The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
'Context Does Matter" - 4/2/18
Hour 1Now teen knife attacks are all the rage...the left are dreaming of a world without a 2nd Amendment?...London vs. New York; what’s going on?...violent crime in the United States is down across the board ...Pro-pools?...we have grown accustomed to certain causes of death; why? ...Fact: Millions of lives will be saved with self-driving cars ...Warning: What you are seeing and hearing is 'extremely dangerous'?...Sinclair Group accused of doing something ‘insidious’ ...revisiting CNN’s ‘This is an Apple' ad...wasn’t this also a warning about fake news?... 'Trust us,' 'Trust us,' Trust us' = fake news...context matters, not media...'Green Week'? Hour 2 Like a book report on the communist manifesto? ...What a not-so-holy professor said about Jesus?...The Whiner vs. The Bully?...Hogg and Ingraham...feud intensifies...we've seen this story before...boycotting the boycott?...immorality, to nuke or not to nuke? ...the left is using metaphorical nukes on Laura Ingraham really have to question your life if you still going to 'Office Depot' ...One of Glenn's favorite facts about heroin?...what is Zylone B? ...exploring certain lines of alphabetizing your towels?  Hour 3 The Israeli-Palestine conflict is slowly boiling...acknowledging Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel has been problematic for many…Trump under fire for simply saying that Jerusalem is the capital when it is…story of a hero who smuggled out infants during the Holocaust…why don’t we have more heroes?... ‘look at the things that are at stake now’ ...Seattle police have begun seizing guns... without warrants? ...No Lie: Americans still ascribe to the Ten Commandments...but lying is OK? ...Glenn guesses what percentage of Americans value each commandment… ‘should be 100 percent’… what’s the number on ‘you shall not murder’?... OK, maybe put that 3 percent on the watch list…Pat takes his turn…US vs. UK on ‘you shall have no other gods before me’ The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'We Need Forgiveness' (Bill O'Reilly & Ian Bre...
Hour 1 Does America have a gun problem or a mental health problem?... keeping people ‘high’ on emotion so they’re distracted… ‘random acts of violence’ always get more attention...gun violence has receded by 50% and 70% while mental health is spiraling out of control...clinically troubled people...'tougher laws or a wall are not going to help our problems'...'we have avoided the truth'… Glenn has good news: ‘Today is a really important day’…we’re all virtue-signalers instead of quietly living out the truth…we need forgiveness ‘more than ever’...Glenn Beck tells the story of Easter ...a CEO is under fire for giving back to his community? government erases legacy of private donors who want to help people Hour 2 Diplomatic chaos…getting people to care about the Russia threat? ...Good Friday with Bill O'Reilly from ...the media loves stupid kids...rewarding falsehoods...GWU students slam George Washington?...there is no objective truth on college campuses today...David Hogg vs. Laura Ingraham...'she was wrong to tweet what she tweeted’...Hogg is being used by the media...Actor attacks Ingraham, but where are all the women’s groups and feminist organizations??...Glenn doesn’t want to ‘name-call back’...the boycotts are ultra-serious...language does matter ...Eating a leg of lamb while watching 'Peppa Pig’?  Hour 3Transgender in Ohio?... born a man, now living as a woman…should birth certificates forget about biology? ACLU lawsuit says yes ...Despite the apparent 'bromance,' President Trump has been tough on Russia... Political scientist Ian Bremmer explains...the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats was huge move...Russia is dismantling the West from the inside...Russia's economy continues to be deteriorating under Putin…here’s why that makes him more dangerous ...The gun debate we all deserve?...Alex Jones’s son challenges David Hogg to a gun debate ...Hillary Clinton answers bizarre Nazi question... Stu Chooses The News?...bitcoin-mining toothbrush vs. high-level drug exchange?  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Feeling A Little Cheated'? (William Hertling j...
Hour 1​​What really happened two years ago in Florida?...NEW news on Pulse night club killer, and it’s big…media narrative was totally wrong...ISIS terror attack or gay hate crime?... here’s the evidence...armed guns stopped another mass shooting; this time, at silence is deafening...The media has lied to and manipulated us again… ‘Pulse was his third choice’…killer was looking for an ‘easy, soft target’… what does this teach us about protecting our kids?...Riaz Patel shares his perspective on this update…why are we wasting time fighting a constitutional right instead of actually protecting schools? ...March for Our Lives = Fraud...only 10% of the marchers were kids... WaPo exposes the ‘middle-aged’ truth, to their credit Hour 2We’re being watched…The major cyber attack on Atlanta that no one in the media is talking about...the city is being held for experts shudder... would anyone even notice if ‘Martians landed in Times Square’? ...Facebook and 'Kill Process' with author William Hertling...joins the show to talk information security ...has Facebook seen their best days? ...'Opening Day' for Major League Baseball...Glenn has a warm spot in his heart for baseball...and it's not just because of the ballpark food menu…Stu lists some of the ‘controversial’ new ballpark food choices; dilly dog, anyone? ...Carrying our personal burdens...would have, could have, should have? ...Glenn's 'lie' down memory lane? ...You have to watch this! Go to and watch for free Hour 3Glenn's summer of 1975 that never happened?...a story for Opening Day…a little boy sneaking around to listen to the World Series…death, taxes, baseball and Dad ... Playboy deactivates Facebook pages; oh, the irony?... ‘contradicts Playboy’s values’???...Glenn doesn’t recognize the world anymore ...Two years later...Anti-gay and anti-Islamic narrative thrown out the window ...Parkland student/activist David Hogg pushes for Laura Ingraham boycott over his hurt feelings...rejected by four colleges ...Rape survivor shares her pro-life message The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Roseanne' Says What the Media Won't - 3/28/18
