The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
Best of the Program | Guests: Pat Gray, Sara Go...
Best of the Program | 3.6- R Kelly Double Jeopardy? -h1 - Getting Your Giblets Back with Pat Gray -h1- Recession Avoided? -h1- "We Were Too Aggressive" -h2- Anti-Vaccines, 4 Hour Erections and The First Amendment? -h3- "When did everyone become socialists?" (w/ Justin Haskins) -h3 
63 min
Annoyingly Smart? | Guest: Dave Isay | 3/5/19
Hour 1 Hillary's Big Announcement? AOC came from nowhere? Political Star Backlash? Stu's gives Glenn a passionate sports analogy? The 5 Myths About Socialism? Democratic Socialism is different than (fill in the blank)? A Pat Gray Neverland? HBO's new documentary on Michael Jackson is making noise? The Art of completely wiping out 80's Icon?  Hour 2Just another 'hate hoax'? South Carolina Mayor claims she was racist hate crime victim after 'yellow sticky substance'? Cops say, not even close? Undocumented Outer Space compassion? It's a sad day for President Trump? Awaiting Bernie's Big move? Socialism, the most successful form of government of all time?  The various 'pit stops' of Socialism? In a world of Incremental progressiveness? When America's innovations spread world-wide, good things happen? Hour 3Story, Dave Isay, Founder & President joins to tell the story of Jenn Stanley and Peter Stanley? Daughter and father talk about disagreeing politically for the first time? Important conversations we are not having? Alabama Tornado devastation for a mile wide? Help the Victims Now at Target taxes and the damage they do? It's Time to keep diary?
125 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Pat Gray & Dave I...
Best of the Program | 3.5- The 5 Myths About Socialism? -h1- A Pat Gray Neverland? -h1- Just Another Hate Hoax? -h2- Daughter and Dad and Politics? (w/ Dave Isay) -h3 - Help Alabama Tornado Victims Now at -h3
58 min
Combatting Socialist Education? | Guests: Saman...
Hour 1: President Hickenlooper, what?! …The most trusted name in news – The BBC? …Why do schools struggle to teach the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? ...Only 11 percent of respondents to a poll think the two-party system is working well, but hardly anyone will vote third-party …New revelations about Michael Jackson continue to shake his fan base to its core …Why did so many parents allow their children to be victimized by the same man? Hour 2: BlazeMedia Content Manager Samantha Sullivan joins the program to share her story of how she defended her faith against the onslaught of progressivism in college …Glenn offers his advice on talking with children who question the existence of God …Parents can make a world of difference for their children by remaining vigilant and becoming informed …A South Carolina father wonders if he has failed his children, who are now straying from the faith – Glenn reassures him that he has not …A North Carolina mother tells her story of how her family stood up to an anti-Christianity professor and were ultimately successful. Hour 3: Author Timothy P. Carney joins the program to discuss his book ‘Alienated America: Why Some Places Thrive While Others Collapse’ …The American Dream involves more than just economics, it involves the social interactions and institutions within our communities …Driving churches out of the public square has been incredibly detrimental for the middle class ...Filmmakers Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, who co-produced the film ‘Unplanned’, join the program to explain what inspired this powerful pro-life film …Everything about ‘Unplanned’ was intended to be as authentic as possible – Down to the cast, which included real abortion clinic practitioners.
123 min
Ep 26 | Brad Meltzer | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn is joined by noted author and friend of the program, Brad Meltzer who discusses his new book, "The First Conspiracy" which highlights an aspect of George Washington's story that you probably haven't heard before. It is through this discussion that you'll see a completely different side to the Father of our Nation. 
70 min
Best of the Program | Guests: John Lott, Bill O...
The Best of the Program | 3/1 - Socialist Yard Stick to Measure Capitalism? - h1- HR8 Puff and Stuff ?(w/ John Lott) -h1- The Woke Nightmare (w/ Bill (O'Reilly) -h2- El Chapo Border Wall Crisis? (w/ Ted Cruz) -h3- High-Speed Rail Nightmare? (w/ Eric Christen) -3
49 min
Glenn Live from CPAC | Guests: Bill O'Reilly & ...
