Slay Girl Slay

The Slay Girl Slay podcast is a space created to uplift, motivate, and inspire women to be fearless in the pursuit of their dreams, go after what they deserve, and show up as their most unapologetic, most authentic selves. This audio series was created for every woman who is on the verge of her come up, creating her own vibe, and transforming her life. The Slay Girl Slay podcast is hosted by Ashley Leggs, Founder of AshMedia Network.

Work With What You’ve Got
Sometimes we think we need all the steps, all the resources, all the software, and all the programs to be successful in our fields. But that’s not the case boo! You have everything you need to make it work, whether you believe it or not.
16 min
Live Fully In The Moment
Sometimes we’re so focused on just trying to get to a “good place”, that we don’t open our eyes and see the good place we are already standing in. You can’t get so wrapped up into crossing the finish line that you fail to realize how blessed and fortun...
16 min
Full Body Decisions
 Indecisiveness and your lack of ability to make firm decisions, can be doing more harm than good. A lot of us tip toe around our ideas, our desires, and our plans and haven’t fully made a decision to go all in on them.
21 min
It’s Not Your Plans, It’s Your Habits
We have gameplans, we have to do lists, and we know what we want – but our excitement won’t get us there. We wait for “motivation” to carry us to the finish line, but when we’re not motivated how can we still get the job done?
25 min
Happiness Is A Choice
Happiness does not come from jobs. Happiness does not come from bae. Happiness does not come from the extra zero in your bank account. It may afford you more freedom…but what is freedom, if you are too sad to enjoy it? Even in isolation,
23 min
God’s Grace
You are a human being first. You are not perfect, and you were not created to be perfect. Your walk with God, your faith in God, is between you and God. Not you and your friends. Not you and your family. It’s between you and God, period.
22 min
Your Girl Hope & Your Girl Faith
“I hope so” and “I know so” are two very different things. While sometimes all we can have is hope that things will work out for the better, we have to remember it is our faith that gets us through in times like these.
19 min
Forge Your Own Path
Stop trying to get the “formula” or the “cheat codes”. Create your own formula, and do what’s best for YOU to get to where you need to go. You have to not be afraid to make your own rules. Stick to your own plans,
18 min
Never Underestimate Your Ability To Bounce Back
Season 3 of the Slay Girl Slay podcast is here! When we last chat, we dedicated our episode to ‘All the Girls That Lost’ last year. In this season sis – we’re coming back for everything that’s ours. What we thought was a setback, was really a setup.
19 min
To All The Girls That Lost This Year
This is it Boo! Dedicating this episode to all the girls that “lost” this year. The girls that lost relationships, jobs, friends, loved ones, their peace, and their joy. This podcast is dedicated to all the girls that went for it this year,
14 min
Visualization Habits That Can Change Your Life
It takes more than just sticking a picture of the things you want to manifest, on a vision board. This week we’re giving you all of our favorite visualization habits – that can absolutely change your life. You want that store – go stand in it,
20 min
Preparing for 2020 Pt. 3: Prepare
You’ve reflected on your year. You’ve taken the time to plan your goals. Now it’s time to prepare yourself. Prepare yourself for this new decade upon us. Prepare yourself to execute every single one of your goals.
19 min
Preparing for 2020 Pt. 2: Plan
For exclusive and never before aired episodes, check out our Girl Gang!  Access tons of resources, replays from our mentor sessions, downloadable graphics and more! Subscribe To Our YouTube! Watch the video component to the podcast on our YouTube Chann...
6 min
Preparing for 2020 Pt. 1: Reflect
This week is part one to a 3 part series we’re doing, in preparation for this new year that is now upon us. If you know us, you already know we do not take goal planning, & dream chasing lightly. To kick us off, we’re talking all things reflection.
17 min
Honor Your Body
Issa Girl Gang coming?! Tune into to hear more about it! This week we’re talking about the best way to honor our bodies, and how to get our physical selves prepared for slaying this new decade. Anything from taking care of our skin to breast exams are ...
21 min
Self Love: Treating Yourself Good
How are we going to make a list for the type of man we want, but not make a list of the type of woman we need to be first? Single girls everywhere – this one is for you boo! Being single is not a curse, it is a season. The season to do your […]
14 min
White Man Confidence
Who cares if you’ve never made a sale, never booked a client, never sold a book and only have a manuscript – call yourself an entrepreneur, call yourself a stylist, call yourself an author if that’s what you choose.
22 min
Stay Ready So You Don’t Have to Get Ready
You know how the saying goes: “Stay ready, so you don’t have to get ready.” What’s the difference between planning & preparation? What good is a vision for a dream, but not having a plan to execute the dream?
16 min
Give & It Will Come Back To You
You get back what you put in sis, and we aren’t just talking about work. We’re talking real people, real connections, and real blessings. Ash shares a very good (and personal) story about what happens when we follow our hearts, trust our instincts,
17 min
Suit Up or Sit Down
No more excuses boo. Time to get your head back into the game, and prioritize how you want to finish the end of this year. It starts now. No more excuses. No more second guessing. No more negative self talk. You either want it or you don’t.
18 min
Stand Out By Any Means Necessary
You can’t copy and paste everything you see online into your real life. You can’t copy and paste someone else’s mind, someone else’s creativity, or someone else’s life! You have to be just who you are, every single day,
16 min
Spring Cleaning: Tidying Up Your Physical, Ment...
This week we’re all about the purge! We’re talking all things tidying up, creating & cultivating peace within the spaces we dwell in, and Ash shares a short & sweet thought on our community, black men, and the late Nipsey Hussle.
23 min
Embracing Change
We can’t just throw up a bunch of quotes about self improvement, doing better, and being a woman that’s “moving different” without embracing the changes that come with it. The sooner you can adapt to a situation, the sooner you adjust.
15 min
No More Miss Nice Girl
Kicking off Season 2 of the Slay Girl Slay podcast! Ash is back after a short break and takes no time serving up a huge slice of self confidence, discussing the importance of knowing your worth, and how sometimes you just have to slide your credentials...
18 min
Out With the Old, In With the New
From one to 15 thousand. We thank you for such a great year! 2019 is yours for the taking boo. Become a different person. Embrace change. If it’s too easy to achieve, you already know it’s not for you. Regardless of what you are after in the new year –...
10 min