The Box of Oddities

The Webby Award-winning “Box of Oddities" is a podcast that delves into the strange and mysterious aspects of our world, exploring topics ranging from bizarre medical conditions to unsolved mysteries, and from paranormal phenomena to strange cultural practices from around the world. With a focus on oddities, curiosities, and the macabre, each episode is a journey into the unknown, where hosts Kat and Jethro Gilligan Toth share their love for unusual stories and inject their humor and commentary. From the strange history of medical practices to chilling true crime stories, to natural (and unnatural) events, "The Box of Oddities" satisfies your thirst for the weird and the unusual, offering an informative and entertaining look into the dark and mysterious corners of our world.

JIMMY KIMMEL, ABC-TV says, "Should you be the type who has an interest in weird stuff, this is a fun thing to allow in your head!" 

“Truth is stranger than fiction, and the Box of Oddities is the strangest of all!” -SLUGGO, SIRIUS XM LITHIUM

“Kat & Jethro wring humor from bizarre, macabre and perplexing places.” -BOSTON MAGAZINE

True Crime
Society & Culture
BOX468: Fresh Blood For Bread-Making
As we move into "Halloween Quarter" Kat and JG bring the spooky. JG tells us about a vengeful ghost from the 1940s named Carl and Kat tells us about a 16th-century vampire named Peter. It's Box468! Now with a new non-slip surface!
31 min
BOX467: Just Shovel It Into The Hull
Aliens and Game Shows
33 min
BOX466: Chasing Wild Dogs From A Church
History is filled with terrible occupations - JG shares a few! Kat goes down under for a bizarre true crime cold case. It’s BOX466 and it likes hanging out with you.
33 min
BOX465: 18th Century Robot Music Is Shrill
It terrified the settlers of the Great Plains in the late 19th century. And we are only now beginning to fully understand what it was. And what's better than a robot duck? A robot duck that poops! The mysterious "Prairie Madness" and the incredibly inventive mind of the 18th-century inventor and artist Jacques de Vaucanson. Do not reheat BOX465. Doing so may cause it to warp or melt. Listen to The Shallow End here!
32 min
BOX464: Gasmasks And Vaseline
Some of the everyday products you may find in your house have very strange origins. Jethro has the details. And then, Kat has the story of a grisly discovery that led police to possibly the dumbest criminals ever. Discontinue use of BOX464 if rash develops.
33 min
BOX463: Doing It Dorothy Style
He’d had enough of the government and decided to go it on his own. Then, drugs and bleeding and lobotomies, oh my! Price Leonard of Hutt River and some barbaric times in medical history in BOX463 - it’s never going to give you up or let you down.  Listen to The Shallow end here!
30 min
BOX462: Dreaming Of Deadly Light Fixtures
Who among us does not enjoy a good haunted house story? Jethro has the dish on the Jean Harlow house in Los Angeles. And then Kat tells us about a new medical procedure that helps the blind to see. Using teeth? BOX462: is not to be used rectally.  Check out The Shallow End with Schnebly and Toth here!
28 min
BOX461: Resisting The Advances Of A Pirate
That Helen Keller! She accomplished so much in her lifetime.  But there's one thing she did that may blow your mind. Or not. We'll see. And then the mysterious disappearance of a former U.S. Vice President's daughter.  If any defects are discovered while listening to BOX461, do not attempt to repair them yourself, but return to an authorized Box Of Oddities service center.
32 min
BOX460: Human Meat And Beef Steam
The theft that made a masterpiece! Then, an award you probably don’t want to get. The Mona Lisa - stolen! And the Bent Spoon Award in BOX460. Without passion, we’d truly be dead. 
26 min
Box459: Reanimating Dead Loved Ones In China
Is that what they meant to say? And my hamburger gave me hives! Messages lost in translation and Alpha Gal Syndrome in BOX459. Get down girl, go ‘head, get down.  Check out our sister podcast The Shallow End With Schnebly and Toth!
29 min
BOX458: A "Silly" Kidnapping
Talk in everlasting words, And dedicate them all to me… but where did some of these words start? JG digs in. Then, Kat tells us of a stupid plan and the stupid planners who planned it. The evolution of some English words and the Chowchilla kidnapping in BOX458.  Want to listen to The Box of Oddities ad-free? Become a member of The Order Of Freaks here!
32 min
BOX457: Showering With A Bear
The ER is overrun with old, blue men! Then, corporal bear reporting for duty! JG tells us about the blue men mystery and Kat shares the story of Wojtek, the soldier bear in BOX457. Two, ten, eleven. Eyes, fingers, toes! Check out our new podcast "The Shallow End with Schnebly and Toth"!
