The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
12/6/17 - "A very move"? (McKay Coppins, Ben S...
Hour 1 A very brave move...President Trump to move the American Embassy to Israel...logistically, it works, symbolically, not good ...McKay Coppins, writer for The Atlantic, joins to show to discuss President Trump’s embassy move...and VP Mike Pence's quiet role in everything...Pence's presidential aspirations going forward?...Ready to step in as President Pence and Vice President Condi Rice??...Karen Pence was 'disgusted' by Trump's 'Access Hollywood' long will Mike Pence's loyalty last?...the only Mormon on the bus?...Liking Mike more  Hour 2 Time Magazine's Person of the Year is...The silence breakers…a movement, not a ‘person’ ...power corrupts in Hollywood, in politics, in finance, etc...The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro joins the show to discuss President Trump’s brave US embassy move to Jerusalem...ramifications of this?...Ultimately, the Palestinians will not be happy... ‘One of the biggest events in my lifetime’... ‘a moral move’ ...Glenn shares his Christmas book 'wish list' medical breakthroughs that are coming...chemical analysis from your phone? ...Supreme Court Cake Wars with Kelly Shackelford...Kelly's eyewitness details and summary...more trouble for bakers and their religious wedding cakes...Justice Kennedy to be the swing vote? ...tolerance goes both ways ...decision expected by June 27, 2018  Hour 3 Calling Doctor R...Russia banned from 2018 Winter Olympics…their athletes were doped up…sent to the witness protection plan...for peeing through a wall ...Saving human slaves with The Nazarene Fund's Tim Ballard...organ market is very real...$25 million goal; can go a long way...Do your part to help now! @ ...Wait! What! Mustard on a Pop-Tart??...the company called the police…local authorities are on it….Glenn and Stu give it a try…Pat likes it! He really, really likes it! ...Numbers on a toaster? 5 dark??  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
12/5/17 - Undermining Public Faith (David Fren...
Hour 1 False socialist agenda ...the media constantly hopes for President Trump to fail...President Trump = Champion to LGBT ...Undermining public faith in the democratic process ...Please stop making everything about Donald Trump ...Kicking the can down the road ...What is the real truth on the tax bill? do the GOP really view the poor? ...Transfer of Wealth: The filthy rich are hurting the new rich....STUNNING: 44% of Americans don't pay income taxes ...More amazing rescues of Christian slaves...Please help make a difference and pledge to the  Hour 2 Something conservative is happening...President Trump should be applauded for his conservative principles thus far ...Stop Misrepresenting Masterpiece Cake Shop: With National Review senior writer David French... ‘most misrepresented case I’ve ever seen’…First Amendment case law under fire ...Adios, John Conyers ...Libertarian and candidate for US senate Austin Peterson joins the show to discuss the Supreme Court cake case and religious freedom  Hour 3 Convict congresswoman… Former Rep. Corrine Brown gets 5 years in federal prison…money for scholarships went to a lavish lifestyle... ‘Left Standing’ with author Mason Wells... ‘I think I’m very lucky’…experienced 3 different terror attacks...Boston Marathon, Paris, and Brussels... ‘through the grace of God, I am still here’...being prepared spiritually?...challenges of finding peace or being bitter...keeping a positive attitude... ‘I have forgiven’ ...Roy Moore: ‘I don't know any of these women’...Moore is still expected to win ...Here comes John Conyers Jr. ...Electing a Congress full of dead people?? ...Making C-SPAN fun to watch again ...Miserable and malaria? ...A good step in the right direction for President Trump...what we should be cheering for? ...Yum! Vanilla Latte Pop-tarts  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
12/4/17 - 'Meaningful Media' ( A.G. Riddle joi...
Hour 1 ABC suspends Brian Ross...Huge mistake that hit the stock market…Ross has done this before...President Trump threatens lawsuit...attempting to make journalism 'trustworthy' again ...Will President Trump be deposed on sexual harassment charges? ...Glenn thinks there is indeed 'meaningful' change in the media; however, it just doesn't last very long ...Dianne Feinstein threatens impeachment...'obstruction of justice'?...President Trump’s legal team has some major issues...the president needs to dump the strip mall lawyers and get some good ones ...Bitcointakes a weekend dip...thanks to threats from Europe ...Move over, Bitcoin, the 'CryptoKitties' are here...New digital pets?? ...Stu experiences a 'Beanie Baby' flashback ...More 'fail' from the city of Detroit...A new Renaissance is coming?? Hour 2 Stand by...the Trump tax cuts could boost the economy in a big way?? ...In a world where we base things on how 'we look' ...Roy Moore’s days in the Outback...he once escaped to the Australian wilderness, where he was considered ‘a good bloke but sucked at tennis’ ...ISIS is losing and Christians are being rescued thanks to donate today! ...Flashback to 2011: Tickle fights and 'bull crap' ...Glenn's new book recommendation: 'Painfully Rich' Hour 3 Promises Michael Flynn made to the FBI? ...By 2050, humans will be the thing of the past...not necessary a bad thing...we are merging with technology as we know it...The Extinction Files: 'Genome' author A.G. Riddle joins the show to discuss a future world of human and robot interaction ...Why does worrying about the future even matter?...You're not going to stop it...How do we prepare and educate our children for what is coming?...just going to college won't help ... ‘We all need each other’ ...Have you listened to 'Pat Gray Unleashed' yet?...Check it out at The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
12/1/17 - Involuntary manslaughter, denied! (Ca...
