The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
Real Justice is Blind? | Guest: Dr. Ilan Morad ...
Hour 1  Super Boring...the Lowest scoring Big Game in History?'s a Great excuse to get together as a family...watching the game for the Commercials...good, the lame and the lamer..'oh please give it a rest' Washington Post?...5.2 million to produce their saved in massive layoffs?...performance doesn't match your promise? ...Venezuela is in the midst of a bloody civil war?...when will the military fold to the new President...Maduro resists...Mexico allies Maduro? ...China, 5G and the New information highway (nightmare)? ...VA Governor Northam admits to 'blackface' a Michael Jackson routine?...real justice is blind...LBJ was a dye in the wool, deep seeded racist   Hour 2  Where the media always falls down...lies, lies and more lies?...Normalizing abortion?...because of Roe v. Wade?...offenders, disingenuous?...abortion by the numbers? ...Extremities of the extreme wealth tax rate?...Elizabeth Warren proposes annual tax on ultra-millionaires...never trust a politician when they say a tax is 'just for the super rich' ...Watch President Trump's State of the Union Only on  Th ...Mover over Izod...North Koran introduces their edible shirts?...2 problems solved with 1 shirt, style and hunger?   Hour 3  A Miracle in Our Time?...Dr. Ilan Morad Founder and CEO, AEBI...The Jerusalem Post Article - "A cure for cancer? Israeli scientists say they think they found one" ...DC or Venezuela? ...How do you spell loneliness = P-I-L-L...loneliness kills...chronic isolation...Remedy: facing ones fears helps fight loneliness? ...Breaking News: Mary Poppins Is Racist?
122 min
Ep 22 | Peter Schweizer | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn sits down with Producer & Author Peter Schweizer as he discusses his documentary: 'The Creepy Line'. Peter also explains how Google is using its mysterious search algorithm and confirms our worst suspicions in regards to the meddling done by Google and Facebook on their supposedly ‘neutral platforms.’ 
74 min
What Has Happened to Us? | Guests: Andrew Heato...
Hour 1 The Side lines are no longer a place I belong?...silence is Not bliss, It's Death?...Senator Ben Sasse calls in to call Government Northam's 'morally repugnant' comments on killing infants?'..."get the heck out"?...where is all the shock and up and arms Democrats and Republicans? ...Pat Gray joins GB...Flashback: Bill Ayers, When HE Takes Over the government ...Peter Singer, monkey are more 'self aware' than humans, deserve to live over humans?...Yeah, but don't monkeys abort their babies?   Hour 2  It's Super Bowl Weekend and Stu has called in sick...Again! ...How to prepare for the Big Game this weekend with Andrew Heaton?...New ways to make the Big game exciting!... Glenn's 2 game with 1 ball idea? ...As long as you have a good reason to?...the Upcoming State of The Union aka Woodrow Wilson speech? ...Backlash: Poor, poor, Virginia Governor Northam doubles down on his abortion comments of course makes it about himself? ...the regulatory hurdles of abortion?   Hour 3 57 million dead?...Record' fentanyl drug bust made at US-Mexico border?...enough to kill 57 million people? ...very John Smith and Pocahontas? ...Things are Heating up at for Free and Commercial Free...Glenn will finally attend the State of The Union ...Prince Philip at 97 years old flipped his Land Rover...who is letting him drive? ...Howard Schultz has a Real chance to Win?...If he runs as a Democrat, 'he could reunite' the Dems, unlike Ocasio-Cortez, who is a Gift to President Trump
120 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Ben Sasse, Pat Gr...
Best of the Program | 2/1- The Side lines are no longer a place I belong? - h1- Morally Repugnant (w/ Senator Ben Sasse) -h1- Preparing for the BIG game? (w/ Andrew Heaton) -h2- 57 million dead? -h3- Glenn to attend His First State of the Union? -h3
47 min
Best of the Program | Guests: John McAfee & Bil...
Best of the Program | 1/31 - Evil Is Sweeping The Planet ?- The Girl You Don't Want to Talk to at a Party?- 'Don't Vote for Me'? (w/ John McAfee)- 'Thursday with Bill O'Reilly'   
46 min
Evil Is Sweeping the Nation? | Guests: John McA...
