The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
Best of the Program | Guests: Max Lucado, Bill ...
Former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld thinks Trump committed treason with his Ukraine call, and he ACTUALLY suggested a death sentence! But if Trump is guilty, so were Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. Pastor Max Lucado calls in to discuss his new book, “How Happiness Happens,” and the importance of finding common ground while social media insists that we’re unhappy. Bill O’Reilly’s book, “The United States of Trump” is out today and NO ONE in the media will have him on. Economist Harry Dent was right about the last two bubbles and now predicts something MUCH worse in 2020. His book “Zero Hour” lays out how you should prepare.
63 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Luis Elizondo | 9/...
The whistleblower story about Trump, Ukraine, and Joe Biden’s son is pure GOSSIP. Here’s what we DO know about Joe Biden and Ukraine: Four very shady coincidences happened during his vice presidency that could only mean corruption. Google claims “quantum supremacy” as new computers yield crazy results. And Silicon Valley is developing brain-computer interfaces that add a whole new dimension to the “Mark of The Beast.” Luis Elizondo, director of Global Security at To The Stars Academy, joins the program with insider information about confirmed UFO sightings.
47 min
The Whistleblower Affair Could DESTROY Biden in...
The whistleblower story about Trump, Ukraine, and Joe Biden’s son is pure GOSSIP. Here’s what we DO know about Joe Biden and Ukraine: Four very shady coincidences happened during his vice presidency that could only mean corruption. Google claims “quantum supremacy” as new computers yield crazy results, and perfect deep fakes will be here by the 2020 election. And Silicon Valley is developing brain-computer interfaces while pushing to replace the Constitution with algorithms and social credit scores. Luis Elizondo, director of Global Security at To The Stars Academy, joins the program with insider information about confirmed UFO sightings. And a woman tells Beto “hell no,” he’s not taking her guns and leaving her family defenseless.
123 min
Ep 51 | Over-Regulation Ends Freedom | Philip K...
Author and attorney Philip K. Howard is at the forefront of legal reform and the fight against government micromanagement. His latest book, “Try Common Sense: Replacing the Failed Ideologies of Right and Left,” takes aim at the bloated bureaucracies of both parties and proposes a practical government that allows Americans to live WITHOUT all the red tape. In this interview, Glenn and Philip discuss how our overstuffed rule books – mixed with modern fears of failure, pain, and lawsuits – have created a less free society. From teachers burdened with paperwork to men afraid to mentor, our regulations need a massive overhaul.
91 min
Easier to Believe in Area 51 Aliens Than the Go...
Everyone’s skipping over the BIGGEST news story of the week to rant about Trudeau’s blackface and Trump’s creditless whistleblower “scandal.” The banks and the Fed are running out of money, but since everyone’s thinking with their feelings, a second Great Depression will make Elizabeth Warren look like a DREAM candidate! Bill O’Reilly joins with his take on how Corey Lewandowski’s mockery, the student climate protests, and Beto’s backfiring gun stance all prove how LITTLE we trust the press and government. And as Facebook pranksters descend on Area 51, what kind of “alien” weapons should the military use against them? How about “barf guns?” The Pentagon is also opening up about UFOs, and it just CONFIRMED three sightings.
126 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Bill O'Reilly | 9/...
Everyone’s skipping over the BIGGEST news story of the week to rant about Trudeau’s blackface and Trump’s creditless whistleblower “scandal.” The banks and the Fed are running out of money, but a second Great Depression will make Elizabeth Warren look like a DREAM candidate! Glenn brags to Bill O’Reilly about his “invitation” to have breakfast with Trump. Corey Lewandowski’s mockery, the student climate protests, and Beto’s failing gun stance all prove how LITTLE we trust the press and government. As Facebook pranksters descend on Area 51, what kind of “alien” weapons should the military use against them? How about “barf guns?” The “totally real” 12th imam returns to discuss how woke he’s become.
49 min
Confess Your Climate Sins! | Guests: Dr. Frank ...
The Federal Reserve is making CRAZY moves we haven’t seen since the last financial collapse. If this is the start of the next bank bailouts, we must GET OUT OF DEBT! Also, Taylor Swift is obsessed with defeating Republicans, and Brazil may have released super-mosquitos. Dr. Frank Tian Xie calls in to discuss the trade war and how unstable China actually is. And climate change is the new religion of the Left – NBC is even taking climate SIN confessions! Dr. Timothy Ball, the man who disproved the infamous “hockey stick” graph, provides more examples of how distorted the climate hoax is. And apparently Ilhan Omar requested the firing of her husband. But breathe easy: Beto just wants to take SOME of our guns!
124 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Dr. Frank Tian X...
The Federal Reserve is making CRAZY moves we haven’t seen since the last bank bailouts. We must get out of debt, but no Republicans are even mentioning it any more! Dr. Frank Tian Xie calls in to discuss the trade war and how China is actually very unstable. Dr. Timothy Ball, the man who disproved the infamous “hockey stick” graph, provides tons of examples of how distorted the climate change hoax is.
46 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Ken Paxton & Nick...