Hour 1 ‘Just an accident’...Kate Steinle's killer acquitted of murder...Unbelievable...1 Charge: Illegal possession of a firearm...where's the 'involuntary manslaughter'? ...New Disney animated TV series says that being a princess is a 'state of mind' ...Tax Vote: Always be suspicious when John McCain is on your side...will it pass? ...Update: Michael Flynn has been CHARGED by the FBI...many more charges coming ...Glenn has finally found the truck of his dreams...Randall Robertson from RTech Fabrications fills us in on the details of the truck...'The Duke' = $300,000 ...Opioids and meth are devastating rural America; ‘epidemic’ is right...similar to the crack crisis of the ’80s  Hour 2 The US economy is growing ...strongest in 3's been a good month for President Trump…and yet he keeps tweeting ...Bill O'Reilly Friday...Bill does 'most of the talking’…Glenn has the sniffles?...the Kate Steinle verdict = Unbelievable!...laying the blame where it belongs...Michael Flynn has some big problems...Al Franken is ‘done’...Bill despises Al... ‘Roy Moore is going to win’...Will the Senate bushwhack Roy Moore?...Bill's BIG prediction for 2018 ...Mental movies? Hour 3Don't trust the penis??...Michigan AG candidate has bizarre campaign ad...'It's Time to Man Up' with Carly Fiorina...she joins Glenn to discuss men's behavior in the workplace…it comes down to ‘abuse of power,’ not gender...Most/Majority of men are good and decent...Not surprised by the names of men accused...playing the 'vagina card'?? ...#TBT rampant sexism in the 2016 election...Is Mike Flynn getting prepared to testify against President Trump?...saving his own butt ...What is the 'Deep State'? Find out at The Blaze/  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
11/30/17 - Chipping away our freedoms (Ajit Pai...
Hour 1 Details of Lauer’s inappropriate behavior...had a 'secret door button'...Locked and trapped in...does that make Lauer guilty?...Security to guard against sexual assault allegations?? ...GB radio producer who once worked for Matt Lauer shares her experience being around him…is sexual misconduct everywhere?...yes ...Has Rep John Conyers been fired yet?...the 5th Franken accuser comes forward... ‘intention doesn't matter’… progressives painting themselves into a corner...Flashback to 1994: Garrison Keillor’s odd view on 'sexual harassment'  Hour 2Satire or serious?...Would Jesus approve of pricey MAGA Christmas hats? ...FCC Chairman Ajit Pai joins to discuss 'repealing' net neutrality...reacts to the outrageous threats that have been made to him and his family...concerned with the rise of 'some' corporations... ‘let the market decide and not the government’...regulation kills...learning from the FCC's past ...Help Glenn raise $25 million to help free people from ...Middle-class tax cuts with Sen. Mike Lee...He calls into the show to discuss his newest tax cut 'proposal' before the Senate’s big vote.... ‘it's gonna pass because it has to pass’ comes the John McCain road block?...this is Lee’s nightmare Hour 3 Data Entry Failure...The US Air Force dropping in the ball on enforcing 'current' gun laws… negligence allowed church shooter to buy a gun... Chipping away all of our constitutional freedoms ...'Race, Justice, and Legitimacy in America' with Adam Foss...a fierce advocate for criminal justice reform ...We have the best system in the world, but it still sucks...accounting for accountability?...Mass incarceration is a problem ...Guys! Quit sexting pics of your 'junk' to women...they don't like it!  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
11/29/17 - Another One Bites the Dust?
​Hour 1Sad day for NBC News...Now it's Matt Lauer...Report: He was terminated for sexual assault during the Olympics...innocent until...hard evidence or he admitted it?...Flashback: Matt Lauer challenged Bill O'Reilly over sexual harassment allegations... ‘you don't let your #1 guy go’ ...Slip ‘n’ Slides Slopes?? ...The left are eating their own...have they gone a bit too far?? ...Prominent NY Times reporter suspended for kissing a woman's 'ear' ...Is it cheating or sexual assault? Hour 2Bitcoin madness continues...Record all-time highs 10-11K...thousands of millionaires are being made…Early Bitcoin 'miners': Where are they now?...Bubble?...when to sell?? ...The world’s richest in Bitcoin ...BLM wants to bring down 'white' capitalism ...Stu wants his constitutional right to aspartame protected ...The collapse has begun? ...Bitcoin backed by Unicorns??  Hour 3Another day, more harassment ...more accusations by the end of this sentence, probably…Rand Paul finally speaks after being assaulted by his neighbor...his bottom line to all of this?...Too many unanswered questions…why don’t we have a motive for the Las Vegas shooter yet?... ... ‘With Republicans like this, who needs Democrats’ ...Tax cuts on the homestretch...cuts could be huge for most Americans ...He's Baaack!...and hasn't been accused of sexual harassment...Jeffy's mom would not be happy about the Matt Lauer news...Who's next??...'Mr. Pooped In His Pants': Al Roker? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
11/28/17 - Wondrous Acts of Journalism? (Steve...
