The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
11/15/17 - Priorities Off Kilter? (Steve Dease...
Hour 1 The individual mandate is unconstitutional...'Repeal' is coming?...right direction ...6.5 million paid the penalty ...Our priorities are off kilter ...CNN is finally reporting on human slavery ...Glenn addresses the Sean Hannity boycott: ‘It's the same thing they did to me’...Dangerous media pressure has us heading for disaster...should people accused not be allowed to respond?...we better stick with 'innocent until proven guilty' ...Americans wanted bully politics ...We must stop the silencing ...'My Roy Moore Endorsement' with author Steve Deace...joins to the show to 'thoughtfully' analyze the Roy Moore allegations ...Roy Moore’s 'life resume' is outstanding...'either he's the greatest liar' or 'a legalistic moral guy'  Hour 2 ‘How many hits?’…RNC cuts off Moore...but he's not dropping out ...Author of 'Martyr's Oath' Johnnie Moore joins the show...saving persecuted Christians in the Middle East...defending families from ISIS terrorists...Early American faith, Bibles in every home ...Hey Stu shut up about your iPhone ...well, that sums up America…Big exciting news from Glenn... future in broadcasting...teaching about the future ...'Happy Face' Netflix special with Ryan Hamilton… ‘My crops are fine’… Hour 3 This is not a military takeover... As Zimbabwe military takes over country ...navigating through a world with no 'due process'...Slam poet Theo E.J. Wilson (Lucifury) joins the show to find some 'common' ground...Men or Man responsibility? ...not all men are the very cautious of 'witch hunts' ...Glenn couldn't agree more with this sports analyst?...truth speak ...Still time to get your tickets to the ball, ...Just in time for Ramadan, it's 'Hijab Barbie' ...Comfort Pigs on a Plane? ...WARNING: Human memory brain implants coming soon  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
11/14/17 - 'Driving' to extinction ( Bob Lutz ...
Hour 1  At least 5 women now... There are more important things then just winning ...Gloria Allred = Al Sharpton... ‘she is awful’...reduces credibility...Accuser speaks out; Moore says he doesn’t know her ...Denouncing Roy Moore list grows...Mike Lee, Ted Cruz ...'The History of Antifa'...learn more about the roots of this radical group tonight on The ...$375 Antifa jackets available at Barney’s ...USA Today knows more about firearms than you do...Glenn goes to range with his new 'chainsaw bayonet'?? ...Jeffy is back!...and 'winning'??...A vote for Jeffy is a vote for ...Transracial: White man claims to be Filipino...Uh-oh: Glenn thinks he's Chinese  Hour 2 *Why doesn't the media care about Rand Paul beating? ...Driving to extinction with former General Motors executive Bob Lutz...Human-driven vehicles will be extinct by 2025...'Transportation companies' will take over...What does the car of the future look like?...a revolution in vehicle autonomy...'mapping potholes'...120 mph speed limits coming soon...the status on the 'flying car'...more like flying 'modules'...Eliminating risky behavior behind the brands won't matter...more 'efficient' transportation coming...'virtual' travel...Be prepared for a gradual change ...ELO is back! US Tour coming 2018 Hour 3*(Drum roll) 'GQ's Citizen of the Year' is?...Mediate columnist John Ziegler joins the show to discuss 'standards' of accusations...i.e. Roy Moore...Scary Media: Proof of assault 40 years later??...The media's 'completion percentage' is better than Colin Kaepernick’s...the rules we are creating could become very dangerous ...Check! Check! Check!...Forces of political correctness are destroying all of us ...Welcome back Michael Bublé ...Until the left goes after Bill Clinton, they have ZERO credibility ...Flashback: Juanita Broaddrick ...Win a New GMC Truck at The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
11/13/17 - "I want your sex" (Cathy Young join...
Hour 1 They’re not fooling anyone...Veterans boycott the NFL ...Ratings continue to plunge...pandemonium continues ...Here's the two most important parts to the Roy Moore story...Sean Hannity gives Moore a tough interview...continues to deny...very little evidence and proof...are there photos??...Alabama in the 1970s = Different World...if you're an axe murder never 39 mph?? ...Actor George Takei admits to groping people?...laughs it off ...The genius of 'Howard Stern,' The King of All 'Interviewers' ...Buy your Mercury M1-Ball tickets now at MercuryOne.Org.  Hour 2Google wants to control EVERYTHING...YouTube finally bans all video from extremists clerics; meanwhile, PragerU videos are still banned....The Left’s fears are familiar to The Right’s... Comedian Sarah Silverman says she considered stock piling food and weapons after election of Donald Trump...attempts to take responsibility ...Fearing President ‘just do it' Trump ... ‘I won't regulate you; don't regulate me’ ...We are living under the oldest Congress ever...SNL mocks Democrats ...Joe Biden 2020?? ...SUCCESS!: has rescued more people from slavery...Be a part of something that matters: Help stop human sex trafficking ...The big problem with Louis CK's apology? ...Boy have times changed… Stu reads George Michael lyrics circa 1987 Hour 3 A world with no secrets...We're losing our liberties by the second...'Weinsteining' with LA Times writer Cathy Young...Generation Demonize...finding balance while investigating sexual misconduct allegations...Amazon's Roy Price was wronged?...Women know how to play the flirt game too…perpetual victims ...A driving reality...By 2030 it will be illegal to drive a car??...Going where no man has gone before?...Like dolphins stuck in a tuna trap?? ...Media Matters attacks again! ...'Burden of proof' for the accused?...'super' religious  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
11/10/17 - "Gross and Perplexing" (Star Parker...
