The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
'Lies, Worries and the Beginning of the End'? -...
Hour 1 #strawmageddon?...Media repeats stupid lie about how many straws Americans use...500 million a day? ...'Never Say Goodbye'; the love story of Danny and Annie Perasa..."There is nothing more important than marriage"? ...President Trump bans CNN reporter for asking questions; Is Trump way out of line here?    Hour 2 Tariff war worries, the beginning of the end?...Trump is right about the EU?...Dan Abrams Co-Author Book: "Lincoln's Last Trial: The Murder Case that Propelled Him to Presidency"...captures the presidential hopeful's dramatic courtroom confrontations in vivid detail as he fights for his client -- but also for his own blossoming political future ...In defense of Elon Musk, the Ben Franklin of our time?   Hour 3 Former US Army Major Eric King is finally home?...Eric and his family recently received a mortgage free home from 'Operation Finally Home', which provides mortgage-free homes to service members and their families who have become injured as a result of their service in the defense of our country ...The real number on ...ISIS claims responsibility for Toronto shooting?
111 min
'Uptight and Humorless'? - 7/25/18
Hour 1  Uptight and humorless...why are 'the left' incapable of laughing at themselves?...CRTV vs. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?...parody interview goes viral...1 million views...the left are going 'bat crap crazy'...Flashback Parody: Weird Al Interviews Bruce Springsteen? ...Draining the swamp with Austin Petersen, Austin joins Glenn to discuss his U.S. Senate Candidacy (R-MO), campaign giveaway, a ghost gunner 2 DIY gun creating machine; vote and win! Hour 2 CNN releases Michael Cohen tapes...'to pay in cash or not to pay in cash', that is the question?...the worst attorney of all time...12 tapes with only 1 Trump recording...why is Cohen doing this? have Crack or not to have Crack? ...Why being addicted to outrage is all the rage?   Hour 3​ Fake news kills?...Five Killed in Latest Mob Attack After Rumors on Social Media; India's WhatsApp Murders? ...They Daily Wire's, Andrew Klavan joins to tell us why socialism kills countries...socialism takes God away ...President Trumps offers billions in farm bill, to help ease trade pain​ ...'The News & Why It Matters' now available on iTunes …President Trump’s sins have all been baked in with his ’intentionally blind’ base?
110 min
'Heading For a Heartbreak'? - 7/24/18
Hour 1Controlling America's new axes of evil?...The tough life of a 21 year old Millennial Marketing on $25 an hour in NYC... avocado toast and the Hampton's...'shallow trendy world'...the life many Americans dream about?...capitalist with socialist mindset? Hour 2Nothing like "the intersection of sports, race and politics.”? ...How the death of the shopping mall can be a made a blessing for the suburbs...Nolan Gray from Young Voices Advocate, joins Glenn to discuss how and why?...What is causing the collapse of our malls?...the future of shopping 'lifestyle centers'? ...Australia, does it really exist?...bizarre geographical conspiracies?  Hour 3NY Daily News nose dive...$90 million lost...the harsh reality of the media business ...Californians are leaving for Texas, seeking abundant options in energy?...50 % of all the jobs in the nation are in Texas ...Making lists with Austrians?...Austrian state may require Jews to register to buy Kosher meat?  ...Racist receipt hoax? ...The media is scaring the average person to death?
