Be Smart, Don’t Start | Guests: Jeff Fisher & K...
Jeff Fisher and Keith Malinak are back on the program to discuss topics such as the Democrats’ half-hearted response to the airstrike that eliminated two major Iranian military leaders. When should you offer some charity to the homeless and when are you getting ripped off? Be smart, don’t use tobacco, because Jeffy definitely sees the world a little differently now that he’s a non-smoker. In Hour Two, Jeffy examines a list of downright nasty foods that Baby Boomers simply won’t let leave the public consciousness. Also, prepare to have your mind blown by the story of a man falling victim to a “secret shopper” scam.
98 min
'Pope-ing' Ain’t Easy & More TSA Horrors | Gues...
Jeff Fisher and Keith Malinak are on the program, and Keith is in seventh heaven following a delivery from his secret Santa. Pope Francis recently slapped a young girl, but Pope Jeffy thinks he understands what the Holy Father goes through. A plan to construct a 300-acre commune for 150,000 homeless people looks okay on paper, but it would be a fiasco in practice. In Hour Two, Keith vents his frustration at the TSA’s blatant double standard for what can be allowed through airport security.
98 min
Top 10 Stories of 2019 & Crystal Ball Reconcili...
Steve and the crew count down their top 10 stories from the year that was, Steve's 10 predictions for 2019 are graded, and one last Feedback Friday ensues for the final show of the year.
99 min
Year-End Deace Group Award Show | Guest: Shanno...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron are joined by New York talk show host Shannon Joy to hand out their year-end awards for everything from Best Politician to Bummest Rap to Biggest Government Waste.
98 min
Impeachment Is (Not Really) Nigh | Guest: Danie...
Steve answers the fundamental question of why so many conservatives seem to love GOP lawmakers who are all bark and no bite. Then, the team plays an extended game of Buy, Sell, or Hold? that features questions regarding Joe Biden’s future post-Iowa, Urban Meyer’s future in the NFL, the greatest campaign slogans of all time, and the worst Christmas songs of all time. In Hour Two, Daniel Horowitz joins the program – brace yourself for what might just be his most bombastic soapbox to date.
98 min
Hide the Children, Christmas is Canceled | 12/1...
Steve loses all hope for humanity watching USC students fail to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Then, the team holds “conservative” media (and perhaps Steve Deace himself) to account with a game of "Fake News or Not?" In Hour Two, the guys dive headlong into Pop Culture Tuesday with Hallmark movies for a “woke” America. Spoiler alert: Christmas is canceled. Oh, and there’s supposedly a big movie coming out in a couple of days …
98 min
How Woke Is Enough?! | Guest: Bob Vander Plaats...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron examine a weekend chock-full of leftist backlash to everything and anything. Then, Bob Vander Plaats joins the program to discuss why Pete Buttigieg is losing ground in Iowa simply because he’s not “woke” enough for the radical progressives. In Hour Two, Steve hosts a Monday Town Hall that touches on everything from the 17th Amendment to Star Wars and from the Boston Tea Party to the best Christmas ever.
98 min
“They” Is a BAD Word | Guest: D.C. McAllister |...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron welcome D.C. McAllister to the program to discuss the week that was for loudmouth leftists. Then, Steve reveals the Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s “word of the year," and it’s in a similar category to Time magazine’s “person of the year." In Hour Two, the team dives into Feedback Friday, Steve reminds listeners about a last resort for conservatives, and a listener’s concerns about the pornography debate illustrate a much bigger problem with American society.
98 min
The Five Myths of Christmas | Guest: Billy Hall...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron sift through the fallout of Jersey City and discuss the rise and (inevitable) fall of Pete Buttigieg. Then, Billy Hallowell, director of communications and content at Pure Flix, joins the program to discuss how evangelicals ought to address the divide among themselves regarding MAGA hat-wearers, NeverTrumpers, and GOP skeptics. In Hour Two, Steve continues his Theology Thursday discussion with what he calls “The Five Myths of Christmas” – the actual Christmas, not the commercial one.
98 min
The New Gold Standard for Buy, Sell, or Hold? |...
Steve still can’t even, but today he stays on the set, even as the Pentagon gets something right (albeit eighteen years too late) and the president is depicted as Thanos wiping out his enemies. Then, the team plays an extended game of Buy, Sell, or Hold? Don’t miss this round, as it touches on everything from the College Football Playoff to the Supreme Court and from the most iconic moments in sports history to the most iconic promos for the Steve Deace Show. Finally, Daniel Horowitz joins the program to discuss the president’s lack of response to the Pensacola attack and the government’s utter acceptance of terror threats at home and abroad.
98 min
Steve Storms Off the Set | Guest: Mat Staver | ...
Your favorite host simply can't even with the attitudes toward health care on college campuses, and he's not sticking around to sift through the ashes of his shattered soul ... sort of. Then, once he returns, the team holds its own side to account with a round of Fake News or Not? In Hour Two, Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver joins the program to discuss Chick-fil-A's dangerous precedent in toeing the line for the Southern Poverty Law Center. Finally, Steve explains the origins of "conservatives for pornography" (while remaining just PC enough for radio).
98 min
An Olive Branch Bears Fruit | Guests: Bob Vande...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron break down the cold, hard truth about the terror attack at Naval Air Station Pensacola, and Bob Vander Plaats joins the program to discuss an inevitably fruitless but no less important crusade against pornography. In Hour Two, the team welcomes in Christopher Hale, a former Democrat politician and faith outreach coordinator under President Obama, who offers a unique perspective on faith, prayer, Democrats, and progressivism.
98 min
Kamala Harris’ Days of Infamy | Guest: Shannon ...
