The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
Ep 49 | The Far-Left Feminist Disowned by His O...
Comedian Jamie Kilstein had his whole world turned upside down by the #MeToo movement. Once a self-described far-left feminist, he was surprised at how quickly his own people disowned him over claims he knew were very skewed — and the support he got was from the people he once mocked. Now he’s sitting down for an interview with one of them, the notorious Glenn Beck himself. They discuss life for a comedian who’s tired of selling out to political correctness, the humbling rock-bottom experience that brought him here, and the honesty that the American people want so much.
106 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bill O'Reilly & D...
Journalists are becoming social justice warriors and pressuring banks to monitor our credit cards for gun purchases. Bill O’Reilly has the latest on CNN’s low-rated climate change town hall and how Biden’s health affects his nomination chances. The 911 audio from Kevin Hart’s car crash is bizarre. Dave Rubin calls in to discuss joining the BlazeTV family, his personal evolution, and the importance of God in society.
48 min
The SJW Media: Banning Guns Through Banks and C...
A New York Times reporter is pushing HARD for banks to monitor and restrict gun sales, and the media is walking lockstep toward MORE government tracking. Bill O’Reilly has the ratings for CNN’s climate change town hall, and ironically, it was outperformed by the hurricane. Also on the cutting block are Biden’s health, global warming’s bias against people of color, Trump’s Sharpie skills, and the odd 911 call from Kevin Hart’s car crash. Dave Rubin calls in to discuss joining the BlazeTV family, his personal evolution, and the importance of God in society. And the Impossible Whopper is finally given a taste test by the meat connoisseurs themselves. 
124 min
Best of the Program | 9/5/19
Walmart just folded to the gun control activists, but does that really mean anything? Trump is considering using surveillance from Amazon, Google, and Apple to determine which citizens should own guns. Glenn gained major husband points for getting Café Rio food through the TSA for his wife’s birthday, and it wasn’t easy. Rotten Tomatoes attacks Dave Chappelle for not being politically correct, and Kevin Hart is next.
45 min
The Police-State Push from Zuckerberg, the 2020...
Walmart just folded to the Left’s calls for gun control, but the activists already hated Walmart. Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are now talking brain-computer interfaces, and Trump wants Big Tech to MONITOR us for our own safety – this sounds awfully like a police state. CNN’s climate change town hall had even more calls for government control and Biden bleeding from his eyes. That can't be good. Glenn also gained MAJOR husband points for getting Café Rio food through the TSA for his wife’s birthday, and it wasn’t easy. Kevin Hart is being trashed by the Left again, and Dave Chappelle is there to laugh at the insanity. And Dave Rubin took a month away from technology and news and learned something great in the process.
124 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bridget Phetasy &...
The Rubin Report is coming to BlazeTV! How long will Democrats cover for Ilhan Omar, who’s now openly supporting organizations founded by terrorists? Also, her estranged husband may finally let the world know whether she once married her brother. Bridget Phetasy joins Glenn in L.A. to discuss the leftist outrage against anyone who fights against tribalism, including Jason Blum, Dave Chappelle, and herself. The 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ landing at Plymouth Rock is coming up, and historian Paul Jehle joins to celebrate the birth of self-government.
45 min
Wake Up, Democrats! Ilhan Omar Is DANGEROUS | G...
Welcome The Rubin Report to BlazeTV! Ilhan Omar just endorsed a company connected to Somali Al Qaeda, and her estranged husband is now threatening to tell whether she once married her brother, but you won’t hear it from the media. Boris Johnson is facing yet another parliamentary election amid Brexit hysteria. Science fiction is becoming fact as we start to connect our brains WITH the internet and commit deepfake crimes over the phone. Bridget Phetasy joins Glenn in L.A. to discuss the leftist outrage against anyone who fights AGAINST tribalism, including Jason Blum, Dave Chappelle, and herself. The 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ landing at Plymouth Rock is coming up, and historian Paul Jehle joins to celebrate the birth of self-government.
124 min
The Headlines Are All Wrong: Odessa Is NOT the ...
Another atrocious mass killing brings yet another weekend of gun control hysteria, but the facts don’t line up! The Odessa, Texas, killer FAILED a background check and had a long history of mental illness, so the real question is HOW he got the gun. And China has issued a final warning to the Hong Kong protesters: “the end is coming.” Back in the U.S., Glenn was on Bridget Phetasy’s podcast, and now it’s banned from Facebook. Hollywood is advocating full-on McCarthyism as Rotten Tomatoes gives Dave Chappelle’s thought-provoking Netflix comedy special a ZERO, and the stars of "Will & Grace" call for the doxxing of Trump supporters. And Glenn discovered that while the TSA has some INSANE gun rules, at least it'll let your miniature horse fly.