110 min
'When Delusion Becomes a Reality'? - 7/23/18
Hour 1 Bullied by anti-bullying people?...Democrat gets hell for condemning Maxine Waters?...when delusion becomes a reality? ...Poor Mark Duplass?...backlash from Ben Shapiro praise continues... Glenn Beck vs. Twitter World?...standing with our enemy's ...It's over, when we start policing comedy?   Hour 2 Apocalypse 'for real' this time?...Net Neutrality and the ultimate irony?...The New York Times vs. Facebook?...Facebook's plan to police the 'truth'...'preventing' hoaxes and conspiracies?...fighting against 'classic' liberalism...what about David Hogg? ...Terribly Tragic: Duck boat capsizes in Missouri...survivor, Tia Coleman lost 9 family members...please pray for them ...Stu's visit to the '9/11 Memorial' in NYC...amazing and emotional ...Why Glenn love 'The Rock'?   Hour 3 Audit the FBI and DOJ, why? for trying to deceive the FISA many Americans are being spied on right now for their evidence of specific collusion? ...PR drills and Papa John's pizza; a slice of eugenics anyone? ...Church shooting in Utah, 1 dead? ...War drums over Iran?...Trump Tweets ...Glenn's new book 'Addicted To Outrage', goes on sale September 18
110 min
'Square Your Shoulders and Take a Bow'? - 7/20/18
Hour 1Remember the old days they use to call them 'lies'?...The left arrogantly state lies as facts...'America was not founded as capitalist society'...Wait, What?; wealth of nations' ...America has a major drinking problem? ...Texas sized, record breaking heat?...110 degree temperatures for the weekend ...James from NY loved the Teeka and Glenn seminar last night, 'very enthusiastic' about the future of Bitcoin Hour 2Moon shots and oil rushes?...Remember how OPEC tried to kill us all?...US is leading the way on Oil production...Texas #3 oil producer in the world ...Live from Ireland it's Bill O'Reilly...on vacation, learning more about his Irish linage?...Bill explains President Trump's 'emotional makeup'?...and his biggest flaw going forward?...Whoopi vs. Judge Jeanine...word of the day, 'hysterical'...the media's 'organized hatred' towards Trump? ...Dinner with Whoopi Goldberg or 'Mamma Mia 2'? Hour 3Jeremy and Julie Lewis, join Glenn to share their personal, heartbreaking story of loss of their 7 year old son Kyle, who died from a brain eating amoeba after swimming in a Texas river...'Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis' (PAM) , caused by water-born amoeba 'Naegleria Fowleri' ...Dr. Jennifer Cope from CDC, explains how deadly these type of amoeba's can be and how you can protect yourself? ...Filmmaker Mark Duplass apologizes for his 'disastrous' tweet, praising Ben Shapiro...courage leads to heroism?
110 min
'New Politics Is on The Horizon'? - 7/19/18
Hour 1Ruth Bader Ginsberg, movie star?...'On the Basis of Sex'...the 'New Left' hate 1791? ...Fun with 'Nobel Ape' Jim Gaffigan; wife, brain tumor, comedy? ...Glenn's Father Daughters 'Queer Eye' TV Date Night? ...More with Bill Browder?...Time Article: I've Been Putin's Number One Foreign Enemy...the rest of 'the list' of Americans, Putin wants to talk to? ..."I am done, if President Trump is seriously considering this"?..."President Trump gets things done"  Hour 2All of the sudden 'the left' care about the deficit?? ...Salena Zito, Co-Author of 'The Great Revolt'...this book tells us what is coming next?...the media takes everything President Trump says and does to the extreme...New politics on the horizon? ...the media needs to be careful with the word 'treason'?...through all of this, is there 'hope' for the future? Hour 3Bitcoin to hit 40,000 by years end?...there are only 11 million Bitcoins left...'mass adoption' into the market is coming?...wild fluctuation and vulnerability will continue ...South Dakota authorities find bombs and guns while serving warrant...suspect connected to Antifa ...The anti-straw movement? It's all based on one 9-year-old's suspect statistic...papers straws suck too ...Fun with hot sauce?
113 min
'There Glenn Goes Again...'? - 7/18/18
Hour 1There Glenn goes again talking about Hillary's emails? ...How President Trump plays 'Big Brother' to Kim Jung Un and Vladimir Putin? ...Mission In Possible: How Russian hackers stole information from Democrats?...Glenn breaks it down Hour 2Post modern rule book...Rules for preferred pronouns?...Anything goes' on college campuses ...Bitcoin/Crypto Currencies with Teeka Tiwari...not a bubble, but a bull market is coming?...Master Card just hopped on the Bitcoin train?...'the NSA has so much ability, more than we know"...Predicting to hit 40,000 before years end? ...Remember how we use to miss George W. Bush?...Obama's back, bragging about his money...but what did he do to earn it and what has he done with it?  Hour 3 The 'poop' Streets of San Francisco?...'No Human Pooping' signs have gone up around the city along with injection sites where homeless heroin addicts can shoot up...the city is 'killing the poor' ...Air Force 1 is being redesigned to look 'very American'? ...Dwayne 'The Rock' is under fire for not being a 'real' amputee? ...New American Hero?...Homeless man with no arms uses scissors to stab a person with his feet? 