Steve, Todd, Aaron, and Shannon Joy sift through the fallout of Kamala Harris’ withdrawal from the Democratic primary race and attempt to figure out what went wrong with her campaign. In Hour Two, Steve dives into Feedback Friday and tells the truth about your tax dollars and public education.
98 min
We’re the Only Woke Ones Here | Guest: Josh Ham...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron can only shake their heads as the Left eats its own for being “not (black/gay/woke) enough.” Then, Josh Hammer joins the program to discuss how the Right must address its internal divisions to avoid the chaos plaguing the Left. In Hour Two, Aaron poses three non-political questions, and the conversation proceeds directly to a galaxy far, far away. The show wraps up with Steve responding to a listener’s concern over the influence of a transgendered family member.
98 min
The Steve MAGA Show? | 12/4/19
Steve and the team simply can’t even any more with the Democrats’ refusal to acknowledge Joe Biden’s corruption. Then, the crew discusses what so many Democrats fail to realize when falling back on free college and health care reform: You first need to build a base of people who want it before you try to make it compulsory for everyone. In Hour Two, the team plays an extended game of Buy, Sell, or Hold? And Steve creates a scenario in which he becomes a full-on pro-Trumper.
98 min
Reality Always Trumps the Social Media Mob | Gu...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron break down the evolving poll numbers among the Democrats and the outright lies leftists are spewing about Facebook’s relationship with right-wing news sources. Then, Minno CEO Erick Goss joins the program to discuss the new age of media distribution and streaming content for families. In Hour Two, the team holds its own side to account with Fake News or Not?, and the guys reminisce about their superhero idols for Pop Culture Tuesday.
98 min
Do You Feel Betrayed by Chick-fil-A? | Guest: B...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron sift through a long weekend of stories concerning the president’s visit to Afghanistan, the folly of new-age Malthusian principles, and a sports announcer who took a stand few are willing to approach. Then, Bob Vander Plaats joins the program to reveal the extent of Chick-fil-A’s new support of leftist groups, such as the Southern Poverty Law Center. In Hour Two, the team opens the phone lines for listeners to share whether or not they feel betrayed by Chick-fil-A.
98 min
Three Scrooges Talking Holiday Magic | 11/26/19
Steve, Todd, and Aaron shake their heads at another dude who feels pretty ruining the competition for female athletes. Then, the team holds its own side to account with a thought-provoking round of Fake News or Not? In Hour Two, the guys play a holiday-themed game of Buy, Sell, or Hold? Is stuffing the most overrated Thanksgiving dish? And what is the most iconic Christmas gift of the 1980s?
98 min
What Are YOU Most Thankful For? | Guest: Bob Va...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron break down a weekend full of leftists protesting issues that they clearly do not understand, and Bob Vander Plaats joins the program to discuss why the Democrats’ front-runner in Iowa and New Hampshire may be peaking too soon. In Hour Two, Steve hosts a town hall for listeners to express what they are most thankful for this holiday season.
98 min
Deace Group on Leftist Drivel, Chick-fil-A, & P...
Steve, Todd, Aaron, and D.C. McAllister reflect on a week full of Democrats saying things that were once outlandish but are now commonplace. Then, D.C. offers her take on Pete Buttigieg’s rise, a trajectory she predicted when the campaign first began. In Hour Two, Steve responds to listener feedback and offers his take on the odds that a major Christian revival takes place in the coming years.
98 min
The Democrats’ Unwanted Pregnancy | 11/21/19
Steve, Todd, and Aaron break down the lowlights of the latest Democratic debate and speculate as to what the leftist political machine’s next move might be to terminate the internal threat that is Pete Buttigieg. Then, Aaron lightens the mood with a trio of non-political questions. In Hour Two, Steve dives headlong into Theology Thursday as he explains why so many Christian leaders are buying into progressive ideals.
98 min
Ignore the Polls at Your Own Peril | Guest: Dan...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron examine a series of clips that will make you shake your head at leftists and Republicans alike. Then, was the team too quick to write off Pete Buttigieg? An extended game of Buy, Sell, or Hold touches on “underrated Thanksgiving," Steve’s job security, and the best acting performances in "Star Wars." Finally, Daniel Horowitz joins the program to discuss the militant local Democrats ravaging communities and their practically nonexistent Republican opponents.
98 min
Brainwashing Only Leads to Passion Without Subs...
Steve and the team lament the church sliding ever closer to the progressive cause, and PragerU’s Will Witt joins the program to reveal the simple reason why college students’ progressive activism is completely devoid of substance. In Hour Two, the team holds its own side to account with the latest round of Fake News or Not?, and the show wraps up with Pop Culture Tuesday and the salient point: “You go woke, you go broke.”
98 min
From South Bend, Indiana, to Nowhereville | 11/...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron continue to debate whether Pete Buttigieg is a legitimate candidate, despite his position at the top of the Iowa polls. Steve maintains that the South Bend mayor will not be able to ride the momentum of a victory in Iowa because he does not have the support of key demographics in places like South Carolina. Is this the beginning of the end for the relevancy of the Iowa Caucus? In Hour Two, Steve takes a stand against those who are manipulating Colin Kaepernick into attempting a comeback that he ultimately doesn’t want.
98 min
It Just Doesn’t Get Any Better (Literally) | Gu...
Steve, Todd, and Aaron welcome Chris Pandolfo to the program to reflect on a week in which the leftist craziness was WAY off the charts. Then, the team delves further into the firing of a CBS staffer who allegedly leaked the video of ABC’s Amy Robach discussing the network covering up the Jeffrey Epstein story. In Hour Two, Steve responds to a listener’s email asking how disturbing television shows promoting polygamy and child abuse can remain on the air on a major cable network.