Hour 1Great news: Keith Olbermann retires ... a ‘severe gut punch’ …Does he know something we don't? ...WaPo turns tables on O'Keefe...acts of journalism...massive 'failed attempt'...Project Veritas....about 'winning' and not 'truth'? ...Stu's favorite TV show has just been 'royally' ruined? …he hasn’t been this triggered since Coke Zero...Fighting for Christmas with Lee Sepanek...30 years of holiday decoration lights going dark? ...Glenn wants a 'Decorated, Bubble-Wrapped Christmas Tree’ ...BIG news from the inventor of Bitcoin? Hour 2 The mainstream media didn't care...Puerto Rico was supposed to be Trump’s Katrina moment...Media Hypocrisy on a High Horse… WaPo reports on media bias...President Trump's tax cuts to save the day??...'Revenue neutral': What the heck does it mean? ...Where are the spending cuts??...block chaining by next election?...Baby car seat rant! Baby car seat rant!...couldn’t the free market give us a better solution?...Cryptocurrency Bitcoin is all the rage, but when will the government try to stop it? ...Bitcoin, the machine that can't be stopped ...It's time to 'Man Up' Hour 3Net neutrality benefits Google and only Google, not you ... ‘This Dangerous Book’ with Steve and Jackie Green...President of Hobby Lobby and wife discuss the reactions to their 'Museum of the Bible' in Washington, DC...Many people of faith are suffering ...Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show = Objectifying Women?? ...President Trump Honors (Insults) Native Americans ...Is 'Pocahontas' a racial slur? ...What is 'The Deep State'? Find out tonight on ...Flashback to 2014: Glenn defines life with Google's Eric Schmidt  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
11/27/17 - "So Much Wasted Time"
Hour 1  ‘No, you cannot print bitcoins’ ...The Average Joe and Bitcoin ...Callers share their bitcoin success stories (so far) ...In The Red: Average American Household ...Ligament positives in the corporate tax cuts ...Do you know how much money Elon Musk spends on a daily basis?...Elonbankrupt?? ...Tofurky vs. Worthington’s Loaf: Stu recounts his (disgusting) Thanksgiving meal; greenish, bluish, and gray? ...America loses another entertainment icon...his profound final words? ...MORE GOOD NEWS: Protecting and relocating persecuted Christians is happening right now....please donate to help at ...Black Friday Gun Sales Skyrocket  Hour 2 6,000 slaves, 2,500 children in 2018  ...Life-changing bravery...serious dent in illegal trafficking ...Glenn has never grabbed a butt, BUT has had his butt grabbed by women (he thinks)?? ... ‘I can't say I haven't’ - Al Franken…why would you grope someone while getting a picture of the encounter? ...Defining what 'sexual harassment' means to millennials? ...the generation gap when it comes to sexual harassment definitions…Oh, by the way, Glenn read 3 novels over Thanksgiving vacation ...Taking action and not just talking...doing our part Hour 3 Beware: Hugging relatives...conversation about ‘consent’?...Girl Scouts urges parents to not force kids to hug relatives during holidays...Just stick to selling changes ...Nancy Pelosi faces Rep. Conyers backlash...says he's a 'icon' ...Flynn and Trump make a deal?? ...What's Glenn reading?...3 books during the break…'Collusion'... ‘perspective before I go down this road’...time to research; don't leave any stone unturned ...'Doping' armadillos, the 'soft' and 'hairy' ones ...Who knew Charlie Rose was such a pervert...Less 'empowering' for women The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
11/24/17 - We Believe in Capitalism and Free Ma...
Around 235 dead in a mosque shooting in Egypt. All this happened this morning. We take your calls in order to promote your business. Make sure you follow@DocThompsonShow on twitter and use the hashtag #buildingamerica just in case you need a reminder or missed some of the businesses that we promoted this morning. Here are some links to just a few of the companies we had on / / /  / / / / /  / / / / / / / / / / /
110 min
11/22/17 - We Don't Think Big (Chef Patrick Mos...
