The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
Best of the Program | Guests: Pat Gray & Bill O...
12/7/18 | Best of The Program- All In for A.I.?- Digital Euthanasia?- Working for Plugs? (w/ Bill O'Reilly)- "Kibbe on Liberty" (w/ Matt Kibbe) 
59 min
All In for A.I.? | Guests: Bill O’Reilly & Matt...
Hour 1 Welcome to the A.I. Revolution? AlphaZero?...a robot with human-like intuition? ...8 Categories That Will Decide Everything?...most people don't know these 8 categories...5G network = Game Changer?...Artificial 'General' Intelligence by 2030 or sooner?...A.I., A.G.I., A.S.I. Oh My!? ...'The Church of ASI' is being built in Silicon Valley?...A.I. capable of learning 500 years worth of things in just 24 hours? ...Mutation of Artificial intelligence...when A.I. decides who lives who dies? euthanasia?...every modern machine you have, is learning you?    Hour 2  China's Not Happy about this?...Canada makes an arrest of a Chinese CFO? ...Bill O'Reilly Friday; Former Fox News 'person' gets the gig for UN Ambassador...beating out Steve Doocy? Ha! Ha!...but wait, Bill says he could 'do the job'?...Problems in France?...H.W. Bush was a 'big plus for the country'?...Move over Kevin Hart, Bill O'Reilly wants to host the Oscars?...a Cultural civil war is raging on? ...Standing up for anybody and everybody? ...Who's pure enough to host the Oscars now?   Hour 3 'Kibbe on Liberty' with Matt Kibbe...the New BlazeTV personality...spreading his Libertarian love (principals) to younger generations?...What is behind the Libertarian movement in Brazil?...where are all the Libertarians in Silicon Valley, when it comes to A.I.ethics?...finding common ground with ALL people, is a challenge?...Tribal warfare is tearing us all apart...the rage against the (swamp)? ...The latest from the Left on Christmas?...Jesus had two dads?...#MeTooVirginMary?...the power dynamic of consenting?...'Behold the hand of the Lord'? ...Why? Millennial men are abandoning masculine values, but what are they in 2018?
110 min
A 'Kind' Greatness? | Guests: Steve Deace & Gav...
Hour 1  Vowing to live everyday to the fullest?...Remembering the 'kind' greatness of George H.W. thru his son W? ...It was April of 1988 when Glenn leaned about 'hope' from H.W. Bush? ...Blaze TV's Steve Deace joins, topics: Veggie Tales = Racist and Dangerous for Children?...Annual Whiteness Conference?...Global Warming madness...credo of progressiveness?...child like thinking from the Leftist state of mind?...a NEW Great Awaking in needed?    Hour 2 coming soon to France?...Paris, the city of Blood?...Effie Tower or Guillotine? ...Wall Street Woes...Optimist vs. Catastrophic views going forward 2019?...just normal year-end market adjustment(s)? a 2008 event on the horizon?...Trump is being Reagan like on tariffs?...playing chess with China, but just not convinced Trump is a good chess player?...thanks to Capitalist principals, China has grown into freedom?...Trump Tariffs with China; he just wants a better deal for America?   Hour 3 Christmas Hating, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?...Outraged by Rudolph?...Nebraska elementary school bans all things Christmas and Arbor Day?...the Memo Ban List? ...What's the Elliot Wave Theory?...when and how, our social moods drive the markets?...rational vs. irrational theory?...there's safety in pessimism, therefore many gravitate to it?...Flashback America: Going bananas for bananas?...Polarized polar opposites? ...Something's Off with Andrew Heaton...not a morning person ...Teaching A.I. to kill people?…fear the goal not the robot?
112 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Steve Deace & Jus...
12/6/18 | Best of The Program- A 'Kind' Greatness?- Credo of Progressiveness (w/ Steve Deace)- A 2008 Event on the Horizon? (w/ Justin Wheeler) - Christmas Hating, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
57 min
Fearing The Machines? |Guests: Andrew Wilkow & ...
