Big Screen Sports - The Sports Movie ...

Hosted by Kyle Bandujo, Big Screen Sports is a weekly film review podcast discussing the best and worst in the sports movie universe. The on-screen sports action, big chill moments, actors that may or may not look like athletes, and everything that worked or didn't work about your favorite and least favorite sports movies.

TV & Film
Film Reviews
TV Reviews
"Teen Wolf Too" with Jeff & Emmett Pearlman (@j...
1985's "Teen Wolf" was a laughably bad disaster of a basketball movie. Naturally, they made a sequel. NYT best-selling author Jeff Pearlman and his son Emmett return to Big Screen Sports to discuss a wolf participating boxing? "Teen Wolf Too," a true enigma.
81 min
Throwback Thursday - Talking "Rush" with Brian ...
A clip from our first episode of the year 'Five Favorite Sports Movies of the Decade' with Brian Gill & Kent Garrison from the film podcast 'Mad About Movies'. We discussed a film that's on two of our top-five lists and that's currently available to stream on HBO Max.
9 min
Baseball Movies Suck with Ryan Spaeder (@theace...
Big Screen Sports is an appreciation of sports movies, especially baseball movies. Ryan Spaeder ain't havin' it. The baseball analyst, author, and host of Blue Wire's 'The Walk Off' baseball podcast joins Big Screen Sports to break down why he thinks baseball movies suck.
63 min
"My Cousin Vinny" with David Ruff (Washed Media...
It's the non-sports movie of the month, and we've got another perfect movie. Podcaster and real-life lawyer David Ruff returns to Big Screen Sports to breakdown yutes, Mona Lisa Vito, and everything else in "My Cousin Vinny."
83 min
"Koshien: Japan's Field of Dreams" with Bobby W...
Bobby Wagner from the Tipping Pitches baseball podcast returns to Big Screen Sports to discuss the baseball documentary "Koshien: Japan's Field of Dreams." We talk the baseball, the culture, and wow is that a Rich Hill jersey?
53 min
"The Program" with Barton Simmons (CBS Sports C...
No movie has tried to cram in as many college football cliches as "The Program." Barton Simmons joins Big Screen Sports to break down the 1993 film and discuss how it fared in portraying major college football. Where it succeeded, where it completely face-planted, and how the film has aged for better or worse in the last 25+ years.
81 min
Favorite/Least Favorite Sports Movie with JR Hi...
JR Hickey, host of the brand new podcast 'So Many Screens' stops by Big Screen Sports to discuss his new pod and then name his favorite and least favorite sports movie.
22 min
Five Favorite Soccer Movies with Brandon Kelly ...
With soccer's growing popularity in the U.S., hopefully we've got a bright future for soccer films ahead of us. Brandon Kelly of Blue Wire's new Golden Goal podcast and the Always Cheating pod joins Big Screen Sports to break down his favorite films (so far) in the soccer movie genre.
67 min
"Uncut Gems" with Sam Esfandiari (@samesfandiari)
Is "Uncut Gems" actually a sports movie? Eh, maybe, maybe not. Is it a damn good movie? Absolutely. Sam Esfandiari from the Light Years podcast joins Big Screen Sports to talk Sandler, the Safdies, and KG's acting chops.
58 min
An Interview with Martie Cordaro from "50 Summe...
Omaha Storm Chasers President Martie Cordaro joins us to discuss taking part in the baseball documentary "50 Summers," his career in Minor League Baseball, and the future of MiLB. Go buy merch from your local minor league sports franchise!
41 min
"Swingers" with Daron Vaught (@DaronVaught)
You're so money and you don't even know it. Guest Daron Vaught returns to Big Screen Sports to break down this month's non-sports movie pick, "Swingers," a film that's 96 minutes of near-perfection. Best scenes, best quotes, and a whole bunch of talk about being money and beautiful babies. Plus, was Mikey actually a good comedian?
101 min
"Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story" with Tim Mil...