Hour 1 What's going with Rand Paul?...attacker pleads 'not guilty' ...A Charles Sumner moment? ...Another Hollywood super star is accused of sexual misconduct? are being destroyed...Both men and women need to learn how to treat each other...Creepy and possibly illegal ...US Senator Roy Moore in hot water over underage sex allegations...the media feasts...'Guilty until proven innocent', the new norm? ...Steve Bannon and his inconsistencies (conspiracies) ...No Spoiler Alert!: Glenn's least desired 'to see' movie of the week?  Hour 2 Pedophile or Persecutor? ...We are at the threshold of a new world ...2027 be nothing like 2017...Our world needs 'deeper' conversations ...Glenn tells the fascinating story of 1900's silent movie star, Roscoe 'Fatty' Hollywood and the press destroyed him after being wrongfully accused of rape and murder...Fearing the 'Lynch mobs' ...Expose, Empower, Educate with Amit Deri ( the show to encourage conservative groups of all kinds to speak out at all college universities Hour 3 Gross and perplexing?...solo such thing as a polite society anymore ...Activist and best selling author Star Parker joins Glenn to discuss her recent testimony in front of congress, how abortion, like slavery is a crime against humanity...corporate welfare is a joke ...Help fight poverty today at ...Pat Gray reads Senator Roy Moore ...Peoples pasts are coming back to haunt them ...Meet Glenn's new pet armadillo? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
114 min
11/9/17 - 'Easier than buying baby blankets'? ...
Hour 1 *Excuse me while I scream at the sky...'collective scream'...thousands gather to protest President Trump’s 1-year anniversary ...Watch out: Glenn's got guns...AR-Chainsaw??...shoot and chop...What in the heck… 'The Glenn Beck Chainsaw Adapter'...NOT On sale for $59.99 ...Easier than buying baby blankets? ...'Tactical Butcher Knife Chainsaw' needed??...Creating unsafe spaces Hour 2Who is the author of your life?...throwing gasoline on the racial debate...Air Force academy prep-school rebuke...expelled for writing racial slurs ...Bill O'Reilly joins the show on Thursday...not available Friday, Bill will be ‘frightening people abroad’...There is a growing movement to demonize America: Thanks, NAACP ...President Trump considers reversing Obama's rules on Cuba...Bill O'Reilly's elevator ride with Kanye West? ...The Democrat Party is in a full-fledged civil war...American's dislike for both parties...President Trump HAS to pass tax reform...Give Trump a chance...Unleashing corporate America = growth...Donna Brazile is telling the truth about Hillary...'Loons' like Nancy 'Perks' Pelosi Hour 3*Serious acts of desperation...The Democrat Party is crumbling...US Rep. Al Green calls for President Trump’s impeachment…again...Is Donna Brazile just Team Bernie?...Former WNBA player Camille LeNoir (, joins the show to discuss how she was denied a job for no longer being gay...qualifying sexually ...Study: Opioids No Better Than Tylenol ...One tank of Nitrous Oxide please!?? ...Glenn's coming out as 'Q'? ... figuring out all the letters…Watch the ALL NEW tonight!  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
114 min
11/8/17 - Blue Gets Bluer, Red Gets Redder (Im...