Hour 1Using a Socialist yard stick to measure capitalism? Former Blaze host Lawrence Jones, Now Fox News host,  brings some good news for black Trump voters? Kid Reporter, Phoenix Rising In, gets his big break, gets to Interview Glenn Beck? John Locke joins Glenn to discuss the HR8 bill. Glenn says it's a 'Dynamic, young, focused crowd' at CPAC? Hour 2The Woke Nightmare with Bill O'Reilly? Thrilled that the masks have come off? What if Trump loses in 2020? Bill gives us his take on the Michael Cohen hearings? Cohen lied about Trump not wanting to be President. The Truth is somewhere in between? Glenn gives Bill some great material for his New book about the President Trump? To be released this Fall 2019? The Most Credible Man That Ever Lived? MSNBC black know what All black people think?  Hour 3 Ted Cruz Live from CPAC? El Chapo border Wall Crisis with Senator Ted Cruz?  Killing every cow on earth with AOC? "The Democrat Party is the party of hatred"? The Green New Deal and there trains, everywhere? Trump's War on the California high-speed rail with Eric Christen, Executive Director, Coalition for Fair Employment in Construction. Just another over budget nightmare? It's the DMV and the Post Office on steroids? 'Trains are terrible America!'?
123 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Kelly Shackelford...
Best of the Program | 2/28- Stu Masterfully works a R. Kelly Analogy? -h1- GB Radio Flashback: the time Michael Jackson called Glenn? -h1- Fighting for The 'Bladensburg Memorial' (w/ Kelly Shackelford) -h2- 'The Politically Homeless Life of a Gay Conservative'? (w/ Brad Polumbo) -h2- Living In Surveillance Capitalism Times? -h3
48 min
Llamas On A Train? | Guests: Kelly Shackelford ...
Hour 1Every 4 or 8 years the Democrats care about the U.S. Constitution? The Democrats HR8 Gun Bill Threatens to turn Gun Owners into Criminals? Naming the Republicans who didn't stick to their guns? The Left say, they're only 'violating' the Constitution? Stu Masterfully works a R. Kelly Analogy? Glenn prepares for his 12 minutes at CPAC this weekend. Flashback Radio, When Michael Jackson called the Glenn Beck Radio Program? Remembering why we're all glad we don't live in the city of Portland?  Hour 2 Religious fighter, fighting the good fight, Kelly Shackelford joins, to tell us how hateful atheist are offended by a memorial. The 'Bladensburg Memorial' and it's brief history. The Bad Lemon Test on Religion is very dangerous. "When it comes to religious freedom we have five solid Justices"? 'The Politically Homeless Life of a Gay Conservative', with National Reviews Brad Polumbo? LGBT are 'trying to erase' the gay conservative community. Hypocritical Intolerance at it's finest? Hour 3Andrew Ross Sorkin, How Credit Cards Are Used to Finance Mass Shootings ...Bank of America and Citigroup credit card Restricting private citizens to purchase fire arms to protect their families? "We are living in surveillancecapitalism times"? HR8 Puff and Stuff? Hate speech transactions and the digital ghetto laws? House pushes through first major gun bill in a generation, backed by Republican, NY-Rep. Peter King? Here come Slave Reparations?
124 min
Means Nothing? | Guest: Sen. Ben Sasse | 2/27/19
Hour 1 Is he a Good guy or a Bad guy? A 20-page document under fire? Former Trump attorney, Cohen to give his opening statement? 'Lying is his first language'. Trump and his Rat Pack? No evidence whatsoever? Kamala Harris says, "Yes President Trump is a Racist" Boys vs. Girls ,Why are transgenders are rejecting Science? Patton Oswalt's Epic rant on Transgender, 'Here to Help'   Hour 2 There is Nothing New and Nothing Major here? Fireworks right out of the gates? Michael Cohen moral moments? Trump Foundation and the falsities? "America, Wake up!" Smeared as a rat? "Mr. Trump is a conman". Tommy Knuckles could be giving this same testimony? Senator Ben Sasse joins to follow up on the failed vote in the Senate. 'Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act' Has America, lost it's soul? Remaining "optimistic in long term"   Hour 3 Michael Cohen madness continues. It was "Business as usual"? Is this the best witness you got? Why is Glenn is so disappointed in Stu? Tubes and Hamster Political Theater; at it's finest? ...Glenn and Stu do the play by play..."he's not very smart and still a dirt bag"
123 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Senator Ben Sasse ...
