The latest news in energy and environmental politics & policy — must-know stories and candid insights from POLITICO’s energy team and journalists across our newsroom. All in just five minutes each morning.

Business News
GOP bets energy policy will win votes
Republicans aim to make the fossil fuel-centered energy package that passed last month in the House a core asset heading into the 2024 elections. However, new polling shared with POLITICO shows that the GOP’s message isn’t getting through to voters. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel and Zack Colman discuss why fossil fuel policies are a central part of the GOP’s 2024 campaign strategy, despite difficulty translating energy issues into campaign trail slogans. Plus, Republican lawmakers are urging FERC to take concrete steps to improve the reliability of the power grid.
9 min
Why Biden’s attempt to ditch fossil fuels is po...
President Joe Biden’s latest attempt to cut the nation’s climate pollution could come with serious political consequences. EPA is expected to release two draft rules that target the country’s second-largest source of greenhouse gases: the electric power sector. POLITICO’s Zack Colman breaks down why these rules are critical to the president’s climate agenda and how they could influence messaging efforts by Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2024 elections. Plus, House Republicans passed their plan to raise the debt ceiling on Wednesday, which included repealing several green energy tax incentives established under Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act. 
7 min
What to expect from EPA's looming power plant r...
The Biden administration is expected to propose two highly-anticipated new rules to target the greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The power sector is the second-biggest contributor to the these types of emissions in the United States so these new regulations could have a major impact on President Joe Biden’s ability to meet his climate pledges. POLITICO’s Alex Guillén breaks down what we know about these proposed rules so far and the legal challenges the administration would need to navigate to enforce them. Plus, the EPA is questioning FERC’s expedited environmental review of a natural gas pipeline project in Alabama.
7 min
Why states see forest offsets as a revenue oppo...
State officials on both sides of the political aisle are considering creating carbon offset programs to monetize their state lands. These initiatives give states a new revenue source by charging companies to protect state forests, in exchange for carbon offsets needed to reach their corporate net-zero commitments. But environmentalists have concerns about whether these programs are actually effective and state legislatures aren’t always on board. POLITICO’s Jordan Wolman breaks down how states are balancing environmental concerns, industry interests and the need to generate revenue. Plus, President Joe Biden says he will veto a House solar tariff resolution if it reaches his desk.
8 min
Biden is backing another Alaskan fossil fuel pr...
Alaska LNG is a multi-billion dollar natural gas export project planned for the state. Two years ago, it looked dead in the water, but now the project looks to be back on track thanks to support from the Biden administration. It would be the second major fossil fuel project in the state to have stalled under the Trump administration only to be revived under President Joe Biden. That’s alarming Democratic lawmakers and environmentalists. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre explains why the Biden administration is backing the project and how it could impact the president’s green goals. Plus, in an executive order released on Friday, Biden tightened environmental requirements for new projects that would add pollution to communities already suffering health threats from their air and water.
8 min
GOP’s debt-limit plan builds in partisan energy...
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy released a plan to raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion or suspend it until March 31, 2024, whichever occurs first. The proposal includes repealing several green energy tax incentives established under Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act. It would also enact the GOP’s partisan energy bill that passed the House last month. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel breaks down why the GOP is linking the debt ceiling fight to energy policy and how their plan could lay the groundwork for serious energy negotiations. Plus, President Joe Biden pledged $1 billion to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund. The move aims to bolster US credibility after former President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans previously zeroed out U.S. contributions for the program.
9 min
Biden’s solar panel problem is heating up again
House lawmakers from both parties are moving toward reversing the Biden administration’s controversial two-year pause on solar import tariffs from four Southeast Asian countries. POLITICO’s Kelsey Tamborrino breaks down how those countries have served as conduits for Chinese solar equipment and why the push to undo Biden's policy is dividing the US solar industry. The House resolution also put Democrats in a tough position between siding with President Joe Biden or looking weak on China. Plus, House Republicans unveiled their debt limit plan, which has no chance of passing the Senate but seeks to repeal parts of President Joe Biden’s signature climate law.
8 min
New Jersey’s first-in-nation environmental just...
On Monday, New Jersey regulators finalized a first-of-its-kind environmental justice rule that protects over 4 million state residents in low-income areas and communities of color from heavy industrial pollution. POLITICO’s Ry Rivard breaks down the extensive public debate surrounding the new rule, along with the details and challenges ahead. Plus, as Senate committees tee up permitting hearings, Senator Joe Manchin plans to reintroduce his energy permitting reform bill that failed to pass late last year.
