The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
Red Flag Laws Mean GUILTY Until Proven Innocent...
Now even Republican politicians are pushing voters to support red flag laws, but the MeToo movement already proved that people will ABUSE that power. And the word “racist” is being watered down so much that we might shrug off the warnings when a REAL racist comes along. Dr. Robert Epstein joins the program to set the facts straight on his research into Google’s search result bias and the 2016 election — and why the mainstream media is denouncing it. Kevin Williamson joins the program to discuss his latest book, “The Smallest Minority,” about why people are becoming so hysterical over politics. And should we make our whole lives political, from working at Mojo Burrito to making movies?
125 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Bridget Phetasy | ...
More kids die from being left in hot cars by neglectful parents than by mass gun violence, but we aren’t looking to regulate cars or parenting. We have a constitutional right to self-defense in the face of tyrannical governments, and the likelihood of having to use it is worsening. Bridget Phetasy joins the program. Ilhan Omar has some choice words about Israel, but they’re not exactly factual.
47 min
Our Right to Protect Ourselves SHALL NOT BE INF...
The Second Amendment is very clear about our RIGHT to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government, so if both sides believe one is coming, why would we give up our guns? There’s a real problem in this country, but while so many argue that it’s assault weapons, murderers, or opioids, the reality is that we’re empty inside. Bridget Phetasy joins to discuss this epidemic of depression, as well as who’s joining together to FIGHT the silencing of opinions. And politicians like Elizabeth Warren aren’t helping, but instead confusing our rights and privileges. In more crazy news, Ilhan Omar is making very strong claims against Israel, and CNN is reporting that Alaskan salmon are dying, but not at the hands of hungry fishermen.
125 min
The PC Culture INVASION Is Now Full-On Tribalis...
The rage mobs strike again, and now we’re not allowed to say “INVASION.” We may be at the peak of a massively tribalistic “WE” generation, but social media could course-correct us faster than we expected. Journalist Elijah Schaffer joins the program with his FIRSTHAND look at last Saturday’s Proud Boys/Antifa protests in Portland. Long story short, instead of swinging back at oppression, we should learn from the peaceful protests in Hong Kong. And while Bill Maher HOPES for a recession, we should read the fine print and focus more on our growing debt. Corporations are also making some strange decisions: the NFL is teaming up with Jay-Z, and author Michael Rectenwald believes that Google is PUSHING for authoritarian-style constant surveillance. 
123 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Elijah Schaffer | ...
We need to watch our words: PC cancellation culture is everywhere, and now “invasion” is off-limits. Journalist Elijah Schaffer joins the program to discuss the violence he saw firsthand at last Saturday’s Antifa protests in Portland. Michael Rectenwald speaks on Google, corporate capitalism, and constant surveillance.
39 min
Ep 47 | Google’s Government and the Digital Gul...
Glenn and the “notorious” former NYU professor, Michael Rectenwald, both believe that Big Tech, China, and the Left share similar - authoritarian - goals. Rectenwald’s newest book, “The Google Archipelago,” explores just that. In it, he imagines a world that’s sounding more familiar each day: 5G, AI, transhumanism, constant connection to the internet, and all the possibilities that opens up – digital erasing, book burning, Revelation-style marking, and the creation of what he calls “digital gulags.” In this interview, Glenn and Rectenwald discuss the power we give to Big Tech companies, why they’re helping China control its people, and what’s in store for us. Because, as they note, evil comes dressed fashionably, saying it’s for our own good.
91 min
Stuffed Dummies and Water Slides? | Guests: Bil...
Hour 1  When Fridays feel like Thursdays. Overstock CEO takes aim at Deep State; now he's being targeted. Jeff Epstein's tribute to Bill Clinton hung on his wall. Flying to Australia is the Pitts(burgh)? Stuffed dummies and loops on water slides.  Hour 2 Bill O’Reilly joins the program to discuss his latest book and the week’s biggest stories. There is a simple solution to gun violence: Stiffen the punishment for gun crimes. Is President Trump really considering buying Greenland? Who will come out on top in the battle between “The Squad” and the State of Israel? Hour 3  Rabbi Daniel Lapin joins the program to provide a new perspective on Rashida Tlaib’s visit to Israel. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that appoints America as the “policeman of the world.” Why do identical twins have different fingerprints? At what point does artificial intelligence become too much for our society to function normally? Yes, socialism is mentioned in the Bible.
120 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bill O'Reilly & R...
When Fridays feel like Thursdays. It's a Bill O'Reilly Friday. Rabbi Daniel Lapin joins the program to provide a new perspective on Rashida Tlaib’s visit to Israel. 
46 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Charlie Kirk | 8/1...
Former MMA fighter, bodyguard gives an alarming, cagey interview about working for Jeffrey Epstein? Charlie Kirk joins the program to re-examine a century of relentless assault on individual liberties. Let’s revisit the Statue of Liberty and what she really symbolizes.
46 min
Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck? | Guest: Cha...
