The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
4/21/17 - Lewis Howes & The School of Greatness...
Did the NY Times lie about the New England Patriots to make President Trump look bad? ...A reporter mans up and sets the record straight ...Fake news and the French presidential election ...Lewis Howes and 'The School of Greatness' and how to make it up from nothing ...Debbie D'Souza explains what's happened to Venezuela and why it matters today ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
0 min
4/20/17 - How Glenn & Bill O'Reilly Became Frie...
Bill O'Reilly is out at Fox News. Is it justified? ...Animal expert Jeff Corwin explains why the border wall would be a disaster...for animals ...The hidden costs of a border wall???...David Limbaugh stops by to discuss his new book "The Real Jesus" ...David Limbaugh's personal faith journey ...The genius of Dennis Prager and Prager U. ...Why there is no two state solution between Israel and The Palestinians ...Glenn's new take on Judas Iscariot ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck     
104 min
4/19/17 - Bill O'Reilly out at Fox News?... Hob...
Bill O'Reilly out at Fox News? ...Did Fox News save America? ...The targeted attack of Media Matters on Fox New's most popular host ...Glenn discusses the past money troubles of The Blaze ...Steve Bannon feeding stories to a conspiracy web site? ...David Green of Hobby Lobby stops by ...Being a servant to your customers ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
0 min
4/18/17 - What Will Your Legacy Be? & Allen Wes...
What will your legacy be? ...Who was Robert Godwin? ...Words of love and forgiveness from a victim's family ...Kim Jong-un has a plan for Americans ...Col. Allen West on how to deal with North Korea ...The comedy genius of Dave Chappelle ...Greatest comedian today?...The weird ways North Korea uses technology ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
100 min
4/17/17 - Take The Great Income Tax Quiz!
The sick mind of the Cleveland Facebook Live killer ...What the 'blame everybody else' culture has led us to ...President Trump's immigration stance already reaping benefits at the border ...How backwards is the North Korean government? ...Missile fail play by play ...World War III has already started ...The hypocrisy of the press is stunning ...Politico's pathetic 'Trump golf tracker' ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
0 min
4/14/17 - Betrayed by our government... Jack Ba... is down while a former KGB spy is in the house! ......Another update on Mercury One's progress against the devastation from ISIS ...Pray for our missing Mercury team members ...US drops the "Mother of All Bombs...Captain Roger Hill explains the rules of engagement and how our troops have no chance when we put them into combat. The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
0 min
4/13/17 - President Trump's big reversals...The...
The rapid evolution of a president? ...Are President Trump's reversals good? ...Governments coming after our kids...CPS took a 7 year old child with ADHD from his parents. Glenn talks to the parents ...When schools overstep their boundaries ...Former KGB spy Jack Barsky stops by to discuss his book "Deep Cover" ...The incredible life of a Russian spy. The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
0 min
4/12/17 - The Ka-Poom Theory (The coming econom...
When The White House press secretary uses the word 'Hitler' ...Is Sean Spicer a Holocaust Denier? ...Update on The Nazarene Fund and Operation Underground Railroad ...The Trump/Putin bromance is over ...Planned Parenthood set to award Hillary Clinton as their 'champion' ....A Truth bomb dropped on Russia ...Trump's huge breakthrough with China? ....Is SEAL Team 6 planning to assassinate Kim Jung-un? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
0 min
4/11/17 - America's 'blame culture'... Benjamin...
The history of school violence in America ...America's blame culture ...A violent culture leads to violence, NOT guns ...Benjamin Watson talks the violence in football, why God matters and his book "The New Dad's Playbook" ...Are we on the eve of global war? ...Evidence of Russian war crimes? ...Tuvia Tenenbom, author of the book "The Lies They Tell" calls in for his less than favorable view of America and why Political Correctness is to blame ...Is the right turning on President Trump ...2 + 2 = 5 ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
0 min
4/10/17 - Syria Business...Dragged off a flight...
