The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
Ep 40 | Ami Horowitz | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn talks with American documentary filmmaker, Ami Horowitz who is also running for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. He is a wirter, producer, and director of Ami on the Streets, a satirical short film series on Fox News and he also co-wrote, co-directed, and starred in a documentary in 2009 providing a critical examination of the United Nations. Today, Glenn and Ami Horowitz discuss putting party over country and how sad it is that we’re dealing with anti-Semitism in this day and age. If you'd like to learn more about Ami's campaign policies or if you'd like to be a donor for his campaign, click here:
93 min
Digitally Ghettoized? | Guest: Bill O'Reilly | ...
Hour 1 Publisher or platforms. Going Globally digital. China is going through 1984, do it or die. Generations of tyrants ...Biden buckles again, to the Left on abortion  Hour 2 The Bubonic Plague is coming to Los Angeles. Glenn goes to bat for Steven Crowder, Bill disagrees while Glenn educates. The four pillar policy of President Trump explained. Talking him down from tariffs. A Deal is waiting to be done  Hour 3 Flashback Radio fun with Glenn & Pat. Fun with Motel mom. Pat Gray was beautiful in a dress ...Responsible Dad Glenn gets cryptic ...Young girl causes pandemonium at city meeting when she says abortion is murder and compares it to slavery 
118 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Bill O'Reilly | 6/...
Best of the Program | 6/7 - We Are Being Digitally Ghettoized? - h1  - Driving Through Tunnels (w/ Bill O'Reilly) - h2  - Fun with Radio Flashbacks? -h3
51 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Steven Crowder & ...
Best of the Program | 6/6 - Conservative Voices are Going Away? - h1 - Steve Crowder Joins to Talk Censorship - h2  - Black Conservative Comedy (w/ Terrence Williams) - h3 
60 min
Demonetized and Done? | Guests: Steven Crowder ...
Hour 1 Conservative Voices are Going Away. Steven Crowder, The Blaze and folks associated are being blocked online. Angry and Nervous Blaze Sr. Editor Leon Wolf gives the low down. We're all on the chopping block. Watch BlazeTV for Free Hour 2 Steven Crowder joins to talk YouTube censorship and free speech. A Clarion call for those who like freedom. The loudest screamers are winning. Corporate censorship and dishonest business practises. Safe and queer spaces for all. Publisher or platform, that is the question  Hour 3 Comedian Terrence Williams joins to discuss the news of the day from a black conservatives perspective. The effects of the political climate on mainstream comedy. America is still the greatest country in the world for comedy ...Licking cakes while painting 10 hour memes
118 min
Lucky In The Lotto of Life? | Guests: Lara Loga...
Hour 1 Another depressing story from a Lotto Jackpot winner. More bad luck for comedian Tracy Morgan. Wrecked his brand new rare Bugatti in NYC ...Pat Gray has a bone to pick with Lou Dobbs. The media is already turning on Joe Biden  Hour 2 World famous journalist Lara Logan joins to report about the immigration crisis at the Texas-Mexico border. The mainstream media is not reporting the entire truth. The important stories we are not hearing. Speculation is not reporting Hour 3  Licking cakes with skank Miley Cyrus ...Dutch court allows teenager who was raped by two men to legally end her life ...Obama lies keep coming ...The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened with Susan Crockford. Tragedy porn and the great climate hoax. Filming lies then attributing with actual sources 
118 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Lara Logan & Susa...
Best of the Program | 6/5 - Don't Count Your Fortune Cookies? - h1 - Pat Gray has a bone to pick? - h1 - Stories from the Texas-Mexico Border (w/ Lara Logan) - h2  - The Polar Bear Catastrophe That Never Happened (w/ Susan Crockford) - h3
50 min
The Twisted World We Live In? | Guests: Pat Gra...
Hour 1 Your Carbon footprints by the numbers ...Pat Gray and where ever Free podcast are sold. Temptations of decades past ...Those weird and wacky British. The Queen was delightful to President Trump ...Liberal cities have become unlivable  Hour 2 Banned for comedy. Steven Crowder is for forced to apologize ...On the verge of Socialism. Who are the puppet masters behind Bernie Sanders. It's worse in New Jersey then it is in Venezuela. Blaze TV and  Hour 3 The Biggest disaster since World War II. Venezuela continues plummet. Where Bitcoin should be the currency of choice ...Judge reverses jury's decision regarding Christmas display in Ohio. Deputy General Counsel at First Liberty Jeremy Dys joins to explain this 'rare' judgment
118 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Pat Gray & Jeremy...