​Hour 1 And the pendulum swings in Virginia...Republicans get pounded by Democrats on election becoming more red, blue becoming more blue…where have the moderates gone?...making it about ‘what we are for, not just what we are against?’...Purplish leaning blue ...Trump effect vs. GOP effect ...NYC Mosaics are filled with extremists ...DNC Party 'hack' Donna Brazile cuts ties with Hillary and Obama, shifts left, all in with Bernie ...UPDATE: Rand Paul's road to recovery after altercation with neighbor ...Bitcoin continues its now or regret later? Hour 2 Happy Anniversary, America...President Trump 1 year later...most impressive accomplishments thus far?...numbers don't lie, and that's good for America...good things are happening...ISIS has been destroyed...Hillary lost for the last time ...Trump backlash coming in 2020 ...Timeless wisdom from Justice Clarence Thomas ...What is God's greatest gift to man? ...Our 'time' is limited ...My way or no way does not work ...Hulu show hinted years ago that Kevin Spacey was known to be a serial predator in Hollywood ...Come meet Glenn and Stu at the 'Mercury One M1- Ball'… tickets available now at  Hour 3The warning signs were there for the Texas gunman… military failure...punching babies and women...5 background checks passed; how??? ...Glenn speaks with Imam Tawhidi, who warned NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio about terror hotbeds, potential attacks, but was ignored … ‘they are trying to silence me’...All moderate Muslims must stand up to terrorism ... NAACP vs. 'racist' National Anthem ...Leftist teacher confronts student in tense political debate...student cleans teacher’s clock with facts ...President Trump holds all the cards with China...Trump may be on track with North Korea...Very 'Reaganesque'  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
112 min
11/7/17 - Bitten by the 'Fame bug'
Hour 1 Just a man filled with hate ...Air Force dropped the ball...Church and shooter connections...threatening texts...domestic dispute...preached atheism... ‘not surprised this happened’ ...What really happened to Sen. Rand Paul?...mystery dispute??...neighbor attacked over grass clippings?...something seems to be missing here...looks to be politically motivated? ...Las Vegas shooter was motivated by fame...'fame bug'...'Love' is the only thing that conquers Evil ...River Oaks Church Pastor Paul Buford joins the show...neighbor to Sutherland Springs church...blaming does no good...Prayers absolutely help...You can help at ...War on Christianity rages on…why attack what brings people peace? ...Opiates of the Masses?... ‘You ought to give it a try’ Hour 2*War drums are beating loudly...the Arab and Persian 'cold war' heats up ... ‘a fundamental transformation is under way in the Middle East’ ...Iran wants a caliphate...Iran seems to be winning...Skyrocketing gas prices coming soon ..'.A Black Man Goes Undercover in the Alt-Right'...Ted Talk speaker and slam poet Theo E.J. Wilson aka @Lucifury joins the show...more tragedy of racism is coming...Dangers of the echo chamber...picking through the #'s and organizations...beneath all the hate there is 'historical trauma''s not a white or black thing; it's a human thing ...We all must get out of our 'comfort zones' Hour 3 Small-town hero with a gun risked his own safety to help ...Stonewall Glenn and his problem with bamboo ...Lebanon declares war on Saudi crickets ...4th-degree assault of Sen. Rand Paul...attacked by hardcore leftist neighbor ...Indigenous grass from Connecticut? ...Open hostility to people of faith ...'No thoughts, no prayers' doesn't work either ...Sexist hypocrisy and the 2018 Fireman Beefcake Calendar...a world of making objects out of men Ronan Farrow report...Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies 
115 min
11/6/17 - 'More weeping, more mourning' (Greg ...
Hour 1 Good morning, America, there's been another church shooting ...A time to weep and a time to mourn ...Texas Gov. Greg Abbott joins the show...a tragedy in a small community...Flags at half details...lots of mourning and grieving...through all of this there is still hope...shooter was denied concealed carry...ex-wife and in-laws were church members? ...Witness at church shooting joins to the show to describe what she saw and how the community is coping ...President Trump visits Japan; non-stop criticism from media ensues Hour 2What's going on in Saudi Arabia?...doesn't look good ...Iran has gained a lot of power in the region ...Saudi prince arrested...This ends with more conflict for the Middle East... Armageddon? ...Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton shares what he knows about the church shooting in Sutherland, Texas...the solution is prevention and being prepared to act, not more gun laws...Gunman's goal was to kill armed Texas hero prevented the attacker from killing even more people ...Technology: The good and bad in crime fighting ...A competition of mass murder Hour 3 Help support the First Baptist Church Community in Sutherland Springs, Texas now! David criticized for SNL holocaust jokes...Struggling and not funny... ‘If you don't like it turn it off’ ...Armed hero helps in wake of Texas church shooting ...Flashback to 911 audio with Marcus Luttrell ...CNN's Chris Cuomo's shocking comments? ...Sen. Rand Paul physically attacked by neighbor...just released from hospital with 5 broken ribs The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
11/3/17 - "Let them eat empanadas!" (Bill O'Re...