Hour 1 a New Age of Darkness?...VA Governor doubles down on killing 9 month old babies...beyond birth...Stu breaks down the proposed Bill to kill babies after they are delivered...god (Stu) speaks to Glenn? ...Venezuela Maduro threatens US?...heading to Russia for a Press Conference? ...'Humor Me with Chad Prather' Only on BlazeTV ...Pediatrician doctors in Texas are asking patients if they have guns in their home? ...Ocasio Cortez reminds Glenn of 'the girl you don't want to talk to at a party'?..."she is a gift to the free market"   Hour 2 2020 Presidential Candidate and Cyber Security Legend, John McAfee joins Glenn from his yacht, from a undisclosed area (maybe in Venezuela)?...while on the Run from the US government..."Not Paying Income Taxes is not a crime" ...Huge fan of Cryptocurrency...a Libertarian candidate, never had a chance to win in 2018?...Having his way with whales, #FakeNews?...Defending AJ?..."Alex Jones is a Party Animal'? ...Soon Seeing Won't Be Believing?...New Deep Fakes video...'Jennifer Buscemi'?    Hour 3 "The Sadness is here" with Bill O'Reilly Thursday?...VA abortion Governor = Josef Mengele...'dumbest guy on the planet'? ..."the Left are thrilled that babies are killed"...Where is the Catholic outrage, the Pope can't take a side with Venezuela?...Christians in Crisis' allows us to easily ignore the horrible things going on? ...Trump has to get more focused in his message, IF he wants to get re-elected? ...State of The Union, Nancy Pelosi and her facial contortions expected?...Confused by his grooming? ...Who wants a Pablo Escobar burger?
120 min
Emotional Support Vortex? | Guest: Salena Zito ...
Hour 1 Meet Wally...the Emotional Support Alligator?...65-year old Joie Henney cuddles with Wally, his 60-pound pet alligator, to alleviate his taking pills, or does it?..."this guy is nuts"...Recalling the Movie: Grizzly Man ...Actions of Evil: VA House Dems propose Abortion Until Birth? the Future a Society of Killing Children? ...VA, RI, VT, and NY are All In for Killing Babies..."are we being Overton Window'ed again?" ...the Left will do anything to save something living, unless it's human? ...All of a sudden, Van Jones is Too Conservative for the Left? ...Howard Schultz is the Democrat, Democrats use to be?    Hour 2  Same Old Tricks to Win in Politics with Journalist, Salena Zito...Trump and Ocasio-Cortez use the same tricks to win...tapping to the angry and disenchanted? ...the Average Democrat(s) are not being heard anymore?...ignoring large squish middle?...Democrats are shocked by Howard Schultz...and his 3rd Party bid?...Democrats have 2 different Forces in their party? ..."Sorry but Texas is Closed"...Glenn takes calls from folks caught in the Polar Vortex?...where are the coldest Temperatures?... Negative -51 degrees in Minnesota? ...Report: Las Vegas Shooter conclusion, 'No Motive' just 'Infamy' Hour 3 "Wake up America"...Mexico is Turning into Venezuela?...the Socialist President of Mexico has aligned themselves with Venezuela...along with Turkey, Cuba, Russia?...Shut down their own pipeline...New Oil crisis, over 1,000 gas stations Closed in Mexico...Massive surge is coming to the border IF Mexico turns into Venezuela? ...#'s Don't Lie = Math is Not Racist? ...'Project Raven'...Ex-NSA spies ran UAE's hacking operations? ...BlazeTV Media Meltdown Recap...Bill O'Reilly rips media bias...Millennials, Allie & Lauren added their take too? ...2020 Dem hopeful, Kamala Harris calls for the elimination of Private Health?
122 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Salena Zito | 1/30/19
Best of the Program | Guests: | 1/30- Emotional Support Alligator anyone?- Democrats For Abortion Until Birth?- The Democrat, Democrats Use To Be?- Same Old Political Tricks? (w/ Salena Zito) - Polar Vortex Callers? 
54 min
Media Meltdown? | Guests: Graham Allen & Sara G...