Hour 1 ‘Method to his madness’: How Trump approaches domestic, foreign policy…scaring China, North Korea…they don’t know what we’ll do next…Summoned by China?...Kim Jong Un’s surprise visit to China...What does this mean for the United States?...TV Revival: 'Roseanne' is back as a Trump supporter… ‘speaking the words the media doesn’t understand’...Former Soviet spy Jack Barsky joins the show to discuss America's current problems with Russia and Putin...doubts Putin has anything to do with chemical attacks in the UK...'Russians and China are not suicidal maniacs like North Korea'...we must be careful not to blow ourselves up...TV’s 'The Americans': Final season premieres tonight...'realistic and well done' Hour 2John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment...former Supreme Court Justice writes in NYT how he really feels about the US Constitution...'live those words' of the Constitution? ...Democrats introduce bullet control bill to close ‘gaping loophole’...'a commonsense component'...make your cases and let's have honest conversations ...Scientist have discovered a new organ in the human body, one of the largest...bigger than your skin?...what took scientists so long to discover this?...are these the same scientists who can predict climate change? from two pilots who saw a UFO...Glenn has some theories…scramjets, hypersonic flights, aliens?... ‘are we prepared to find life elsewhere?’ Hour 3Pining for a ‘progressive princess'?...Can Planned Parenthood stoop any lower? Yes, yes, they can…sorry, Planned Parenthood, but real little girls love babies ...ISIS making a comeback in Syria because of Turkey's actions...Mercury One ambassador D'Andra Simmons and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad Tim Ballard join the show to discuss how they are saving lives every day…Simmons shares the harrowing story of a woman who was repeatedly abused, later escaped…we don’t talk about this enough, but ‘it does affect us’...Please help at and …Glenn revisits the California census, citizenship question…Pat joins to talk ‘realistic’ Disney princesses… ‘If there’s another Aladdin, we need to be able to only see their eyes through lace’... Bruce the pilot for 35 years, shares his UFO story? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
'Short-Circuiting the Second Amendment' - 3/27/18
Hour 1Calls forever unanswered...update in the Pulse nightclub shooting...judge rules against killer’s wife ...Mark Zuckerberg under fire, losing money…time to regulate?...Should Facebook be considered a 'public utility'?...some conservatives think so? ...Bringing in the robots; there go the jobs...25% of America's jobs are going away permanently…we need to be talking about this NOW...skyrocketing unemployment coming...McDonald's has already begun using AI ...Choose The News, Stu?...Millennials, tin foil and microwaves = not a good combination…Team America vs. Team Pizza?  Hour 2Citizenship question has been added to 2020 census...political outrage ensues? least we don’t have to ride to the city of our birth on a donkey anymore, right?...banking on loyalty and votes ...The beginning of the end on the 2nd Amendment?...first it was Citibank taking action…what if every credit card, financial institution bans using their services to buy a gun? one of the oldest gun makers files for bankruptcy...the 'run on guns' seems to have ended under President Trump...The Trump slump?...Guess the person Glenn is trying to imitate? (Hint: It's not Henry Kissinger) ...Fact and reason do not apply anymore ...Melt-resistant ice cream is all the rage…Glenn still wants his flying car  Hour 3Uncle Sam vs. Facebook...radical changes coming...will this affect Mark Zuckerberg's 2020 presidential bid? much did his personal value drop?...from caveman to caveman?...the average person doesn't have 'screw you' money?...most Americans can’t deal with a $500 emergency…Stu fact-checks Glenn ...What do Kim Kardashian and Kim Jong Un have in common?...Trump critics now want him to tweet more...Cat returns home two days after owners bury its 'remains' this like the documentary ‘Pet Cemetery’ or?... choosing who you do business with... there's this 'dusty old document' that helps with that The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
The 'Completely Bonkers' Gun Debate (Brandon Gi...
Hour 1 March of Our Rights vs. March for Our Lives... We thought prayers were 'pointless'? = useful idiots...Big progressive donors funding the agenda ...Embarrassing: March for Our Lives protesters don't know guns?... let’s ban ‘assault weapons’ but we don’t know what they are...absolutely clueless ...The March for Our Lives forgot Kyle Kashuv and Andrew and Hunter Pollack and many more ...(R-Mich.) U.S. Senate Candidate John James joins the show to discuss how he wants to help drain the swamp?... ‘I am not a one-trick pony’ ...A 'Do-It-Yourself' rocket scientist/limo driver blasts himself into space (the sky) prove the earth is flat?... dinner with cats or cats for dinner? Hour 2When Facts Don't Matter?...Outraged and Determined...Oprah, Spielberg, Clooney and Gucci....Signs, signs, everywhere signs...all ideas of journalism have been abandoned ...Transparent bags and rocks are the solution?...Distract and throw a rock...#MockTheRock? ...Liberals are melting down over what Rick Santorum said about guns? ...Gabriel Over the White House (1933)...Possessed by an angel, the U.S. president conflates democracy with dictatorial power in this old MGM picture...Watch the interesting and chilling update to this story tonight at 5 PM EST only on Hour 3 Defending forced marriage… ‘It happens in America’…Muslim family reportedly beat, choked, poured hot oil on teenage daughter...she’s disappeared; why no marches or protests?...Stu Chooses The News?...Intentionally crashing car to prove God is real?...Stu needs someone to explain this logic...Jesus take the wheel? ... ‘Earth Hour’ to raise climate change awareness?...rant, Stu, rant… ‘little steps’ don’t help...even if we took every car off the road, it would barely register in global emissions… Mr. Washington Post = Pat Gray... ‘It's hard to not just go after this kid,’ host Pat Gray said in the video published Saturday, describing Hogg... Resistance' the Pat Gray way? are the facts about the worst mass murders worldwide.  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Put the Twinkies Down' (Carlo Mango & Bill O'R...