Hour 1 Uber is hiding something from you… Hackers got access to Uber’s database more than a year ago and didn’t say anything about it… driver’s license info stolen in the hack…Uber paid other hackers to cover up the breach... The Veterans Administration is still in crisis... Another IG report shows the fails in the VA… Shawn Askinosie, author of Meaningful Work’ and founder of Askinosie Chocolate joins the show… There are more than two presidential candidates… ‘I don’t support progressive Republicans’   Hour 2: Bitcoin has been in the mainstream media more and more now… We have Erik Finman join the show to talk about Bitcoin, where it’s going, and when you should buy…a millionaire teenager… We don’t think big… If you are a veteran who needs help, call this hotline: 1-855-948-2311… Chef Patrick joins the show today… What sounds good for Thanksgiving?...looking at side dish trends around the country… mac ‘n’ cheese or mashed potatoes?   Hour 3: Most people on the left want good stuff for people; they’re just a bit misguided… Does a chef cook for the holidays?... What do people search for by state for Thanksgiving?...these 3 states are making monkey bread... Adult coloring books?... Don’t forget to call in Friday to promote your business… If you don’t get in, use the hashtags #WhatILearnedToday and #BuildingAmerica on Twitter… Chef Patrick, infamous hater of bacon?...Would you make a bacon-wrapped turkey?...Doc wants to go for it The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio  
107 min
11/21/17 - The Whole System Is at Risk
Hour 1 Those who suffered from the government are now getting justice… Tom Z.  gives us information on the settlement… All suits are coming to a conclusion… Lois Lerner wants IRS to keep this quiet…  An email was sent to the White House… The government started to target certain people if they thought they were part of the Tea Party… Conspiracy between multiple branches of the government.   Hour 2: Michael Sonnenfeldt joins the show today … founder of Tiger 21 talks business… The only thing that is going to save us are new entrepreneurs… The death rate of companies has been more than the birth rate of companies… Entrepreneurs and investors are two different people… Either PBS or CBS includes Viagra because Charlie Rose is the next person to be accused of sexual harassment… The allegations are pretty awful… Recognize the difference between allegations and proof.   Hour 3: Judge stopped Trump’s executive order on sanctuary cities… It is okay for even one illegal to get away with murder?... Liberals are fighting to keep illegal immigrants here in America but are trying to keep guns away from us?... More to do to protect the public against guns… How to deal with a dying dog… What do you do when doggy care is costing you too much money?... Free time to promote your business this Friday.  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
106 min
11/20/17 - 'Being Thankful for What We Have'
Hour 1 Witch hunt update… Going after everyone for no reason?... NY governor accused of ignoring sexual abuse in the office… Al Franken won’t resign… He will be ‘reflecting’… The difference between sexual harassment and assault… Joe Biden and Lady Gaga release a PSA about sexual harassment… Most of this is done for political agenda?... CBS trying to take heat off Al Franken… Similarities between Moore and Clinton… Being thankful for what we have… Defending Al Franken. Hour 2: I will not vote for you if you cannot keep your candidates on track… Bill O’Neill brags about his sexual history in bizarre Facebook post… He defends Al Franken and ‘heterosexual males’… Lena Dunham is another hypocrite after saying women don’t lie about rape… It seems like men should not be believed when it comes to sexual assault… Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand from New York was asked about Bill Clinton’s sexual scandal… Bernie Sanders then responds to Sen. Gillibrand’s comment on Bill… If you like being outdoors, it’s because you’re white… Hiking is so expensive that only white people can afford it… Being outdoors is ‘unsafe’ for those who are not white. Hour 3: They look the other way when you are on the team… Apple diversity VP Denise Young Smith is stepping down… Build a strong country… Only people of color can come from broken homes?... Second woman speaks out about Al Franken, says he groped her… Dr. Martens shoes ad yells white supremacy?… Black and Red: The white supremacy colors?... If you would like to help, visit the Mercury One website (  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
106 min
11/17/17 - "Nothing but a game and a show"? ( R...
Hour 1Let's get real tax reform really happening?... ‘more revenue’ = new taxes…Ultimate goal is for Obamacare to fail...nothing is really changing...Glenn's message to the Senate ...Elon Musk unveils his new toy for the masses...0 to 60 MPH in just 1.9 seconds...'Plaid speed' ...Google Smoogle...busy reference librarians…how to make a guillotine?? ...Congressman Matt Gaetz joins Glenn to discuss his call for a 'special counsel' to investigate Uranium One...many different tentacles to investigate...who is guilty as hell here? ...We're so busy fighting with each other...meanwhile the Russians are gaining power  Hour 2 Grim Reaper has arrived… good riddance to one of America’s most infamous mass murderers ...Bill O'Reilly Friday: Domestic abusers center enforcement has 'limited' authority to deal with mental illness...Gun control is never gonna solve problems... ‘What's an AR?’...Uranium One: It's not just about the Clintons...Stop making this about Clinton and Trump; it's both parties... ‘Hey Glenn what's your ethnicity?’...Just a few votes away from speaking German? ...Pet cat saves the day for a family in Long Island, but Glenn is very, very, skeptical...Cats just don't care!  Hour 3 Al Franken 'ethics' 101? ...Remember when Glenn ran into Al Franken at an Iowa airport ...Hung Jury: Sen. Bob Menendez makes a veiled threat to his enemies ...19-year-old model sells her virginity for $2.9 million...guess who's buying? ...Breaking down the 'individual mandate'...$500 rebate coming ...It's been a while, but it's time for some ‘Jeffy bashing’ ...Pondering what to talk to Chuck Norris about?...Meet Chuck Norris at the your tickets now! ...Pat Gray News Flash: Al Franken is a douche ... ‘Keep George H.W. Bush away from butts’...another accuser speaks out ...Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) denies sexually assaulting a 16 year-old in 1986 The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
11/16/17 - 'Creditably' Death Spiral ( Harry D...