Hour 1Backing the Blue...Pray for Houston Police, 4 shot in ambush, critical condition...We are Losing respect for our law enforcement, everyday...Tearing each other down, just to help our side Win? ...Gun Laws with Tyler Ray...Tyler's sons AR-15 was stolen from his trailer and sold to a known gang member, trouble ensues? ...UPDATE: Extraordinary News, A Mother's Fight for Life?...the hospital has come around and started feeding David Ruiz...vitals are good and getting better?...Bobby Schindler joins for the update?...'We need to get David out of there (hospital)?  Hour 2Celery Juice Jihad?...with Author and Expert, Anthony Williams...Medical Medium'...Glenn goes off...'I am a Giant Fart Bag'?...thanks to GB's wife, who informed him about this benefits of celery juice?...Life Changing Foods, thyroid, and liver rescue...Anthony is also the originator of the Global Celery Juice Movement. Millions of people are healing thanks to drinking 16 ounces of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every day–a specific healing practice that Anthony has been recommending since I was a child in 1975 Hour 3BlazeTV Media Meltdown Special Tonight 6 PM EST...Sara Gonzales, Rob Eno and Graham Allen join discuss what to expect tonight?...Allie, Eric Bolling, Andrew Heaton, Bill O'Reilly, Steven Crowder and many more?...Trusting media in day of Deep Fakes? ...Mexico is starting to look Venezuela?...shipping oil by trucks...gas rationing chaos?...Why won't the press talk about this?...Media's intent on Not covering Real stories?...they are just hell bent on pitting us against each other?...Time to get Real News that 
121 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Tyler Ray, Bobby ...
Best of the Program | Guests: | 1/28/19 - BlazeTV Media Meltdown Special - Tonight 6 PM EST- Gun People Care About This? (w/ Tyler Ray)- UPDATE:  A Mother's Fight for Life? (w/ Bobby Schindler) - Celery Juice Jihad? (w/ Anthony William)
54 min
Hang Together or Separately? | Guests: Patricia...
Hour 1 Kamala Harris throws in her hat for 2020...'Dangerous for Donald Trump"?...Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown: "Sure I dated Kamala Harris, so what?, while he was married, bought Kamala a New BMW...getting all the skeletons out of the closet Now? ...the Margret Thatcher approach to government shutdown?...Air traffic control and politics...a privatize effort for all of these essential services...find out How and What We can do Now, Only on the TheBlazeTV? ...Our Principals are being flushed right down the toilet?   Hour 2 A Mothers Fight for Life?...Patricia Adames is watching her son starve to death in Arizona...her son David Ruiz, 32 years old and a father of two little girls...Patricia has a federal order giving her adult guardianship & hospital is ignoring her wishes...NO court order the hospital is doing this by Arizona law and...Help David's mother fight, Please donate ...Fighting for Time...what's the rush? ...25% of All deaths in the Netherlands are by forms of Euthanasia ...a heavy dose of Social Justice = Original Sin...Social Justice Warriors and Thugs, rule the day?...Trumps is right...Fearing China's 5G Hour 3 A Witch Hunters Bible?...Author, James Rollins joins Glenn to discuss his New book 'Crucible' sounds good on paper?...A.I. fears and grumbles are already being heard?...5-15 years or sooner?...Whoever holds the Key to A.I. rules the world? friendly AI on the horizon? Yes and it's very scary?...Surveillance Capitalism is coming?...Regulating Microchips for Employees?...America 2025? ...A 2-Hour BlazeTV Exclusive Live Broadcast, that you Don't want to miss...All BlazeTV hosts in one room?...Shielded like a badge of Honor?
121 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Patricia Adames &...
Best of the Program | Guests: Patricia Adames & Bobby Schindler and James Rollins | 1/28/19 - Dangerous for Donald Trump?- Glenn Takes Calls (Was the Shutdown Worth It)?- A Mother's Fight for Life? (w/ Patricia Adames & Bobby Schindler)- 'Crucible' and Fearing A.I.? (w/ James Rollins) - Better User our Bill of Rights?
59 min
Ep 21 | Dr. Carol Swain | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn sits down to have a conversation with Dr. Carol Swain, who serves as a Conservative Television Analyst and a Professor of Law at Vanderbilt University. They talk about her path from a high school dropout and teenage mother to becoming a renowned University professor and public intellectual. They also discuss Dr. Swain's passion for empowering others to raise their voices up in the public square while holding current politicians accountable in today's social and political climate. 
88 min
On the Fringe of the Fringe? | Guest: Bill O'Re...