​Hour 1 There's a new target audience for Planned Parenthood…branching out to middle schools...the best sex education resource for 11 year-olds...wants children to feel ‘comfortable and ready for sex’ ...Freedom fight in California...'There is something happening here'...Glenn doesn’t understand California parking lots…Rain storms are pummeling with mudslides? ...President Trump must veto this out-of-control budget bill...$1 trillion added to debt since September…outpacing Obama spending? ...China responds to Trump’s tariffs: not good ...World Record Spending = Immoral ...Bending machines in the Matrix?... if this is ‘The Matrix,’ Glenn wants it to be better Hour 2 ‘Enough’...teens fighting for gun control are 'fed up'...Time Magazine 'will put any clown(s)' on their cover?...The typical 3 steps of the media? ...Citibank goes full anti-gun...right under our nose ...‘It's all BS' with Bill O'Reilly...Who's really behind the big anti-gun march on Saturday?...President Trump 'is not going to veto the spending bill'...Bill goes simpatico with John Bolton? congratulate Putin or not to congratulate Putin?...Who wins in a Trump vs. Biden fight?...Nostradamus O'Reilly? ...Chuck Schumer says the spending deal brings 'End to Era of Austerity'... ‘If Chuck Schumer is happy, then I am not happy’ Hour 3 Bad news for Silicon Valley but good news for us?... reign of tech giants is over…industry under scrutiny for sites that facilitate child sex trafficking… ‘Good job, Congress’ on this bipartisan bill ...Cafe owner faces religious persecution for playing Christian music; eviction pending...Cafe owner Carlo Mango joins the show to discuss his upcoming hearing regarding this matter...attack comes from atheist group...reach out and help Carlo at his Facebook page: 'Cafe Justice' ...Glenn says goodbye to one of his favorite producers?...after working with Glenn, horror movies aren’t scary?...Thank you, Natasha, for 10 great years ...What is a 'Russian Steve Harvey sandwich'? ...Argentine legally changes gender to retire early? ...Rep. Keith Ellison calls for more taxes and a 'maximum wage'…Pat doesn’t recognize the country he didn’t recognize? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
115 min
'#Life' - 3/22/18
Hour 1 Media crickets?...the school shooting the media really didn't report on…it didn’t fit the narrative...good guy with gun vs. bad guy with a gun...Good Guy = Hero ...Trump/GOP Budget irresponsible...more massive spending...$1.3 Trillion...Slap in the face: GOP gives more power to the the gov’t more discretionary spending than any of President Obama's budgets...Nancy Pelosi Flashback: ‘We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it’...Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) joins to introduce the End Federal Shutdown Act...allows appropriators to the table well in advance so that there's no last-minute negotiating and deal making.. ‘a horrible way to do business’...'if you're a Democrat, this is the bill you want'...this bill is good for Schumer, Pelosi but 'horrible for the American people'...'a debt junkie’s wildest dream'...Does anyone in Congress really care?'s up to the American people to act  Hour 2 Pull out your Neo-Marxist playbook?...Campus feminism has added a new rule?... all-women’s school asks ‘who is female?’ ...Brandon Gillespie, student of ousted Rocklin High School history teacher Julianne Benzel, joins the show to discuss the #Life campaign... ‘The #Life walkout aims not only to test this double standard, but also to honor and commemorate the premature lives of the millions of unborn children who fell victim to abortions’ ...Cops say a Florida duo, one in a bull costume, try to burn down a home with Ragu? ...There are more rules to park in a Los Angeles parking lot than there are at Glenn's church? ...Not Fake News: Ruth Bader Ginsburg is bringing 'scrunchies' back Hour 3 Why is the media always attacking Vice President Mike Pence?...President Trump impeachment = President Pence ...'Rock Gets Religion: The Battle for the Soul of the Devil's Music' with author Mark many famous musicians have deep Christian roots...Taylor Swift, Alice Cooper, Justin Bieber, Megadeth's Dave Mustaine, The Jonas Brothers ...Canadian gov't agency bans 'mother' and 'father' to be more gender-‘inclusive’ ...Biden vs. Trump?...two tough guys with 9 Vietnam deferments between the both of them…this is why Pat likes Jake Tapper…reporters who do their job The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
'Optimistic and Hopeful' - 3/21/18
Hour 1Austin Serial Bomber is Dead!...described by authorities as a 24-year-old white male...are there more suspects?...a crucial hour unaccounted for ...Sound Outreach (for all) with Jeff Klein and Riaz Patel...we are not hearing each other...Adam Smith, capitalism without morality ...dealing with poverty in the right way…how do we give people ‘a hand up’?'s expensive to be poor ...World Down Syndrome Day...Champion and Advocate Karen Gaffney joins the show to share the story of her 'great life'…Down syndrome didn’t keep her from swimming the English Channel…doctors said she wouldn’t be able to tie her shoes; look now...Radio Gold: Glenn and Stu compare their 'socks'?? Hour 2'Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress’ with Harvard psychology professor Steven almost every conceivable measure, the lives and lifestyles of human beings are improving…Stu reads some amazing stats from Pinker’s book…war is down, poverty is down, malnutrition is down...the future looks bright ...don’t forget that ‘news’ is all about telling you the bad things…Critical Thinking 101?...the misconception of income inequality?...lacking appreciation for progress mankind has made...things can always be worse...the government is like a 'gadget'?  Hour 3 Where have all the Blue Dog Democrats gone? ...Saving People w/ Downs and Down Pride: International social justice activist, writer and spokesperson for Down Syndrome awareness Renate Lindeman ( joins the show...she's a campaigner for creating awareness of discriminatory and eugenic nature of the practice of prenatal screening practice at the UN level ...Pat needs to talk about the ‘Thank You for Your Service’ movie…VA expands services to combat alarming veteran suicide rate...Do your part to help veterans now at ...Did you know there is a war going on in Yemen? ...Bill O'Reilly was right?...Stormy Daniels, the new 24/7 story?...parsing the ‘Apprentice’ contestant’s account…she’s suing for ‘defamation' The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Standing for Balance'? (Riaz Patel & Julianne ...
