The Glenn Beck Program

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

News Commentary
Best of the Program | Guest: Pat Gray & Jeff Fi...
Pat Gray and Jeff Fisher join the program to discuss the uneasy peace that has returned to Baghdad following the U.S. embassy assault. Then, the guys dissect the predictions of a futurist known as “Psychic Nikki” – be warned, there are some REAL eye-openers for 2020. Also, a trans man gave birth - Or did "he"?
32 min
Kicking Off the 2020s in Style | Guests: Pat Gr...
Pat Gray and Jeff Fisher join the program to discuss the uneasy peace that has returned to Baghdad following the U.S. embassy assault, the supposed “independence” of the U.S. Supreme Court, and Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s tactics regarding the articles of impeachment. Then, the guys dissect the predictions of a futurist known as “Psychic Nikki” – be warned, there are some REAL eye-openers for 2020. Also, is the president’s right to a speedy trial being violated by the Democrats’ unwillingness to proceed with a Senate hearing? And a tragic shooting demonstrated how mass shootings can be stopped by a single armed protector in a public place.
120 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Steve Deace | 12/3...
BlazeTV host Steve Deace is back on the program and shifting gears from theology to political theory. Together with his cohorts Todd and Aaron, he reveals what he calls the ten commandments for political warfare.
35 min
Ten Commandments for Political Warfare | Guest:...
BlazeTV host Steve Deace is back on the program and shifting gears from theology to political theory. Together with his cohorts Todd and Aaron, he reveals what he calls the ten commandments for political warfare. Why is it essential not to trust Republicrats? Who are the most notable GOP lawmakers who fall into this category? Why must you never accept the premise of your opponent’s stance if you intend to win a debate? And what is the connection between never conceding the high ground and never abandoning your base?
119 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Steve Deace | 12/3...
BlazeTV host Steve Deace and his team join the program to discuss cultural upheaval, the search for truth, principles of America’s founding, and seven worldviews that have threatened the foundations of our culture.
31 min
Seven Deadly Worldviews | Guest: Steve Deace | ...
BlazeTV host Steve Deace and his team join the program to discuss cultural upheaval, the search for truth, principles of America’s founding, and seven worldviews that have threatened the foundations of our culture. What is the primary difference between having conviction and embracing a legalist ideology? What will always replace God in the vacuum left by His removal from society? How do you fight the weakening of faith caused by evil acts in the world?
118 min
Best of the Program | Guest: James T. Harris | ...
Radio host James T. Harris joins the program to express his conviction of why the 2010s have been the greatest decade of all time ...Allow us to review what an awful year it was for the mainstream media ...Michael Moore telling you to fear two out of three white men (because they voted for Trump) is indicative of something much more sinister emanating from the Left.
31 min
The Best Decade in Human History | Guest: James...
Radio host James T. Harris joins the program to express his conviction of why the 2010s have been the greatest decade of all time. Economics and living standards are better than ever both at home and abroad, yet the Democrats and young socialists can’t see the forest for the trees. Allow us to review what an awful year it was for the mainstream media. The Covington kids, Jussie Smollett, the Mueller report, Greta Thunberg, Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes – the list of fiascoes just goes on and on. And Michael Moore telling you to fear two out of three white men (because they voted for Trump) is indicative of something much more sinister emanating from the Left.
119 min
Best of the Program | Guest: James T. Harris | ...
Radio host James T. Harris joins the program to discuss the story of Christ’s birth and how it became one of the greatest stories ever told. James decided not to continue his family’s custom of avoiding racism by avoiding unnecessary contact with white people. Why? Because America is only racist if you want it to be. Several callers also join the program to share their stories regarding racism, their thoughts on the impeachment saga, and little-known facts that have had a huge impact on our country.
53 min
Keep Corruption Out of Christmas | Guest: James...
Radio host James T. Harris joins the program to discuss the story of Christ’s birth and how it became one of the greatest stories ever told. He tells how his father experienced casual racism in the north in the 1960s; James sees similar things today among Democrats on television. James decided not to continue his family’s custom of avoiding racism by avoiding unnecessary contact with white people. Why? Because America is only racist if you want it to be. Several callers also join the program to share their stories regarding racism, their thoughts on the impeachment saga, and little-known facts that have had a huge impact on our country. Finally, is what we are experiencing in Washington a coup? If not, what is really going on?
119 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Justin Barclay & ...
Pastor Don Piper joins the program to tell the story of how he lay dead on a Texas highway for 90 minutes, yet through his faith and the prayers of those around him, he returned to reveal some of what lies in heaven. Don Piper's book, "90 Minutes in Heaven," is available everywhere books are sold and has been adapted into a 2015 film.