110 min
'Beck Blames Humans'? - 7/17/18
Hour 1They're (Media) so convinced they are right?...despicably desperate reporting...hypocrisy on high, as usual...the media still covers for Barack Obama...he did no wrong, ever!...Truths without judgment...'Russia has nothing to do' with the media's disdain for President Trump, it's all about losing in 2016...Racehorse eugenics? Hour 2Toning down the exaggerated Trump freak out?...the media is 'basically guaranteeing' a 2020 re-election ...The Daily Caller's Luke Rohsiak, joins to discuss his Article: Democratic ID Aide Says Imran Awan Solicited Bribe From Him in Exchange for Contract with Rep. Gwen Graham?...Debbie Wasserman Shultz and the House Democratic 'server' ...Glenn takes calls, the good, the bad, and the ugly? Hour 3When the Left is not Left enough? ...Political Scientist, Ian Bremmer joins to discuss his Time Magazine Article: Trump and Putin Will Call Their Summit a Success?...'unbalanced negative'...unfortunately, the summit made Putin 'look good' and our allies bad...the EU is self-destructing on their own, when racism rules the day...'Draining the Swamp' resonates with many around the world ...Chris Wallace's performs a act of 'great journalism'? 
112 min
'Taking The Bad with Good'? - 7/16/18
Hour 1 Crimes and chainsaws...Separating from ones family (literally)? ...Mexico Cartel-linked drug dealers, murder a 13 year old boy in Alabama?...special needs child beheaded ...Elon Musk and the cave dwellers hero? ...Prince Charles and Son snub President Trump...Remember, the British loved President Obama, yet he hated them...Winston Churchill dust up(s) ...Imagine a world without butter?...colonialism vs. butter? ...'Trump Got From NATO Everything Obama Ever Asked For'? Hour 2'He's a Stone Cold Killer'?...let the media 'slap fights' begin? ...Author, Brad Todd joins to discuss his new book "The Great Revolt: Inside The Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics"...different enough to make a difference...Breaking down who voted for who in 2016? ...And the media wonder's why we don't trust them? Hour 3 Vladimir Putin's  Public Enemy #1, Bill Browder joins Glenn to discuss his Time Magazine Article?....Bill's been Putin's number one foreign enemy for a's what Trump should know about handling him?..."Putin is Russia's Pablo Escobar"?..."there is no upside" to this weeks summit ...She's No Expert...Ocasio-Cortez claims Israel Is 'Occupying,' Palestine ...Scarlett Johansson and the LGBT backlash?
109 min
'Equally Destroying Equal Justice'? - 7/13/18
Hour 1The lost book of 'Merit'?...George Washington and the history of the 'Purple Heart'? ...Peter Strzok gets taken to the woodshed...Gowdy growls...Gohmert rages? ...Steven Crowder joins to discuss how he confronted a hostile transgender who threatened to slash his tires during a recent trip to Austin...spreading public awareness of 'the left's' hatred for the good of all Hour 2 Open conversations with 'Democratic Socialist'?... Bill O'Reilly Friday...Peter 'The Weasel' Strzok?...The American people are tuning out the 'deceitful media' like 'Racial' Maddow?...Trump Bashing 24/7...President Trump's 'Presidential moment' in Germany?...Upcoming Trump vs. Putin meeting? Hour 3President Trump is 'perfectly' playing to his base?  ...Amazon shipping shake up has UPS an Fed Ex in a panic?...Amazon Pharmacy? ...One store away from extinction? ...Who's really destroying equal justice?...the media's 'Control, Power and Money' rules the day?...stop fighting and start listening?
112 min
'Remain Calm for Low Probability and High Impac...