Hour 1 Social media is changing everything about America?...Psychometrics, what is it?...agreeing to be manipulated...Who's responsible for our anger? ...Sen. Mike Lee joins the show to discuss the current state of affairs...Bernie Sanders and Mike and Glenn, strange bedfellows (metaphorically)?...standing against an illegal war...defining a 'declaration of war'?...WSJ: Mike Lee = 'Iranian Helper'?...Why Americans should be calling their senators? ...So sick of the name-calling...To Listen, To Look, To Be Honest, and To Be Wrong? with Riaz Patel...Texas vs. D.C. …. ‘We’ve jumped the shark’…people don’t really think that differently…we've all been categorized and pitted against each other Hour 2Serial bomber strikes again...4th bomb in Austin area in less than 3 leads? ...Nathan Gwilliam and Ron Stoddart from join the show to discuss the growing crisis of adoptions; by 2022, international adoption may be gone...foreign adoptions down by a shocking 80 percent…Hoping for President Trump's help...sign the White House petition today at ...the system needs to be simplified ...New Radio Segment: 'Fix Reason Firmly In Her Place'?...breaking down the Facebook and Cambridge Analytica story...Why is everyone blaming Facebook when they signed away their data?...For McCabe or Against McCabe? Hour 3An Open Letter to James Madison? ...Put on leave: Rocklin High School history teacher Julianne Benzel updates us on whether schools would support pro-life walkout...#Life ...Breaking News: School shooting at Maryland high school; 2 students hurt, shooter resource officer saves the day...shot and killed shooter ...Glenn Beck Radio's...adoptive son = Pat Gray ...University of California, Berkeley releases their list of 'Microaggressions' The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'You're the Victim,' Not McCabe (Jim Caviezel &...
Hour 1 Who's the real victim here?...'the least' of Andrew McCabe's worries?...inspector general report doesn’t look good for McCabe...Once again the Democrats love the FBI ...Watching the media has been like watching a bad movie, over and over and over again ...Good news! The Women's March is losing members...Prominent attorney unleashes on Keith Ellison and the Democrats over Louis Farrakhan connections...let's stop blaming the Jews ...Canary in a coal mine ...Movie Wow: 'I Can Only Imagine' did better than expected...$17.1 million at the box office ...New theory on what's causing all the snow in D.C.? ...Lawmaker wants ‘hurtful’ General Hooker sign removed from state house in Massachusetts  ...The worst person to host a sex special on TV? ... ...Liberal law professor says McCabe should be ‘worried about prison and not a pension’ Hour 2Stanford history nerds are racist now?... Bored and self-absorbed?...will we soon have a constitutional amendment with ‘inclusion riders’? ...Author Brad Meltzer's new book ‘The Escape Artist’ is available now...a historical thriller…how a visit to Dover Air Force Base ‘humbled’ and inspired him...what he thinks of big data and the profiles we create...Facebook under fire for improper use of user information ...Lawmaker thinks D.C. snow is caused by Jews...climate ‘manipilation’?? ... ‘It was clear that this man was gay’? ...Racist technology? is facial recognition software racist? Hour 3 Winning by an impossible margin?...Russia re-elects Vladimir Putin ...Actor Jim Caviezel joins the show to discuss his role as 'Luke' in the movie ‘Paul, Apostle of Christ’ ( and Caviezel were childhood chums, kinda sorta? God works through film… ‘I was given a gift’…why ‘the path of Christ is hard’… remembering the great Billy Graham...What modern-day Christians need to know today?...'The Passion of the Christ' sequel?... is he still playing Jesus?...from ‘Hamlet’ to ‘Lethal Weapon’…Mel Gibson is the Michael Jordan of movies  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Politically Connected Bridges?' (Bill O'Reilly...
Hour 1 Here come the white farmers?...Australia set to welcome South African farmers who are being run out by racists ...We can't blame crumbling infrastructure this 'pedestrian bridge' in Florida collapses, killing six people, injuring many...Only 5 days old...the company who built the bridge is politically connected? ..."We need more Stu"? ...CA teacher put on administrative leave for questioning student gun control walk out...California's concentration camp mentality ...France's day of rest (from baking)? ...St. Patrick's parade-goers asked to stop smooching soldiers                 Hour 2Are all student protests equal? ...Who's the far-left group behind the student gun control walk outs?...National Press = National Crisis...Cable news audience crisis continues...Trump's tariff talk is just "smoke and mirrors"...Bill O'Reilly's Word-Of-The-Day? ...California teacher Julianne Benzel, who was put on administrative leave joins the show...explains why she was put on leave...the end of due process...receiving a "tremendous amount of support"  Hour 3 In Movie Theaters Today: 'I Can Only Imagine'...with Dennis Quaid (Live from the North Pole)...the story follows the life of Bart Millard, lead singer of MercyMe, who lost his father to cancer and was inspired to write the mega-hit song, 'On My Way To Heaven'...'I Can Only Imagine' a movie for the under served ...Don't let the door hit you in the behind...this famous actor is moving to Australia? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Chill Out!' (Joel Rosenberg joins Glenn) - 3/1...