33 min
What Really Matters? | Guests: Justin Barclay, ...
Justin Barclay encourages people to take a breath this Christmas and just reflect on what really matters in their lives. Then, twin sisters Monica Sparks and Jessica Anne Tyson join the program to explain why they, despite being alike in almost every way, are polar opposites politically. In Hour Two, Pastor Don Piper joins the program to tell the story of how he was dead for 90 minutes and, through his faith, lived to tell the tale. In Hour Three, Taya Kyle and Adam Davis of the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation join the program to talk about how their organization is working hard to help returning servicemen and keep Chris Kyle’s memory alive.
119 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Mike Broomhead | 1...
Mike Broomhead joins the program to tell you the truth about what has been going on behind the scenes of the Trump impeachment proceedings. Many Democrats made doomsday predictions when President Trump was elected. Now, three full years later, why are so many STILL in denial about how well the economy is doing? The Steele dossier remains completely unsubstantiated, so why has it been treated like doctrine in a court of law? Why do the FISA courts even exist?
38 min
Promises Made, Promises Kept | Guest: Mike Broo...
Hour 1: Mike Broomhead joins the program to tell you the truth about what has been going on behind the scenes of the Trump impeachment proceedings. President Trump’s judicial appointments now make up a full quarter of the judiciary. Will the health of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg drive the Left to take drastic measures? The Democrats’ potential gross abuse of the 25th Amendment could have dire consequences. The Obama White House’s abuse of investigative power prior to the 2016 election has come full circle. Hour 2: Many Democrats made doomsday predictions when President Trump was elected. Now, three full years later, why are so many STILL in denial about how well the economy is doing? Unemployment has plummeted while the Dow Jones has soared – Americans should be dancing in the streets. Will the president be able to get through to people in the Midwest with his message of “promises made, promises kept”? Hour 3: The Steele dossier remains completely unsubstantiated, so why has it been treated like doctrine in a court of law? Why do the FISA courts even exist? Because those engaging in surveillance were putting your rights on the back burner. Virginia is on the brink. The very purpose of the Second Amendment could be on display if sweeping gun control measures are implemented by force.
119 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Bill O'Reilly, Ch...
At last night’s Democratic debate, Andrew Yang actually made sense, Joe Biden imitated a stuttering kid, and Elizabeth Warren fought for the center. Bill O’Reilly gives his final thoughts on the crazy decade, and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk decries the Left’s pride and ego. President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, hands Glenn shocking documents uncovering even more of the Democrats’ Ukraine scandal.
43 min
The End of a Crazy Decade | Guests: Rudy Giulia...
At last night’s Democratic debate, Andrew Yang actually made sense, Joe Biden imitated a stuttering kid, and Elizabeth Warren fought for the center. Glenn speaks with Relief Factor’s Pete and Seth Talbott about the joys and miracles of adoption. Bill O’Reilly gives his final thoughts on the crazy decade, and Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk decries the Left’s pride and ego. Glenn announces Restoring the Covenant in Gettysburg, on the weekend of July 4, 2020. President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, hands Glenn shocking documents uncovering even more of the Democrats’ Ukraine scandal. And to end the decade, Stu reviews "Star Wars IX," Glenn looks at how chaotic the world has become, and Brexit is looking likely.
126 min
Best of the Program | 12/19/19
Chuck Todd's thoughts on President Trump are making Glenn sick. A Democratic representative presents three "unconstestable" facts about impeachment, and of course Glenn and Stu contest. We've also got a side-by-side comparison of Democrats speaking on partisanship back in 1998 and now in 2019.
41 min
The Sickening Impeachment Process Carries On | ...
All this impeachment nonsense has Glenn feeling downright nauseated. Mitch McConnell addresses the Senate and lays out everything wrong with what Democrats have done. If the Senate takes up the impeachment, it will forever lower the bar to impeach a U.S. president, and the parties will never stop impeaching. Tulsi Gabbard simply voted "present" on the articles of impeachment. Even the press understands how partisan the impeachment is. Rep. Karen Bass and her "uncontestable" facts on impeachment turn out to be quite contestable. Chuck Todd, of all people, thinks Donald Trump doesn't revere the Constitution. Remember when Democrats warned against a partisan impeachment? What a difference 20 years makes.
123 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Nick Di Paolo & D...
