,” takes aim at the bloated bureaucracies of both parties and proposes a practical government that allows Americans to live WITHOUT all the red tape. In this interview, Glenn and Philip discuss how our overstuffed rule books – mixed with modern fears of failure, pain, and lawsuits – have created a less free society. From teachers burdened with paperwork to men afraid to mentor, our regulations need a massive overhaul.
91 min
Ep 50 | The Globalist Gilded Age of Twitter-Fed...
Author and National Review correspondent Kevin Williamson doesn’t fall neatly into any political box. He was a conservative diversity hire at The Atlantic – fired three days later for that exact reason. He wrote a book called “The Case Against Trump,” but is definitely not a fan of leftists. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind, and his not-so-family-friendly newest book, “The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics” hammers it home. In this interview, Glenn and Kevin sit down to discuss how capitalism has massively boosted the quality of life even in the last 50 years, why we’ve traded our sense of purpose for Twitter bickering, and the unimaginable freedom the future will bring – if we don’t mess it all up first.
88 min
Ep 49 | The Far-Left Feminist Disowned by His O...
Comedian Jamie Kilstein had his whole world turned upside down by the #MeToo movement. Once a self-described far-left feminist, he was surprised at how quickly his own people disowned him over claims he knew were very skewed — and the support he got was from the people he once mocked. Now he’s sitting down for an interview with one of them, the notorious Glenn Beck himself. They discuss life for a comedian who’s tired of selling out to political correctness, the humbling rock-bottom experience that brought him here, and the honesty that the American people want so much.
106 min
Ep 48 | Anarchists Don’t Wear Antifa Masks | Ti...
In all modern logic, Tim Pool and Glenn Beck should not get along. But after Trump’s election, this anarchist, avid environmentalist, and former Bernie-supporter saw the Democrat Party shift radically before his eyes. Now the left calls him a conservative, just for holding on to American values, reality, and individual rights. In this interview, Tim joins Glenn to show how two people can disagree on politics, yet still hold the same principles, including free speech, nonviolence, and hearing people out. With this common ground, they dive in to everything from socialism, open borders, and the alt-right to Elon Musk’s NeuraLink, Facebook’s Libra, and the frightening future of AI algorithms.
113 min
Ep 47 | Google’s Government and the Digital Gul...
Glenn and the “notorious” former NYU professor, Michael Rectenwald, both believe that Big Tech, China, and the Left share similar - authoritarian - goals. Rectenwald’s newest book, “The Google Archipelago,” explores just that. In it, he imagines a world that’s sounding more familiar each day: 5G, AI, transhumanism, constant connection to the internet, and all the possibilities that opens up – digital erasing, book burning, Revelation-style marking, and the creation of what he calls “digital gulags.” In this interview, Glenn and Rectenwald discuss the power we give to Big Tech companies, why they’re helping China control its people, and what’s in store for us. Because, as they note, evil comes dressed fashionably, saying it’s for our own good.
91 min
Ep 46 | Justice Democrats: AOC is Only the Begi...
Glenn sits down with the creative mind behind the viral video that exposed AOC as a political “actress.” Christopher Kohls, better known as “Mr. Reagan,” once took a crack at Hollywood, only to settle for YouTube fame. In this interview, Mr. Reagan brings his unique blend of creative storytelling, Ronald Reagan-era conservatism, and journalism to the year’s biggest stories. Hear of his struggles with online censorship, the opportunistic nature of capitalism, and – of course – the Justice Democrats: why they formed, what they’re doing, and how the Democratic civil war fits right in.
88 min
Ep 45 | Gavin McInnes | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Advisory: Mature Content | Glenn sits down with a man he finds incredibly hilarious and well-read. Gavin McInnes and Glenn Beck have been in the news together over the last year, and almost every story has gotten it wrong. So in this interview, they discuss the elephant in the room. The co-founder of VICE and VICE magazine, Gavin McInnes made millions until the company decided that he was "too offensive" for VICE. Now he is a comedian and founder of FreeSpeech.TV. Get ready to hear a human tornado as Gavin unpacks his biography and history.
