High School Hoops (Coaching High Scho...

A Discussion all about being and coaching Basketball at the High School Level Scrimmage, Preparation, Practice Planning, Parents, Getting your Players to Play Hard, MUCH MORE.... Published on Wednesday mornings

Ep 309Defensive Thoughts with Coach Levin Watts
Basketball Defense
8 min
Ep 308 Pre and Post Season Conditioning Discuss...
Basketball Conditioning
12 min
Ep 307 How to Create Good Shots ( Cole Owens )
10 min
Ep 306 Having Parents on Your Coaching Staff ( ...
13 min
Ep 305 How To Handle Criticism ( Cole Owens)
Recording #18 Edit recording Share 98b8be2bbfb21543f5bd15ab0f4263b9 Transcript AI Content Magic Chat Studio Edit Transcript (⌘+E) Copy selection Clip media Studio Find & replace Download transcript Speakers3 Copy selection Clip media Studio Hey, everybody. Welcome, welcome, welcome to High School Hoops. As you know, we're trying out new hosts for the next I don't even know how long, for a while. If you'd like to get your name in on that, let me know. You can do that, just by emailing me at Steve at ttroops.com, and I'll get you on the wait list there to to if you would like to give this thing a shot, as far as the cohost goes. And then also coach Bill and I over at Coaching Youth Hoops are are giving away a free clinic this this fall at some point. And you can find that at Coaching Youth Hoops.com Forward Slash Clinic. And I'll put that down the show notes. And then we're also kind of starting dynamic app that's I think is gonna be very helpful for youth coaches at coaching youth hoops.comforward/waitlist. So go over and check that out and let's head off the podcast. From the 5th quarter studio in Madison, Wisconsin, you're listening to High School Hoops with your host, Steve Collins. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to, high school hoops. Coach, I'm gonna have a brain fart too. You never know. Always have. Oh, we can always have those. We can do it. Trust me. A number of intros I've had to redo multiple times. But anyway, before we all of you know that we're talking about criticism today, so obviously you saw it in the title before we're doing it. Before we jump and talk about criticism and coaching, and if you're a high school coach and you're listening to this, you're gonna have criticism. But I'd like to give a big shout to our 2 sponsors. First of all, tchips.com for coaches who wanna get better. The one stop shop for basketball coaches. I got to remember what I said. Oh, it is the Wal Mart, the Target and the, Macy's of of basketball coaching. It's a little bit of everything, too much, actually, that I'm kind of trying to decipher. I've got a program. We're coming in and doing a bunch of stuff and we're revamping it. But anyway, prices are going to go up. I do have 2 kids in college. I did say that last week, but I'll say that again. So if you want to help coach Collins out a little bit, come join for a couple of months and then also go over and check out Doctor. Dish, the number one shoe machine in the market. It's easy to set up. It's easy to use. I'm to the point now where I don't even have to set it up anymore. Told the boys can do it by themselves and they know how to do it. They know how to get to the workouts. You want to get strong, you lift weights, you want to become a shooter. You shoot Doctor. Dish can help you do that. Tell him I sent you a high school hoops. Coach Collins sent you. They will take really good care of you. Great Minnesota company. Big good Midwest company. Alright. So today, we're gonna talk about criticism, coach. So what's your thought on criticism? Yeah. So so how to handle criticism as as a coach, you're definitely gonna have people that that don't like, you know, what you do all the time, shockingly. Right now, I'm I'm actually in our, our golf season, and I had a parent kinda come and criticize me about the the makeup of the schedule, how things were maybe not super clear for where the JV should be, where the should be, and just a little background on on where we're at for our golf season. Our varsity will typically go out, and we'll play meets, and then our we will be allowed based on the amount of spaces at the course, how many JV players can come. So it it's it's It's a core. Yeah. It's crazy. It's It's a very fluid situation most of the time. So Oh, yeah. And they and then you're it's all about those golf courses. You wanna be open and ready to go for the people that are paying and blow the big bucks. Yeah. Yeah. It's weird. That golf thing is weird. You'll play it 7 AM kind of thing. Yep. Anyway Yep. Yeah. So so, yeah, I just we we were getting some criticism on you know, parents were getting frustrated with you know, we don't know where our players are supposed to be, when they're supposed to be. And, you know, we were doing the best we could trying to get all the information out in a timely manner based on what we had. And I think, you know, the the criticism we were getting, like, it it was definitely fair and kinda looking at it. I think the best thing that we were able to do was to assume, like, the best intentions from from that parent. Right? If there's any criticism coming from anywhere, like, you have to assume the