Hour 1 Another disturbing story…The Roy Moore death spiral ...Who has any credibility anymore?... Resist this instinct?...where's the giant tax cut we were promised?...President Trump's DOD nominee thinks it's ‘insane’ for civilians to buy these? ...Believe it or not: CNN grills Gloria Allred over Roy Moore's accuser's yearbook...3 new accusers don't fit the pattern...Culture in the south was different in the ‘60s and ‘70s...Roy Moore's bizarre attorney... ‘so where's he going with this?’ ...Flashback 1999: Dan Rather just wanted Bill Clinton's sex allegations to ‘go away’ ...non-political conversations are almost impossible Hour 2 Ethical dilemmas with having children?...NBC think piece says your kids are destroying the are bad for your environment ...'Zero Hour' with Harry Dent: How to survive the next coming global crash...'ominous signals,' warning signs ...'The Hindenburg Omen' tracker....right now everyone is currently getting a 'free lunch' (quantitative easing)... ‘We need a bottom-up economy’...Socialism is popular now thanks to our government ...Example: Italy...People are just not having kids...too expensive to have a family... ‘we are not in a growth cycle’ could go down 40% in just a few months?...where are the safe havens? ...Are you prepared? Take this quiz and find out?...What items are you lacking?...Stocked up on shoes and feminine products?? ...Uh-oh, Al Franken has just been accused of groping a woman  ...Mike Lee may be the last man standing Hour 3 Small margin of error...for the GOP tax (scam)?...We love to hate successful people...with hot wives?? ...Will Al Franken survive? ...Help, Bid and Win at the 'Mercury One M1 Ball': Get your tickets NOW at ...Electric car company claims huge breakthrough in the future of solid state batteries...this could change everything, again! ...Real or Fake?: Long lost Da Vinci painting sells for $450 Million ...A predator’s pattern The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
11/15/17 - Priorities Off Kilter? (Steve Dease...
Hour 1 The individual mandate is unconstitutional...'Repeal' is coming?...right direction ...6.5 million paid the penalty ...Our priorities are off kilter ...CNN is finally reporting on human slavery ...Glenn addresses the Sean Hannity boycott: ‘It's the same thing they did to me’...Dangerous media pressure has us heading for disaster...should people accused not be allowed to respond?...we better stick with 'innocent until proven guilty' ...Americans wanted bully politics ...We must stop the silencing ...'My Roy Moore Endorsement' with author Steve Deace...joins to the show to 'thoughtfully' analyze the Roy Moore allegations ...Roy Moore’s 'life resume' is outstanding...'either he's the greatest liar' or 'a legalistic moral guy'  Hour 2 ‘How many hits?’…RNC cuts off Moore...but he's not dropping out ...Author of 'Martyr's Oath' Johnnie Moore joins the show...saving persecuted Christians in the Middle East...defending families from ISIS terrorists...Early American faith, Bibles in every home ...Hey Stu shut up about your iPhone ...well, that sums up America…Big exciting news from Glenn... future in broadcasting...teaching about the future ...'Happy Face' Netflix special with Ryan Hamilton… ‘My crops are fine’… Hour 3 This is not a military takeover... As Zimbabwe military takes over country ...navigating through a world with no 'due process'...Slam poet Theo E.J. Wilson (Lucifury) joins the show to find some 'common' ground...Men or Man responsibility? ...not all men are the very cautious of 'witch hunts' ...Glenn couldn't agree more with this sports analyst?...truth speak ...Still time to get your tickets to the ball, ...Just in time for Ramadan, it's 'Hijab Barbie' ...Comfort Pigs on a Plane? ...WARNING: Human memory brain implants coming soon  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
11/14/17 - 'Driving' to extinction ( Bob Lutz ...
Hour 1  At least 5 women now... There are more important things then just winning ...Gloria Allred = Al Sharpton... ‘she is awful’...reduces credibility...Accuser speaks out; Moore says he doesn’t know her ...Denouncing Roy Moore list grows...Mike Lee, Ted Cruz ...'The History of Antifa'...learn more about the roots of this radical group tonight on The ...$375 Antifa jackets available at Barney’s ...USA Today knows more about firearms than you do...Glenn goes to range with his new 'chainsaw bayonet'?? ...Jeffy is back!...and 'winning'??...A vote for Jeffy is a vote for ...Transracial: White man claims to be Filipino...Uh-oh: Glenn thinks he's Chinese  Hour 2 *Why doesn't the media care about Rand Paul beating? ...Driving to extinction with former General Motors executive Bob Lutz...Human-driven vehicles will be extinct by 2025...'Transportation companies' will take over...What does the car of the future look like?...a revolution in vehicle autonomy...'mapping potholes'...120 mph speed limits coming soon...the status on the 'flying car'...more like flying 'modules'...Eliminating risky behavior behind the brands won't matter...more 'efficient' transportation coming...'virtual' travel...Be prepared for a gradual change ...ELO is back! US Tour coming 2018 Hour 3*(Drum roll) 'GQ's Citizen of the Year' is?...Mediate columnist John Ziegler joins the show to discuss 'standards' of accusations...i.e. Roy Moore...Scary Media: Proof of assault 40 years later??...The media's 'completion percentage' is better than Colin Kaepernick’s...the rules we are creating could become very dangerous ...Check! Check! Check!...Forces of political correctness are destroying all of us ...Welcome back Michael Bublé ...Until the left goes after Bill Clinton, they have ZERO credibility ...Flashback: Juanita Broaddrick ...Win a New GMC Truck at The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
113 min
11/13/17 - "I want your sex" (Cathy Young join...