Hour 1*God is indeed great!! ...When will the media ever get it?? ...Michelle Obama says men are 'entitled,' self righteous...current society is too hard on boys?...pushing girls to be perfect ...Empanada! Empanada! ...Raising children can be culturally different...The youngest babies rule...Husband vs. Wife...Tough talk (love) from caller Kevin in Tennessee… was Michelle simply addressing a niche audience? Hour 2 The DNC is imploding right before our eyes ... ‘Take Your Country Back!’ @ ...Hillary's super delegates bribery...Fusion GPS: Completely bogus and fabricated...getting the truth from the media ‘is impossible’...Massive media group think is under way... ‘dare to be fare’...blinded by our hatred...Kathy Griffin now says she feels 'targeted'...Americans justify everything ...Media's goal: To embarrass President Trump...The Bill O'Reilly, President Obama event that never happened?...Give tax cuts a chance ...Tax cuts purely political move ...Hint, hint, hint, SHUT UP!! Zzz?? ...Selling your soul to help get Trump elected? Hour 3‘Is this the best we've got?’...Will a truly innovative tax plan ever happen? ...Dems would give us ‘innovation’ but is that what we want?...Helping real people in the middle...Corporate tax rate cuts could be huge for American workers ...Liz Warren says Hillary Clinton 'rigged' the DNC primaries? ...The Super Delegate Rule...what's it mean?...Flashback: President Reagan ...Female lawmakers allege harassment by colleges in House...5 new reports ...Wait what!? Someone harassed Sen. Barbara Boxer?? ...Has Glenn been thinking about 'Pat' while in the shower?? ...Since when is 'ogling' bad? ...Culture corrosion ...Airlines to start weighing passengers...Egg McMuffin Madness The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
11/2/17 - How To Invest in Bitcoin? (Vince Ous...
Hour 1In the name of ISIS ...Terror alert ...Imam warned NYC Mayor De Blasio of terror attack ... terror breeding centers in NYC? ...The Bubba Effect in full effect ...We are not getting anything done ...More bad news for cats...and humans ...Puppies always win ...Most Americans cannot remember bad times ...The horse and buggy business went bust too ...Teenage suicide rate continues to skyrocket: Why? ...Ray Kurzweil (Mr. Fascinating) ...predicting the future is possible....The human race as we know it is over by 2025?  Hour 2America's real 'first responders' are 'us' ...Good news: The House releases its tax plan...phasing out 'corporate taxes' helps create jobs...more retirement incentive...factory work is over...home ownership is going down...middle class may take a big hit ...SHOCK Poll: Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism...capitalism to many seems mean-spirited ...Watch Glenn tonight … educating us about the roots of 'Socialism, The Big Lie'...Only on ...Betting on bitcoin...Have you invested in bitcoin yet? Hour 3Heartbreaking details on Manhattan attack victims…More terrorist attacks are coming...The first step to stopping it? ...The last witness: Bodyguard who found Hitler's dead body...conspiracy all around ...'Abortionists: The Four-Letter Word They Hate' with radio caller and fan Vince Ousley ...Bitcoin = Fun Money...The appeal of Swiss banks in the mountains ... ‘the estate tax is immoral’ ...Dear ISIS diary... ...Baseball’s great experiment...Houston Astros’ World Series win was predicted   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
11/01/17 - 'Enough is Enough' (Tristan Harris ...
Hour 1 He wanted ‘suicide by cop’ in NYC …terrorist only stopped because he hit a school bus ...It's a different world... the new norm for our kids...attacks will be more frequent era in Islamic terrorism ...a new era of hate ...Enough is enough ...Stop excusing things on your own side...take beam out of your own eye first ...Win a brand new truck, hear Aaron Watson live, meet Chuck Norris...Buy your tickets now! at delay tax reform once again ...Russia has better tax reform ...Deadliest terrorist in NYC since 9/11? ...Why Google, Apple and Facebook are suddenly worried about Russia  Hour 2Stop the nonsense and focus on what matters most ...Glenn just finished the Dan Brown book 'Origin'...AI and disproving God...getting past the religious bashing...the robots are coming for our jobs… here are the terrifying numbers...Social media is changing us ...Bitcoin is up 500% in 2017...Global owners are rising...Bitcoin impact means ‘a totally different world’...Bitcoin is AT&T in 1890...there is always a risk...That bitcoin pizza never tasted better ...Stu vs. Chris Cuomo   Hour 3Peace Cross under fire ...Former Google design ethicist Tristan Harris joins to discuss Russian propaganda and Facebook ... ‘It's impossible’ to vet 5 million advertisers on Facebook ...The art of capturing attention ...More popular than the Bible? ...How bots and fake accounts work ...Business plans that are dividing society ...Where can one buy bitcoin?? ...Regulation on the internet is coming ...Literally dancing with the dead...the return of the Black Plague?? ...being anti-antibiotics ...Add another to the list: Dustin Hoffman is being accused of sexual harassment ... SHOCKER: Kevin Spacey is gay ...the 'House of Cards' reality ...Halloween candy: The good, the bad, the gross  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
10/31/17 - ‘martyr for social change’ (Ken Ster...