Hour 1 Terminator time?...It's Coming Whether We Like It or Not?...A.I. = alien thinking...Market tanked yesterday, big time! but why?...Algorithm market...we are way over do for a recession? ...It's 1984 in China and they just built 1,400 prisons ...Meanwhile, our friends at Microsoft, who are already in bed with the government, just partnered with Master Card...asking people for their 'digital identity'?...the birth of a Social score system without the government involved?... 3 years of your social media history must be submitted? ...Global Warming = Transfer of Wealth?...Green is the New Red?...Politicians are the real Environmental Disasters?  Hour 2Get out your check books...Joe Biden hints at a 2020 run? ...Andrew Wilkow, host of 'WILKOW!' on BlazeTV...Andrews not backing down on the migrant caravan?...the disappointment of the GOP...'they stink'...'Cartel In The Heartland' on BlazeTV...Get $20 Off  ...Why the Bushes were liked? Rich, Educated and Normal? was All about Barbara Bush?...the key to it all, the 'velvet fist'?...Flashback to the time Glenn Interviewed H.W. Bush shortly after 9/11?...Jimmy Carter the last of an era? Hour 3Intellectual going on in Canada?...Blaze TV's 'Roaming Millennial' Lauren Chen joins...she is a political social commentator and host of the Blaze TV's "Roaming Millennial: Uncensored"...Feminism attack on femininity...Left's control of educational institutions...why Millennials get a bad rap?...Americanism vs. Nationalism?...double standards all over the world...'Socialism' is the difference? ...The Universities System as we know it is Over!
111 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Andrew Wilkow & L...
12/5/18 | Best of The Program- It's Terminator Time?- Teaming Up for Your 'Digital Identity'? - the 'Real' Environmental Disasters?- WILKOW! (w/ Andrew WIlkow)- 'Roaming Millennial' with Lauren Chen
57 min
We're Giving It Away? |Guests: Ben Ferguson, Te...
Hour 1 Orwellian Freedom? is '1984' in the U.K. meanwhile it's 'A Brave New World' in the U.S.?...'bringing home the bacon' is now offensive?...De-platforming right before our eyes...Apple CEO says it's a 'sin' if they don't redistrict free speech?...'we are giving our freedoms away'?...culture of anti-freedom of speech?...It's all about Clapter and NOT Laughter = Comedy is Dead? ...Google is designing an algorithm designed to discriminate against the 7.5 million people on China's 'Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement' list."...China's state-ist state of mind?...we're all on God's 'leash'?...Eradicate mosquitoes = Skinny Bats?...'Something's Off with Andrew Heaton'...Liquefied Fish syrup?   Hour 2 Here Comes the $1.5 Trillion Dollar Crisis?...Universities are corrupt like the Catholic Church? ...Ben Ferguson...on the NEW…'The Ferguson File'...a Millennial at large...brings midday news updates as only he can, bold, honest, and free of liberal spin France (Europe) in the midst of a Arab Spring?...anti-Macron protests are turning deadlier?...who is this Madonna of the 'Yellow Vests'...Accordion playing psycho therapist...has over 10 million views?...Climate change is real, but let the free market figure it out?   Hour 3 Bitcoin 40K...40,000 by the end of the year?...Glenn has a few questions for Teeka Tiwari?...a Bitcoin Crash 2018...the storm before the calm?...fundamental research was wrong?...but good news is coming, 'the dust is about to settle'?...Fidelity, TD Ameritrade and Bank of America all have huge investments in Bitcoin...why isn't Bitcoin happening (working) in Venezuela?...more 'panic lows' to come?...the Critics, why Bitcoin will never work? ...'Rant Nation' with Graham Allen joins...rants, high-profile interviews, skits, and journeys into Real America?...Every Tuesday and Thursday on Blaze TV?...New study finds nearly half of young Americans believe US is racist and not 'greatest' country?
112 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Andrew Heaton & T...
12/4/18 | Best of The Program- The Orwellian Hux? - A China State-ist State of Mind?- Liquefied Fish Syrup with Andrew Heaton?- A $1.5 Trillion Dollar Crisis is Coming?- Bitcoin 40K 2018? (w/ Teeka Tiwari)
44 min
From Many, One? |Guests: Eric Bolling & Phil Ro...
