The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
3/10/17 - Full Show
A power hungry douche bag for Senate 2018! ...Defending Samantha Bee ...Offended? Here's how to handle it ...The new EPA chief isn't sold on Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change ...Glenn's trip to South X Southwest ...The good and bad of Austin, Texas ...SERIAL: Craziest Elections in US history (4 of 4) ....The Glenn and Stu role reversal ...Was Hitler an environmentalist? ...Glenn's new friend ...Glenn discovers a feature on Twitter that everybody else is familiar ...Nick Adams of stops by ...What happens to your life when the president tweets about you? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/9/17 - Full Show
Stu beginning to like the GOP health care plan?...Craziest Elections in US history (3 of 4) ...Calvin Coolidge, Progressive slayer. ...Progressives have destroyed history ...How to teach history the right way...Dr. Michael Youssef joins Glenn to discuss his book "The Barbarians are Here" ...Repeating the pattern of Babylon ...What are conservative members of Congress saying about the new Health Care bill? ...A series of rabbit holes leads to an AMAZING discovery in England ...Donald Trump is up for a prestigious award The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/8/17 - Full Show
Day Without A Woman ...The new feminist movement ...The GOP plan to replace Obamacare is worthless now that they have power...Is the CIA inside your phone? Inside your TV? ...Are women staying out of work today? ...Ben Carson's weird immigration analogy and other awkward moments ...SERIAL: Craziest Elections in US history (2 of 4)...Climate change...the ultimate instigator!...Will Texas cave to the transgender bathroom fight? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/7/17 - Full Show
Glenn is on Maxine Waters side today and Trey Gowdy's a traitor???...Philip Klein from the Washington Examiner details what's in the GOP's Obamacare replacement bill and how 'Liberalism has won'...A transgender student's fight against a school system over HURT FEELINGS...Chadwick Moore discusses his recent conversion to conservatism ...The greatest weapon we can use to unite us ...New and improved, The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/6/17 - Full Show
Any truth to Trump's claims of being wiretapped by Obama?... NSA spying is normal operating procedure under The Patriot Act...Understanding America's left and the right in a new way ...Changing our language to be able to talk to each other ...'Merit' for the right is like saying 'Karma' for the left...The one solution the left and right can agree on. The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/3/17 - Full Show
Tom Hanks gives a gift to the press ...Are the Republicans playing a sneaky game in DC? ...Sen. Rand Paul sounds off on how the GOP is handling Obamacare...Driverless cars are becoming more and more amazing ...Rep. Thomas Massie explains the process of any possible Obamacare repeal ...Rep. Louie Gohmert discusses the fiasco that has become GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare ...'Licking the face of the president' ...Illegal immigrant gang members brutally murder their young female victim in an American city (again. The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/2/17 - Full Show
A horrible story of neglect ...Finding God in a foxhole ...Why record labels hate Aaron Watson...Gov. Greg Abbott joins Glenn to talk border wall reality, Keystone pipeline and The Convention of States...Musician Aaron Watson updates fans on how his new album is tearing up the charts The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/1/17 - Full Show
Glenn heard echoes of Reagan from Trump last night ...The Democrats embarrassed themselves ...Democrats should be very concerned ...One of the best speeches before Congress ever?...The Blaze's Jason Buttrill stops by to detail his gut wrenching experiences in Thailand ...A place to make a real difference in the world...Pat's rough doctor's visit ...The harsh realities as Obamacare fallout continues to effect people in a negative way ...How Portugal stopped illegal drugs. The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
0 min
2/28/17 - Full Show
Glenn discusses his moving trip to Thailand ...Defending America's honor with $5.00 ...Saving lives through ...Harsh images from Thailand...Palace intrigue at The White House ...Obama behind leaks from Trump's White House ...George W. Bush going after Donald Trump more than he ever went after Barack Obama!! ...Pat's audio vault: High speed internet for all! ...First world problems compared to what's happening in the rest of the world ...What to expect from President Trump's speech tonight...NPR's Krista Tippett explains where the left and right can come together ...Our planet is like a teenage brain  ...Catastrophizing ...5 things we need in order to live a grounded life ...Tolerance has not taught us to be curious ...Courage is no longer rewarded.   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck   
0 min
2/27/17 - Full Show
Awkward moment from The Oscars last night ...Who is taking the blame for the best picture snafu last night? Boys, girls, high school wrestling and everything in between ...Chris Cuomo's arguments for a transgender student is ridiculous ...The end of women's sports? ...When performance enhancing drugs are acceptable? An update on America's blackest white woman, Rachel Dolezal ...'Hate' has been redefined in 2017 The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck 
0 min
2/24/17 - Full Show
Musician Aaron Watson visits the studio and plays new tunes for Glenn and the guys ...Pat plays a country song for Aaron Watson ...Congratulations to TheBlaze's own Dana Loesch & Buck Sexton!
0 min
2/23/17 - Full Show
Donald Trump and 7 new planets ...Matt Kibbe from calls in from CPAC ...Who Glenn is rooting for at The Oscars this weekend?