Best of the Program | 2/27- In His Way, He Was Telling Me To Lie? -h1- Transgender Extremes? -h1 - Epic Rant from Comedian Patton Oswalt? -h1- America, Wake Up! -h2 - Optimistic in The Long term?  (w/ Sen. Ben Sasse) -h2- Tube and Hamster Political Theater? -h3
50 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Steven Crowder, B...
Best of the Program | 2/26- 'Louder with Crowder' (w/ Steven Crowder) -h1- Flashback 2012: Dems Deny God x 3? -h1- 'BlazeTV Wire'? (w/ Ben Shapiro) -h2 - This Is A Killing Babies Bill (w/ Alexandria DeSanctis) -h2- 'Don't Take My Bible Away!' (w/ Will Maule) -h3 
63 min
Abortion Ban Is Coming? | Guests: Steven Crowde...
Hour 1'Louder with Crowder'...Steven joins to discuss why ABC/Disney pulled his Oscar special? ...What did they object to?...The overall idea?...They are picking us off one by one ...Who is Tommy Robinson? ...the Democrat party continues to run to evil...Democrats Denied God Three times at the 2012 DNC convention ...Pat Gray brings the shock Poll?...44% of 'Pro-Choice' voters oppose up to birth abortions ...Why won't Bernie burn 'Dictator' Maduro?   Hour 2 Ben Shapiro, joins to discuss, a Resolution to declare a National Emergency at the Southern Border...President Trump must be very careful here? ...Coherent excuses for abortion...Blaze TV Wire? ...The end of guns is near? ...Alexandra DeSanctis, staff writer at National Review, joins to discuss how the Senate Failed to Pass Born-Alive Bill?...This is not an abortion bill, this is a kill babies bill...releasing, misleading information, intentionally?..."abortion ban is coming"?   Hour 3  We are at a Turning point?...recognizing that a new born baby, is a baby? ...Ben Sasse says it's a sad day as 'the Democrats constantly lied' about the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act? ...New Nike Ad BS? ..."Don't Take My Bible Away!'...the Shocking Arrest of Peaceful Street Preacher Caught on Video with Faithwire, writer WIll Maule joins to discuss? ...More Bernie B.S.? ...Glenn will be speaking at CPAC this year
122 min
Sunshine, Unicorns and Lollipops? | Guests: Mar...
Hour 1  There's a Crisis in Venezuela?...Perhaps, Bernie Sanders can give Mauduro some pointers? ...Big day for Ben Sasse and Life itself?...Abortion will kill our society, rapidly...Life, AI, and Socialism, we have to decide right on those 3 things? ...The Making of a Millenial UK Socialist?...Coming for ya with a hammer and sickle? ...The Pat Gray way?...In what states are Liberals leading the way?...the Gallop Poll results should shock you?    Hour 2 A Movie, Must See?...'Unplanned'...gets a R-Rating, but why?...Producer, Mark Joseph joins to explain the MPAA? ...This movie has no business being Rated-R?...There is no consistent standard, it's all driven by politics? ...Terrence Howard Defends 'Empire' Co-Star Jussie Smollett?...A nutty, violent man who can't do math? ..."Please, Pray for Life"   Hour 3 Another, movie (Documentary) must see?...'Emmy award winning Director,  Danny Woods joins the show to explain?...What does Mr. Phuc do? He runs an orphanage that cares for a little over 20 children along with caring for 8 women at risk who are also pregnant?...An amazing story that had to be told...The Joy from watching someone serve others is very 'Christ' like? ...AOC says, young people are not having children, because of climate change? ...Have we killed MLK's Dream?....Time to crack open the old dusty Bible?
123 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Mark Joseph & Dan...
Best of the Program | 2/25- Crisis Venezuela? -h1- This Gallop Poll Should Shock You? -h1- A Movie, Must See? (w/ Mark Joseph) -h2 - The Nutty & Violent Mathematician? - h2 - 'Grave Hands' - (w/ Daniel Woods) - h3 
33 min
Ep 25 | Rabbi Daniel Lapin | The Glenn Beck Pod...