Hour 1  Goodbye to a good man...H.W. Bush's history was end of a era...way over qualified to be President? ...Stu graces us with his presence, just before he heads out on his vacation?...Big News, in coming together?...The Blaze and's 'official'...this merger is just the beginning?...Welcome to Blaze Media ...Sad news for Dick's Sporting goods? their stock has tanked and now they've doubled down...gone total anti-2nd Amendment?...Glenn most recent trip to Dick's, didn't go so well?   Hour 2 The Blaze Media Reborn?...collection of voices that answers to for independent thinkers...preserving 'American with Eric Bolling'...sorting out the problems at the border?...Calling balls and strikes on President Trump?... "Trump is winning the trade war'?...CRTV and the under One banner? ...Chaos in France continues...riots with no law and order whatsoever...worst rioting since the Communist riots of the 1960's?...France is being led by a socialist in an empty suit?...history is not on Macron's side...Capitalism still solves problems?...the premise of the coming insurrection?    Hour 3 Mexico's Migrant mess?...bottles of urine and bags of trash left behind? ...'In the Woods with Phil Robertson'...lost of virtue and morality?...we are reaping what we've sewn since omitting God in our country?...Fame and Fortune and Phil?...remembers George H.W. a 'simple God fearing virtuous American' ...The New York Times = 'Curtains for the Clintons'?...their National tour feature seas of empty seats? cares what they have to say anymore?...witnessing The Left turning on the establishment? ...America's Northwest is under attack by the left? ...Be a part of conservative media's NEW
111 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Eric Bolling & Ph...
12/3/18 | Best of The Program- Good-by to a Good Man?- From, Many, One?- It's Starting to Come Together? (w/ Eric Bolling)- The Premise of the Coming Insurrection?- 'In the Woods with Phil Robertson'- Curtains for The Clintons? 
48 min
Ep 13 | Greg Lukianoff | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn sits down with Greg Lukianoff who is a New York Times best-selling author as well as President/CEO of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). They talk about college campus censorship, the recent coddling of the American mind, and ultimately how the "good" intentions and bad ideas of these educational leaders are setting this new generation up for failure. 
81 min
The Media's Frankenstein? | Guests: Bill O’Reil...
Hour 1 'Please, Mr. President, don't lie to us'...Trump indeed had real estate dealings in Moscow?...why did he lie to us?...the media, be all like 'we really have him here'?...baked in results...everyone knew Michael Cohen was a slime ball?...Anything and everything is a 'massive' scandal to the media...Trump = Media Frankenstein? ...Long time listener Carly's letter to Glenn...nothing more fun than trying to get pregnant? ...Stories appropriate for Friday?...A ride to Denny's on a lawn mower?...a farting woman in Florida attacks?...while eating a fantastic bowl of chili? ...Texas, fruits, rocks and parts of the alphabet ABCDEFG?   Hour 2 The numbers are so staggering?...overdose deaths set a record last year?...US Life expectancy falls as suicides rise ...Bill O'Reilly and the wave?...America's drug crisis is our culture...addiction to devices and the 'Internet disorder'...internet addiction is killing books?...Michael Cohen and letter of intents?...So if there is a letter?...Bill got beaten by Glenn's wife?...Stu gears up to play the Cello? ...Priest calls Celine Dion's clothing line 'satanic'?    Hour 3  Religious Freedom not so alive and well?...Amb. Samuel D. Brownback joins Glenn...the Ambassador at Large, International Religious Freedom...20th Anniversary of the International Religious Freedom Act...limiting the growth of our country by denying religious freedom...'let the faiths compete'?...bursts of religious freedom after WWII...and it's been very restricted since? ...The latest episode of Story Corps, with Dave Isay... a lesson in a mother who forgave the friend who killed her son?...the art of softening hearts?
110 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bill O'Reilly & S...
11/30/18 | Best of The Program- Please Mr. President Don't Lie To Us?- A Ride To Denny's on a Lawnmower?- Addictions Kill with Bill O'Reilly?- Happy Anniversary Religious Freedom? (w/ Samuel Brownback) 
56 min
Best of the Program | Guests: John-Rhys-Davies ...
11/29/18 | Best of The Program- Don't Let It Affect Your Life?- Drag Queen Story Time with Pat Gray - 'I Am Israel' (w/ John Rhys-Davies)- Does This Name Ring a Bell? - A Conservative Case (w/ Senator Mike Lee) - Fun with Mike Rowe and Mom Peggy?   
67 min
Don't Let It Affect Your Life? | Guests: Mike &...