Solemn, prayerful, Constitution-loving Nancy Pelosi has been weeping all night for the country as impeachment day dawns. Stu “calls in” from the House floor with “riveting” updates on a process that could last all day. Comedian Nick Di Paolo is proud of Trump for his swamp-draining. Conservative Review senior editor Daniel Horowitz explains the new omnibus spending bill that’s so bloated it makes Obama’s massive budgets look cheap and gives Democrats the Christmas gifts of their dreams. Glenn hears from listeners who didn’t vote for Trump last time. But after all this craziness, they will in 2020!
48 min
The Impeachment That Will 'Go Down in History' ...
It’s a historic day in America! Today, after nearly three years of daily media outrage, the House will finally vote on impeaching President Trump. Solemn, prayerful, Constitution-loving Nancy Pelosi has been weeping for the country all night, as Glenn expertly portrays. Comedian Nick Di Paolo is proud of Trump for his swamp-draining. Conservative Review senior editor Daniel Horowitz explains the new omnibus spending bill that’s so bloated it makes Obama’s massive budgets look cheap and gives Democrats the Christmas gifts of their dreams. He argues Trump should “impeach this bill,” and the listeners agree. Glenn hears from listeners who didn’t vote for Trump last time. But after all this craziness, they will in 2020!
127 min
Best of the Program | Guests: Douglas MacKinnon...
Rep. Maxine Waters says she’ll always “believe” Trump colluded with Russia. Stu has the latest on the Biden-Burisma scandal: Joe Biden has a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on his family’s work, and Hunter Biden was concerned about Ukrainian bears in pits. Political consultant Douglas MacKinnon discusses Senate Republicans and his new book, “The North Pole Project.” Glenn and Stu rate all the Star Wars movies, and “Beltway Banthas” host Stephen Kent gives his predictions for “Star Wars Episode IX.” BlazeTV’s Lauren Chen, host of “Pseudo-Intellectual,” talks YouTube algorithms and whether regulating porn is constitutional.
56 min
The Democrats’ Collusion Theory | Guests: Dougl...
Rep. Maxine Waters says she’ll always “believe” Trump colluded with Russia. Stu has the latest on the Biden-Burisma scandal: Joe Biden has a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on his family’s work, and Hunter Biden was concerned about Ukrainian bears in pits. Political consultant Douglas MacKinnon discusses Senate Republicans and his new book, “The North Pole Project.” Sen. McConnell says the Senate will NOT have new witnesses in a trial. A CNN staffer apologizes to Richard Jewell for helping ruin his reputation. “Beltway Banthas” host Stephen Kent gives his predictions for “Star Wars Episode IX.” BlazeTV’s Lauren Chen, host of “Pseudo-Intellectual,” talks YouTube algorithms and whether regulating porn is constitutional.
127 min
Best of the Program | Guest: Susie Jennings | 1...
Former FBI Director James Comey admits he was wrong and “over-confident” about the FBI’s FISA handling. The mainstream media isn’t "mainstream" any more because of the Left’s arrogance. And the word in Utah is that Mitt Romney won’t win re-election. Which would hurt Trump more – a massive Senate trial or letting it all go? Listeners call in with their takes on impeachment, corruption, and Romney. Susie Jennings, founder and president of Operation Care International, joins to discuss helping the homeless and throwing a birthday party for Jesus this Christmas.
46 min
Trial or No Trial: Senate GOP, Make Up Your Min...
Former FBI Director James Comey admits he was wrong about the FBI’s FISA handling. The mainstream media isn’t "mainstream" any more because of the Left’s arrogance. Despite the privacy concerns, Google is the most favorable company in America. Which is better, a real or fake Christmas tree? Democrats say Trump has tainted the 2020 election. Which would hurt Trump more – a massive Senate trial or letting it all go? Listeners call in with their takes on impeachment, corruption, and Mitt Romney. Is the "War on Christmas" real in our schools? Susie Jennings, founder and president of Operation Care International, joins to discuss helping the homeless and throwing a birthday party for Jesus this Christmas.
126 min
Boris Johnson’s Blowout Victory | Guests: Danie...
A woman and her abusive ex both went to jail: him for attacking her and her for not having a concealed carry license. And her bond was MUCH higher. Boris Johnson won big in the British election! Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan calls in to describe what this means for Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn, and America. Bill O’Reilly lists his important takeaways of the week: The FBI is out of control, the British election is devastating to Democrats, and Bloomberg proved the media’s corruption even at the highest levels. “Kindness and Wonder” author Gavin Edwards discusses why Mr. Rogers has become such an icon. “40 Acres & a Fool” podcast host Cam Edwards has the latest updates on Virginia’s battle over the Second Amendment.
126 min