Hour 1 Government Shutdown = Media exploitation goldmine?...CNN's feel good stories about Poor, poor, IRS workers, who are not getting paid?...Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in hot water?...kinda wishing to 'game the system'...Media ventilators? ...Governor Baby Killer, President Wanna Be, Andrew Cuomo...Celebrates a huge victory, of killing babies?...2020 run?...the Left never campaigns on SCOTUS?...and they are not down with Kavanaugh? ...Breaking News: Nathan Phillips identifies as Elizabeth Warren?   Hour 2 No Spin with Bill O'Reilly ...the low down on the Roger Stone arrest along with more Bill 'enlightenment'?...Muller's chart...'the chart'...Coincidence that CNN just happen to be there Live for Stone's arrest?...beyond the MAGA Hat kid?'s All about 'Hate in 2020'?...the Press has crossed the Rubicon? ...Comcast BuzzFeed set this All up?...the time Bill met with NY Governor Cuomo at the request of Cardinal Dolan?...Democratic split?...Biden signals he's not a Lefty loon? ...God will not hold Us Guiltless?    Hour 3 The Original Dirty Trickster  = Roger Stone... goes down, arrested for blatant intimation? ...BlazeTV thinker?...Conservative Professor Carol Swain, Roanoke College, and being exposed to conservative thinkers for the first time? ...Was Nathan Phillips a Marine in Vietnam? ...Military Service letters to Glenn?...Help Military family 
119 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Bill O'Reilly | 1/...
Best of the Program | 1/25/19 - Government Shutdown Media Goldmine?- Identifying as Elizabeth Warren? - No Spin Radio with Bill O'Reilly? - The Original Dirty Trickster?
51 min
Bound By What We Thought? | Guests: Leon Wolf &...
Hour 1 Shame on you New York?...First 6 months or Later abortions...New York Governor Baby Killer celebrates by lighting up the city to celebrate killing babies?...'it should be lit up in blood Red'?...Reproductive Justice it's Not?...NY State Liz Krueger, relation t o Freddy? Ha! Ha! ...The Death Demand is going way up?...Euthanasia on the rise? ...Being bound by what we thought 20 years ago? ...#MommysChoice?...fighting for Life outside the womb?...Making the Nazi's look like Rookies?...We are here, when cheering for Abortion is the norm? ...the Book owner who made a viral statement about New York abortion, calls in to talk to Glenn?   Hour 2  Fighting Fake News...with News 'Shield'...check and balances according to who?...rejecting all conservative news while accepting the likes of CNN, Vice News and BuzzFeed!...TheBlaze, Managing Editor, Leon Wolf joins to explain? ...the Media Still continues to report lies about Covington Catholic ...Breaking Exciting News: Just 12 years left to save the world?...according to the Prince of Sciences...UN reports failure to enforce environmental laws...what's the Rolling stool and rope for? ...Beware of the, 'Face Crimes'?, along with 'deep fakes'?   Hour 3 Live Tweeting the State of The Union?...from the border?...Why isn't the President doubling down on this?...Trump vs. Pelosi and the Letter duel?...Fan of fawning...Something's Off with Andrew Heaton?..."One way or another there's going to be a State of the Union"?...watching Jaws backwards? ...Venezuela leadership crisis?...Bitcoin hero, John McAfee is running for the US President while running from authorities, for tax evasion? ...Tom Brokaw Blasts House Democrats?
120 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Leon Wolf & Andre...
Best of the Program | 1/24/19- The State for Killing Babies? - #MommysChoice?- News 'Shield' (w/ Leon Wolf) - Breaking, Exciting Climate News?- Letter Duels? (w/ Andrew Heaton)
50 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Dr. Peter Boghossi...
Best of the Program | 1/23/19 - Lying to Perpetuate?- Black Hebrew Isrealites, Exposed?- 'Covington Strong'?- Loving the Truth of Integrity? (w/ Dr. Peter Boghossian) 
50 min
Covington Strong | Guest: Dr. Peter Boghossian ...
Hour 1  Lying to Perpetuate?...Kavannaugh on steroids?...the Media is blatantly lying to us now...the Left mob media attacks, attempts to destroy an innocent child as a 'horrible monster'?...Twitter is a hypocritical joke!...the Left, MAGA hats are the New KKK hood...Choosing Who's facts? ...MAGA Hat Kid vs. David Hogg?...the New dangers in smiling, smirking?...the Catholic Church has been silent?    Hour 2  Who are the Black Hebrew Isrealites Hebrews?..."they need to be exposed"...the Media's silence on their Hate is deafening?..Glenn plays New audio you didn't hear...the Smirk...'Covington Strong' T-shirts @ ...Media mistakes were made and they don't care...Covington Catholic school families are now being harassed and threatened, again Media Crickets?   Hour 3 Repercussions of Academic "Hoax" with Dr. Peter Boghossian, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Portland State University...Proved anything can get published at Universities ...Colleges today are all about 'agenda ahead of the truth'...houses of Social Justice of advocacy?...loving the truth = integrity...overt racism in the name of racism?...MLK's Dream is defiantly dead...No Mercy, No Passion, just Woke?...fundamental bully-cowards are acting behind the scenes at Universities?...parallels to Evergreen College controversy? ...Glenn reads a Letter from a proud Covington dad? ...Prayers for Brett Baier and Glenn's daughter? …9 down with many more to go?