Best of the Program | 6/4 - Counting Carbon Footprints? - h1 - Pat Gray and Those Weird and Wacky British - h1  - Banned for Laughing - h2  - Reversing Judgment? (w/ Jeremy Dys) - h3 
48 min
Half Gone and Not Coming Back | 6/3/19
Hour 1 A Nuance stance on impeachment ...Glenn is headed for divorce because, no one is right one hundred percent of the time ...The End game to the left ...President Trump couldn't of been nicer Hour 2 The Bill of Rights and Bernie Sanders, both can't work together ...You do what you want, just don't tell me what to do ...A George Soros and Hillary Clinton kind of war ...YouTube investigates Steven Crowder for hate ...Bum-rushing Kamala  Hour 3 Real Rifts in the Democratic Party. Booed for not being a Socialist. The Left are crossing their Rubicon. The Democrats as we know it are over. Charred earth of the Democratic city leaderships past ...Thank you Texas Governor Greg Abbott 
118 min
Best of the Program | 6/3/19
Best of the Program | 6/3 - A Nuance Stance on Impeachment - h1 - He Couldn't of Been Nicer - h1 - Both Can't Work Together? - h2 - Steven Crowder's War? - h2 - Their End is Near? -h3 
60 min
Ep 39 | Bridget Phetasy | The Glenn Beck Podcast
This week, Glenn sits down with the very funny Bridget Phetasy who is a former Playboy Advisor and is now presently a Comedian/Writer. She contributes to a variety of other outlets including Tonic, the Federalist, MEL Magazine, & many other online publications. As a stand-up comedian, she tackles a lot of important issues from a comedic perspective and in this episode, they talk about the problem of self-censorship, banking institutions choosing whose money they want, and Bridget also gets really raw about her past struggles and some of the tragic things that she has been through in her journey. 
91 min
The Closing of Our Hearts | Guests: Bill O'Reil...
Hour 1 Handing over our burdens to God. The art of empathy ...Disney threatens to boycott Georgia but partners with China, which puts Muslims in internment camps. OK with killing their future audience ...To Boycott or Not to Boycott  Hour 2 Bill O'Reilly is back and ready to sail away. Once again 'Due process' is under siege. Bill talks about his recent call from President Trump. "Robert Muller hates me" The 5 Godzilla movies before. Technological elites in bed with government Hour 3 FBI tapes allege MLK watched rape, says the democratic socialist author. Tapes to be released by 2027. Release them now before we have the ability to deep fake them. Just a movement to destroy the 'individual' ...'Unfreedom of the Press' with 'The Great One' Mark Levin joins Glenn
118 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bill O'Reilly & M...
Best of the Program | 5/31 - Disney Wants to Kill Their Audience? -h1 - Bill O'Reilly is Ready to Sail Away? -h2 - FBI tapes allege MLK watched rape? -h3 - 'Unfreedom Of The Press' (w/ Mark Levin) - h3 
57 min
Manipulated to Give Up? | Guests: Andy McCarthy...
Hour 1 Just 1,400 puppet masters are controlling the masses. ...Globalist Cocoon Elite Left Lunacy. CNN's Chris Cuomo is working out his planks ...Pat Gray challenges 'sleepy' Joy Behar ...The Amazing transformation of Howard Stern  Hour 2 Andy McCarthy joins to breakdown what Muller said at yesterday's press conference. Impeachment, Do Americans have the stomach for it. This is all about not 'liking' Trump ...The states Pro-Life Democrats live. Killing all the way to birth  Hour 3 The Climate Chronicles with meteorologist Joe Bastardi. "Green New Deal is a recipe for economic disaster that would hurt every American." Tornadoes by the numbers ...Bowling into insanity while being a poster child for socialism. Cliff Maloney from Young Americans for Liberty  joins. Venezuela, gone wrong
118 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Andy McCarthy, Jo...
Best of the Program | 5/30  - 1,400 Puppet Masters -h1 - Pumping Up Planks with Douglas Clisterman? - h1 - Pat Gray vs. Joy Behar -h1 - Muller Press Conference, the Breakdown (w/ Andy McCarthy) -h2 -The Climate Chronicles (w/ Joe Bastardi) -h3 - Poster Child for Gun Control? (w/ Cliff Maloney) -h3
59 min
Climbing to Insanity | Guests: Chris & Emily No...
Hour 1 Paying to climb to your death ...Missouri's last abortion clinic is about to close. Safe rare and illegal to Shout Your Abortion. Arrogance will be their undoing. Netflix and their deal with the devil ...The Seven Longest Yards with Chris and Emily Norton  Hour 2 Justin Amash challenges President Trump, the greatest Showman. The art of spinning 'truth' to your favor ...More than just a 'trade war' with China. Leading the way on 5G. Praying for President Trump and those around him  Hour 3 Bob Mueller finally speaks. "No charges, Investigation is over." However, Russia is trying to interfere in our elections. Nothing new here. The quest for the Definitive with no smoking guns ...Watch BlazeTV for Free Now
117 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Chris & Emily Nor...