Aftermath of Syria attack ...What is Vladimir Putin up to? ...An outline for how World War III could play out ....Terror attacks at churches ...The strange parameters around a 21st century Easter ...Time to boycott Seattle? ...War is inevitable? ...Neo-cons have taken over The White House?...A doctor is forcibly removed from a America? ...Jeffy. Late to the party...again! ...Comparing the travel costs o Presidents Obama and Trump The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
0 min
4/7/17 - Fearing a lame duck. Jason Buttrill, L...
Trump strikes Assad In Syria ...Where Glenn agrees with China? ...'Regime change' code words for failure ...Author and filmmaker of 'The Kindness Diaries' Leon Logothetis joins Glenn about paying it forward to those less fortunate ....Predicting Steve Bannon??? ...Fearing a lame duck presidency ...Trump needs a win from his base. The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
103 min
4/6/17 - Global war has begun? Bruce Feiler on ...
Winds of Global War are blowing in Syria and North Korea ...The media is wrong to be blaming Trump for the attacks in Syria ...Russian issues a new law against pictures of gay clowns ...Bill O'Reilly under witch hunt? ...Why Adam & Eve still matter with author Bruce... 'Adam & Eve and Us' ...We are living the a Kipling Poem ... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
104 min
4/5/17 - Full Show
Susan Rice under fire "I leaked nothing to nobody" ...Media under hands her softballs ..."Proof positive that the media is in on the game" ...North Korean defector says the 'world should be ready' ...Alec Baldwin's new book?...From the John Kerry audio vault? ...Conspiracy Hero to the Left, tells us what Trump will do to maintain control? ...Maniac Alex Jones flies off the handle once again The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
104 min
4/4/17 - Online Privacy, Hollywood and Politics...
Billy Graham under fire for his 'Marriage Rule'...and why the left has a problem with it ...Ty Cobb is not the bad guy history tells us he was...Filmmaker Cullen Hobeck of 'Terms and Conditions May Apply' joins Glenn to discuss Congresses move to overturn the online privacy rules ...Hollywood Actor/Filmmaker Mark Duplass joins Glenn to talk about coming together..."It's like the country is in a terrible divorce"... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
101 min
4/3/17 - Full Show
It's going down in North Carolina ...Oakland Raiders vs. Sesame Street? ...Glenn issues a Spoiler Alert!!! 'Emerald City' on NBC...Rand Paul golfs with President Trump...Are we any closer to getting rid of Obamacare? ...LA Times predicts Armageddon under Trump ...Death by a 1000 paper cuts??...NBC News finally punches the clock on what it's like to be a journalist ...Streaming music now rules the world ...Glenn's Smart TV viewing dream The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
102 min
3/31/17 - Full Show
General Flynn asks for immunity...The ways the media is spinning the Michael Flynn story ...Now Marco Rubio says he was targeted by Russia too...Susan Salim from 'Labor of Love', lifetime friendships through community service projects...Freedom Caucus Member Rep. Mo Brooks talks to Glenn about his firm opposition to the Republicans phony repeal-and-replace bill...SERIAL: History of The Democrat Party (4 of 4) The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
101 min
3/30/17 - Full Show
Anti-abortion activist charged and going to jail ...'Stick gun' gets a 5-year old suspended from school ...SCARY: Google VP says China style censorship coming...Congress just voted ISP's sell your browsing history to advertisers, does anyone care??? ...Data powers the world ...You have options for browsing online ...When the lights go down in the sanctuary city ...The Kate Steinle story still stings with governmental hypocrisy ...In Texas where they "kinda sorta arrest you" The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
105 min
3/29/17 - Full Show
Items from The Vault: letters from President Calvin Coolidge ...Billionaire Elon Musks crusade to stop the apocalypse and save the world..."Don't fear the robots"...Replacing ourselves...Bill O'Reilly joins to discuss his Maxine Waters vs. James Brown wig comments and his new book "Old School"....SERIAL: History of The Democrat Party (2 of 4)...Author Matt Walsh joins the show to discuss his new book "Unholy Trinity: Blocking the Left's Assault on Life, Marriage, and Gender" ...Rep. Mo Brooks to the health care bill rescue The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