Hour 1 They’re not fooling anyone...Veterans boycott the NFL ...Ratings continue to plunge...pandemonium continues ...Here's the two most important parts to the Roy Moore story...Sean Hannity gives Moore a tough interview...continues to deny...very little evidence and proof...are there photos??...Alabama in the 1970s = Different World...if you're an axe murder never 39 mph?? ...Actor George Takei admits to groping people?...laughs it off ...The genius of 'Howard Stern,' The King of All 'Interviewers' ...Buy your Mercury M1-Ball tickets now at MercuryOne.Org.  Hour 2Google wants to control EVERYTHING...YouTube finally bans all video from extremists clerics; meanwhile, PragerU videos are still banned....The Left’s fears are familiar to The Right’s... Comedian Sarah Silverman says she considered stock piling food and weapons after election of Donald Trump...attempts to take responsibility ...Fearing President ‘just do it' Trump ... ‘I won't regulate you; don't regulate me’ ...We are living under the oldest Congress ever...SNL mocks Democrats ...Joe Biden 2020?? ...SUCCESS!: has rescued more people from slavery...Be a part of something that matters: Help stop human sex trafficking ...The big problem with Louis CK's apology? ...Boy have times changed… Stu reads George Michael lyrics circa 1987 Hour 3 A world with no secrets...We're losing our liberties by the second...'Weinsteining' with LA Times writer Cathy Young...Generation Demonize...finding balance while investigating sexual misconduct allegations...Amazon's Roy Price was wronged?...Women know how to play the flirt game too…perpetual victims ...A driving reality...By 2030 it will be illegal to drive a car??...Going where no man has gone before?...Like dolphins stuck in a tuna trap?? ...Media Matters attacks again! ...'Burden of proof' for the accused?...'super' religious  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio
112 min
11/10/17 - "Gross and Perplexing" (Star Parker...
Hour 1 What's going with Rand Paul?...attacker pleads 'not guilty' ...A Charles Sumner moment? ...Another Hollywood super star is accused of sexual misconduct? are being destroyed...Both men and women need to learn how to treat each other...Creepy and possibly illegal ...US Senator Roy Moore in hot water over underage sex allegations...the media feasts...'Guilty until proven innocent', the new norm? ...Steve Bannon and his inconsistencies (conspiracies) ...No Spoiler Alert!: Glenn's least desired 'to see' movie of the week?  Hour 2 Pedophile or Persecutor? ...We are at the threshold of a new world ...2027 be nothing like 2017...Our world needs 'deeper' conversations ...Glenn tells the fascinating story of 1900's silent movie star, Roscoe 'Fatty' Hollywood and the press destroyed him after being wrongfully accused of rape and murder...Fearing the 'Lynch mobs' ...Expose, Empower, Educate with Amit Deri ( the show to encourage conservative groups of all kinds to speak out at all college universities Hour 3 Gross and perplexing?...solo such thing as a polite society anymore ...Activist and best selling author Star Parker joins Glenn to discuss her recent testimony in front of congress, how abortion, like slavery is a crime against humanity...corporate welfare is a joke ...Help fight poverty today at ...Pat Gray reads Senator Roy Moore ...Peoples pasts are coming back to haunt them ...Meet Glenn's new pet armadillo? The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
114 min
11/9/17 - 'Easier than buying baby blankets'? ...
Hour 1 *Excuse me while I scream at the sky...'collective scream'...thousands gather to protest President Trump’s 1-year anniversary ...Watch out: Glenn's got guns...AR-Chainsaw??...shoot and chop...What in the heck… 'The Glenn Beck Chainsaw Adapter'...NOT On sale for $59.99 ...Easier than buying baby blankets? ...'Tactical Butcher Knife Chainsaw' needed??...Creating unsafe spaces Hour 2Who is the author of your life?...throwing gasoline on the racial debate...Air Force academy prep-school rebuke...expelled for writing racial slurs ...Bill O'Reilly joins the show on Thursday...not available Friday, Bill will be ‘frightening people abroad’...There is a growing movement to demonize America: Thanks, NAACP ...President Trump considers reversing Obama's rules on Cuba...Bill O'Reilly's elevator ride with Kanye West? ...The Democrat Party is in a full-fledged civil war...American's dislike for both parties...President Trump HAS to pass tax reform...Give Trump a chance...Unleashing corporate America = growth...Donna Brazile is telling the truth about Hillary...'Loons' like Nancy 'Perks' Pelosi Hour 3*Serious acts of desperation...The Democrat Party is crumbling...US Rep. Al Green calls for President Trump’s impeachment…again...Is Donna Brazile just Team Bernie?...Former WNBA player Camille LeNoir (, joins the show to discuss how she was denied a job for no longer being gay...qualifying sexually ...Study: Opioids No Better Than Tylenol ...One tank of Nitrous Oxide please!?? ...Glenn's coming out as 'Q'? ... figuring out all the letters…Watch the ALL NEW tonight!  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
114 min
11/8/17 - Blue Gets Bluer, Red Gets Redder (Im...