Hour 1Name of the day...'Papadopoulos' ...One unproven accusation ruins actor Kevin Spacey’s career?...Netflix cancels 'House of Cards' defense...Rosie ‘knew’ but didn't say anything...speculation vs. the truth...Kevin Spacey's father was an abusive Nazi...just a good defense?? ...The Dirt Bag Capital of the World? ... ‘Can you imagine how confused our kids are right now?’ ...Dirt on dirt is just fine ...Papadopoulos is a 'campaign nobody’ ...Glenn Beck reads Edger Allan Poe's 'The Raven' ...Actor Bryan Cranston for president!     Hour 2 Harvey Weinstein is ‘cured,’ already tooting his own horn ... ‘martyr for social change’??? …A 'due process' Halloween ...Former NPR CEO Ken Stern joins Glenn to discuss his new book, 'Republican Like Me'...From the left to the right after seeing the light...Changing views on guns...Americans have a history of knowing how to reduce gun crimes ...The mainstream media is in a very dangerous place ...Meet the guy who ruined Halloween for everyone ...The very 'effective' anti-Ed Gillespie TV ad Hour 3'The Tell-Tale Heart' told as it was meant to be told… Glenn Beck’s version of a Poe classic… ‘it haunted me day and night’...Danish inventor admits to dismembering a Swedish journalist ...Beware: Diarrhea, vomit and dog poop ahead ...Missing in Miami, organs and a ‘blowup doll with human flesh’? ...Flashback 1978: 'The Dating Game' serial killer ...Thank you, Kardashians, for educating us all about Planned Parenthood ...Trump’s tax cuts are coming and they are great The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
112 min
10/30/17 - Good day for President Trump? (Charl...
Hour 1 More it comes ...Mueller moves against Paul Manafort...Surrenders to authorities...false statements of failure...conspiracy to launder money??...Big fish collusion as we know of right now...1 degree from Vladimir Putin ...Eye on four: Flynn, Manafort, Stone, and Bannon ...Presidential pardons looming? ...'The Ultimate Bubba Effect'  Hour 2 First the statues, now the plaques? ...being moved ... ‘How The Right Lost Its Mind’ with author Charlie Sykes...'culture' is the problem, not President Trump...a world without character...growing further apart in our own echo chambers ...Once again the media's in denial over Hillary's collusion ...Why Fusion GPS matters ...Truth without the witch hunts...corruption is coming for 'both' sides ...Watergate flashbacks ... if convicted, Manafort could die in jail Hour 3 The Knockout Game rages on ... National Review contributing editor Andrew C. McCarthy: 'Mueller is squeezing Manafort' really looks like Manafort is guilty....Conspiracy against the United States...angles of collusion...President Trump is probably having a pretty good day ...Danger and Dossier ...'It's OK; I'm gay'?? ...Big news from Elon Mush's other 'boring company'... ‘He's the Edison of our day’...wait what?? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
112 min
10/27/17 - The JFK Files (Bill O'Reilly and Ger...
hour1Breakfast cereal is so offensive now?!... Offended, tweet about it... Uranium One is a national asset that Russia has twenty percent of? The "gag order" has been removed, fasten your seat belt!... Would it have been better to have H. Clinton as President?... Show and movie reviews by Glenn and Stu... Can or should robots be more human?... 2029, man and machine merge...hour 2Halloween decorations are becoming more and more political?... Joking about the President's death and the First Amendment... Listen in as Glenn picks apart Rachel Maddow's newest conspiracy theory... Do "your own homework" before you go buying into the next conspiracy theory... Interview with Gerald Posner and the release of the J.F.K. files... What has the government been busy doing?...hour 3Bill O'Reilly joins Glenn to discuss the headlines AND faces a few tough questions from Glenn... Where is Paul Newman's Rolex watch? Found the watch! Just auctioned Paul Newman's watch for over 17 million dollars!!!... Pat Gray shares with Glenn how he is upset about the racism of math... Mercury One in Iraq... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
112 min
10/26/17 - 'Only The Brave' (Thomas Lee & Mat...
Hour 1 Welcome to America 2017 ...93-year-old George H. W Bush accused of sexual assault...from his wheelchair...'David Cop-a-Feel'...Bring out the book ‘The Crucible': A media witch hunt is alive and well ...NBC fires news analyst over sexual harassment claims ...Remember when Ellen groped Katy Perry? ...Float or not to float ...Socialist pizza parlor shuts down for reasons you'd expect videos censored by YouTube/Google...PragerU CEO Marissa Streit gives us an update on how the left is taking over the internet...don’t let them do what they did to universities… ‘the new Hollywood' Hour 2Business as usual = Illegal ...Is a crypto gold rush coming?...Bitcoin expert and co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisers ( Thomas Lee joins the show to discuss how Bitcoin could soar to $25,000 in the next five years...Bitcoin prices have risen 1000% over past two years...what goes up must come down ...FACTS: On Fusion GPS....Fake Trump dossier...NY Times released a stunning article, an indictment on the Clintons, the DNC and the FBI??...who is Chris Steele??...the president was indeed being wiretapped... ‘the most corrupt story of all time’ Hour 3Pizza with a purpose, fail! ...socialism is worse than anchovies ...Rape survivor and mom 'Tiffany' gratefully thanks the Glenn Beck audience for their compassion...Please help Tiffany ...Four-time GRAMMY nominee, country music star Matthew West joins the show to talk about his new album 'All In'...( ...Principle Pluralism and Sen. Ben Sasse...the coming death of the Republican Party?? ...'Secret JFK' files released today   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/26/17 - Hour 1
Welcome to America 2017 ...93-year-old George H. W Bush accused of sexual assault...from his wheelchair...'David Cop-a-Feel'...Bring out the book ‘The Crucible': A media witch hunt is alive and well ...NBC fires news analyst over sexual harassment claims ...Remember when Ellen groped Katy Perry? ...Float or not to float ...Socialist pizza parlor shuts down for reasons you'd expect videos censored by YouTube/Google...PragerU CEO Marissa Streit gives us an update on how the left is taking over the internet...don’t let them do what they did to universities… ‘the new Hollywood' 
33 min
10/25/17 - Big Voices are in Big Trouble (Denni...