31 min
BOX456: Breastfeeding Baby Lizard Statues
What’s the deal with that breastfeeding lizard lady? And could this man be more amazing? Nope. A Mesopotamian alien mystery and the lovely, stunning, heroic, and humble, Shavarsh Karapetyan in BOX456. Mishka Mousksa! 
36 min
BOX455: Army Of The Dead
Is the key to another dimension simply a color? And why would a government treat these babies so poorly? The strange properties of Han Purple and the tragic story of the Dionne quintuplets. Neither the seller nor the manufacturer will be liable for any brain damage arising from listening to BOX455. We're very excited about our newest Box Of Oddities Production, The Shallow End with Schnebly and Toth! If you haven't checked it out yet, Click here!  
40 min
BOX454: Proton Beam Accelerator Party Trick
Story #1 Thanks for having us! Your rotten fruit looks amazing! Story #2 This building is 0️⃣ days since its last proton beam accident.  The eccentric elite of the Regency era and Anatoli Bugorski in BOX454. If You Pray Enough, You Can Turn Yourself Into A Cat Person.
33 min
BOX453: Lazy Grave Robber
Dentistry - It’s not always been great. Then myths and things you may not know about the Mother of Exiles. Waterloo teeth and the Statue of Liberty in BOX453. Be a goldfish. Join us for our newest podcast The Shallow End With Schnebly and Toth!
37 min
BOX452: 16th Century Smack Talk
Genius, talented, cantankerous, and stinky: this guy had it all! Then accident after accident left this Mainer a crooked man. Michelfunkelo and Leonard Trask, the wonderful invalid in BOX452. Fiskers don't make noise when they start up, just so you know. Join us for our newest podcast The Shallow End With Schnebly and Toth!
31 min
BOX451: Bowling Alley Sushi
Spam and Savannah! The earliest example of junk email and the allegedly haunted Mercer-Williams House in BOX451. Direct motorist chemistry healthy photograph cultural measure. Also, check out The Shallow End With Schnebly and Toth here!
29 min
BOX450: Murderin' On A Full Stomach
What can go wrong when you eat your dead? And what can go right?!! Then, what did 62 school children see on that hot day in 1994? Kat and JG share Mortuary feasting and the Ariel School UFO incident. It’s BOX450 and I helped! 
31 min
BOX449: Rancid Fish And Spoiled Milk
Why have tiny bodies been washing up on our shores for 20 years? And why is a mob forcing that couple to eat out of a toilet? The great Lego spill and unique wedding traditions in BOX449. Awww sooky sooky!
33 min
BOX448: Quadruped Dentistry Is Lacking
JG takes us on a rollercoaster from climate change to mob murders. Then, Kat shares an unexpected discovery in a museum vault. BoO covers Lake Mead discoveries and deciphering a 2000-year-old mystery tablet. It’s BOX448 and she got it goin’ on, like Donkey Kong. If you click this link, you'll be given all-knowing consciousness. Or it will take you to our new podcast The Shallow End with Schnebly and Toth. Either way, it's pretty cool.
33 min
BOX447: Clams. They're Better Than People
In BOX447 JG gets into the journals of a man from the past in the body of a man from the future. Then, Kat talks about “immortal” animals! Thanks for listening, you’re pretty great.  We're very excited about our newest Box Of Oddities Production, The Shallow End with Schnebly and Toth! If you haven't checked it out yet, Click here!  
38 min
BOX446: The Smell Of Bat-Winged Demons
Check out our newest podcast The Shallow End With Schnebly and Toth! A half-human, half-animal with enormous, smooth bat wings. Seems legit. Then, space is coming for you while you nap - watch it! JG freaks us out with Van Meter's visitor and Kat shares the Hodges meteorite. It’s BOX446, and in the evenin', it's pretty pleasin'.
34 min
BOX445: A Large, Very Phallic Clam
Will anyone want a website? I don’t think so. Then, a trailblazer like no other. JG shares predictions about the internet that did not age well. Kat shares the story of Shirley Chisholm. It’s BOX444 and I’m going to have a nap now if you don’t mind.  Check out our new podcast The Shallow End by clicking here! 
32 min
Bonus Box: A Deep Dive Into The Shallow End
As a bonus feature, here's the very first episode of our new podcast The Shallow End with Schnebly and Toth. To listen to more or subscribe click this link! Thanks, Freaks! TSE001: A Scrum With a Guy In Underpants It's the very first episode of TSE! Lindsay tells us about a guy with a love for buffets and shotguns but hatred for cactus. Then, Jethro discovers a story of a man who will do anything for wine fresh from a tanker truck. TSE001 was assembled in the United States from U.S. and Japanese components.
33 min