101 min
3/28/17 - Full Show
Transhumanism ...Behavioral drugs and where we're headed ...The history of face transplants ...Crossing into the fountain of youth ...17% on Americans approve of the health care bill ...How are constitutional congressmen getting blamed for the health care bill's failure? ...SERIAL: History of The Democrat Party (1 of 4) ...Is the left about to stop Judge Gorsuch?...Jim DeMint of The Heritage Foundation discusses President Trump calling out The Heritage Foundation ...Being vilified for standing with The Constitution ...Why is the GOP attacking its own with such fervor The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
103 min
3/27/17 - Full Show
Who deserves the health care blame? ...Why the heat on The Freedom Caucus?....Team Trump told The Freedom Caucus they had 'no choice but to vote for the bill' ...Who is holding the line in Congress?...ed Koppel takes on talk radio ...Here comes a new fairness doctrine push? ....The first Howard Stern presidency ...The editorial page has taken over the front page ...#PizzaGate cleared up ...Fun with Alex Jones audio...Melissa Harris-Perry has trouble with biology ...Glenn's lesson with biology models ...Mixing science and economics The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
101 min
3/24/17 - Full Show
President Trump's tantrum and the health care debacle ...Like cleaning a sewer ...The argument for passing the GOP health care bill in the House today... Senator Charles Schumer lies about SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch...but will it hurt his chances of confirmation? ...Kelly Shackelford from tells us what to expect now...Are new movie releases headed to your living room sooner? ...Al Gore with a new warning on the future of human civilization ...Climate Refugees and how hot weather caused Brexit?? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/23/17 - Full Show
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow ...Why there's real reason for hope in the future ...GOP to pass health care reform...or pass on health care reform???...Andy Andrews, author of the book "The Little Things" in studio ...Joel Rosenberg discusses the state of the world from ISIS to Russia to Turkey and why they matter NOW ...We're making progress on ISIS but... ...Time to get nervous about Russia? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
113 min
3/22/17 - Full Show
Senator Dick Durbin looks like an idiot at the Neil Gorsuch hearings ...Kelly Shackelford updates us on Gorsuch's Supreme Court hearings ...The SCOTUS bladder ...Rep. Thomas Massie with an update on the health care bill in congress ...'Worse than Obamacare' ...A congressman's walk of shame ...Tania Beck's health scare ...SERIAL: War on Women (2 of 4)...Bridging the divide in a polarized world ...Megan Phelps-Roper (left Westboro Baptist Church) ...Breaking down walls in 4 steps ...Breaking News: Terror attack in London The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min
3/21/17 - Full Show
The normalization of pornography ...Glenn recalls his memorable first day on the air ...Marc Giller from and "Glenn Beck Rebooted" ...Neil Gorsuch on Capitol Hill...Kelly Shackelford and the latest on the Neil Gorsuch hearings ...Pat's worried about an EMP ...Donald Trump impersonator John Di Domenico stops by...The many voices of Pat Gray ...The problem with emailing Glenn The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck  
113 min
3/20/17 - Full Show
Tomi Lahren of The Blaze is pro-choice now?...Tomi's quick change on abortion ...Dana Loesch from The Blaze explains her views on abortion...Kelly Shackleford from stops by to discuss the Supreme Court hearings for Neil Gorsuch starting today ...Why does the GOP always get burned by their Supreme Court picks...Are Scandinavian countries happier than the rest of us? ...US is the 14th happiest country? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck, Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere and Jeff Fisher, Weekdays 9a–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio Facebook: Glenn Beck Twitter: @glennbeck
112 min