Hour 1 Don't let them (media) affect your life? ...Adoption is an amazing thing?...more heartwarming stories from Glenn?...A so Bizarre story of a Mother with depression...Actor agencies for 'fake dads'?...Rent-a-Friend is a booming in Japan?...fake friends, fake relatives?...Drag Queen Story time with Pat Gray?...the future looks bright...their grooming the next generation of drags?    Hour 2 CNN promotes the elimination of Israel?...Marc Lamont Hill, calls for a free Palestine "from the river to the sea,"? ...'I AM ISRAEL' with John Rhys-Davies, is an epic film which will take you on a soaring journey through the Land of the Bible, and introduce you to Jewish men and women whose very lives are a testimony to the promises of God...John gets real on Brexit?...Hard to find men of courage in today's world? ...Does the name Jeffery Epstein ring a bell?...a new fascinating story from the Miami Harold? Hour 3 Senator Mike Lee joins the discuss his objection to the bill that protects special counsel Robert Mueller...'A conservative case for criminal justice reform'...Mike Lees seeks solutions on the migrant caravan madness? ...Mike Rowe and Mother Peggy join Glenn...Peggy is a 81 year old New York Times Bestselling Author..."About My Mother: True Stories of a Horse-Crazy Daughter and Her Baseball-Obsessed Mother: A Memoir"...Meet Glenn in Florida...Tampa and Orlando...Get your tickets Now!  
111 min
Put On Your Shocked Face? | Guests: Matthew Con...
Hour 1 Turing the ship around?...Put on your shocked face for these news stories?...$2 million people have disappeared in China...put in communist concentration camps, forced sterilization?...China's using a Hollywood playbook...'V for Vendetta'? ...Meanwhile, the US media is worried about migrant caravans? righteous indignation = Politics & Control...What is Google Dragon Fly?...helping China round people up?...Amnesty International speak out? ...Fighting for our lives economically?....the border crisis is beginning to wake people up ...President Trump is being sued, again?    Hour 2 Surprise, Surprise?...Flashback: President Obama on the border, the #'s (Facts) don't lie? ...Being right with people you hate?...Matthew Continetti, Editor in Chief, Washington Free Beacon joins to discuss...'Asia Bibi and the First Freedom"...her story?...Senator Rand Paul has helped lead the torch on this?...the importance of religious freedom, must be preserved in America ...Trump threatens to stop subsides...'Good!'...subsidizing is not the governments place ...Documentary: Rushing the San Diego border...a Soros staged event to put the U.S. Border Patrol in a bad light?   Hour 3 Live from Beirut, it's filmmaker Ami Horowitz...what he learned on the US border while shooting a film...migrant a 'orchestrated play' from the very beginning?...amazed by the 'complicity' of mainstream media and these organizations...Soros money all over this...migrants are being taught how to 'game the system'?...Fact: President Obama used tear gas on the border 1,600 times = Media crickets? ...Glenn unveils the new Blaze bikini ...'Something's Off with Andrew Heaton'...Bernie Sanders reads Moby Dick?
112 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Matt Continetti &...
11/28/18 | Best of The Program- The Iron Tech Fist of Communist China?- 'Asia Bibi and the First Freedom' (w/ Matthew Continetti) - Migrant Caravan, The Real Story? (w/ Ami Horowitz) - Bernie Sanders reads 'Moby Dick'? (w/ Andrew Heaton) 
50 min
Not American? | Guests: Merril Hoge & Dr. Peter...
Hour 1 Economic trouble ahead...the Trade War has just begun and we are starting to see some major casualties?...General Motors to lay of thousands...President Trump's very progressive actions...'this is not American, stop with the tariffs'? ...Americans are not buying American now what?...'retool'?...the automobile as we know it, will be changing? ...Tampa Bay Beck love? ...the treasonous media?...MSNBC stunned by their own reporting?...Great Idea: Pat proposes a celebrity/migrant adoption plan?    Hour 2 Peace, Love and Migrants?...targeting babies with tear gas...avoid the media's easy to swallow outrage pill(s)?...George Soros paws are all over this?...only caring when it counts (for ourselves)? ...Housing market slow down...hitting Texas as we speak ...What's up with Bitcoin?...bogus for bitcoin?...experts still standing by their predictions? ...Be on the look out for Giant cows?    Hour 3 'Brainwashed: The Bad Science Behind CTE and the Plot to Destroy Football" studio with former NFL player Merril Hoge and Dr, Peter Cummings, Board Certified Forensic Neurologist...Hoge testified at a congressional hearing on football head injuries in 2009 and was appointed to the NFL Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committee in 2010?...learning truth means digging deep for all the facts...settling with unsettled science...the art of addressing 'head traumas'?...results more shocking then initially thought?
112 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Merril Hoge & Dr....