Hour 1 Disney axes sexist pirates?...pathetically politically correct ...what has happened to Disney?..."they are out of their minds" ...Now we are just feeling about it? ...Offensively funny...A deaf, dumb, blind kid with cancer Cosby and Caitlyn?...territorial comedy? ...Great move Mr. President, Larry Kudlow named 'Top Economic Adviser' Hour 2 Katy Perry's kiss of death?...under fire for forced kiss ..."The Kremlin Conspiracy" with Joel Rosenberg...a great new novel that sounds like it was written last night?...leaning from fiction...NATO must get serious with sanctions on Russia...President Trump's "no soft on Putin policies" are working...however more pressure is necessary..."Putin is just a thug looking for another country to take"...Trump's 'Darkest Hour' moment? ...Ben Shapiro says, the media is using kids as "political human shields"  Hour 3The White House = Survival Island...President Trump is making "serious upgrades"..."Tremendous respect for Larry Kudlow"...Those who are 'wanting' to like President Trump? ..."Better than expected"...bold talk but no bold policies? ...Out with the old, in with the new ...Where is the wall? ...Rand Paul rips Trump over Pompeo pick ...Rock Star Team: Haley, Bolton, Pompeo ...United Airlines kills another person's pet? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Grab On To Life, It's So Worth Living' (Nick V...
Hour 1Ideology of hate...the history of 'useful idiots'...we must reject the radicals on both sides...who's behind the national school walkout? ..."Vladimir Putin is not a good guy. Period!"...Putin to UK "don't threaten a nuclear power"...What is Novichok? How does it work?..deadly agent ...President Trump talks 'space force'?...trashes California Governor Brown for his poor job performance  Hour 2 Science mourns...The most famous physicist in the world passes away...a prime example that all life is precious and has meaning? ...We are the cause of a lot of our problems...Is today the day you start over? ...This industry really wants to get self-driving cars on the road? ...Public schools around America are holding 'walk outs' in the name of gun violence...callers react?...Extra credit for participating...17 seconds of silence? Hour 3 'Be The Hands and Feet: Living Out God's Love for All His Children" with author Nick Vujicic...derailed his own suicide by the grace of God...Over 100,000 kids in America are waiting for adoption...How Christian are we?..."Stop waiting on God to do something and start doing something for God" ...People who actually have faith find meaning in good works ...Why are people tired of hearing about the gospel? ...How could God let a child be born without arms and legs? ...Democrats claim election victory in Pennsylvania and why you should care?...What does it mean to be Republican today? ...Call her Jane Doe: New Hampshire Lottery winner can stay anonymous, court says  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
'The End of The Beginning?' (Buck Sexton joins ...
Hour 1You're Fired Rex Tillerson...Mike Pompeo replaces...Names first woman to head the CIA ...British Prime Minister, Theresa May warns Russia over recent chemical attack...interesting language used?...'Unlawful use of force'...'weapons grade nerve agent' made only in Russia...Trump's personal assistant was escorted for unspecified security issue? ...Molested by the munchkins? Hour 2 A serial bomber strikes again...not ruling out as a 'hate crime'..."we have to do something, packages are killing people" ...'The End of The Beginning'...'justify your existence'...Meet Frank Stephens? ...Buck Sexton joins to discuss Rex Tillerson's firing, Russia's chemical attack in the UK and North Korea...all the options on the table? ...The torch has been lit..."Thank you Glenn" for bringing The Down Syndrome topic to the forefront Hour 3 Hillary Clinton embarrasses herself and America while in India...people are so tired of her racist rhetoric ...'Saved By a Miracle'...American Airlines customer service agent, Denise Miracle saves the day...rescues 2 teenage girls from human trafficking plot ...New Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo is expected to be much tougher on Russian? ...White women ruined it for Hillary?'s everybody else's fault ...Pat 'John Kerry' Gray to the rescue? ...Glenn and Stu fight it out over M&M's?? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Wake Up, Rise Up and Stop it!?' - 3/12/18
Hour 1 Just blame the Jews?...Russia is stoking the rage ...Nazi propaganda movie fun with Glenn ...Babies with Down Syndrome have a right to life...2011 study found that nearly 99% of people with Down syndrome over the age of 12 said they were happy with their lives ...Dreams of a 'master race'? ...Congratulation to The New York Times, "they're really on top of it" ..."Stop Complaining: Make Your Own Luck", with authors Gwen and Adam Rich....a real life story of, when life gives you lemons...make the best dang lemonade you and attitude, keys to longevity? ...Examining the psychology of 'progressive hostility' Hour 2 UK Sex ring cover up...Evil comes in every color, shape and size ...Meaningful aspects of life and purpose?...Do you want to know why our kids are shooting each other? ...The rise of 'triggered' progressives and the alarming trend?...knowing all sides of a debate...the more we learn the less we know? ...When totalitarian governments take over universities, with scholar Roger Scruton ...Are we heading back into the dark ages?...Australians, say 'Kill Climate Denies'? ...Elon Musk says, self-driving cars will takeover by the end of next year...who wants to go to Mars? Hour 3Elizabeth Warren is a science denier...refuses to take a DNA test...she is defiantly "not running for President" ...New evidence to old news...What happened when Amelia Earhart’s plane disappeared?...bones discovered on Pacific Island in 1940...Study: bones are 'likely' hers ...Deep in the bowls of Texas with Elon to Mars to start next year? ...Why A.I. scares the hell out of him?..regulation and oversight needed? ...Bizarre: OJ confesses (Hypothetically)...Charlie brought the knife? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Prove Those Naysayers Wrong' (Bill O'Reilly jo...