6 min
Why only 14 electric vehicles qualify for IRA t...
Effective today, only 14 electric cars and trucks will qualify for federal tax breaks up to $7,500, according to a new list put out by the Treasury Department on Monday. POLITICO’s Tanya Snyder breaks down why only 14 EVs qualify, which automakers benefitted from Treasury’s list, and if the White House expects more vehicles to qualify in the future. Plus, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy directly ties permitting reform to the congressional debt ceiling fight. 
7 min
The funding obstacle to the World Bank’s green ...
U.S. and European leaders are urging transformation and an increase in lending efforts by the World Bank to fight climate change, but have been unwilling to provide additional funding to the institution. That’s prompting questions about whether the bank can effectively fight climate change alongside its traditional mandate of eradicating poverty, without an increase in funding. POLITICO’S Zack Colman breaks down the proposed transformation of the World Bank and the challenges. Plus, FERC will tackle two embattled Texas LNG projects this week.
7 min
Inside Japan’s G-7 LNG push
Japan, the world’s top importer of liquefied natural gas, will be pushing G-7 nations this weekend to endorse LNG’s long-term future. That plan has alarmed environmentalists and has put the Biden administration in another difficult spot as it attempts to balance the fossil fuel industry, environmental groups and a key Pacific ally. POLITICO’s Zack Colman breaks down the details of Japan’s LNG push and how the US is responding. Plus, Progressive Democrats are urging the Biden administration to suspend Willow oil project permits.
9 min
The coming legal fight over EPA’s tailpipe rules
On Wednesday, the Biden administration announced what it called the most ambitious auto pollution rules in history, with the goal of accelerating automakers’ shift to electric vehicles. But the administration will have to defend its proposals against potential legal and industry challenges. POLITICO’s Alex Guillén breaks down the impact of these new rules and the coming legal battle. Plus, a federal court blocked President Joe Biden’s WOTUS rule in 24 states.
8 min
Why Biden isn’t taking a side in the Colorado R...
On Tuesday, the Biden administration took a step toward being able to force water delivery cuts on states that rely on the drought-stricken Colorado River. But it declined to take a firm stance on whether California or Arizona should bear the brunt of potential water cuts. The crisis is a political minefield for the administration. The Interior Department is trying to turn up the pressure on the states in hopes of accelerating their negotiations and reaching a resolution themselves. POLITICO’s Annie Snider breaks down the details and politics behind the Interior Department's decision.
9 min
The big missing piece of the EV tax credit guid...
The Treasury Department has delayed issuing guidance on the “foreign entity of concern” provision in the Inflation Reduction Act’s electric vehicle tax credits, which left companies uncertain about who they can partner with in the race to build a domestic EV industry. POLITICO’s James Bikales breaks down the goal of that provision, why Treasury delayed releasing the guidance, and how industry and lawmakers are reacting. Plus, the White House has proposed regulatory review changes that would benefit climate regulations.
7 min
Hochul drops push to weaken NY climate law
After backlash from environmentalists and state lawmakers, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is dropping her push to rewrite the state’s ambitious climate law — a controversial effort that would’ve changed how New York accounts for its emissions and weakened the landmark legislation. POLITICO’s Marie French breaks down why Hochul was looking to rewrite the climate law and the opposition she faced. Plus, EPA is aiming to slash cancer-causing chemicals from industrial plants. 
5 min
EPA tackles toxic pollutants from coal plants
On Wednesday, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed strengthening a successful yet contentious Obama-era rule limiting toxic pollutants, like mercury, from coal-fired power plants. POLITICO’s Alex Guillén breaks down the details of the updated rule, the potential impact on the nation’s already shrinking fleet of coal plants, and how the rule fits into the Biden administration’s broader climate agenda. Plus, an appeals court dismissed a lawsuit from Louisiana and other Republican-controlled states challenging the Biden administration’s social cost of carbon.
7 min
Will tough-on-China sentiment hurt domestic LNG?
In recent months, Democrats and Republicans have been pushing tough-on-China bills, and that trend is worrisome for the United States’ booming natural gas export industry, which has an established business history with Beijing. POLITICO’s Ben Lefebvre breaks down the relationship between the US LNG industry and China, why industry is concerned, and how lawmakers are reacting. Plus, the Department of Interior approved the first commercial-scale offshore wind energy project to start turbine construction in federal U.S. waters.
