The Fourteen Twenty Sports Bar Podcast

4 beer worth of sports talk and more with host Brent Radlinsky

Fourteen Twenty ep. 158
Billionaires vs. Millionaires. Today we discuss the MLB players and owners situation, the importance and effectiveness of coaching changes, icons in sport and a whole lot more. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
76 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 157
The guys discuss this week in College football, the politics of paying the coaches at the collegiate level, the Tkachuk Lemieux altercation, the curling Olympic Qualifiers and a whole lot more. Sit back, grab a few beers and let’s get into ‘er.
60 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 156
Today the guys discussed changing Canadian Thanksgiving to be more like how the USA celebrates theirs, Mets owner Stephen Cohens remarks on Twitter, Oilers team Canada, and a game of “What Pisses me off” sit back, grab a few beers and let’s get into ‘er!
61 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 155
The guys discuss this past weekend in this NFL season, salary cap issues in the MLB, comments on Derek Chesterfield Jeter made by some cheating no good Astros and a whole lot more. Sit back, grab a few beers and let’s get into ’er
71 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 154
This weekend Jim the sound guy joined me on beautiful Vancouver Island. We discussed reasons kids don't want to be referees, the disaster that is the Vancouver Canucks, the growth of soccer in Canada and a classic game of "Who's Better?" Sit back,...
41 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 153
Tonight we discuss Jarome Iginla's induction into the Hockey Hall of Fame, our opinions on penalizing taunting in sport, and play a game of "Oh Yeah or Oh No". Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
50 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 152
Tonight the guys talked about cancers in the locker room, what you would do if you were a free agent, then Dave and Deanne went head to head in the 4th Trivia Challenge. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
67 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 151
Tonight we talked the Battle of Alberta, the ongoing Raiders mess, who should be in the Baseball Hall of Fame, and what might be the best would you rather question yet! Sit back, grab a few beers and let’s get into ‘er
76 min
Fourteen Twenty Nuggie Challenge
The long anticipated Nuggie Challenge is finally here!! How many can the guys scarf down? Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
24 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 150
The guys discuss the MLB Championship, Buster Posey’s retirement news, the Aaron Rodgers Covid-19 vaccine scandal, Kevin Lowe’s jersey retirement news, the politics of the hockey Hall of Fame and a new edition of “What Pisses You Off?”. Sit back, grab...
74 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 149
Tonight we chatted the World Series, Injury season in the NFL, healthy scratches, talked about the “Nuggie Challege” coming up and another edition of “Who is Better?”. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
70 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 148
Tonight we chatted the Blackhawks scandal, Football coaches needing QB’s, the World Series, and a new segment “What Pisses You Off!”. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
86 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 147
The guys discuss the MLB finals, the beginning of the NHL season, how stupid most team names in sports truly are and a whole lot more. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
78 min
Foul Tips ep. 15
Today in baseball history Canada brought an MLB title north of the border. Today we'll discuss the Jays' championship, the Rick Award and a whole lot more. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
21 min
Fourteen Twenty ep.146
The guys discuss the grace/honeymoon period for a franchise, rule changes in baseball coming soon Breaking up with your men’s league team, and a "Who is better?" lead singer rock band edition. Sit back, grab a few beers and lets get into 'er!
75 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 145
The guys discuss officiating in baseball from the MLB to little league, some "Oh Yeah Or Oh No?" and a whole lot more. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
63 min
Fourteen Twenty ep.144
The guys discuss who to cheer for when 2 teams you hate are playing, Alphonso Davies and the Canadian Men's Soccer Team. Another edition of trade, release, sign with the Detroit Red Wings. And juke box etiquette. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's...
59 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 143
The guys discuss the John Gruden situation, the MLB playoffs, and the chances your team has to win a Stanley Cup. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
65 min
Fourteen Twenty ep.142
The guys discuss the end of the MLB regular season, post season and a whole lot more. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
65 min
Foul Tips Game 162 preview
Preview show of the MLB's upcoming game 162. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
13 min
Fourteen Twenty ep. 141
The guys discuss the great ending coming up for the MLB season, rehash the Tom Brady/Adelle montage, other montages and do another round of "Who is Better?". Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
80 min
Fourteen Twenty ep.140
The guys discuss the end of the MLB season, This week in the NFL and a whole lot more. Sit back, grab a few beers and let's get into 'er
67 min
Fourteen Twenty ep.139
The guys figure out which album is the best: Purple Rain by Prince, Born In The USA by Bruce Springsteen or Sports by Huey Lewis and The News. Sit back, grab a few beers, and let's get into 'er 5GMCBDSXrMBJfjRiawi1
81 min
Fourteen Twenty ep.138
The guys talk about NFL 2-0 teams and 0-2 teams, coaching changes, the Tijuana Titan and his catchers notes, and gve a preview of our special "Who is Better" segment coming up on our next show featuring Huey Lewis, Prince and Bruce Springsteen!  Sit...
66 min
Foul Tips ep.14
On the latest episode of Foul Tips put the Yankees season in a nutshell, have a homework assignment for everyone regarding the Mets documentary, the Rick Award nominees, today in baseball history and the Jays top 5 home runs in their history. Grab a...
35 min