Eco-anxiety is on the rise, so why not join an AA-like support group, teach your kids that the world is doomed, and allow them to skip school to protest climate change? Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton calls in to discuss leading the investigation against Google. Comedian Nick Di Paolo also joins with some VERY politically incorrect takes on vaping, Saturday Night Live firing Shane Gillis, and weird emotional support animals. And Iran’s clerical regime literally wants world chaos. The “actual” 12th imam channels in from his well to explain.
51 min
Ilhan Omar FINALLY Responded! (Kind of) | Guest...
Apparently Ilhan Omar’s deleted Father’s Day tweet was “doctored” by “hateful” conspiracy theorists, and “Nur Said” is her dad’s nickname. Okay, but is he her ex-husband’s dad too? Eco-anxiety is on the rise with AA-like support groups and terrified kids being allowed to skip school to protest climate change. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton calls in to discuss leading the investigation against Google and the bankruptcy of Purdue Pharmaceuticals. Comedian Nick Di Paolo also joins with some VERY politically incorrect takes on vaping, Saturday Night Live firing Shane Gillis, and weird emotional support animals. But is anyone talking about Iran? Its clerical regime literally wants world chaos, and the Saudi attack is proof.
125 min
Best of the Program | Guest: John Ziegler | 9/1...
Ilhan Omar just deleted a tweet from 2013 wishing a happy Father’s Day to her dad – but he’s ALSO her ex-husband’s dad. So did she really marry her brother, or is this too good to be true? The New York Times story on Brett Kavanaugh sure looks like a hit job. Mediaite senior columnist John Ziegler joins the show to discuss the major facts they PURPOSELY left out and Max Stier’s role defending Bill Clinton against Kavanaugh. Glenn talks “sports” with Stu, or more accurately expensive watches and Odell Beckham Jr.
41 min
Ilhan Omar’s DELETED Father’s Day Tweet (to Her...
Ilhan Omar just deleted a tweet from 2013 wishing a happy Father’s Day to her dad – but he’s ALSO her ex-husband’s dad. So did she really marry her brother, or is this too good to be true? China also has a SCARY hold on our medications and may be using opiates to break the trade war. The New York Times story on Brett Kavanaugh sure looks like a hit job. Mediaite senior columnist John Ziegler joins the show to discuss the major facts they PURPOSELY left out. And Glenn talks “sports,” or more accurately expensive watches and Odell Beckham Jr. Reports are coming in that Iran DID bomb the Saudi oil facility, but what’s even worse is how devoted Iran’s Supreme Council is to causing world chaos.
124 min
The WORST Serial Killer in American History (Bu...
Over 2,000 bodies were discovered on the property of a deceased doctor, making him the WORST serial killer in American history. But since his victims were all aborted babies, the media has remained silent. Also, Texans apparently love telling Beto how willing they are to give up their AR-15s. And over HALF of Saudi Arabia’s oil production was just disrupted in a drone attack, with all signs pointing to Iran. Back in America, GM workers are striking, a bullied kid was given the best day of his life, and everyone is standing by for Trump’s new gun control proposal. Dr. Marty Makary joins the program to discuss his new book, “The Price We Pay,” which describes what’s REALLY wrong with American health care and how we can fix it. 
125 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Dr. Marty Makary |...
Over 2,000 bodies were discovered on the property of a deceased doctor, making him the WORST serial killer in American history. But since his victims were all aborted babies, the media has remained silent. Texans apparently love telling Beto how willing they are to give up their AR-15s, but Texas-based Glenn isn’t buying it. And over HALF of Saudi Arabia’s oil production was just disrupted in a drone attack, with all signs pointing to Iran. Dr. Marty Makary joins the program to discuss his new book, “The Price We Pay,” which describes what’s REALLY wrong with American health care and how we can fix it.
41 min
Ep 50 | The Globalist Gilded Age of Twitter-Fed...
Author and National Review correspondent Kevin Williamson doesn’t fall neatly into any political box. He was a conservative diversity hire at The Atlantic – fired three days later for that exact reason. He wrote a book called “The Case Against Trump,” but is definitely not a fan of leftists. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind, and his not-so-family-friendly newest book, “The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics” hammers it home. In this interview, Glenn and Kevin sit down to discuss how capitalism has massively boosted the quality of life even in the last 50 years, why we’ve traded our sense of purpose for Twitter bickering, and the unimaginable freedom the future will bring – if we don’t mess it all up first.
88 min
The 'Amazing' Debate: Biden’s Ancient, Castro’s...
The third 2020 debate was last night, and Glenn pulls out the record player at Grandpa Biden’s request. TheBlaze sent a writer to Houston to get the media’s reaction firsthand: Castro’s a jerk, Harris was cringey, and no one cared about Klobuchar. Brad Meltzer finally talks to Glenn about his new children’s book, “I Am Walt Disney,” and how a shared goal helped him secure the rights to use Mickey Mouse. Bill O’Reilly also recaps the “amazing” debate and describes how a socialist president WILL cause a depression. Glenn gets even more coverage from Darin and Gabrielle, the two viewers he hired to watch the debates for him. While there was no clear winner, the candidates tried really hard to make Trump and guns the losers. 
123 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Kevin Ryan, Bill ...