123 min
Best of the Program | 9/3/19
Another atrocious mass killing brings yet another weekend of “We Must Take Action” hysteria, but the facts don’t line up! The Odessa, Texas, killer FAILED a background check, so the real question is HOW he got the gun. From the first day of school to the first job interview to wherever we are now, life is just one search for meaning after another in a world that feels different every day. Glenn had to fly this weekend and discovered that the TSA has some good agents, some terrible agents, and some really insane gun rules.
45 min
Best of the Program | 8/30/19
Joe Biden’s failing memory was really apparent after he botched every detail of a soldier’s story except that he was a service member and he was receiving a medal. Does any Democrat really have a chance of beating Trump, though? This time on “Drunk News with AOC,” she tries to redefine socialism, but we have a dictionary! The real history of how we got Labor Day off is surprisingly socialist. Dave Chappelle is bringing comedy back, and the PC crowd is as offended as always.
44 min
Hello, America. How Are You Feeling? | 8/30/19
As election season draws closer, Glenn wants to do the one thing he didn’t last time around: Take calls from his audience to see how they’re doing and where they think the country’s heading. Joe Biden just botched literally every detail of a soldier’s story, and the media STILL makes it about how Trump shouldn’t be president. And this time on “Drunk News with AOC,” she tries to redefine socialism, but we have a dictionary! Also, is Sen. Mike Lee actually SUPPORTING Google, or was Tucker Carlson just quoting leftist billionaire Tom Steyer? And we can thank the socialists for giving us Labor Day off. But they also ruined comedy, so let’s all thank Dave Chappelle for bringing it back.
123 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Jack Fairweather |...
AOC is back with some really fun comments about how older generations never stood up to the government like the kids do now. This ain’t your daddy’s capitalism – this time, we’re the only game in town, and the whole world is desperately dumping money into our system. But we’re still trying to be more like them. Author Jack Fairweather joins to discuss his new book, “The Volunteer,” a story suppressed by the Soviet Union about a man who risked his life to let the world know what Auschwitz was really like.
56 min
Chaos Everywhere: We Are the World’s Income | G...
AOC claims that older generations NEVER stood up to the government as much as the new one, but may we mention Restoring Honor, the 912 march, and Restoring Unity, all with anniversaries this week? The world is falling into chaos, from Britain’s constant surveillance to Gillibrand’s 2020 campaign to Apple’s Siri recordings and even Darwinism. The world is looking to us for stability yet again, because our economy still WORKS. But capitalism is crumbling before our eyes, while all the popular examples of “European socialism” are coming to us for help! Jack Fairweather, author of “The Volunteer,” joins to discuss the amazing untold story of a man who volunteered to go to Auschwitz in order to tell the world all the horrors he saw.
124 min
Bernie PRAISES China for Its – Capitalism? | 8/...
Bernie wants us to know how AMAZING communist China is at raising people out of poverty – but as the massive lines at Shanghai’s first Costco show us, it’s actually capitalism that he should be praising. Instead, the 2020 candidates’ socialist agendas are sounding eerily similar to the Soviet constitution. Speaking of “eerily similar,” Modern Monetary Theory has also been tried before, and EVERY TIME it ended in hyperinflation and collapse! Also, Ilhan Omar’s new boyfriend, Tim Mynett, is getting A LOT of money from her PACs. Oh, and his WIFE is also filing for divorce. Democratic polling qualifications aren’t looking so good for Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer. 
122 min
Best of the Program | 8/28/19
45 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Eric Bolling, Cra...
Silicon Valley is helping build a Chinese-style social credit system in the U.S. Eric Bolling joins to discuss his exclusive interview with Vice President Pence. PragerU’s lawsuit against Google starts today, and CMO Craig Strazzeri joins to explain why it’s so important. “Luxury beliefs” are the latest status symbol for rich Americans, but their effects are all too real for the rest of us. The Hill’s John Solomon joins to discuss the Hillary Clinton investigation.
53 min
Social Credit Scores Are Coming HERE | Guests: ...