85 min
Ep 44 | Brad Thor | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn sits down with who many people call "the Master of Thrillers", Brad Thor. He is the #1 New York Times bestselling author nineteen thrillers, including Spymaster, The Last Patriot, Blowback, Foreign Influence, The Lions of Lucerne, as well as his very first book, "Backlash" which was named by Barnes & Noble as one of the best political thrillers ever. Reading his books has been described as being in a time machine one year before an event happens. Today, Glenn talks with Brad about his writing and how closely his novels of international intrigue parallel the real threats facing the world today. 
81 min
Ep 43 | Noah Rothman | The Glenn Beck Podcast
This week, Glenn is joined by author Noah Rothman who wrote the book, "Unjust: Social Justice and the Unmaking of America" to discuss the rise of the violent American Left and its ties to Russia. 
80 min
Ep 42 | Blake J. Harris | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn sits down with Blake J. Harris, best-selling author of "Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo and the Battle that Defined a Generation," which is currently being adapted for television by Legendary Entertainment, and producers Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, and Scott Rudin. He has written for ESPN, IGN, Fast Company, and the AV Club as well as makes a regular appearance on Paul Scheer's "How Did This Get Made?" podcast. His latest book, "The History Of The Future: Oculus, Facebook and the Revolution That Swept Virtual Reality" which details his inner workings at Facebook. However, due to the political nature of the book, Harris was blackballed from interviews subsequently burying this bestselling author at 33,000 and after joining Glenn on his radio program, he skyrocketed up all the way up to No. 3. In this interview, Blake J. Harris reveals a truly shocking story about Mark Zuckerberg and what really happened to Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus VR.
91 min
Ep 41 | James A. Lindsay & Peter Boghossian | T...
Glenn sits down with both James A. Lindsay, an author, and mathematician as well as Peter Boghossian, an assistant professor of Philosophy at Portland State University. These two men along with their associate Helen Pluckrose spent 10 months writing 20 hoax papers that illustrated and parodied what they call "grievance studies" and submitted them to "the best journals in the relevant fields." Out of these 20 papers, seven of them were accepted, four were published online, and three were being processed. Being dubbed as "Sokal Squared", this hoax has been applauded by several scholars for unmasking what they called academe's leftist, victim-obsessed ideological slant and low publishing standards. If you're worried about the state of culture in this country, if you're curious of the inner workings of the world of academia, and you're fed up with the increasing authoritarian ideology from the left or from the right, this podcast is for you. 
91 min
Ep 40 | Ami Horowitz | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn talks with American documentary filmmaker, Ami Horowitz who is also running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. He is a wirter, producer, and director of Ami on the Streets, a satirical short film series on Fox News and he also co-wrote, co-directed, and starred in a documentary in 2009 providing a critical examination of the United Nations. Today, Glenn and Ami Horowitz discuss putting party over country and how sad it is that we’re dealing with anti-Semitism in this day and age. If you'd like to learn more about Ami's campaign policies or if you'd like to be a donor for his campaign, click here:
93 min
Ep 39 | Bridget Phetasy | The Glenn Beck Podcast
This week, Glenn sits down with the very funny Bridget Phetasy who is a former Playboy Advisor and is now presently a Comedian/Writer. She contributes to a variety of other outlets including Tonic, the Federalist, MEL Magazine, & many other online publications. As a stand-up comedian, she tackles a lot of important issues from a comedic perspective and in this episode, they talk about the problem of self-censorship, banking institutions choosing whose money they want, and Bridget also gets really raw about her past struggles and some of the tragic things that she has been through in her journey. 