best intentions. Like, they just want they they just want to know they they want to know the information in a timely manner, and you can whatever whether whatever criticism you're kinda receiving, whether it's, you know, for your basketball team and, you know, people don't like the style of play you do or the offense or the defense. Right? You I think it's best to assume best intentions first and then work backwards from there. Right. No. And and and the thing is I'm gonna tell you, I think a lot of criticism that you can take care of a lot of criticism by over communicating to parents. Yes. Part of the criticism, the biggest one that I've noticed is they don't know what's going on because most teenagers don't talk to their parents about the stuff that you say. And, so, you know, if I have to change something, I will tell them I have to change it. But then I will also communicate that to the parents that I have to change it, because I don't think that's getting home. I think it maybe gets to them, but I don't know if it ever gets, you know, conveyed to the parents about, hey, you know, practice had to change from early to late because wrestling has whatever it is. So I think from from a from a high school standpoint, I always tell high school coaches over communicate, over communicate, over communicate. They'll take care of that. I'll take care of it. That's the first thing. Second thing is. At any given time, there's really only a couple of kids that are super, super happy. Yes. It's true. Like, you know, the the 5th player thinks he should be the 2nd player. The 8th player thinks he should be the 4th player. Now, if you've built relationships, you've built communication, you've built trust. It's hard to hate uncle Bill because he doesn't believe in what you believe in. Then, you know, blah blah blah. You know, I'm using an example. But, yeah, it's it's if they trust you and know that you have the best intentions, and I tell that in my per first parent meeting, it's like, I can only play 5 kids. Yep. There's 15 on the roster. So it's a problem right here. It is a problem. And it's like I always tell coaches to do that math problem with their players. Is it anything to do with criticism? But have all your players put down how many minutes they think they should be playing and then tally it up and then tally up all my minutes are actually off. And then that will put them a little bit back in perspective. But I always show that to the parents too. It's like, here's what all your players thought they should play and here's how many minutes I have. So reality and perception are different things. That's the first thing. Second thing is your parent first. So they love their kids. They want their kids to be happy. They want their kids to play. They want their kids to blah, blah, blah. So they, you know, they don't always see. I tell them I'm gonna make the best decision I can for all 15 kids. And sometimes that's your son or daughter not playing. It's just because they're not good enough. It's like they made the team. That's the especially in our school of, you know, 21 100 kids is making the team is an accomplishment. You know? So I think those are the with criticism, you really gotta know that it's part of the game. Have thick skin. Yes. Willing be willing to take it. Because to be honest with you, I'm not even on their radar. Once their kids leave, I'm not they don't even think they think 0 about coach count. I'm just saying because it does it's not right in front of them. The kids are playing high school basketball anymore. They're moved on. They're they're playing and they're not playing. I'm just saying it's like the reality of the world we live on. This is just the point in which they're in right now, and it's very important. So I think that's what I think you have to. And I love the idea of assume that criticism's coming from. I'm not sure it is, but assume it is. I think that's a good rule of thumb. Anything else, coach? Yeah. I think, yeah, just just that it's not personal. So I think you kinda hit on that. So Yeah. I don't think it is. I just you gotta move on from from that. So alright. Until next coach. Thank you.
8 min
Ep 304 Defending Ball Screens ( Eric Vandefifer)
12 min
Ep 303 3 prs of coaching( Emma Devine)
12 min
Ep 302 Creating Expectations and Roles for Asst...
11 min
Ep 301 Rural vs Urban Coaching with Coach Levin...
9 min
Ep 300. Milestones and Mentors
From Struggles to State Championships: Transforming a High School Basketball Program
11 min
Ep 299 Planning for a Basketball Season ( Zac B...
10 min
Ep 298 The Balance Between Family and Coaching ...
11 min
Ep 297 Why You Must Establish Your Principles o...
21 min
Ep 296 We’ve Been Wrong About Basketball Practice!
19 min
Ep 295 High School Hoops Changes
6 min
Ep 294 Player Motivation in the Off-Season
12 min
Ep 293 Building a Program through Player Develo...
10 min
Ep 292 Motivating Your Players in the Off-Seaosn
12 min
Ep 291 Funnel Down Defense
63 min
Ep 290 You are what you Emphasize
13 min
Ep 289 March Madness Mentality
10 min
Ep 288 Playoffs and End of Season Tweeks
10 min
Ep 287 Out of Bounds Plays
17 min
Ep 286 Weather the Season Storm
13 min
Ep 285 Transition Defense
15 min