Glenn is joined by Rabbi Daniel Lapin who is an American Orthodox rabbi, author, public speaker, and heads up the "American Alliance of Jews & Christians." They both discuss what exactly anti-semitism is, the response of the left to any Biblical teaching, and the sad fact that the world seems to be heading the complete opposite direction of the Bible. Also, they talk about the massive difference between how the left sees the end of the world as opposed to a religious viewpoint. Lastly, Glenn and Rabbi Daniel Lapin explore the current society and what civilization and time period we most resemble and how we as humans don't seem to learn from the mistakes of our past. 
78 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bill O'Reilly, Ra...
Best of the Programs | 2/22- Terrifying Nightmare in 2020? -h1- Doubling Down on Dollars? (w/ Bill O'Reilly) -h2- Who Are We? (w/ Rabbi Daniel Lapin) -h2- 5 Seconds of Wisdom? -h2- Somethings Off with Bernie Sanders? (w/ Andrew Heaton) -h3- 'Freedoms'? (w/ Jonathon Dunne) -h3
59 min
Watch What You Wish For? | Guests: Bill O'Reill...
Hour 1 Proud of transforming the Democrat Party?...Bernie Sanders is a terrifying nightmare, if he were President?...Disrupting the system ...America would have voted for anyone in 2016?...Trump's done, if the economy goes down ...Getting Serious about the Declaration of Independence?...America's original blue prints?...When life is too easy?...Maybe, this is not how the world is?  Hour 2 Doubling down with Bill O'Reilly?...Jussie Smollett's metal health needs to be checked?...It's time to disengage on this story?...A world of delusion and the media's witch hunters?...MSNBC actually did their best to ignore the Smollett story, while CNN defends it?...How much jail time is coming?..."It's Chicago"?...The Big undeveloped story that's yet to come?...the Mueller report is ready to drop, but does anyone really care anymore? ...Who Are We? with Rabbi Daniel Lapin...Watch BlazeTV for Free? Hour 3 Fun with Parody?....Bernie Sanders, aka Andrew Heaton, from BlazeTV's 'Something's Off' joins GB? ...2020 Diamonds in the Rough?...Nike shoes and their stock market plunge? ...Jonathon Dunne, from 'Freedoms Disciple' podcast, joins to give us an update on Brexit?...America was built on the premise of 'doing the right thing' ...
124 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Rafer Weigel, Ben...
Best of the Program | 2/21- Chief Grand Jeep Cherokee Beck? -h1 - Hate Hoax Update? (w/ Rafer Weigel) -h2- Fighting for Life? (w/ Senator Ben Sasse) -h2- Venezuela Was My Home? (w/ Daniel Di Martino) -h3- Suing to Block 'Inclusivity'? (w/ Eric Early) -h3 
58 min
Functioning, but Completely Nuts? | Guests: Raf...
Hour 1Glenn's DNA results are in?...Being 13 x more native American than Elizabeth Warren and blacker? ...Being part of the Grand 'Jeep' Cherokee tribe isn't always easy? ...Stu tells us who's leading in the Democratic Presidential hopefuls Polls?...President Obama looks like a moderate, in today's standards? ...Pat's Gray's DNA reveals he's 100% terrorist? ...Race is being used as a 'tool', ment to divide us?...When driving around with a half a million dollars is a crime? Hour 2Arrested and in Custody?...Fox 32 Chicago Reporter, Rafer Weigel, one of the first journalists to think, there was something fishy from the beginning of the Jussie Smollett case?...'All credit to the Chicago Police'...Is this a 'hate crime'? ...Vote on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act with Senator Ben Sasse...Fighting for the Right for Life?...Lighting up the sky to celebrate Death?...Congress is backing away from a bill to prohibit murder, period  Hour 3 "Venezuela was my home, and socialism destroyed it"...Young Voices Contributor, Daniel Di Martino joins to say, "it will destroy America, too."...Losing the free market from the inside? ...Governor Cuomo is not happy with AOC for the NYC Amazon pullout?...Tweeting the tax code for Dummies? ...California parents sue to block 'Inclusivity' instruction in schools...the parents Attorney, Eric Early joins to expand?...Forms of Oppression, the same statues to protect minorities is now being used on whites? ...Alt-Left social warrior types are 'spreading like a cancer'? ...It's hard to hate when your dead?
124 min
He's So Relatable? | Guests: Bill Jones & Eliza...