The Silicon Valley-backed Chinese social credit system will soon be a FULL-ON police state, and it’s already showing up here, in everything from life insurance to WhatsApp. BlazeTV’s Eric Bolling recently met with Vice President Pence to ask him some BIG questions about the trade war, nuking hurricanes, and Nikki Haley’s chance at VP. PragerU CMO Craig Strazzeri calls in to discuss fighting Google and YouTube in court over shadow-banning conservative and biblical views. And it may be surprising, but recessions are NATURAL. Just like forest fires, they clear away the bad investments to help the good ones flourish. John Solomon, executive VP of The Hill, joins with his take on Patrick Byrne and the Hillary investigation.
123 min
Free Stuff Over a Free State – YAY! | Guest: St...
Bernie Sanders says that to keep the climate from destroying us all, we must embrace his communist policies – and it’ll only cost $16 TRILLION! Steve Deace joins the program to discuss how the end of Darwinism may be coming soon, but its progressive following will fight back hard. And there’s something really wrong with the economy, but who broke it? Trump? Obama? Reagan? FDR? Saudi Arabia? How about everyone? Also, the Chinese WILL remember when we humiliate them – and they have a lot of money in our stock market. But at least a few things are still as they should be: Texas is allowing open carry in churches, Joe Biden’s gaffes can’t stop, and milking cows is a form of rape. Wait, WHAT?!
124 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Steve Deace | 8/26/19
Bernie Sanders’ newest plan is to fight climate change with communism – yay! BlazeTV’s Steve Deace joins the program to discuss how challenging Darwinism is actually challenging progressivism. The economic math of the G20 and G7 doesn’t add up, and Trump knows it. Biden says don’t vote for him if you think he's too old, and this weekend, he definitely sounded old.
45 min
Ep 48 | Anarchists Don’t Wear Antifa Masks | Ti...
In all modern logic, Tim Pool and Glenn Beck should not get along. But after Trump’s election, this anarchist, avid environmentalist, and former Bernie-supporter saw the Democrat Party shift radically before his eyes. Now the left calls him a conservative, just for holding on to American values, reality, and individual rights. In this interview, Tim joins Glenn to show how two people can disagree on politics, yet still hold the same principles, including free speech, nonviolence, and hearing people out. With this common ground, they dive in to everything from socialism, open borders, and the alt-right to Elon Musk’s NeuraLink, Facebook’s Libra, and the frightening future of AI algorithms.
113 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Bill O'Reilly | 8/...
46 min
Calling Out the FBI’s “MEN IN BLACK” Comes with...
Overstock’s CEO, Patrick Byrne, just RESIGNED after taking Warren Buffet’s advice and stating that Deep State FBI “Men in Black” were steering the Russia investigation, and it all leads to James Comey. Bill O’Reilly joins the program to give his take and discuss how Bernie Sanders’ new climate change plan is the closest thing to communism he’s ever proposed. But college kids these days couldn’t care less about politics, although bashing Trump is a different story. And the economy is flashing warning signs all over the place, so if – or WHEN – a recession hits, the media is ready to blame Trump and his tariffs. But for the rest of us, who else is there to vote for but Trump? The other options are GUARANTEED to tank the country!
125 min
Best of the Program | 8/22/19
The Young Turks just released the most vile speech Glenn has ever heard, mocking Dan Crenshaw for losing his eye and calling terrorists “brave soldiers.” Glenn asks what the appeal is in “running.” Also, what’s your real, lasting impact in life? Trump’s is his family. Denmark is learning that assimilating immigrants is necessary if you want to keep your country recognizable. And Business Insider recently tried to prove how easy it is to buy a gun at Walmart. Long story short, it’s not.
52 min
The Young Turks Are FASCISTS | 8/22/19
Enough is enough. When the Young Turks — named after genocidal revolutionaries, by the way — mock OUR wounded servicemen and call terrorists “brave soldiers,” they’re just showing their true colors. There’s no search for truth any more among this generation of protesters, who have traded God and the peaceful nature of Gandhi and MLK for violence and outrage. The protesters in Hong Kong MUST root themselves in truth. Here are some other truths: Denmark is learning that assimilation is necessary if you want to keep your country, and Business Insider has learned that buying guns at Walmart isn’t that easy. Also, countries like Germany are starting to pay NEGATIVE interest rates on their bonds, and WE’RE worried?
125 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Dr. Robert Epstei...
Red flag laws already exist, in a movement called MeToo. Dr. Robert Epstein discusses how the Left alienated him for researching the effects of Google’s search bias and why Google is working with China and ICE. Kevin Williamson joins the show to review his latest book, “The Smallest Minority,” about the sense of community people get from raging over politics.
50 min