Hour 1 Give me (Religious or Sexual) Liberty or give me death?...President Trump's new EEOC pick is terrifying and you should be outraged...who is Chai Feldblum?...Sexual orientation rules all... ‘We should similarly not tolerate private beliefs about sexual orientation and gender identity’...Republicans won't fight this appointee ...FBI hired Best Buy's 'Geek Squad' as 'paid informants'?...our government is spying on everyone ...this is how fascist regimes start…Chilling to the bone: White farmers preparing for race war in South Africa...3rd largest political party... ‘cutting the throat out of whiteness’...Run when someone says, ‘Something’s got to be done’ Hour 2 Nobel Peace Prize in waiting?...North Korea requests direct nuclear talks with President Trump ...Bill O'Reilly...Word of the Day?...Huge victory for Trump; can North Korea behave for 6 months?...Inside President Trump’s 'playbook'?...Smoot-Hawley, Bill's favorite country singer? ...Trump likes Sessions again, but why? ...Should we be praising a president who's meeting with a terrorist?...can the situation be defused or not? Hour 3Former Russian double agent poisoned in London ….Better off not finding the truth?...Chemical weapon attack in Europe...Russian act of war?... ‘deny, deny, deny,’ but we know who did this ...should Trump meet with Kim Jong Un?... this ‘hermit kingdom’ is now a nuclear power…Stand against President Trump’s new ‘radical' EEOC appointment: Call your senators today and let your voice be heard ...The Pepsi Challenge: Fracking fluid or Roundup?...Stu would like some aspartame with his Roundup, please ...Colorado Family Accidentally Eats Cereal with 1997 Expiration…granola older than their 11-year-old daughter…Glenn has something to confess The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'The World's Your Oyster' (Ryan Holiday joins G...
Hour 1Good steps taken to allow teachers to carry and to address mental illness…but there’s a catch....New gun bill passes in Florida...the Constitution is being violently raped...'Freedom' a long-forgotten memory soon ...When Democrats Gunsplain?...what are 'heat-seeking bullets'? ...Glenn Beck listeners always do their homework...callers share what they thought about new Netflix show 'The Push'...getting the average person to murder someone in 90 minutes ... ‘disturbing and freakish’…would you give a vegetarian a meal with meat?...where do you draw the line? ...Are shows like 'The Push' morally right'?...  ‘It’s amazing how we are all influenced by others’ Hour 2 Golden arches flipped...McDonald's version of International Women's Day?...Bestselling author Ryan Holiday joins the show to talk about his insider scoop on the famous Gawker take down...Holiday's new book is ‘Conspiracy: Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, Gawker, and the Anatomy of Intrigue’…why Thiel waited patiently until he had the ‘legal ground’ to go after Gawker…media spinning this as an ‘anti-Peter Thiel book’?...who is Mr. A?...problems for the First Amendment? this kind of 'axe grinding' the way we should be going? ...Drunk shopping with Stu...Toilet light, anyone?... a couple of beers and you’ll be doing the same thing  Hour 3 What team of principles are you on?...Cato Institute’s Scott Lincicome joins to discuss the history of America's 'free trade' and why you should care...what about President Trump’s recent tariff proposals?...everyone loses in a trade war… ‘trade wars’ = nations yelling across the ocean and then turning around ‘to shoot their own citizens’…free trade advocates need to be ‘more sympathetic’ as Americans lose jobs…automation, technology, changes in consumer taste to blame….Roll your sleeves up and put your hard hat on?...'fluffing the hay'? ...Is OJ Simpson about to confess?...Glenn will watch ‘if I remember’  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Finding More Reason for Optimism?' (Jonathan B...
Hour 1Glenn tries something new?...Shares all the good news from all around the world... ‘It's Better Than It Looks’?...the numbers don't lie... ‘hunger may be eliminated in our lifetime’…eradicating all disease by 2030...we must stop feeding fear ... ‘I am so tired of being politically correct’ ... 'Black Mirror' Is Too Real? ranking will be mandatory in China…blacklisted based on your social media, online habits?...Glenn's new Netflix ‘must-watch’?...convincing an average person to murder someone in just 90 minutes...Are we sheep or are we people? Hour 2Break out the 'bomb free zone' signs?...ISIS strikes Utah high school?.. we 'refuse' to address real problems ...Finding meaning outside ourselves...with Jonathan Bock...Co-author of ‘The Way Back: How Christians Blew Our Credibility and How We Get It Back’...the fruit of the spirit is not being spread...37% of Christians who go to church say prayer isn't essential...40% rarely open the Bible ...Christians have become the fat guy at the gym who's lecturing others about good health… not living the lives we should live?... ‘The greatest threat to American Christianity is American Christians’…a ‘grand plan’ to change culture? do Christians show they’re different from the rest of society? Hour 3 Trump top economic adviser to resign?...A presidential proclamation coming ...all red, white and blue and eagles... ‘he likes conflict’…a good reason why Trump wants a staff of rivals?...understanding a little of everything from everybody ... why Glenn first sought God and found faith…thank you to Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking…If Glenn Beck and Penn Gillette ran the country? ...Feeling good, loaded with hate?...Assignment for the audience: Watch ‘The Push’ on Netflix…average people, terrifying situation, 90 minutes to murder?... ‘when it counts,’ who do we blame? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Starving for Heroes' (Brad Meltzer & Dave Rubi...