11/27/18 | Best of The Program - The War Has Begun?- Stunned By Their Own Reporting?- Pat Proposes a Plan?- Only Caring, When It Counts?- 'Brainwashed' (w/ Merril Hoge & Dr. Peter Cummings)
49 min
Denying All Reality? | 11/26/18
Hour 1Enforcing laws while being lawless? ...Jim Acosta (and the rest of the media) were wrong and President Trump was right?...trail of tears (literally)...nothing to see here, but lots of bad parenting?...Republicans wising for Glenn Beck 'compassion' ...Uh-oh Glenn has a bad feeling? ...Trumps actions on Russia have been strong ...riots, rushes and Brexit ...It's 1984 in China?...the government ramps up it's 'social credits system' = Scary stuff? ...Get your Cyber-Monday Shopping done now!...get your Blaze one piece bikini's and coffee mugs ...Flashback: Baghdad Bob vs. Jim Acosta? ...Banning aerosol, only to spray more aerosol?...denying all reality? ...such a magical city to riot in...War Zone Paris? Hour 2Does History really repeat itself?...Yesterday, Russia fired on and seized three Ukrainian naval ships. Multiple Ukrainian sailors have been wounded... The UN Security council has called an emergency meeting. Both the EU and NATO have urged restraint?...Much larger conflicts with cooler heads? ...Fact: The Top 20% wage earners in the world, make up 'minimum wage' earners? ...Glenn's Holiday book reading list? ...Glenn's dog is dealing with is needed? Hour 3What does 'freedom' mean...Today, in 2018?...Twitter recently announced a ban on Mis-gendering or dead-naming? ...Creepy: Google is watching you: New patents could lead to the development of products that monitor movements, moods and even bad language at home...Meanwhile, Millions of Chinese nationals have been blocked from booking flights or trains as Beijing seeks to implement its controversial “social credit” system...allows the government to closely monitor and judge each of its 1.3 billion citizens based on their behavior and be rolled out by 2020, aims to make it “difficult to move” for those deemed “untrustworthy”...Don't do it? ...What's up with Bitcoin, time to panic? ...Destine to be beheaded?...Help those escaping terror, give ...Palestinian 'like' refugee border wall, is coming to the U.S. southern borders?
112 min
Best of the Program | 11/26/18
11/26/18 | Best of The Program- Enforcing laws while being lawless?- President Trump was right?- Minimum Wage Earners Earn?- Glenn's Holiday Book Reading List?- Google's Goes Creepy?
49 min
Ep 12 | Bob Spitz | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn interviews Bob Spitz, a New York Times Best-selling author who just released a book highlighting President Ronald Reagan's incredible story. They talk about Spitz's background, how he selects his subjects, and the shifting currents of American life in the 20th century.
74 min
Happy Black Friday with Stu! | 11/23/18
Hour 1Consumption, consumption, consumption?...Backlash: Evil stores that opened on Thanksgiving...Good O'l 'family values' to the rescue?...remembering what we should 'really' be thankful for? ...Glenn isn't here so Stu can do whatever he wants?...Who wants 'Addicted To Outrage' book tour tickets?...Caller, Scott from Tampa, Florida does? ...Life is Good in 2018...Americans have it better now then ever before?  Hour 2What to get 'use to' moving forward?...All players on both teams = penalized ...Democratic Presidential potentials for 2020?...the list?...who's got a chance and who doesn't?...Who has a 'real' chance to beat Trump?...Beto, Booker, Bernie?...Recalling when Barack Obama was 'untouchable' in 2008?...Democrats are desperate for someone to help in the red states? President John Hickenlooper? buddy of John Kasich?...AL or Hillary? Hour 3Contenders and Pretenders?...the former Obama wings who may run?...Joe Biden leads the polls?...other Dem hopefuls?...Howard Schultz former Starbucks CEO?...Billionaire Tom Steyer...the art of buying elections = impossible? ...Love and Free Passes?...Man charged for saying he's going to 'blow up' bathroom with a bowl movement ...Avoid the crowds and Get your Blaze 'Black Friday' holiday shopping done right now, go to Shop.the 
103 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Stu & Jeffy |11/2...
11/23/18 | Best of The Program- Black Friday Backlash?- Life is Good in 2018?- 2020 Democratic Presidential Potentials (The Big Bad List)?- Blowing Up Bathrooms?
51 min
Welcome to the Best of Glenn Beck & Happy Thank...
104 min