​Hour 1 And the pendulum swings in Virginia...Republicans get pounded by Democrats on election becoming more red, blue becoming more blue…where have the moderates gone?...making it about ‘what we are for, not just what we are against?’...Purplish leaning blue ...Trump effect vs. GOP effect ...NYC Mosaics are filled with extremists ...DNC Party 'hack' Donna Brazile cuts ties with Hillary and Obama, shifts left, all in with Bernie ...UPDATE: Rand Paul's road to recovery after altercation with neighbor ...Bitcoin continues its now or regret later? Hour 2 Happy Anniversary, America...President Trump 1 year later...most impressive accomplishments thus far?...numbers don't lie, and that's good for America...good things are happening...ISIS has been destroyed...Hillary lost for the last time ...Trump backlash coming in 2020 ...Timeless wisdom from Justice Clarence Thomas ...What is God's greatest gift to man? ...Our 'time' is limited ...My way or no way does not work ...Hulu show hinted years ago that Kevin Spacey was known to be a serial predator in Hollywood ...Come meet Glenn and Stu at the 'Mercury One M1- Ball'… tickets available now at  Hour 3The warning signs were there for the Texas gunman… military failure...punching babies and women...5 background checks passed; how??? ...Glenn speaks with Imam Tawhidi, who warned NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio about terror hotbeds, potential attacks, but was ignored … ‘they are trying to silence me’...All moderate Muslims must stand up to terrorism ... NAACP vs. 'racist' National Anthem ...Leftist teacher confronts student in tense political debate...student cleans teacher’s clock with facts ...President Trump holds all the cards with China...Trump may be on track with North Korea...Very 'Reaganesque'  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
112 min
11/7/17 - Bitten by the 'Fame bug'
Hour 1 Just a man filled with hate ...Air Force dropped the ball...Church and shooter connections...threatening texts...domestic dispute...preached atheism... ‘not surprised this happened’ ...What really happened to Sen. Rand Paul?...mystery dispute??...neighbor attacked over grass clippings?...something seems to be missing here...looks to be politically motivated? ...Las Vegas shooter was motivated by fame...'fame bug'...'Love' is the only thing that conquers Evil ...River Oaks Church Pastor Paul Buford joins the show...neighbor to Sutherland Springs church...blaming does no good...Prayers absolutely help...You can help at ...War on Christianity rages on…why attack what brings people peace? ...Opiates of the Masses?... ‘You ought to give it a try’ Hour 2*War drums are beating loudly...the Arab and Persian 'cold war' heats up ... ‘a fundamental transformation is under way in the Middle East’ ...Iran wants a caliphate...Iran seems to be winning...Skyrocketing gas prices coming soon ..'.A Black Man Goes Undercover in the Alt-Right'...Ted Talk speaker and slam poet Theo E.J. Wilson aka @Lucifury joins the show...more tragedy of racism is coming...Dangers of the echo chamber...picking through the #'s and organizations...beneath all the hate there is 'historical trauma''s not a white or black thing; it's a human thing ...We all must get out of our 'comfort zones' Hour 3 Small-town hero with a gun risked his own safety to help ...Stonewall Glenn and his problem with bamboo ...Lebanon declares war on Saudi crickets ...4th-degree assault of Sen. Rand Paul...attacked by hardcore leftist neighbor ...Indigenous grass from Connecticut? ...Open hostility to people of faith ...'No thoughts, no prayers' doesn't work either ...Sexist hypocrisy and the 2018 Fireman Beefcake Calendar...a world of making objects out of men Ronan Farrow report...Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies 
115 min
11/6/17 - 'More weeping, more mourning' (Greg ...
Hour 1 Good morning, America, there's been another church shooting ...A time to weep and a time to mourn ...Texas Gov. Greg Abbott joins the show...a tragedy in a small community...Flags at half details...lots of mourning and grieving...through all of this there is still hope...shooter was denied concealed carry...ex-wife and in-laws were church members? ...Witness at church shooting joins to the show to describe what she saw and how the community is coping ...President Trump visits Japan; non-stop criticism from media ensues Hour 2What's going on in Saudi Arabia?...doesn't look good ...Iran has gained a lot of power in the region ...Saudi prince arrested...This ends with more conflict for the Middle East... Armageddon? ...Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton shares what he knows about the church shooting in Sutherland, Texas...the solution is prevention and being prepared to act, not more gun laws...Gunman's goal was to kill armed Texas hero prevented the attacker from killing even more people ...Technology: The good and bad in crime fighting ...A competition of mass murder Hour 3 Help support the First Baptist Church Community in Sutherland Springs, Texas now! David criticized for SNL holocaust jokes...Struggling and not funny... ‘If you don't like it turn it off’ ...Armed hero helps in wake of Texas church shooting ...Flashback to 911 audio with Marcus Luttrell ...CNN's Chris Cuomo's shocking comments? ...Sen. Rand Paul physically attacked by neighbor...just released from hospital with 5 broken ribs The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
11/3/17 - "Let them eat empanadas!" (Bill O'Re...