Hour 1Poor Sam exploitation at its finest ...a crazy drunken side show... ‘Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a joke’…mocking her appearance…A 'paradigm shift' is going down in California, caller Lenard explains ...Unwillingness to condemn Louis Farrakhan... ‘the powerful Jews are my enemy’... ‘white folks is going down’... ‘the Jew holds the door’…if you have to excuse someone’s ‘Jewish question,’ that’s a red flag… ...Flashback: Bill Maher Panel Debates Radical Islam…Ben Affleck condemns any criticism of when the Muslim faith is radicalized???...changes where our basic rights come from… not a ‘Creator,’ but our forefathers? Hour 2Maybe it's just an April Fool’s joke?...Thad Cochran announces he is retiring… health problems or??…Glenn was a young teen when Cochran was first elected...Author Brad Meltzer joins the show to discuss his new book ‘The Escape Artist’... ‘Unbelievable lost part of history’: Harry Houdini was once head of the Secret Service...Houdini was fascinated with death…Meltzer’s thoughts on his influence as an author… ‘So much makes us so angry today’…after disaster, we turn to leaders we admire… ‘we’re starving for heroes’… people will take Spider-man if that’s the best they can get… ‘I need to give people heroes again’ Hour 3‘How do we fix it?’…honest questions are under fire… ‘Everything is wrong right now’....'Ideas vs. People, Liberals vs. Progressives' with Dave Rubin (…growing up liberal…what changed his mind?...Rubin explains the difference between ‘classical liberals’ and the progressive left…sometimes liberals eat their own…how to stay principled when everyone is ‘going bananas’...2018, the year of unusual alliances... ‘hate speech’ doesn’t exist, according to the First Amendment…Linda Sarsour is a ‘true threat to our society’...worries and concerns of free speech with A.I?... The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
Amendments on 'Life Support' - 3/5/18
Hour 1 ‘Hey Hollywood, we don't need you anymore’...2018 Oscars = Who Cares...Life happens for us, not to us ...South African president pledges to take land from white owners…this time, without the massive problems? ...The List of Blame?...3 groups: more government, less government, competent government?...we blame the media, we blame guns...everyone except 'ourselves'... ‘Donald Trump: He’s the only one in history to unite those three people’…how many of our constitutional rights are left standing?...violated, dead or on ‘life support’… we think we’re ‘not to blame’… ‘it’s not the gun, it’s not the press, it’s you’  Hour 2Ayatollah Gun Control?... a Twitter rant in a country that banned Twitter?...using gun control talking points for ‘power and control’ ...One Pistol Packin' Mama for U.S. Senate: Angela Paxton joins the reform...for arming teachers in the classroom...Stu’s been watching the attack ads and he has a question…what's with that smile?... ‘if we lose Texas, we’re in trouble’…why we question news, headlines, social media… real or a Russian bot?...Georgia vs. Delta over the NRA…why ’13 tickets’ shouldn’t be a big deal?  Hour 3 Mueller investigation gets even more complicated…questioning George Nader over Trump campaign’s alleged UAE ties…will we ever know the full truth about the Clinton Foundation or about Trump and Russia?... It's time to get money out of politics...but how? ...Co-creators of 'Make America Dinner Again' (MADA)…post-election inspiration...getting people to come together in a respectful conversation, guided activities, and delicious food ...How the gun argument is similar to the gay marriage debate…remember when we realized gay people are just like us?... what about gun owners?...Pat is the place for Alex Jones news…YouTube: Their right to censor?.... tackling ‘online hate’? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Wars We Can't Win'? (Bill O'Reilly & Adam Foss...
Hour 1New Democrat 'gun confiscation' bill coming?...Lots of Americans are very afraid of guns right now for different reasons...trying to understand each side’s fears?...some are afraid because they don’t understand, some because they fear the gov’t...gearing up for a gun-grabbing jihad…Joy Behar of ‘The View’ on gun control is what we need?...Most politicians have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to guns ...Trade war fears rocks the stock market, up down, up down...not good ...Tariffs vs. Flashback: Joe The Plumber ...China rising… Glenn doesn’t see politics as a sport because ‘there’s too much at stake… ‘my team is the country’ Hour 2 Backfire into a bear market?...Bill O'Reilly's new pick for Secretary of Congress?...China's economic problems continue...Vladimir Putin wants to adopt Megyn Kelly?...flexes his 'scramjet' muscles?... ‘Putin is like Trump’?...he's the P.T. Barnum of Russia...P.T. Putin... ‘fine’ with changing gun purchase age to 21, with 'exceptions'... ‘President Trump would never sign a bill to ban the AR-15’... ‘the NRA must bend a bit’?...Rip Van Sessions?... ‘not cut out for attorney general’ ...What is the 'Blind Identification Database System' (BIDS)? Hour 3 George Orwell's ‘Animal Farm’ in China: Winnie the Pooh and the letter ‘n’?...we know from history that China’s leaders for life always have a good ending ...When 'zero tolerance' fails, with juvenile justice reformer Adam Foss... ‘middle ground’ is needed to stop mass shootings before they happen ... ‘The most preventable mass shooting in history’...Gov. Matt Bevin explains the 'Value of Life and Gun Control' are not mutually exclusive...he speaks from his own experience losing a child…porn and video games ...'we've become desensitized’ as a society... ‘we are broken’…list of personality disorders found in mass killers…sound familiar?...Texas teacher on leave after he films fight in classroom... ‘put the damn phone down’ The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
'Principles Over Personalities'? (David French ...