Hour 1 Former MMA fighter, bodyguard gives an alarming, cagey interview about working for Jeffrey Epstein? It's "virtually impossible" that Epstein committed suicide? Overstock shares plunge after CEO says she assisted in "Russian investigation"? Hour 2 Breaking down a really scary deepfake video raises questions about the future of free will. Charlie Kirk joins the program to re-examine a century of relentless assault on individual liberties. Why is Elizabeth Warren, a modern Woodrow Wilson, rising in the polls? Hour 3 Glenn is optimistically pessimistic on the global economic situation. Long-term bonds were once the backbone of American economic stability, but that’s not the case any more. Let’s revisit the Statue of Liberty and what she really symbolizes.
122 min
The Great 'Fire' Wall of China | Guests: Ben Ho...
Hour 1 Tiananmen Square revisited, but is anyone paying attention? Scaling China's Great Firewall. Once again, we are witnessing history in Hong Kong. MSNBC spews racist hate. Live Christmas special announcement? Mr. President, please tear down these tariffs! Hour 2 Revisiting the Third Amendment: Are Alexa and Google Home the new soldiers being quartered in your house by big business and the NSA? ”A plan for everything” is destined to be a very bad one. Ben Howe joins the program to discuss the divide in America that transcends politics. Hour 3 Chief researcher Jason Buttrill joins the program to discuss an ongoing saga involving the Russian probe and a woman who wasn’t a Russian spy. Kevin Ryan joins the program to share his experiences listening to the Democrats in Iowa. Why are the Democrats gravitating toward Elizabeth Warren when she’s so much like Hillary Clinton?
121 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Ben Howe, Jason B...
Tiananmen Square revisited, but is anyone paying attention? Live Christmas special announcement? Ben Howe joins the program to discuss the divide in America that transcends politics. Chief researcher Jason Buttrill joins the program to discuss an ongoing saga involving the Russian probe? Kevin Ryan joins the program to share his experiences listening to the Democrats in Iowa.
59 min
New Colossus Needed? | Guest: Morgan Zegers | 8...
Hour 1  The New Colossus needed? Now it's send them here for the free stuff? The Democrat hopefuls leading the way at 27%. The pie doesn't fall very far from the tree. "The Pie Letters: Thoughts and Reflections on Pie and Life."  Hour 2 As Hong Kong cries for freedom, China's red flag system is alive and well. Crimes only some people get charged for? The Second Amendment must stand. Hour 3 Morgan Zegers, founder of Young Americans Against Socialism, joins the program. What is the key to galvanizing young people against the far Left? Chris Cuomo goes bananas after being called a not-so-offensive term. The guys have a little fun interviewing reporter Troy Lynch, who went viral for all the right reasons.
120 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Morgan Zegers | 8/...
The New Colossus needed? Now it's send them here for the free stuff?  The pie doesn't fall very far from the tree?  As Hong Kong cries for freedom, China's red flag system is alive and well. Morgan Zegers, founder of Young Americans Against Socialism, joins the program.
46 min
Best of the Program | 8/12/19
Mass gun use, by the facts. We are a sick nation. Something within us has changed. GOP supporters of the red flag laws are just taking the bacon. Radical feminist raves, "We need to kill all men." Us vs. Them Culture rules the day? Reuniting and rescuing the way only can?   
50 min
We Are A Sick Nation | 8/12/19
Hour 1: Mass gun use, by the facts. We are a sick nation. Something within us has changed. Symptoms of hopelessness due to fatherless families and addiction. We are being carefully taught to hate each other. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap down under? Hour 2: GOP supporters of the red flag laws are just taking the bacon. Radical feminist raves, "We need to kill all men." Us vs. Them Culture rules the day? Killing with fingers and fingernails. Self-imposed ignorance is a human disease.   Hour 3: Reuniting and rescuing the way only can? Heroic rescues of human slaves. Keith Ellison and IIhan Omar are two peas in a pod? Something's fishy about their relationship. 
121 min
Best of the Program | 8/9/19
Is President Trump approaching a watershed moment among conservatives? A Leftist thinks it’s possible to boycott everyone who is a conservative or Trump supporter. There really isn’t anything you can eat that isn’t linked to an increased risk of cancer. The latest study on sugar intake is alarming but should be taken with a grain of salt.
42 min
Biden’s Awkward Moments Continue | 8/9/19
Hour 1 CNN’s town hall on gun control was not a major television event. Is President Trump approaching a watershed moment among conservatives? Pat and Stu draw a comparison to Bush on immigration. Joe Biden is holding up well in the polls, but he just doesn’t stop making pathetic statements on the campaign trail. The Paris climate accord would have solved nothing, even if the science was right. Hour 2 Leftist thinks it’s possible to boycott everyone who is a conservative or Trump supporter. How much did Hillary Clinton harm her campaign with her “basket of deplorables” comment? ICE raid in Mississippi captures 680 illegal aliens employed at food processing facilities. Why have liberals taken a stand against teaching immigrants English? The answer is quite simple. Hour 3 There really isn’t anything you can eat that isn’t linked to an increased risk of cancer. The latest study on sugar intake is alarming but should be taken with a grain of salt. The Democrats keep on learning tough lessons in public relations, but also keep on ignoring what they’ve learned. The Dayton shooter was clearly just as evil as the El Paso killer, but nobody seems to care because he was an ANTIFA member.