Hour 1 Russian Probe Part II: Hillary Clinton and the DNC...sources say Clinton camp helped fund Trump dossier ...Hillary would have been impeached if she were president ...Five years after Newtown massacre, stunning warning signs revealed in FBI probe... ‘how was this information not followed up?’...still no motive ...LGBT take up arms to protect against the right...Pride flags were burned…reasons that are both good and bad...a celebration of the 2nd Amendment...guns for beginners? many find gun culture very intimidating  Hour 2 Regret is a complicated emotion ...Jeff Flake bails (quits) on President Trump...speaking out, an element of bravery??...not a huge loss...Flake was a 'great big disappointment' ...Rape survivor Tiffany joins the show to discuss how her rapist was awarded joint legal custody...even at age 12, abortion was never an option in her mind... her son is ‘the love of my life’ …Please help Tiffany ( ...Come meet Glenn Beck and help those in need at the annual 'Mercury One Ball' … tickets available now (  Hour 3Conservative Dennis Prager joins Glenn from Jerusalem to discuss his lawsuits against YouTube, Google over video censorship at videos have been banned...If you have kids in college, they are being indoctrinated ...Fusion GPS Fallout...DNC, Hillary, and FBI are taking heat...will Hillary or anyone else finally go to jail?? ...Attention spans are in decline...everything today is easier  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
10/24/17 - Moana! Moana! Moana! (Gerald Posner...
Hour 1Fear and self-righteousness ...​ESPN, the chief patient in the asylum of political correctness ...grasping for viewers ...CNN's ineffective ad...parody ensues ...Culturally appropriating elephants??... a question of identity ... ‘Just as much as a woman as I am a man’ ....Campus Reform: Trump vs. Bernie tax plans, clueless college students ...Disney under fire for Halloween costume?... don’t let your daughter dress up as the ‘wrong’ Disney princess...Smurfs and Serfs ...Defining 'white'??...White Polynesian Glenn??...Was Jason from the Friday the 13th movies white? ...Indiana University conducts a 'practice' Halloween' Hour 2Russia is a threat...and it's not about Donald Trump...Russia is at war with America, and nobody seems to care?? ...Losing touch with who we are ...What are you going to do today that makes a difference? ... ‘Nothing but bull crap!’? ...Investigative journalist and author Gerald Posner joins the show to discuss his book: ‘Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK’...what's in the sealed documents?  a new 'smoking gun'...Oswald was the 'only one' who hit anything...CIA/mob ties? ...Moana! Moana! Moana! ...the film is a celebration of Polynesian culture … white kids can’t admire this princess? … Glenn notices a 'trend' in children's books  Hour 3Tragic consequences of our broken immigration system ...Trial for Kate Steinle’s alleged killer begins today ...Picking patients over insurance companies, with Dr. Ryan Neuhofel ( ...Direct Primary Care (DPC), alternative to fee-for-service insurance ...It's official! Glenn has decided what he will dress up as for Halloween? ...Glenn used to live in Italy ...The African-American British guy ...Why is Pat so offended and appalled? ...Who is Rep. Frederica Wilson and where did she come from??...owns several hundred hats...cowboy appropriation? …Father of an original 'cracker' calls into the show ...Halloween costume privilege  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
10/23/17 - 'The Evil Genius'? (Bill O'Reilly, ...
Hour 1Boom!!!?? ...Bill O'Reilly's water just got hotter...'the affidavit'...Innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent?? ...'Settle to make it go away’ doesn't work anymore ...time to fix 'reason' firmly in her seat ...US Legal System: Whoever has the most money wins! ...Megyn Kelly did complain about Bill O'Reilly??... Here’s what she said in an email to the network Hour 2UN Ambassador to Hell …the Hitler of his time?... why does the UN deserve our money?...Guest Julie Belshe joins the show to speak out against elder abuse...After a stranger became her parents’ guardian, they were moved to a nursing home and their property was sold … how is this possible?...Beware: Nearby relatives should be contacted, but they aren’t...'Guardian systems' are popping up all over the country: Who and what are they?...families are being traumatized ...Fox News wants to have its cake and to eat it too  Hour 3Bullying a fifth-grader, ‘commonsense gun laws’ and Cub Scouts ...typical 11-year-old behavior? nah ...Friend Bill O'Reilly joins the show to discuss the ‘beating he's taking in the media right now’ ... ‘I am not going to run and hide’ ...can't comment ‘specifically’ on any case that has already settled...Can't confirm or deny $32 million out of his own pocket?? ... ‘Just a hit job to get me out of the workplace’ ...Glenn reads letters to Bill from Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson ...Roger Ailes = The Evil Genius ...Living in a vigilante society The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
112 min
10/20/17 - 'No credibility in the end' (Bill O...