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and....Dodge. "Dodgeball" arrived in 2004 and has been quoted repeatedly ever since. Tim Miller (The Bulwark) joins to break down what makes this one a potential Hall of Fame sports movie.
74 min
An Interview with Rob Crain from "50 Summers" a...
The baseball documentary "50 Summers" (released earlier this year and now available to stream on Prime) gets 5-stars from this podcast, and we had to talk to one of its stars: former Assistant GM for the Omaha Storm Chasers, Rob Crain. Rob gives us his perspective on being featured in the documentary, as well as tales and tips from his career in Minor League Baseball.
46 min
"Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" w...
Dear sweet baby Jesus, we thank you for this episode about the classic 2006 Will Ferrell comedy. Wes Blankenship joins to talk the spoof of Southern NASCAR culture, Playgirl models named Mike Honcho, and throwing Grandpa Chip's war medals off a bridge.
78 min
"The 6th Man" with Air Buds Pod (@airbudspod)
"The 6th Man" is a basketball "comedy" that isn't quite sure what it wants to be. The guys from the Air Buds Podcast (Jamel Johnson, Peter Moses, and Mike Benner) join Big Screen Sports to break down what the hell happened in this 1997 film.
75 min
The State of Sports Documentaries with Tipping ...
Bobby Wagner and Alex Bazeley from the baseball podcast Tipping Pitches join to discuss the their favorite sports documentaries, and pitch ideas on baseball docs they'd like to see made. Before listening, consider donating to Black Lives Matter at
101 min
"Pitch Perfect" with Mike Schubert (@Schubes17)
It's our non-sports movie of the month, but is "Pitch Perfect" actually a sports movie? Mike Schubert (Potterless & Meddling Adults Podcasts) returns to Big Screen Sports to break down the 2012 musical comedy. Is it a sports movie, are some characters too unlikable, and is Ben Platt the best thing since sliced bread? (He is).
75 min
Keith Law On His Book "The Inside Game" and "Mo...
The Athletic's Keith Law returns to Big Screen Sports to discuss his new book "The Inside Game: Bad Calls, Strange Moves, and What Baseball Behavior Teaches Us about Ourselves," as well as some of the problems with both the film "Moneyball" and the problems with MLB's 2020 draft proposal.
51 min
"The Rookie" with Dillon Cheverere (Washed Medi...
"The Rookie" is a classic Disney baseball film, and we grabbed one of the film's stars to talk about it. Dennis Quaid was busy, but Dillon Cheverere (Washed Media, Circling Back Podcast) was able to join to discuss his role as an extra in the film, and break down everything else about the movie.
64 min
An Interview With Jim "The Rookie" Morris
The inspiration for the 2002 Disney baseball film "The Rookie," Jim Morris, stops by Big Screen Sports to discuss the film, as well as his new book "Dream Makers: Surround Yourself with the Best to Be Your Best."
40 min
Listener Questions Vol. 1
Big Screen Sports is taking your listener questions. "Major League 2" hypotheticals, dream guests, FMKs, and more.
36 min
Ranking the Best Baseball Moments of 'Seinfeld'...
'Seinfeld' and New York baseball go together hand-in-hand. From George giving hitting lessons to The Magic Loogie, there's were a ton of great baseball moments on the classic sitcom. Scott Reinen from Bronx Pinstripes joins to rank the top five.
32 min
"Warrior" with Dann Stupp (@DannStupp)
Potentially the most underappreciated sports movie of the past fifteen years, "Warrior" is a classic. Dann Stupp from The Athletic joins Big Screen Sports to break down the 2011 MMA film.
72 min
Drafting the Dumbest Parts of "Draft Day" with ...
4th & Gold Podcast co-host Matt Barr joins Big Screen Sports to celebrate the NFL Draft by drafting the dumbest parts of the 2014 film "Draft Day."
46 min
"That Thing You Do!" with Brandon Walker (@BWal...
Big Screen Sports' first "no-sports" episode covers the 1996 comedy "That Thing You Do!" Guest Brandon Walker joins to break down Tom Hanks' directorial debut.
69 min