Hour 1 ‘Take the guns first, go through due process second’...Huh?...What is President Trump talking about?...he's making President Obama look like Calvin Coolidge...just appeasing Democrats? ...Senior fellow at the National Review Institute, author and constitutionalist David French joins the show to discuss President Trump’s shocking comments on big government and guns…David French reaching out to the other side?...what critics don't understand about the gun culture ... ‘to reach out,’ we must start listening…We need to start believing in each other again… ‘if we don’t have the Constitution, we have nothing’  Hour 2 Hope Hicks had enough?...Resignation a day after admitting to ‘white lies’...did she do the right thing?...President Trump tells senators they're afraid of the NRA…of all people, he calls out Pat Toomey??...he doesn’t seem to be aware of the past five years of the gun debate... ‘I like taking guns early’... President Trump is sounding more Republican today than yesterday ...Glenn talks to passionate callers about President Trump's latest comments on 'gun control'…a caller thinks we need ‘people control,’ psych exams before buying a gun?...Glenn: Here’s why 2A is the ‘strongest right’… caller reminds people what a ‘right’ is Hour 3 Trump calls out Jeff Sessions...Again!...their on-and-off rocky relationship just got rockier...Jeff Sessions = Trump’s Punching Bag…ever since he recused himself from Russia investigation ...Great News from Operation Underground Railroad and the Nazarene Fund?...the Australian people have been amazingly helpful...You can help, too: Go to and give ...Kellyanne Conway gets grilled over President Trump’s comments on ‘taking away guns’...denies he is going after the 2nd Amendment ...Trump Administration Defense: Don't listen to anything he says ...Did Charlie Brown's teacher just call in?...cases where gov’t decides who does and doesn’t have rights never end well The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
'Question With Boldness and Honesty' (Mark Wein...
Hour 1 Good guy saves the day with an AR-15...Arming Pilots Post 9/11 Worked, So Will Arming Teachers...firearm expert Chad Robichaux joins the show to discuss what an AR-15 is ... ‘The most preventable shooting’...Shooter’s neighbor ‘begged’ police to do something... ‘had no doubt he would do this’...Dick’s Sporting Goods will stop selling ‘assault-style’ weapons…what does that mean?...CEO says, ‘thoughts and prayers don't do anything’...'modern sporting rifles'...just trying to make people feel better ...We must have 'responsible policing' for our schools Hour 2 ‘Remember Michael Wolff?’…what happens when you assume…Question with boldness and honesty ... ‘Movie Nights with the Reagans’ author Mark Weinberg joins the show to discuss some the blockbuster movies of the 1980s…he watched with President Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan....'War Games,' 'Back to the Future,' '9 To 5' and 'Rocky 4,' just to name a few…President Reagan’s reaction to a certain famous scene? these movies may have influenced the administration’s decisions? ...Good News: All types of crime are down...'violent' crime is way down across the board...including school and mass shootings  Hour 3An unusual letter for Glenn…What Mass Killers Want and How to Stop Them?...Editor at The New Atlantis Ari Schulman joins to explain...rampage shooters crave the spotlight...we in the media must do everything possible to deprive them of it…dangers of ‘creating iconography’ around shootings...stop glorifying these killers ...The recent news of Jared Kushner is not news?... learn the new talking point ... ‘666 5th Avenue’?...the media's latest mantra…Pat is fired up about this…Ryan Seacrest accused, cleared, still ‘guilty’?...Hey, what about Al Gore's chakra? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
114 min
"Courage is Contagious" (Ben Shapiro, Rep. Thom...
Hour 1 Something really rotten in Broward County’…Who really dropped the ball in Florida?...let’s investigate who did and didn’t do their job...nothing but political...What could we have done legally to stop the school shooter?...Editor-In-Chief of the Daily Wire Ben Shapiro joins the show to discuss Florida shooting, school safety...passionate and newsworthy?...the media and their sickest form of demagoguery...the FBI continues to fail us...revive the enlightenment or die in darkness ...Getting schools to recognize just No. 6 (You Shall Not Murder) of the Ten Commandments ...The warnings of Nietzsche still stand true today...but no one is listening ...We've killed God in our society; how do we find consolation now?       Hour 2 Hardest-working man in the Republican Senate race?...Zero support from the 'establishment'…what about CPAC?.. defining a ‘conservative’ ‘armed society is a polite society’...lack of good fathers...when government fails, the media blames freedom ...Open Letter to American Schools...since when is ‘you shall not murder’ controversial?... ‘to remove our rights, is to remove our humanity’...It's not about a 'gun debate,’ it's about ‘control’ ... ‘I'm Glad I Got Booed’ - Mona Charen will join Glenn on TheBlazeTV tonight @ 5PM EST ...The dangers of violent video games? Hour 3‘Do we have a king, or do we elect people?’…Inherited DACA mess...The Supreme Court won’t hear President Trump’s appeal?...there are no rules for 'anything' anymore ...Rep. Thomas Massie joins the show to discuss President Trump’s budget plan and guns...we are in a 'constitutional crisis’...another Paul Ryan fail?...the mood of the country is changing on both sides...12 states have already armed teachers... CA & NY vs. The Rest of Us ...FedEx proud? ...No tax break for you? ...Time for an Alex Jones 'Deep State False Flag Alert'...everything is a conspiracy… Pat, spoons and grapefruit on ‘The News & Why It Matters’ The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min