Hour 1 Don't trash or exalt ...George W. Bush comes out of retirement to rebuke nationalism on the right ...Hollywood is crashing and burning as we speak ... ‘no credibility in the end’...overplaying their hand ...Congresswoman Wilson thinks she's a ‘rock star’?? ...the power of the word 'racist' ... ‘say one thing and DO that one thing PERIOD!’ ...A Indiana University is unmasking Halloween …'appropriating culture'...dressing like Fonzie is all the rage?? ...Black Lives activist blows his cover, is now called a 'token' ...Content Contracts! Contracts! Contracts! ...UPDATE: Sex Rehab's not going so well...cellphones and naps...beating up French chauffeurs ...Courage is a muscle; it needs exercise ...empowering women is great, but who's empowering men to be better??  Hour 2Is anything sacred anymore? ...General John Kelly stunned by the politicization of a soldier’s death...we deserve better than this ...Bill O'Reilly Friday...the current media culture is rotting to the core ... ‘off-the-charts corruption’... ‘It was a huge set up’ ??...80-90% of the media wants to destroy President Trump; how do we continue as a democracy?...Everyone is avenging their cause ...Is a media backlash coming?...fearing the casualties of a  'backlash' and the secular progressives that have power   Hour 3‘Layers of disgust here’...the sex doll business is booming... Brothel now open for service with 11 dolls on rotation ...Sex Doll vs. Potted Plant ...Soulless souls...single singularity by 2029 ...The rising value of Bitcoin ...Tampon Tribes offensive to Native Americans?? ...George W. Bush: Up, down and all around...irritated by the timing of his speech ...2020: President Carrot Top ...Fake news technology companies...Facebook says its fake news label helps reduce fake news it a utility? …Not all opinions are equal.  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
10/19/17 - (Rand Paul and Jason Buttrill join G...
Hour 1 Las Vegas shooting investigation update: People covering their own butts? ...many simple questions go unanswered...Did the security guard pick Ellen for a ‘softball’ interview? ...Man down and 18 minutes later ...Melania body double conspiracy?? … Never question a spike in Google searches...Ridiculous! or is it?? ...Jeff Sessions on jailing reporters... ‘No aggressive action at this point’ ...Internet ad regulation is coming...Both sides denied the Russian threat … Glenn geeks out...Mr. Twitter, Neil deGrasse Tyson = pretentious and arrogant  Hour 2Hillary's Russian collusion?...FBI evidence and Clinton Foundation ...Sen. Rand Paul joins the show, asks if the GOP has forgotten how to govern?...The budget isn’t what Republicans should stand for...just a ‘piece of toilet paper’ ...What's in Rand's new amendment?...Budget cuts with no action = hot air ...Nobody seems to care about the budget ...Bitcoin expert says value will soar to $25,000 in just 5 years ...Trump vs. widow? ... ‘your husband knew what he signed up for’ … should this even be a story?...appropriate sentiment or poorly phrased? ...No, all thoughts are equal ...Do we have enough gay story lines in Hollywood?...Star Wars what!?  Hour 3Out of the smoke and debris comes hope...The northern California wildfire containment continues...the biggest fire in California history has devastated an area larger than New York City ...Ben Sasse, Ted Cruz and Dr. Pepper?...that escalated quickly ... tied to the JKF, Zodiac Killer conspiracies? …President Ben Sasse 2024?? ...Mild-mannered Mormons all the rage in YouTube's 'Studio C' ...Drag queens reading books to children ...Shocker: Neo-Nazi comes out as gay ...A Gay Jew Nazi and The Beatles?? ...'Operation BBQ' is helping thousands in need; please help now at ...Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz and Robin Hood The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
10/18/17 - 'Pat and Jeffy are back!'