91 min
Ep 38 | Jocko Willink | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn talks with Jocko Willink who is a decorated retired Navy SEAL officer, author of the book "Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win", and co-founder of Echelon Front, where he is a leadership instructor, speaker, and executive coach. Jocko spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams, starting as an enlisted SEAL and rising through the ranks to become a SEAL officer. As commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the battle of Ramadi, he orchestrated SEAL operations that helped the “Ready First” Brigade of the US Army’s First Armored Division bring stability to the violent, war-torn city. During his career, Jocko was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and numerous other personal and unit awards. In 2010, Jocko retired from the Navy and launched Echelon Front with Leif Babin where he teaches the leadership principles he learned on the battlefield to help others lead and win.
65 min
Ep 37 | Mike Lee | The Glenn Beck Podcast
This week, Glenn sits down with Senator Mike Lee of Utah who has spent his career defending the basic liberties of Americans and Utahns as a tireless advocate for our founding constitutional principles. Senator Lee acquired a deep respect for the Constitution early on. His father, Rex Lee, who served as the Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan, would often discuss varied aspects of judicial and constitutional doctrine around the kitchen table, from Due Process to the uses of Executive Plenary Power. He attended most of his father's arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court, giving him a unique, hands-on experience and understanding of government up close. He serves on Judiciary, Commerce, and Energy Committees and is currently the Chair of the Joint Economic Committee. He is consistently one of the most conservative members of the U.S. Senate and also one of the nicest and most well-liked on both sides. He is also a New York Times Best-Selling author of 3 books including his latest, "Our Lost Declaration: America's Fight Against Tyranny from King George to the Deep State." They talk about everything from Thomas Jefferson and the Constitution all the way to John Roberts on the Supreme Court. 
87 min
Ep 36 | Andy Ionescu | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn sits down with Andy Ionescu, who survived 26 years of socialism in Ceausescu's Romania before legally immigrating to America in 1999. They discuss the differences between socialism and communism, as well as Venezuela's demise under socialism and President Nicolas Maduro, who Andy describes as "more violent than Ceausescu."
74 min
Ep 35 | Félix Rodríguez | The Glenn Beck Podcast
This week, Glenn talks with Former CIA operative Félix Rodríguez, who participated in the historic manhunt to capture Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Rodríguez who is a Cuban-American Vietnam veteran who fought in the Bay of Pigs invasion was recruited to train and lead a team to track down Guevara due to the fact that he had been instrumental in Fidel Castro's Cuban Revolution. In this podcast, Felix gives a first-hand account of the capture and execution of the man whose image is still being appropriated as a counterculture fashion statement. He also provides great detail into the type of sick criminal that Guevara was as he not only killed many during his lifetime, but he greatly enjoyed it. 
82 min
Ep 34 | Kevin Freeman | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn sits down with Kevin Freeman who is one of the world's leading experts on economic warfare and financial terrorism. He has been a consultant for the CIA, FBI, the SEC, Homeland Security, the Justice Department, as well as several foreign governments. His research has played a major role in the Department of Defense's studies including the reports prepared for the Secretary of Defense. He is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy and also the host of Blaze TV's Economic War Room. Today, they discuss Russian Interference, Chinese Hacking, Socialism, Surveillance Capitalism, The U.S. Economy, 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and how to weaponize your money.  If you're curious about where the world and our economy are headed and you're seeking some wisdom on how to navigate the choppy waters, you don't want to miss this podcast! Want to see more of Kevin Freeman? America faces a new war — new threats to your savings and your way of life. Put America and your investments first with the only financial news show to provide a war room for you to develop your personal financial battle plan. Subscribe to BlazeTV to catch Kevin Freeman on his show, "The Economic War Room."
82 min
Ep 33 | Phil Robertson | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn brings in the Original Duck Commander, Phil Robertson to have a conversation about the various things going on in our country as well as to talk about his story of coming to faith over 40 years ago.  In his own words, Phil Robertson who is a self-proclaimed "river rat" says he is the least likely person to have the type of platform and influence that he has now considering that he is a New York Times Best Selling author and even has his own Blaze TV series called "In The Woods with Phil."   Want more from Phil Robertson? To enjoy more of this Duck Dynasty star's 70 years of unfiltered wisdom and uncensored common sense, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution and live the American dream.
82 min