Hour 1University of Kansas flies defaced American flag on campus ...Public art or desecration? ...Soviet Sleeper Agent Donald Trump? ...'low probability, high impact' conspiracy reporting  from America's media? ...Glenn spills the beans on NASA (conspiracy)?...'Donald Trump is a Moon baby? ...Steven Crowder confronts...'He, She, Z'? Hour 2DOJ, Second Amendment Foundation Reach Settlement In Defense Distributed Lawsuit...Founder of Defense Distributed, Cody Wilson joins Glenn...Cody makes digital files that let anyone 3-D print untraceable guns. The government tried to stop him. He sued-and won...'humbly' numb...'Bitcoin is here to stay' ...Word Nazi's take down Papa Johns founder, resigns over use of the 'N word' ...President Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson?... 'absolutely' considering a run  Hour 3What's in a 'White Guy's' name?...Late Night mocks SCJ nominee Kavanaugh ...Stormy's 'Key to the City'...for slapping men with her breasts? ...Looking back at the Robert Bork's America hearings...back from the grave Senator Ted Kennedy? ...What's Inside the massive Egyptian Sarcophagus?...Will they open it?...Another King Tut?
112 min
'Confrontational Tones and Tactics'? - 7/11/18
Hour 1The impossible pulled off?...10 days  in a Thailand cave...rescue proves value of worldwide unity...'remarkable' ...Trump slams Germany at NATO breakfast...the truth hurts...'paying for their protection' ..."This is huge": US Government lifts ban on Cody Wilson's 3D Printed Guns ...VP Pence admits wanting Roe v Wade overturned...the left freaks? Hour 2 'Suicide of The West' with Jonah Goldberg...Trump's merits and body language at NATO?...Undermining is not good...Why praise dictators like Putin?...Patriotism vs. Nationalism; 'too much, not good' in America has never been better...the rise of Democratic Socialism and where it's going?...Trump's tariff tactics, so far NOT so good? Hour 3Montana 'Miracle Baby' found safe after being buried alive? ...Keith Ellison calls for impeaching SCOTUS judges ...Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the US constitution...prefers South Africa's? ... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and America's Socialist movement? ...Strip Searched on a field trip? ...The Great State of Texas continues 'turbo charging' our economy ...Bad news for Beatles fans?
112 min
'We've Seen This Movie Before'? - 7/10/18
Hour 1Who is Brett Kavanaugh?...Senator Mike Lee tells us...mixed reactions from other Conservatives?...He's no Neil Gorsuch...Good signs Kavanaugh will be a 'Constitutionalist'...'confirmation likely'...What's Next? Constitutional Crisis or Ruling on Circumcision? ...Is the  'Blue Wave' in Texas just a mirage? Hour 2Ben Shapiro joins Glenn to share his opinion on SCJ nominee Brett Kavanaugh...Fearing another Justice Kennedy?..."more comfortable with" then SCJ Roberts...Trump hit a double (Kavanaugh) and not another home run (Gorsuch) ...Jimmy Carter, speaking for Jesus? ...'Extra Ordinary Delights' with Aaron and McKayla Hale...Aaron, a blind and deaf Army Staff Sergeant handcrafts delicious treats ( Hour 3Conservative legacy is not what matters? ...'12 Rules for Life Tour' with Dave Rubin...teaming up with Jordan Peterson on the 'Intellectual Dark Web'?...Left, Right and In-The-Middle...every one's eating their own? ...The incredible shrinking airplane bathroom?...Pat Gray's nightmares from airplane travels past? ...The next American Civil War is coming?
113 min
'Glenn's Back and He Has Alot to Say!' - 7/9/18
Hour 1Glenn Beck is back!...The Left is 'now' worried about personal liberty rights?...Is the First Amendment a "tactic' or a 'right'?...Thomas Jefferson, a true rebel...Do we believe in these 'things'? Do we even know the 'things' we don't believe?...Declaration talk with Glenn Beck Hour 2 Is Hillary Clinton comparing herself to Winston Churchill?...Special guest, John Ziegler, discussing the actions & the truth behind Jim Jordan...The Left is already responding to Trump's SCOTUS pick and he hasn't announced it yet!...Pro-Abortion, Pro-Life, Pro-Choice=Anti Woman, WHAT???... Hour 3"Hugs not Bullets" according to the new President of Mexico...Some new stats on how Americans see our country now...Pat Gray joins Glenn...Who is going to be the next Supreme Court Justice? Are there any clues?...Looks like we have solid ground to impeach a few Justices currently sitting on the Supreme Court...Are Democrats leaving the party?...