Hour 1 Pat Gray in for Glenn today ... NBA Opening Night, linking arms wearing ‘Equality’ shoes...NFL team apologizes to its fans...will this be a trend?? ...Ann Arbor city council takes a knee ...Jerry Jones confronted by protester and the ‘$40 million slaves’ ...Owners meeting with the players = joke ...Everyone's different perceptions  ...Good news: ISIS looks to be 'giving up' ...One scientist's marathon quest for the ultimate exercise 'pill' … Jeffy’s in Hour 2Now Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein’s brother, is being accused of sexual 'harassment'...Amazon studio chief resigns ...Caller Eve from Georgia shares her sexual harassment story and how she masterfully handled it...Repeated sexual harassment ...Sexual Harassment or NOT Sexual Harassment: What do you think?...Men are sexually harassed too ...Harassment vs. persistence ...Las Vegas security guard breaks was he able to escape the massacre? Hour 3 John McCain testier then usual ...The New York Times hates religion of all kinds ...Bump stock conspiracies...30-year law enforcement vet Dave from Oklahoma educates us on what a ‘bump stock’ is... ...Government's lack of information causes conspiracies ...Wet t-shirts on the job?? ...Correction: The Mandalay Bay Hotel is not a dump   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
105 min
10/17/17 - 'Faith, Truth, Love, and Forgivenes...
Hour 1Salvation hidden under the seat...Victim vs. Kidnapper...Overlooked stories of real bravery ...Hollywood screenwriter, ‘everybody <censor>  knew’ about Harvey Weinstein: ‘I am sorry’ ...To those in Hollywood who have pleaded ignorance about the Weinstein allegations ...NRA spokeswoman/radio host Dana Loesch joins the show live from a disclosed location, to discuss her getting 'repeated threats from gun control advocates’...sent a death fetish video...Chelsea Clinton reached out ...Bulletproof vests and that look in their eyes? ...Begging for a concealed carry permit  Hour 2 Honor the fallen...Bowe Bergdahl pleads 'guilty'...No honor or distinction earned...say a prayer for the families of the soldiers who died searching for him ...President of the American College of Pediatricians Dr. Michelle Cretella joins the show to drop some truth bombs about 'transgender' children...these are cries for help ….'ideology masking as science'...we are encouraging mental illness...Sex and Gender 101...What the experts don’t tell us about sex and gender...Body Identity Integrity Disorder??...radical feminists are leading the charge ...Stu's passion for 'Peppa Pig' ...Miami politician claims to have been abducted by aliens  Hour 3Faith, Truth, Love and Forgiveness and baptism .... Stu's Philadelphia Eagles on a wing and a prayer?...Carson Wentz vs. Tim Tebow ...A 'pot calling kettle' moment with Joe Biden ...Tales of terror and mental torture, a Canadian man recently freed by the Taliban ...The late actress Carrie Fisher, sexual predators and a cow tongue?? ...Pat Gray has the cure for Irish alcoholism and a message to rule-making universities ...BiBi Netanyahu challenges the media to cover the persecution of Christians  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
10/16/17 - What Matters Most? (The Great Charli...
Hour 1Laugh and come together as Americans ...Jimmy Kimmel says good ‘riddance,’ audience ...George Lopez booed off humility ...Do we have honor and courage in our own lives? ...Coming Republican ghost town ...400 people missing and the death toll is rising in California … Help Now at ...The stories we should be talking about ...There's no ‘hands-on feel’ going on in Puerto Rico ...Believe it or not but there are lots of conservatives in California ...Outlawing winking?? ...Flashback to 2005: Corey Feldman shamed by Barbara Walters ...Hillary Clinton has ‘no regrets’...Harvey vs. Bill ...Courtney Love knew back in 2005  Hour 2The Iranian nuclear deal was the most  over hyped deal in modern history The nuclear deal with Iran was the most over-hyped deal in modern history ...Punting the football to another president... ‘elaborate delay tactic’ ...War on the Kurds has officially begun today ...What truly has meaning in your life? And how much of your day is spent on that? ...There is no meaning in all requires endurance ...Life is easy; it's the people that are complex ...Literally killing a mockingbird ...No such thing as a 'safe space' ...Drop Out Dad = Hero ...Libertarians don't want government involved in their marriages, PERIOD Hour 3 Terror Alert: Somalia Truck Bombing Death Toll Rises ...Country Music Superstar joins Glenn and gets real...Life, Fame, Faith, and Debt... ‘Johnny Cash was larger than life’...Bluegrass roots and Elvis, an acquired taste?...Book: ‘Never Look at The Empty Seats’ ...Pat just had his 'cockles' surgically removed?? ...Woody Allen defends Harvey Weinstein … can’t a guy marry his daughter anymore? … winking...Austria turns sharply far right   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
The Glenn Beck Program - 10/16/17 - Hour 2
The nuclear deal with Iran was the most over-hyped deal in modern history ...Punting the football to another president... ‘elaborate delay tactic’ ...War on the Kurds has officially begun today ...What truly has meaning in your life? And how much of your day is spent on that? ...There is no meaning in all requires endurance ...Life is easy; it's the people that are complex ...Literally killing a mockingbird ...No such thing as a 'safe space' ...Drop Out Dad = Hero ...Libertarians don't want government involved in their marriages, PERIOD 
33 min