120 min
Best of Bonus | The Convington Catholic Tick-To...
Get the Tick-tock (Play-by-Play), of what 'really' happened?...Black Hebrew Israelites vs. Native Americans?...BHI were attacking the Native Americans first, then turned their line of hatred and insults towards the Covington boys...Uncle Tomahawks? dismisses what really happened?...their Despicable false narrative from the get go, Reported the opposite of what really happened? ...BlazeTV = truthful in reporting
33 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Rep. Thomas Massi...
Best of Program | 1/22/19- MAGA Hat Hero(s) with KY Congressman Thomas Massie- Who is Leftist Nathan Phillips?- The Blaze Media Tick-tock?- The Polar Shift (w/ Ben Davidson)
64 min
MAGA Hat Hero? | Guests: Thomas Massie & Ben Da...
Hour 1  In Defense of 'heroic kids'?...with Kentucky Congressman, Thomas Massie, weighs in on the Covington Catholic School uproar...first initial reaction 'something doesn't add up?'... the Media's trying to dupe us all again...the kid, MAGA hat hero?,'s time for "men to stand up"?...Who is Native American, Nathan Phillips?...a 30 year long history of being a Leftist activist...complete lies and falsities of what really happened...says the boys were about to lynch the Black Hebrew Israelites? ...Choice Your News with Stu?...Man asks lottery officials to give him giant check for $1.00?...Like the the world will end in 12 years?   Hour 2 the Tick-tock (Play-by-Play), of what 'really' happened?...Black Hebrew Israelites vs. Native Americans?...BHI were attacking the Native Americans first, then turned their line of hatred and insults towards the Covington boys...Uncle Tomahawks? dismisses what really happened?...their Despicable false narrative from the get go, Reported the opposite of what really happened? ...BlazeTV = truthful in reporting   Hour 3 The Polar Shift?...Ben Davidson, Founder at Space Weather, explains, there is a process on our planet is happening Right Now...North and South magnetic poles are on the move, which is actually normal. But their rate of movement is dramatically accelerating...increase of frequency of earthquakes and volcanoes expected?...mixing science with theory? ...Glenn lays out how to engage and speak the truth, without arguments on social arguing, just overwhelm them with courage and love ...Support Media like The
120 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Graham Allen | 1/2...
Best of Program | 1/21/19 - MAGA Hat Hate? - America Needs a MLK Refresher?- Comedy is dead? - Hey Gillette, does this offend you? (w/ Graham Allen)- Baby Hitler Killer Shapiro?- 'Christ Like' Covington Kids?
64 min
Manufactured Media Freak Outs? | Guest: Graham ...
Hour 1  It was a bad Weekend for the Media?...Under-reported...March For Life...'Baby Hitler' comments stirs media?... Conservative Ben Shapiro loses reports lies about what happened...Covington Catholic school media uproar...Glenn breaks it down (the play by play) Catholic kids did nothing wrong...Native American guy 'instigated'? ...MAGA hat Hate?...Social Media Hate monsters, Facebook, is organizing Community Activists?   Hour 2  Martin Luther King Jr. is SO yesterday...he'd be Too peaceful for today?...America needs a Refresher of MLK?...he reminded us the Promise of Liberty for All? ...Beware: Turning people into statues?...Abortion = Slavery...yet, why does society accept killing babies? ...Abraham Lincoln, bad hair days?..combed hair = bad mood?...Seinfeld's Kramer as Abe Lincoln?...Is Comedy Dead?...some comedians do, it's dead for good?   Hour 3 the World's on fire, babies with poked out eyes?...Rant Nation with BlazeTV's Graham Allen?...Another media Freak Out...Graham and his children pose for family photo carrying guns...'Hey GIllette, does this offend you?'...gun culture and families 'way of life'? ...Ben Shapiro Baby Hitler killer? ...'Christ like' Covington Kids...Covington Catholic School Chaperone, Jill calls in to defend the boys?...Boys = MLK Jr. Jr's?...'the boys were targeted immediately'...
121 min
Ep 20 | Pat Boone | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn sits down to have a conversation with Pat Boone, a top industry recording artist, an entertainment superstar, and a generous philanthropist. Pat recalls at the young age when Elvis Presley opened for him, his many decades in the entertainment industry while simultaneously being on 3 networks, and also shares about the current talent he sees promise in within today's music/entertainment scene.
88 min