Hour 1*God is indeed great!! ...When will the media ever get it?? ...Michelle Obama says men are 'entitled,' self righteous...current society is too hard on boys?...pushing girls to be perfect ...Empanada! Empanada! ...Raising children can be culturally different...The youngest babies rule...Husband vs. Wife...Tough talk (love) from caller Kevin in Tennessee… was Michelle simply addressing a niche audience? Hour 2 The DNC is imploding right before our eyes ... ‘Take Your Country Back!’ @ ...Hillary's super delegates bribery...Fusion GPS: Completely bogus and fabricated...getting the truth from the media ‘is impossible’...Massive media group think is under way... ‘dare to be fare’...blinded by our hatred...Kathy Griffin now says she feels 'targeted'...Americans justify everything ...Media's goal: To embarrass President Trump...The Bill O'Reilly, President Obama event that never happened?...Give tax cuts a chance ...Tax cuts purely political move ...Hint, hint, hint, SHUT UP!! Zzz?? ...Selling your soul to help get Trump elected? Hour 3‘Is this the best we've got?’...Will a truly innovative tax plan ever happen? ...Dems would give us ‘innovation’ but is that what we want?...Helping real people in the middle...Corporate tax rate cuts could be huge for American workers ...Liz Warren says Hillary Clinton 'rigged' the DNC primaries? ...The Super Delegate Rule...what's it mean?...Flashback: President Reagan ...Female lawmakers allege harassment by colleges in House...5 new reports ...Wait what!? Someone harassed Sen. Barbara Boxer?? ...Has Glenn been thinking about 'Pat' while in the shower?? ...Since when is 'ogling' bad? ...Culture corrosion ...Airlines to start weighing passengers...Egg McMuffin Madness The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
11/2/17 - How To Invest in Bitcoin? (Vince Ous...
Hour 1In the name of ISIS ...Terror alert ...Imam warned NYC Mayor De Blasio of terror attack ... terror breeding centers in NYC? ...The Bubba Effect in full effect ...We are not getting anything done ...More bad news for cats...and humans ...Puppies always win ...Most Americans cannot remember bad times ...The horse and buggy business went bust too ...Teenage suicide rate continues to skyrocket: Why? ...Ray Kurzweil (Mr. Fascinating) ...predicting the future is possible....The human race as we know it is over by 2025?  Hour 2America's real 'first responders' are 'us' ...Good news: The House releases its tax plan...phasing out 'corporate taxes' helps create jobs...more retirement incentive...factory work is over...home ownership is going down...middle class may take a big hit ...SHOCK Poll: Millennials Prefer Socialism To Capitalism...capitalism to many seems mean-spirited ...Watch Glenn tonight … educating us about the roots of 'Socialism, The Big Lie'...Only on ...Betting on bitcoin...Have you invested in bitcoin yet? Hour 3Heartbreaking details on Manhattan attack victims…More terrorist attacks are coming...The first step to stopping it? ...The last witness: Bodyguard who found Hitler's dead body...conspiracy all around ...'Abortionists: The Four-Letter Word They Hate' with radio caller and fan Vince Ousley ...Bitcoin = Fun Money...The appeal of Swiss banks in the mountains ... ‘the estate tax is immoral’ ...Dear ISIS diary... ...Baseball’s great experiment...Houston Astros’ World Series win was predicted   The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min
11/01/17 - 'Enough is Enough' (Tristan Harris ...
Hour 1 He wanted ‘suicide by cop’ in NYC …terrorist only stopped because he hit a school bus ...It's a different world... the new norm for our kids...attacks will be more frequent era in Islamic terrorism ...a new era of hate ...Enough is enough ...Stop excusing things on your own side...take beam out of your own eye first ...Win a brand new truck, hear Aaron Watson live, meet Chuck Norris...Buy your tickets now! at delay tax reform once again ...Russia has better tax reform ...Deadliest terrorist in NYC since 9/11? ...Why Google, Apple and Facebook are suddenly worried about Russia  Hour 2Stop the nonsense and focus on what matters most ...Glenn just finished the Dan Brown book 'Origin'...AI and disproving God...getting past the religious bashing...the robots are coming for our jobs… here are the terrifying numbers...Social media is changing us ...Bitcoin is up 500% in 2017...Global owners are rising...Bitcoin impact means ‘a totally different world’...Bitcoin is AT&T in 1890...there is always a risk...That bitcoin pizza never tasted better ...Stu vs. Chris Cuomo   Hour 3Peace Cross under fire ...Former Google design ethicist Tristan Harris joins to discuss Russian propaganda and Facebook ... ‘It's impossible’ to vet 5 million advertisers on Facebook ...The art of capturing attention ...More popular than the Bible? ...How bots and fake accounts work ...Business plans that are dividing society ...Where can one buy bitcoin?? ...Regulation on the internet is coming ...Literally dancing with the dead...the return of the Black Plague?? ...being anti-antibiotics ...Add another to the list: Dustin Hoffman is being accused of sexual harassment ... SHOCKER: Kevin Spacey is gay ...the 'House of Cards' reality ...Halloween candy: The good, the bad, the gross  The Glenn Beck Program with Glenn Beck and Stu Burguiere, Weekdays 9am–12pm ET on TheBlaze Radio.
113 min