Hour 1Because He's So Relatable?...Bernard Sanders skeletons in the closet?...The reason why there is a 'rape culture' today?...He should have to explain what he thought in 1972? ...Wow! Ariana Grande is the first artist since the Beatles to have songs in the top three spots of the Billboard Hot 100 charts? ...Pat Gray's about to become a Cardi B Fan? ...Glenn explains why Donald Trump is so relatable? ...The farting guy on the bar stool, and 'that's refreshing'  Hour 2 Suddenly offended by Cigars Store Indians? ...Florida school hires combat veterans for security?...Bill Jones, Principal at the Manatee School for the Arts joins to explain? ...Push back not just from the anti gunners, but the gun snobs too? ...Go Fund Me with Faith?...Glenn reaches out to the wife of a shooting victim? ...Glenn and the Shlub-Club?  Hour 3'Not on My Watch' author, Elizabeth Johnston joins...'Day of Mourning', happens this Saturday, February 23rd at ...Hip vs. Hip Replacement Democrats 2020? ...New or Used by the Democrats? ...Feeling Bad for AOC?...She's only being used for misdirection?...What's really happening behind the scenes of the Democrat Party?...A step closer to Ending the Free Market System and fundamentally transform our economy?..."Medicare for all is not Socialism"?
123 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bill Jones & Eliz...
Best of the Program | 2/20- Bernard Skeletons Sanders? -h1- He's So Relatable? - h1- Vets for School Security? (w/ Bill Jones) -h2 - Day of Mourning.Org? (w/ Elizabeth Johnston) -h3- Hip vs. Hip Replacement Democrats 2020? -h3
53 min
The March to Socialism Continues? | Guests: Cha...
Hour 1 Bernie Sanders declares he will run for President in 2020?...Who wants Medicare for all?...The Left are running against their own cure?...Superman 2 style Criminal Justice for all?..."Who needs the Ethiopians anyways?"...Why aren't we doing 'These Things'?...Glenn does homework with his son?...Sacco & Vanzetti, propaganda that changed the world?...Hobby Lobby and Sex things? ...The Pat Gray puppet show? ...The Machine is Broken? Hour 2 "Hate Crimes Are Trending Down, But You Wouldn’t Know That From LGBT Media"...Gay journalist Chad Felix Greene, Senior Contributor at The Federalist joins to explain?...The Art of the Hate Crime, Hoax? ...'Victimhood' is the New trophy to go for? ...The Latest gun background-check legislation would not have stopped Parkland tragedy... Shayna Lopez-Rivas, Gun Rights Activist joins to explain...What is HR8?    Hour 3 Student loan debt is in 'Serious Delinquency'...The average student is $41,000 in debit to the government?...The Good News is, poverty is way down world-wide...Maximizing profits, is Curing patients a good business model for the future? ...Surrendering to the algorithms gods? ...Free Market Rewards for All? It's time for Louis Farrakhan theater, titled 'Wicked Jews'? ...Reporting, from out of the closet? 
124 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Chad Felix Greene...
Best of the Program | 2/19- Bernie 2020? -h1- Hobby Lobby and Sex Things? - h1- Hate Crimes Are Trending Down? (w/ Chad Felix Greene) -h2- Gun Rights In Check? (w/ Shayna Lopez-Rivas) -h2- Wicked Jews, Reporting Out of the Closet? -h3
52 min
So Wanting This To Be True? | Guest: John Ziegl...
Hour 1 The Wolf Who Cried MAGA?...Jesse Smollett attack was All a Hoax...Hollywood is actively stirring up hatred...a cherry on a racist salad?...the List of MAGA hate Hoaxes grows?...the trophies for all culture has arrived?...the Make It Up Media? Hour 2  John Ziegler called BS weeks ago?...Jussie Smollett new famous poorly done it couldn't be hoax?...Will he get out of this?...Police played Possum from the beginning...'the two blobs'...vs. Kavanaugh accuser?...People today 'want to be' a victim...No Shame in Victimhood? Hour 3 Weiner freed?...oh and Bill Cosby is having an 'amazing experience' in prison?...Racist Flashback: 'Soul Man' the Movie...Stu reads the New York Times movie review from the 1986 movie? ...Warning: Your Small dog may blow away? ...Collective Munchhausen with Gad Saad? ...Not there Nancy? Happy Thanksgiving?...Someone get Nancy a brain scan?
122 min