The third 2020 debate was last night, but Glenn “sadly” had a parent-teacher conference to attend. Bill O’Reilly provides a recap – it was a good night for Trump, Warren is a hip grandma, and Biden held on. Glenn gets even more coverage from Darin and Gabrielle, the two viewers he hired to watch the debates for him. While there was no clear winner, the candidates tried really hard to make Trump and guns the losers.
46 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Pat Gray, Nick Di...
Tonight there’s yet another 2020 debate, and Glenn is sending a writer to this one. So we may hear an audience member yell “BINGO!” every time Trump is mentioned. Philadelphia’s police commissioner is being asked to resign over a 25-year-old T-shirt picture. Comedian Nick Di Paolo joins the show with his rundown of the 2020 Democrats, Dave Chappelle, and why comedy may just save the country. Sujo John, 9/11 survivor and founder of, calls in to share his personal story of that horrible day and how it changed his heart from chasing wealth to rescuing modern-day slaves.
54 min
The BIGGEST 2020 Debate So Far? Let’s Play Bing...
Glenn is sending a writer to tonight’s Democratic debate, so we MAY hear an audience member yell “BINGO!” every time Trump is mentioned. Philadelphia’s police commissioner is being asked to resign over a 25-year-old T-shirt picture. Comedian Nick Di Paolo joins the show with his rundown of the 2020 Democrats, Dave Chappelle, and why comedy may just save the country. Glenn decides to hire a viewer to watch tonight’s debate for him. Sujo John, 9/11 survivor and founder of, calls in to share his personal story of that horrible day and how being rescued gave him a heart to rescue modern-day slaves. Also, Elizabeth Warren is PROUD that financial executives are growing fearful of her chances at the presidency. 
121 min
18 Years After 9/11: We Must UNITE Again | Gues...
It’s been 18 years since September 11, 2001, but has America ever recovered? As the next generation comes of age, we must remember living through the fear and confusion of that day and the unity of the day after. Retired New York fireman Bob Beckwith recalls how he became the national hero who stood arm in arm with President Bush at Ground Zero. Best-selling author Brad Meltzer joins to discuss his personal story of 9/11 and his new children’s book, “I Am Walt Disney.” Garrett M. Graff, author of “The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11,” discusses his research for the book, which is composed entirely of quotes from the people who were there, from survivors to the president’s staff and everyone in between. 
126 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bob Beckwith, Bra...
It’s been 18 years since September 11, 2001, but has America ever recovered? We will never forget, but we also must remember the unity we had on 9/12. Best-selling author Brad Meltzer joins to discuss his personal story of 9/11 and his new children’s book, “I Am Walt Disney.” Garrett M. Graff, author of “The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11,” discusses his book, which is composed entirely of quotes from the people who were there – in the towers, on the planes, with the president, and everywhere in between.
52 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Dennis Prager | 9/...
Trigger warnings are now MAJOR offenses! We can’t say “hey guys,” but suggesting cannibalism can stop global warming is fine. Glenn looks back at his radio show on September 10, 2001, and how far we’ve come with surveillance and trust in the WRONG direction. Dennis Prager joins the show to discuss censorship and his upcoming movie, “No Safe Spaces.” Tribalism has gotten out of control on the Left, and comedian Jim Gaffigan says the unthinkable: It’s OK to be friends with conservatives!
59 min
If It Triggers You, CENSOR IT! | Guest: Dennis ...
Trigger warnings are now MAJOR offenses! Strangely enough, using cannibalism to fight global warming is not. And speaking of triggers, Beto wants gun owners to know that he trusts them – to give up their guns. Glenn looks back at his radio show on September 10, 2001, and how far we’ve come with surveillance and trust in the WRONG direction. Dennis Prager joins the show to give an update on PragerU’s lawsuit against Google, his book, “The Rational Bible,” and his upcoming movie, “No Safe Spaces.” Tribalism has gotten out of control on the Left, and comedian Jim Gaffigan says the unthinkable: It’s OK to be friends with conservatives!
123 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Michael Rectenwald...
The DOJ ordered Apple and Google to release data on ALL the users of a gun scope app, and that’s just the latest attempt to watch our every move – for our safety, of course. Author Michael Rectenwald joins the show to discuss the onslaught of “smart” technology and why we’re dumb for trusting it. Joe Biden’s gaffes keep racking up, but they’re starting to sound more like aneurysm side effects. Kamala Harris laughed after a man called Trump “mentally retarded,” but then denied ever hearing him.
38 min
The Government Wants Data on EVERYTHING We Do |...
The DOJ ordered Apple and Google to release data on ALL the users of a gun scope app, and that’s on top of the information already being collected by everything from smart beds to Roombas. Author Michael Rectenwald joins the show to discuss the onslaught of “smart” technology and why we’re dumb for trusting it. Glenn tweeted Ilhan Omar to clarify on some BIG questions after she called him a lying idiot, but she’s not responding. In 2020 news, Joe Biden’s gaffes are starting to sound more like aneurysm side effects, and Kamala Harris laughed at Trump being called “mentally retarded. And if the Bill of Rights was put to a vote today, most of it would not pass.
126 min