Crystal Blue

Crystal Blue is a sci-fi audio drama about fifteen military outcasts that evade dishonorable discharge and are instead sent to a remote grouping of planets known as the Theras. Thera II houses the base known as Crystal Blue, where each member is forced to work a specific job such as building air purifier towers, maintaining the base, or monitoring space travel. It's a boring job, but someone as to do it. But things get crazy when a mysterious shuttle crash lands on the planet, holding some secret information about an alien race. An alien race that has not been in contact with humans for centuries. What could this mean for the members of Crystal Blue?!

Listen and find out!!

Science Fiction
S1E7: The Jungle
Carter and company head into the jungle to locate the shuttle. Things aren't easy traversing over mushy ground, fighting insects, and hiding from Zinos. Miles away, in the APT, Stooge also struggles as he tries to find his place among the builders.
43 min
A Message from 7 Lamb
We’ve been getting a lot of emails asking if we are still making podcasts and wondering why things are taking so long. Well, here’s a little explanation of what’s been going on behind the scenes.
10 min
S1E6: The Tower
Stooge's first day at the tower is not a good day. He's not prepared and it seems no one really cares to help him, save for Yara. Meanwhile, Max looks into the blip, while also fighting with Mazey. And Rich and Ferris get high and find a new pet.
43 min
S1E5: The Body
Max and Mazey are still trying to figure out things in Communications, since the Captain urgently wants to talk to HQ. Meanwhile, Carter and company head to the jungle but have an abrupt stop in the plains when they find a body.Music:...
29 min
S1E4: No Signal
Sarko, Roman, and the rest of the build team are heading back to Crystal Blue after another week of work. When they arrive back at the base they find the Crawler gone and the bay door jammed. Sarko has a few words for the mechanics and the Captain,...
37 min
S1E3: The Shuttle
Kay is still upset with Carter. While she patrols the outside of the base, she finds some commotion in the Comm Room. She goes to investigate and finds several CB members searching for a crashed shuttle. While they don't know exactly where it landed,...
25 min
S1E2: The Shooting Star
After hearing of Stooge's fate, Carter has a talk with the Captain. But his concern doesn't last long when he finds out his own term is ending. Carter doesn't want to leave... not yet anyway. So in an effort to postpone it, he takes off on an ATG and...
30 min
S1E1: Arrival
Crystal Blue is an outpost on the planet Thera II. The Earth's Defense Force (EDF) sends military personnel to the Theras when they break rules or go against protocol. A kind of "time out" if you will. Being sent to the Theras isn't fun, but it beats...
33 min
Crystal Blue Season 1 Trailer
7 Lamb Productions introduces a new sci-fi series called Crystal Blue! Follow the fifteen members of the military base on Thera II as they build Air Purifier Towers, monitor space travel, and uncover the mystery of a downed shuttle. The series will be...
1 min