113 min
'Can We Disagree without Being Disagreeable?' -...
Hour 1Pat Gray and Jeffy in for Glenn...The next Justice for the Supreme Court is still anyone's guess...Resignation of Scott Pruitt from the E.P.A. ...We have the actual list of scandles that happened under the Obama administration with the E.P.A. ...Whataburger=Teen wearing a MAGA hat=theft=charges pressed...Where's the charge in defending Maxine Waters?... Hour 2 Why not take where you currently live and make it a great place?...Democrats are 'evolving' into Socialists...Pat Gray plays a sound bit from Justice Ginsbsburg showing how 'smart' she really is...Joe Scarborough of 'Morning Joe' still isn't making any sense...The Pope and Mother Nature...How big of a 'problem' is Mexico?... Hour 3There's a big heat wave going on in Europe, well inside an airplane that wasn't allowed to get off for three hours!...There's no growth without adversity...Job postings/ listings by Jeffy...Are we going to have a banana shortage?...Callers sound off- on everything!...Are we about to shatter some records with weather?
104 min
'Is it "Ripped" or "Torn"?' - 7/5/18
Hour 1Pat Gray and Stu in for Glenn...Recap on the 4th of July festivities...Who's going to be our next Justice of the Supreme Court?...What makes a Republican a Republican these days?...Was the American Revolution a mistake?...Nothing says 'America' more than a hot dog eating contest!...Are we falling apart at the seams? Hour 2 Celebrities going on a hunger strike?...Break bread not families...Where was the outrage when Obama separated 25,000 children from their families?...Global warming, again? Here are some amazing facts!...Are we to pick the next Justice based on 'looks' and gender?...Cav's fan set himself on fire trying to burn his LeBron James jersey!  Hour 3Is Facebook changing their ways and by 'ways' we mean their platform?...Al Qaeda backed terrorist group, Al Shabaab is banning the use of plastic bags...Nothing says 'America' like capatilism and ice cream trucks!...Saving the kids trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand...Alex Jones seems to have found his 'word'
103 min
The Best of Glenn Beck! - 7/4/18
This is the 'Best of' Glenn for your 4th of July! From Glenn Beck and all of his team, being reminded of all the benefits of living in the U.S. – such as your liberty, right to vote and ability to pursue your dreams, we wish you a "Happy Independence Day"!
104 min
'Hyping Up the Hysteria' - 7/3/18
Hour 1Pat Gray and Stu in for Glenn...President Trump is interviewing potential Justices for the Supreme Court...We're going to need a SCOTUS 'cheat sheet' to keep up with all of this...A 4th of July attack in the U.S. has been prevented!...There seems to be an 'issue' with people of faith?...The 'Word' with Nancy Pelosi...Are politicians 'playing the faith card as a means of manipulation?...Since when did we quit caring about our constitution?  Hour 2 Where did our Constitution come from?...Can you respect a person, like Bernie Sanders, who is honest with where they stand politically?...Hyping up the hysteria to keep people interested...A new overnight high/low in the Middle East...Global warming, again?...Phasing out human kind will take care of the Earth's issues... Hour 3Timothy Geitner is helping people, but what's the cost if you say 'yes'...The U.N. needs to fold...Donut Fries by Dunkin' Donuts with Jeffy- needs some dipping sauce...Is Donald Trump the most gay friendly President ever?...We don't just live in a divided country- we live in a divided world.
