The Box of Oddities

The Webby Award-winning “Box of Oddities" is a podcast that delves into the strange and mysterious aspects of our world, exploring topics ranging from bizarre medical conditions to unsolved mysteries, and from paranormal phenomena to strange cultural practices from around the world. With a focus on oddities, curiosities, and the macabre, each episode is a journey into the unknown, where hosts Kat and Jethro Gilligan Toth share their love for unusual stories and inject their humor and commentary. From the strange history of medical practices to chilling true crime stories, to natural (and unnatural) events, "The Box of Oddities" satisfies your thirst for the weird and the unusual, offering an informative and entertaining look into the dark and mysterious corners of our world.

JIMMY KIMMEL, ABC-TV says, "Should you be the type who has an interest in weird stuff, this is a fun thing to allow in your head!" 

“Truth is stranger than fiction, and the Box of Oddities is the strangest of all!” -SLUGGO, SIRIUS XM LITHIUM

“Kat & Jethro wring humor from bizarre, macabre and perplexing places.” -BOSTON MAGAZINE

True Crime
Society & Culture
#625: Undulating Through Viscous Hydrocarbons
Life On Titan, Mao Yin's disappearance, Haunted Kempton Park Hospital, Box Wars
57 min
Inbox Of Oddities #010
24 min
#624: A Giant Penguin Stole My Sandwich
Immortal Jellyfish, Haunted Brushy Prison, Opening an Egyptian Portal and The Clearwater Monster
57 min
Inbox Of Oddities #009
21 min
#623: It Will Melt Your Eyeballs
King Umberto's Doppelganger, The King's Water, Shades of Death Road and Eccentric Restaurants
51 min
Freak Family Favorites #007
31 min
#622: The Devil Has Poor Eyesight
Dead Children's Playground, Why we wish on things, Westside Baptist Church Miracle and The Yacumama
58 min
Inbox Of Oddities #008
23 min
#621: Hands On Influencer Gods
The Anunnaki , Neurological Oddities, and Skepticism with Dr. Steven Novella
73 min
Freak Family Favorites #006
35 min
#620: Poltergeist Shoe Thief
Dudleytown, Crusader Curiosities, Santae's Redemption, & a Haunting Poltergeist
54 min
Inbox Of Oddities #007
33 min
#619: A Magical Liopleurodon
Karolina Olsson, Miriam Rodriguez, Barsa-Kelmes, and the Order of Poor Claires
65 min
Freak Family Favorites #005
The Reincarnation of a baseball legend and The Dybbuk Box
33 min
#618: The Weight Of A Dressed Pig Carcass
USS Stein, Nordic Baby Tradition, Kardashev Scale, & the Enigmatic Asa Snow
57 min
The Inbox Of Oddities #006
Freak Family Stories and Correspondence
25 min
#617: Who Said He Was Headless?
125-year-old murder of Sarah Ware, Cindy Paulson’s survival story, The Gurdon Light mystery and weird body facts
52 min
Inbox Of Oddities #005
26 min
#616: Tender Cabbage Moments
The Paris Morgue in the Victorian era, Quirky terms of endearment, Burning Barrels of Tar, The Ruins of Chachapoyas
57 min
The Oscars And The Dark Side Of Hollywood
The Bundy Drive Boys and the Mary Astor Scandal
35 min
#615: A Quasar Named Dennis
46 min
Women Who Defied Shocking Odds
Madam CJ Walker, Mariya Vasilyevna Oktyabrskaya and The Night Witches
48 min
#614: Baby Steps To The Elevator
Alien Signals, Orphan Train Horrors, and Mind-Altering Games and Strange and Unusual Jobs
49 min
Inbox Of Oddities: #004
Listener Mail
24 min
#613: Oregon, Owls, and E.T.s
Bandage Man, Human Remains found in Oregon State Hospital's Basement, Owl Insights, and Atari E.T. Burial
51 min