The Box of Oddities

The Webby Award-winning “Box of Oddities" is a podcast that delves into the strange and mysterious aspects of our world, exploring topics ranging from bizarre medical conditions to unsolved mysteries, and from paranormal phenomena to strange cultural practices from around the world. With a focus on oddities, curiosities, and the macabre, each episode is a journey into the unknown, where hosts Kat and Jethro Gilligan Toth share their love for unusual stories and inject their humor and commentary. From the strange history of medical practices to chilling true crime stories, to natural (and unnatural) events, "The Box of Oddities" satisfies your thirst for the weird and the unusual, offering an informative and entertaining look into the dark and mysterious corners of our world.

JIMMY KIMMEL, ABC-TV says, "Should you be the type who has an interest in weird stuff, this is a fun thing to allow in your head!" 

“Truth is stranger than fiction, and the Box of Oddities is the strangest of all!” -SLUGGO, SIRIUS XM LITHIUM

“Kat & Jethro wring humor from bizarre, macabre and perplexing places.” -BOSTON MAGAZINE

True Crime
Society & Culture
BOX069: The Best Gifts Rarely Contain Cat Feces
Did he eat 5 prospectors? And is Jurassic Park Real? Alferd Packer, The Colorado Cannibal and then dinosaur feathers preserved in amber. Inside BOX069.
35 min
BOX068: Frozen Goat Meat Stuffed With Cocaine
A decomposing corpse in the catacombs. Then, bones exhumed from under an elevator shaft. Bodies in The Odessa Catacombs and the dark history of The Cincinnati Music Hall inside the 68th Box.
35 min
BOX067: Carnies Love Billy Idol
Here's a fun way to die! Also, what happened to those guys anyway? The Euthanasia-Coaster and the mysterious disappearance of the boys from Yuba City inside the 67th Box.
33 min
BOX066: Lobster Boy Was A Dick Bag
The 10 commandments of The Anti-Christ? Or maybe the American Stonehenge? And then, murderous circus folk. The Georgia Guideposts and the violent life of legendary sideshow performer, murderer and complete asshole, Lobster Boy.
36 min
BOX065: R.I.P At The K.F.C.
There's a storm brewing on Uranus. And how to marry a dead guy. The bizarre weather on the other planets and the story behind corpse brides. All inside BOX065. Batteries sold separately.
29 min
BOX064: Bonus Box #2 Halloween Special!
The Box Of Oddities very first Halloween Special! Featuring you, The Freaks and your true encounters with the beyond!
35 min
BOX063: You're Cheap. And Now My Hands Smell Weird
The fumes from her body put 23 people in the hospital. And then, this is what happens when you hook-up with a 300 year old werewolf. The tale of The Toxic Lady and the tragic story of The Richardson Family murder. Inside this, the 63rd BOX.
35 min
BOX062: Escape From Doll Island!
Don't step on all the doll heads! And being fabulous when being fabulous could land you in jail. The odd history of The Island of Dismembered Dolls and the fabulous "Dancing Marquis" who believed he could hypnotize you with his dance moves. Inside Box062.
33 min
BOX061: The Roosters In Your Head Are So Polite!
Beware the man with a wooden mallet and zip ties. And sometimes a rooster is just not enough. True Halloween Horror Stories and the very bizarre methods people used to wake themselves up throughout history. Inside BOX061.
34 min
BOX060: Stop Having Sex With People Who Try To ...
They replaced my mother with a doppelganger! And then, never eat stew from an angry murderer. Capgras Syndrome and the horrific, bloody story of murderer Katherine Knight inside BOX60.
39 min
BOX059: Aliens, Romans, The Kennedys & Deliciou...
The guy who wrote what would become the movie Blade Runner claims he got his ideas from an entity in the future. And then, what is possibly the strangest sport ever. The strange story of PK Dick & life on the extreme competitive ironing circuit.
36 min
BOX058: Centenarian Slasher
The tragic yet fascinating story of Parasitic Twins. Also, is Halloween Slasher Michael Myers based on a real story? This Box is packed with oddness.
35 min
BOX057: Please Lick My Arm & Then Blow On It
Is what we see all there is? Also, "Hey, there's a kangaroo in that tree!" The perception of reality and the rare and very odd Tree Kangaroo. All inside BOX 57. Taste The Rainbow. Or not. We don't care.
33 min
BOX056: Smoke From A Kidney Fire
We pooped on the moon?! Also, let's dig her up and see if she's fresh! Trash we've left on the lunar surface and the 1890 New England Vampire Epidemic. Vacuum packed for freshness inside the 56th BOX.
34 min
He killed over 70 people including his dad... whose heart he ate! Also, who was the world's greatest impostor? You won't believe what he pulled off! Serial killer Pedro Rodrigues Filho and professional impostor Stanley Weyman in the 55th BOX.
29 min
There are piles of corpses in the yard! And, why is my poop green? The horrific Tri-State Crematorium incident and everything you always wanted to know (& some things you didn't) about poop!
35 min
BOX053: Manson Family Quilting Bee
How many wives can I have? And then..."Look Timmy! It's the severed head of a french serial Killer!" The interesting history of Mormonism & polygamy... Also, The Hollywood Museum of Death. Find it inside the 53rd BOX.
31 min
BOX052: Then You Have To Move And Burn The Hous...
A guy with no head makes his escape! And how did they pass their idol time 5,500 years ago? Paranormal experiences of first responders and the bizarre history of board games inside the 52nd BOX.
32 min
BOX051: Don't Sound So Happy. People Died.
Being thrown from a carnival ride is never good. Also, it's depressing when the bodies pile up. Grisly roller coaster accidents and the horrible history of the Black Plague. Freeze dried, arranged neatly and stored inside the 51st Box of Oddities.
33 min
BOX050: Not Tonight Succubus
Don't let a demon drag you into a mirror! Also, he had so many things named after him. Why? The nightmare of sleep paralysis and the amazing story of Alexander von Humboldt inside BOX #50.
42 min
BOX049: Batteries, Soup and Semen
Don't eat babies. Also, was he a madman or a genius? Pills made of human fetus and the great Salvador Dali in the weeks very surreal BOX.
45 min
BOX048: Aliens And Mattresses
What was it like to have a mastectomy in 1812? We have a first hand account. And can ships become cursed? The gory history of anesthesia and the tragic story of the vessel MV Joyita, packed for freshness inside BOX 48. Enjoy!
38 min
BOX047: A Suitcase Full OF Bits
Wait. They just discovered another continent? Also, he's a cannibal AND a restaurant Critic?!The lost continent of Zealandia and Issei Sagawa, the Japanese Cannibal. Neatly tucked inside the 47th BOX.
37 min
BOX046: Eat A Banana
How did a 5 foot man who weighed less than 100 lbs lift 14 ton stones by himself? And madness caused by art? The mystery of Coral Castle and the strange and little understood Stendhal Syndrome in the 46th BOX.
32 min
BOX045: Never Hurl A Toilet Bowl Into A Major S...
His ribs shoot out of his chest to fend off an attacker. And riding out the dangerous tide on raft made of inflated raincoats. Weird animal self-defense tactics and recent developments that suggest the 1962 Alcatraz escapees may have made it after all.
33 min