7 min
Breaking down Biden’s new EV guidance
On Friday, the Treasury Department released long-anticipated eligibility guidance for the $7,500 electric vehicle tax credit in the Inflation Reduction Act. The rules could have major implications for the fight against climate change, Washington’s rivalry with Beijing, and President Joe Biden’s quest to bring manufacturing jobs back to the United States. POLITICO’s James Bikales breaks down what the rules mean for consumers, automakers and U.S. allies. Plus, EPA approves a Biden-backed California rule that phases out diesel trucks.
8 min
The House GOP passed its big energy bill. Now w...
House Republicans passed their sprawling energy bill Thursday on a 225-204 vote, delivering the GOP's biggest legislative win since they took control of the chamber. And even though President Joe Biden has vowed to veto the bill, elements of the legislation could be a part of bipartisan negotiations on a narrower energy issue: permitting. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel breaks down what’s next after Republicans passed their energy bill. Plus, President Joe Biden will open up federal land for public conservation.
7 min
California governor wins fight with Big Oil
California Governor Gavin Newsom has been waging a public battle against the oil industry for months. On Tuesday, Newsom signed a first-in-the-nation law that’s supposed to keep gas prices in the state under control. POLITICO’s Wes Venteicher breaks down the law’s details, its evolution and why fossil fuel lobbyists couldn’t defeat it. Plus, the Senate votes to overturn Biden’s WOTUS rule.
7 min
House nears vote for GOP’s energy package
House Republicans are expected to pass one of their biggest legislative priorities this week: a sprawling party-line energy package. The bill includes some of the GOP’s most popular energy policies and pitches from the past decade, while also taking aim at President Joe Biden’s climate policies. The package is considered an opening negotiating pitch by Republicans on energy permitting — a rare policy area that they hope will lead to a bipartisan deal. POLITICO’s Josh Siegel breaks down the details of the bill and the state of play of negotiations. Plus, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said the Biden administration will release its delayed five-year offshore oil and gas leasing plan in September.
8 min
Hurricane season looms over Puerto Rico’s britt...
It’s been almost six months since Hurricane Fiona battered Puerto Rico’s brittle power grid, and while the territory hasn’t faced any major disruptions since then, this year’s hurricane season is quickly approaching. Some Puerto Ricans worry that their good fortune might not last much longer, and that they may once again face potentially fatal consequences from devastating blackouts. POLITICO’s Gloria Gonzalez breaks down the short and long-term concerns from Puerto Ricans about the territory’s power infrastructure. Plus, the White House vows to veto House Republicans’ energy bill that’s expected to reach the chamber floor this week.
7 min
How Biden might ease the EU-US EV rift
The Biden administration may allow European companies to qualify for U.S. tax incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act if the two sides can reach a trade deal in the next few weeks, a senior administration official told POLITICO on Friday. It’s a move that could ease a major source of transatlantic friction and help President Joe Biden meet his promise to consumers to help make electric vehicles more affordable. POLITICO’s Zack Colman breaks down the details of the trade talks. Plus, FERC finds that a Southeast pipeline project would have a limited environmental impact, paving the way forward for a project tapped for expedited review.
8 min
Canada’s controversial nuclear waste plan
A Canadian plan for a permanent storage facility for nuclear waste is drawing protests from some U.S. lawmakers, who took their concerns to President Joe Biden’s ahead of his visit to Canada this week. The Canadian plan calls for burying waste containers underground 30 miles from the shoreline of Lake Huron. POLITICO’s Joseph Gedeon breaks down Canada’s plan and the pushback from both sides of the border. Plus, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm sparred with a Republican lawmaker over her recent comments on China.
8 min
A stumbling block for nat gas: reliability
Extreme cold blasts during two of the last three winters have crippled gas-fired power plants, leaving millions in the dark and hundreds dead. And as natural gas is projected to grow in its role as a dominant source for electricity in the U.S., regulators are again worrying about the reliability of natural gas plants. POLITICO’s Catherine Morehouse breaks down the natural gas’ reliability concerns, potential solutions and what it means for natural gas broadly in the future. Plus, House Oversight Republicans are launching a probe into DOE climate spending.
8 min