Tower 4

Mike Archer is a newly appointed fire watcher in the Wyoming woods. While he's never done anything like this before, he needed something new after his mom passed. Now he hopes to spend his days in a tower above the trees looking for fires and working on his new book. But things aren't as quiet and peaceful as he hoped. Strange interference blasts over his radio at night and he starts seeing and hearing creepy noises in the woods. But are these odd occurrences actually happening or is he just going stir crazy?

Science Fiction
S2E9: Questions and Answers
Mike is on the hunt for the mysterious man and cart. But while on his trek he chats with Amber and once again debates telling her everything he knows.
42 min
S2E8: Trapped
Mike made it inside the bunker, but was that a wise decision? It doesn't take long before he's contemplating his choices and revisiting his time with his therapist back home.Music:"Rapid Motion (Drums Version)" by Ian Post @
38 min
S2E7: The Search
Mike and Jerry follow the tracks left by the small cart. But when they reach a wide open field they find that the tracks end. Mike starts believing they are in over their heads, but Jerry on the other hand, won't give up.Music:"Tower Score...
36 min
S2E6: The Cave
Mike now has the upper hand, but that doesn't mean he knows what to do. His first order of business is to find Jerry, but that proves easier said than done. One night, while searching the woods around Wind Walk, Mike stumbles upon some other figures....
33 min
S2E5: Eavesdropping
Mike is on to Amber and Gene, and learns quite a bit from their conversations. But he doesn't know exactly how to handle this new information. So after some careful consideration, he decides to play a game; one where he's actually ahead of the curve....
36 min
S2E4: Gaslight
Mike's had enough. After remembering his fight in the tower, he decides to head out. But he doesn't make it far along Three Posts before he runs into a mysterious man. Music:"Tower Score 1" by Brett Wilkins @WilkinsMusicFL"Machina" by...
25 min
S2E3: Meaningful Coincidences
Mike tries to talk to Jerry, but he runs off. Once again, Mike is confused and tired. As he heads back to the tower, he can't help but dwell on past events and question his desire to stay. He thinks back to his time with his ex, Sarah, and starts to...
22 min
S2E2: The Supply Drop
Mike is starting to remember more of his time in the tower. He also starts having more nightmares which lead to him wanting to explore Site 5 again. After his ankle heals a bit, he heads out, using the supply drop as an excuse. But what exactly is he...
21 min
S2E1: The Hangover
Mike wakes up outside, unsure of what to make of his headache and bruises. Amber believes the vodka kicked his ass the previous night, but Mike isn't so sure of that. Music: "Money in the Desert" by Dan Howell @"Ion Fields" by Musical...
29 min
S2: Prologue
An older homeless couple find themselves huddled under an overpass during a storm. Life has been tough, but they know things are going to get better. After a pastor of a local church offers them a place to stay and work, they believe things are...
7 min
Season 2 Trailer
Mike will return for Season 2!!Don't forget to follow 7 Lamb Productions on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: @7lambpodcasts
2 min
Season 1 Recap
Robert M. Lamb (writer/editor) and Jack Austin (voice of Mike) get together to talk about Season 1 of Tower 4. They do a quick rundown of everything that happened, then they chat about a multitude of things: the recording process, the release...
41 min
S1E9: Last Night
Mike feels he needs to help, but has no idea how. And after much deliberating and more confusing talk, he eventually decides to give up and head back to the tower. He's done with all the craziness and ready to quit. He deems tonight his last night....
34 min
S1E8: The Bird
Mike wakes up in a cave, hurt and confused. He spots a strange man walking around, mumbling and shuffling through papers. Eventually they talk, but things don't become clearer. The man wants help, but Mike is ready to be rid of the woods and...
25 min
S1E7: The Combo
Mike is getting annoyed with Amber, after she once again doesn't believe him. He turns off his radio and takes some time for himself. But he ends up focusing more on the journal and surrounding mysteries rather than his writing. After Mike gets a...
43 min
S1E6: Crazy
Mike hightails it out of Enos Lake just as the sun rises. As he makes his way back to the tower he gets the sudden urge to contact Gene. Since he is near Over Arch he should be able to reach him. But it turns out it's all for nothing when Gene...
22 min
S1E5: Enos Lake
Mike is on a rescue mission of sorts. He packs a bag and even a tent for his upcoming trek. He sets out for Enos Lake in search of the missing father and son. But when he gets there he finds a strange man in dress clothes. Mike chases after the man,...
26 min
S1E4: Bear Spray
After Mike's close call, he heads back to the tower, hoping that eventually the campers make their way passed. But they never do. Weeks go by and Mike focuses on his writing. Amber offers help and keeps him focused. But one night, after discovering a...
21 min
S1E3: Trespassers
After hearing some classical music playing over the radio, Mike informs Amber who then informs Gene. Worried that there may be some hikers in the area, Gene gives Mike the go ahead to kick out any trespassers, since the area around Tower 4 is closed...
23 min
S1E2: Dreams
Mike and Amber have formed a quick bond. While Mike wants to focus on his writing, it is nice to have someone to talk to. Especially after his creepy first night. The next morning, Amber helps Mike find some coffee and explains to him the day-to-day...
30 min
S1E1: First Night
Mike Archer is looking for a change of scenery after his mom passes. He picks up a new job as a fire watcher as a way of getting away and working on his book. After getting hired he hikes out to his new home for the next half a year. The first night...
32 min
Tower 4 Trailer
Here is the trailer for Tower 4, 7 Lamb's newest series. This mystery/thriller follows newly appointed fire watcher Mike Archer as he surveys the Wyoming woods and works on his book. But when he begins to receive strange radio interference and hear...
1 min