0 min
2/22/17 - Full Show
"Crap, I'm a conservative!" ...Professor Paul Kengor explains what the C-SPAN presidential survey looked like ...Moral Foundations Theory and
0 min
2/21/17 - Full Show
Filmmaker Ami Horowitz discusses his altercation in Sweden while trying to report on rapes being committed by Islamic immigrants ...Does a popular conservative voice endorse pedophilia? ...David Rubin of The Rubin and why he left the left 
0 min
2/20/17 - Full Show
Pat and Stu in for Glenn ...Analyzing CSPAN's 'presidential rankings' list ...Why are Teslas so hard to find? ...The history of legalizing abortion in America and remembering Norma McCorvey
0 min
2/17/17 - Full Show
Riaz Patel visits the guys ...CNN host's pathetic take on how the press coverse President Trump ...GOP playing games with an Obamacare repeal
0 min
2/16/17 - Full Show
Vladimir Lenin, Saul Alinsky and the president's chief advisor Steve Bannon  ...Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses what separates us and how we can disagree more ...Be loyal to your principles, not the parties
0 min
2/15/17 - Full Show
The low burden of proof law enforcement needs to take your stuff ...CPAC's Matt Schlapp & conservatism ...Economist Harry Dent joins Glenn to explain how the economic bubble burst of 2017 is on our doorstep
0 min
2/14/17 - Full Show
Why is Michael Flynn already out of the Trump Administration? ...Texas Governor Greg Abbott discusses NFL politics, sanctuary cities and an update on The Convention of States Project ...Benjamin Watson of the NFL's Baltimore Ravens discusses
0 min
2/13/17 - Full Show
Update on the failing dam in California ...What a sanctuary city looks like ...How being 'unfriended' on Facebook has kept me up for almost a week
0 min
2/10/17 - Full Show
A week of incredible shame? ...Media burns its self once again ...A so called Christian case for Obamacare 
113 min
2/8/17 - Full Show
-Time for important debates -like Capitalism vs. Marxism -Highlights from last night's Cruz/Sanders debate about Obamacare -Michael Buble's son and his struggle against cancer -Time to have the big debates of our time -The real facts about Obamacare -What Democrat voters really think about Voter ID laws -Gender identity talk with Katie Couric and Ellen DeGeneres -Playing God with life -Why the left is opposed to ultrasound -"By 2030, you won't recognize humanity" -Time to re-balance the power -We spent too much talking about people -Gender Revolution? -What used to seem far fetched is about to reality -Are we out of step with the world and is that a bad thing? -Simon Sinek explains how he stays optimistic in this mad, mad world -What we agree on -Where we can agree -What modern American parenting got us -Don't blame millennials -The trends for the next generation are alarming -Why this generation can no longer cope with embarrassment -The highest rate of suicide is among which American demographic? -A lesson of East, West, Poverty and Wealth -What is good old fashioned entrepreneurship and does it still exist? -Why Oxycontin is so important to us -What Ben Franklin taught us about poverty
116 min
What Emboldens Trump
-Wait...There's a musical that Pat Gray likes?? -Movies that make men cry -Glenn is losing touch with people -Self imposed ignorance -Fuzzy geography with Rep. Maxine Waters -Is Putin marching into Korea??? -Does the media ignore terror attacks? -A Bowling Green massacre??? -How Democrats compare Christianity and Islam -​Sen. Mike Lee discusses President Trump's immigration ban, his nominee for the Supreme Court and if we should be concerned about executive orders -Chevron Deference talk -only on The Glenn Beck Program -So is it or is it not a 'Muslim ban'? -Arguments with God -'People are people' -Tonight's big debate! -The Blaze's Tomi Lahren was on with Bill Maher... here's how it went. -Should a boss fire someone he disagrees with? -Matthew McConaughey's message to Hollywood about the new president -Does the left's constant whining embolden President Trump's conservative impulses? -Will Trump ever surrender to the press? -Now is the time to come together -Fight fire with fire? -God can change Donald Trump but not our friends? -What Glenn prays for -Where did the real Pat Gray go???
115 min
The Press Got Us Again!
-Why Glenn missed an amazing Super Bowl and was Lady Gaga's performance offensive like we were promised? -Do you really want a new civil war in America?? -You have to be taught to hate -Was the Super Bowl coin toss great or sad? -Is anyone better than the NFL at promoting Americana? -The technology inside the Super Bowl telecast -White supremacists are celebrating Tom Brady's Super Bowl win? -Donald Trump equates Vladimir Putin's Russia with today's America? -Wonder what Ronald Reagan would think about President Trump's Russia/America comments? -Glenn recaps his trip to the west coast last week -Time for a new US holiday? -Lady Gaga's important message to the youth of America? ...84 Lumber and a big, beautiful door. -Wall Street types and Billionaires and their different views on the economy -Chris Martenson of Peak in studio to discuss what's going on behind the scenes with the economy -The house of cards that is the global economy -The rising populism movement around the world and where it's going to take us -Weathering the coming economic storm -Inflation is starting? -Are we all about to get a check from the government? -Do some CEOs get paid too much?
115 min
#Hire10000Veterans 2/3/17
-Doc Thompson from The Morning Blaze is in for Glenn -Protesting is suddenly ok with the left again -A Dem senator who doesn't want to sit down with the president's Supreme Court pick -Re-calibrating our compass -Comedian urges military coup against President Trump -Meet our resident historical revisionist -Time to pull federal funding from UC-Berkeley? Is President Trump handling protests properly? -Who is funding these protests? -What percent of women marching against Trump were umm, lovely to look at? -#HowSexIsLikePizza -Scientists set to march on Washington? -How to handle the rioters properly -The left wants to hire refugees -how about we #Hire10000Veterans -Waiting for the Starbucks CEO to call in!! -Time to hold Starbucks accountable! -Fix the VA now! -Job openings for veterans -The madness of how the VA operates -Carry your own floppies!!
114 min