Best of the Program | 5/29 - Climbing to Death? -h1 - From Safe & Rare to Shout? -h1 - The Seven Longest Yards (w/ Chris & Emily Norton) - h1 - China's Acts of War are Underway? (w/ Jason Buttrill) - h2  - It's Finally Over? -h3
54 min
A Case of the Mondays? | Guest: Suzanne Grishma...
Hour 1 Drugs slipping out of butts while shooting testicles ...Pro-Trump art is all the craze and the Left is losing it. Pro-Trump artists live in hiding. Glenn unveils his newest Pro-Trump art  ...EU 'centrists' losing big while Brexit party surges  Hour 2 American farmers are in crisis. Mending fences while building walls of order ...Holy 'sheep lightening' a Massive Tornado rips through Dayton Ohio and is on the ground to help. Give your help to  Hour 3 Shaving while woke. Proud dad teaches daughter slash son how to shave ...Supreme court goes the good way on 'fetal remains'. Senator Mike Pence to the rescue on third trimester tragedies. Just a game of 'ovary billiards'
118 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Suzane Grishman | ...
Best of the Program | 5/28 - It's Tuesday, but it feels like a Monday? -h1 - Living in Hiding? -h1  - On the Ground to Help? (w/ Suzanne Grishman) -h2  - Shaving While Woke? - h3 - Going the good way? -h3
56 min
Best of the Glenn Beck Podcast | 5/27/19
103 min
Ep 38 | Jocko Willink | The Glenn Beck Podcast
Glenn talks with Jocko Willink who is a decorated retired Navy SEAL officer, author of the book "Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win", and co-founder of Echelon Front, where he is a leadership instructor, speaker, and executive coach. Jocko spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams, starting as an enlisted SEAL and rising through the ranks to become a SEAL officer. As commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the battle of Ramadi, he orchestrated SEAL operations that helped the “Ready First” Brigade of the US Army’s First Armored Division bring stability to the violent, war-torn city. During his career, Jocko was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and numerous other personal and unit awards. In 2010, Jocko retired from the Navy and launched Echelon Front with Leif Babin where he teaches the leadership principles he learned on the battlefield to help others lead and win.
65 min
Best of Glenn Beck | Guests: Pat Gray, Stu Burg...
Best of Glenn Beck | Guests: Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere, Jeffy Fisher & Jason Buttrill | 5/24/19
59 min
The Truth About The "American Taliban" | 5/24/19
Hour 1: British Prime Minister Theresa May announces her impending resignation …What is the allure of a parliamentary system that can result in an election at any time of the year? … The New York Times is going to bat for “American Taliban” John Walker Lindh …The pre-9/11 political climate led some people to look the other way on the Taliban, but it was no secret that they were an oppressive terror regime …Jason Buttrill, who was part of the leading thrust of the American invasion of Afghanistan, joins the program to shed some light on who Lindh really is …Why have conservatives and liberals completely switched positions on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks? …Perhaps the best thing for the pro-life movement would be President Trump giving the Left a taste of its own medicine. Hour 2: If you take a video clip of Nancy Pelosi and slow it down, it sounds like she’s drunk. But what if you play said clip at normal speed? …The Democrat field is essentially one big protected group, because if you disagree with them, you’re being racist …The rise and fall of Beto O’Rourke – How did his popularity wane so quickly? …There is no wiggle room on the Second Amendment, but that isn’t stopping Beto from proposing a ban on semi-automatic weapons sales …Bill de Blasio has entered the race for President – New Yorkers will tell you how much they hate his guts …Stu reveals that almost half of the Democrat field is currently getting zero percent of the vote. Hour 3: St. Thomas University of Minnesota is being kicked out of their Division III athletic conference for – wait for it – being too good …Competition isn’t about everyone getting a trophy, it’s about lifting everyone up through both winning and losing …Harvey Weinstein has settled a number of the cases in which he has been accused of sexual misconduct …Aladdin with Will Smith? Movie theaters with beds? Banks that are also cafes? … ‘Chernobyl’, the HBO mini-series, paints a grim and accurate picture of socialist society against the backdrop of the nuclear cataclysm in 1986 …Nuclear energy is not dangerous, nuclear energy being operated in a socialist state is.
124 min
Best of Glenn Beck | Guests: Pat Gray, Stu Burg...
Best of Glenn Beck | Guests: Pat Gray, Stu Burguiere & Mark Levin | 5/23/19
38 min