113 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Jeffy Fisher | 8/8/19
Pat and Stu wonder if they’ll be able to trust the GOP and President Trump not to back down on “red flag laws." The president said he would rather take firearms first and go through due process second, but he’ll probably change his stance shortly. The guys have a good laugh (and maybe a cry) over a twenty-something employee who was incredibly offended by being told that there is no "p" in “hamster.” Why have the Democrats completely abandoned the (very electable) pro-life and pro-gun rights positions? And now, they're running an entire campaign on a lot of the things that were included in the suspected El Paso killer’s manifesto.
44 min
Overrated: Spelling and Grammar | Guest: Jeffy ...
Hour 1 Pat and Stu wonder if they’ll be able to trust the GOP and President Trump not to back down on “red flag laws." The Democrats haven’t learned a single thing over the past two years, and it could well cost them the 2020 election. The president said he would rather take firearms first and go through due process second, but he’ll probably change his stance shortly. Only a small number of people with a diagnosed mental illness are more likely to commit acts of violence. MSNBC and CNN are even more unhinged than usual, from an outlandish claim about today’s date and neo-Nazis to baiting the NRA into attending a pro-gun control spectacle. It's super easy for an organization to take credit for a boycott taking a host off the air (even if they're merely on vacation). Hour 2 The convention of Democratic Socialists wasn’t cringeworthy for the socialism as much as for the over-sensitivity of those in attendance. Some Millennials make great employees, but some leave something significant to be desired. Pat and Stu have a good laugh (and maybe a cry) over a twenty-something employee who was incredibly offended by being told that there is no "p" in “hamster.” Even Democrats are urging the president not to support “red flag laws," though for nefarious reasons. A Harvard professor takes on Sen. Ted Cruz over tech giants manipulating voters during the 2016 campaign. Hour 3 Why have the Democrats completely abandoned the (very electable) pro-life and pro-gun rights positions? Simple anti-gun measures like universal background checks poll well, and you don’t need to fight hard for them. Chris Cuomo’s CNN rant continued with him simply saying that it was dumb not to adopt his stance on gun control. The Democrats are running an entire campaign on a lot of the things that were included in the suspected El Paso killer’s manifesto. Some Republicans are going so far as to support a ban on “military-style weapons.” Jeff Fisher joins the program to chew the fat. Here’s your reminder that Colin Kaepernick is not out of the NFL because of his political stance; he’s unemployed because he’s a lousy quarterback. Artificial diamonds? Great. Artificial burgers? Almost great. Stu provides the latest update on the Democratic field.
113 min
The Red Flags' Red Glare | Guests: Scott Presle...
Hour 1  President Trump threatens executive action on gun control, and his supporters are outraged. Kiss re-election good-bye. The Second Amendment has never been under this much threat. Which Republicans are standing for the Second Amendment? Hour 2 Commonsense bipartisan solutions allusions? Comparing the murder rate in Lichtenstein. Baltimore Clean-Up Day with Republican activist Scott Presler. One call-for-action tweet that started it all? Hour 3  The settled science of racism. Fun at the Democratic Socialist national convention 2019. No pronouns for the pathetic, and safe rooms for the aggressively scented? Jeffy stops by to chew on some new donut ideas.
113 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Scott Presler & J...
President Trump threatens executive action on gun control, and his supporters are outraged. Kiss re-election good-bye. The Second Amendment has never been under this much threat. Baltimore Clean-Up Day with Republican activist Scott Presler. Fun at the Democratic Socialist National convention 2019.
56 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Jeffy Fisher | 8/6/19
Riding dirty on The Milky Way with Neil deGrasse Tyson? In the Age of Where Things happen pretty quickly? Campaigning on a pile of dead bodies. Criminal tamperer Jeffy Fisher stops by to chew some fat. The fear of traveling without plastic. Facts that don’t exist?
45 min
Press 4 For Fun? | Guest: Jeffy Fisher | 8/6/19
Hour 1 Punished for a crime before it's committed? The selective-beliefs media are completely disingenuous. They hate Trump more than they hate guns. Unhinged and completely obsessed journalism? Waving red flags is frightening. Hour 2 Fearing the red flag Laws? Mass shootings by the numbers, according to Neil deGrasse Tyson. Fake News: 250 mass shootings YTD? Mika Brzezinski: Mass shootings a political issue Democrats "could get some traction on"? Hour 3 Riding dirty on The Milky Way with Neil deGrasse Tyson? In the Age of Where Things happen pretty quickly? Campaigning on a pile of dead bodies. Criminal tamperer Jeffy Fisher stops by to chew some fat. The fear of traveling without plastic. Facts that don’t exist?
112 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Kevin Williamson ...
Mass shootings mean mass urgency in mental health. It's an epidemic. Caller Dave tells us "exactly" why you should subscribe to TheBlaze for your daily news. The thoughts-and-prayers Nazis strike. The thoughts-and-prayers Nazis strike. Lisa Paige Made Me Do It?
55 min