104 min
'What If'? - 7/2/18
Hour 1 Stu in for Glenn...What if Roe vs. Wade was overturned?...Are we 'to restrictive' on abortion?...What are the laws on abortion in other countries?...The importance of the next Judge to be appointed to the Supreme Court...Would Ben Shapiro be a good addition to the Supreme Court?...Remember ObamaCare and it being upheld by Justice Roberts?   Hour 2  Mexico is welcoming a newly elected President...The girl from 'The Bronx' is really from Yorktown 'Heights', Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez...The redistribution of wealth is a fine idea until it comes out of YOUR pocket...Socialism and its rise in America- through the porn industry?...Sports talk w/ Stu...Maxine Waters will not be intimidated!...Remember this name, Henry Davis, as the main stream media will not be giving him any coverage.   Hour 3 The 'Fart Act' and the trade policy...The paper straw was designed by satan...Big Beverage seems to be going at it the right way and we applaud you...Movie talk w/ Stu...What does it take to live in California these days?...Talking economics and food w/ Pat Gray and Jeffy...
104 min
'Logic Over Emotion'? - 6/29/18
Hour 1Stu in for Glenn... ...5 murdered at one of the nation's oldest newspapers...'Capital Gazette'...published Declaration of Independence...who is the shooter?...had a 'vendetta'...sued newspaper and lost... 'Trump criticism of the media has nothing to do with this shooting'...Flashback to Joe Biden's advice: 'Buy a shotgun' Joe Biden at fault for recent shotgun murders?...Logic vs. Emotion?...400 million guns in America ...Here come the Killer Mosquitoes... next 'Jurassic Park' movie?  Hour 2 Marinating in stupidity?...The left is still freaking over Justice Kennedy's retirement ...We can all learn from SCOTUS history?...Can conservatives really count on Justice John Roberts going forward? ...'Get Out of My Vagina!'?...more wisdom from Whoopi Goldberg and 'The View'?...throwing Trump supporters out of movie theaters...Mr. Rogers and his simple set of rules for talking to children?...still works today?  Hour 3Fearing 'fear' itself?... 'So your kid is going to die in a pool'? Let's break down these scary CDC statistics...Stu's signs of irrational parenting...emotions vs. rationality?...Welcome to the Age of Over-Parenting ...The Art of Capitalism and LeBron James?...Stu, Pat & Jeffy together again ...Alex (Bearded) Jones vs. The Red Hen?...More hair, more success? ...Democrats Are Wrong About Republicans. Republicans Are Wrong About Democrats?
104 min
'Solidifying A Conservative Majority'? - 6/28/18
Hour 1Goodbye to the swing vote?...Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire... 'greatest defender of liberty'? ...Can President Trump solidify court's conservative majority? President & CEO of First Liberty Institute Kelly Shackelford tells us if it's possible...Will this be the end of Roe v. Wade? ...Possible noms: Mike Lee, Mike Lee's brother? ...Rep. Mark Sanford talks to Glenn about The Hill Article: 'House Freedom Caucus roiled Trump's attacks on Mark Sanford'...Sanford pleads his case for his recent defeat ...Who wants to go live on the moon? Hour 2Stranded in an airport with Bill O'Reilly?...Watching the left react to Kennedy's retirement = fun...The left is panicking because 'they are losing'...Will John Roberts be the new Anthony Kennedy?...Bill and Glenn go to bat for wounded ...To Serve or Not to Serve Gay Wedding Cakes?...Red Hen backlash; owner resigns?...Social Civil War is under way...'selective' not 'mass' violence is on the way?  Hour 3'The Great Revolt: Inside The Populist Coalition Reshaping American Politics'...Co-authors Salena Zito and Brad Todd join the show to discuss the cultural unrest that helped make Trump president...Who voted, What, Where, and Why?...Obama Democrats did vote for Trump...Expecting a re-election? ...Sen. Mike Lee calls in to discuss the upcoming retirement of SCJ Anthony Kennedy... 'I certainly wouldn't not say no''s name is in the mix
111 min
'They're Taking Off Their Masks'? - 6/27/18
Hour 1Protests flare as Iran's currency plunges; freedom on the horizon? ...'Democratic Socialists' are winning major elections and they're not going away ...Mitt Romney's back?... 'Progressives are communists without the revolution'...The life path to a Marxist America, thanks to the 'cultural revolution'? ...Trump boost working; he has the 'benefit of the doubt' of the American people?  Hour 2When Your Daughter Dies a Hero?...Stoneman Douglas school guard (coward) had sexually harassed massacre victim, family says ...Looking for truth in an untruthful society? ...the media's 'arrogance' is the real threat to our society ...The relationship between Barack Obama and Google is 'terrifying'? Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan the left's John Roberts? Hour 3Americans' shocking ignorance of their own constitutional rights... gov't censorship in California?... infringement on free press would have killed stories like Watergate, Lewinsky-Clinton scandal...'New Saint Andrews College' accepts no state or federal funds...President & fellow of theology Dr. Benjamin Merkle joins the show to a college education even necessary? ...The rise of 'racist porn'?...The 'N-word' and Hot Chocolate Daddy? 
111 min
'Burning It All Down'? - 6/26/18
Hour 1 Burn the Little House down?...Laura Ingalls Wilder is now a racist land grabber...moral scissors to re-edit history? ...What would Mr. Rogers think today?... 'No, I won't be your neighbor'...Are the Iranian people beginning to rise up? 'Death to Palestine' ...Anti-American propaganda no more?...Harvard Study: Asians have terrible personalities?...The Statue of Liberty weeps? Hour 2 'The Third Door: The Wild Quest To Uncover How The World's Most Successful People Launched Their Careers'...Author Alex Banayan joins to share his crazy true stort... how his success started after winning on the game show 'The Price Is Right' a  Forbes' '30 Under 30'...'What I learned from Jessica Alba'? . Hour 3Fresh Examples of Outrage...California calls for a Fake News Advisory Group ...SCOTUS hands down 3 Big Wins for Conservatives...sanity restored to the 'travel ban'? big win(s) for free speech?...but back to 'catch and release'...President George W. Bush ' the globalist'? ...The more the media trashes Trump, the higher his approval rating goes...Re-election 2020 coming?
111 min
'Back To The Dark Ages'? - 6/25/18
Hour 1 No Shoes, No Shirt, No Sarah Huckabee Sanders?...kicked out of a Virginia restaurant over the come the 'Jane Crow' laws?...Do we have the strength and will to rule ourselves?...Glenn Beck vs. Brian Stelter? ... 'We're moving back to the Dark Ages'? Hour 2Bring forth the 'rage and chaos'?... the American people no longer believe the media ...Nick Gillespie, editor, joins Glenn to discuss his recent article: 'Eat Mor Krow' and Other Signs of a Dangerously Politicized America ...Maxine Waters is advocating the harassment of women...she hasn't changed; we have Hour 3'Caring twice as much, in your time machine?'...Most Americans believe a border wall is a good idea ...there's only 3 options to fix? ...Don't blame the border patrol; blame the parents...the more kids there are, the more the media cares?...Obama administration held more than double the number of children compared to Trump ...Pat Gray walks out on Glenn? 
111 min
Praying for Asteroids? - 6/22/18
Hour 1May the 'Space Force' be with you...NASA's plan to avoid Armageddon?...FEMA asteroid deflection? ...Justice Elena Kagan has been surprisingly 'moderate' ...Glenn bores himself to death? ...Desperate 'pretending' media attacks First Lady Melania's jacket ...California leading the psychopaths? Hour 2Just three berets from a socialist revolution?...NFL team holds LGBTQ inclusion summit? ...Bill O'Reilly says it was a  'bad idea' for Melania to wear jacket with these words...Time Magazine has become Mad Magazine...Bill recalls times spent with Charles Krauthammer at Fox News...America has trouble getting 'honest' news Hour 3Sen. Mike Lee joins to discuss President Trump's retreat on separating families and the growing humanitarian crisis at the border...assumption of 'racism' is being used...'legal' immigration is harmed in all of this...the Senate blocks Lee's bid to stop Obama water rule; why? ...Glenn reviews the movie 'Ocean's 8'...shares some fun facts about that giant necklace...brace your expectations
111 min