Pulse of the Planet Podcast with Jim ...

Each weekday, Pulse of the Planet provides its listeners with a two-minute sound portrait of Planet Earth, tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide and blending interviews and extraordinary natural sound.

Natural Sciences
Amphibian Crossing
Why did the toad cross the road? Turns out he had a very compelling reason.
2 min
A Birdlike Trill
They may not be as visible or as pretty as Robins, but American Toads produce some of the most melodious sounds of Spring.
2 min
The Poison that Protects
The Monarch butterfly's life cycle depends on a plant that's highly toxic to many animals.
2 min
Generations of Migration
This month marks the start of the Monarch butterflies' migration to Mexico.
2 min
Monarchs In Mexico
The threat of logging looms over the wintering sites of Monarch butterflies.
3 min
An Internal Compass
How do young Monarch butterflies find their way to their winter migration sites in the Mexican forest?
2 min
A Mysterious Hibernation
Pika stay active all winter-- but doing what?
1 min
Rattlesnake Roundup
Milking venom from rattlesnakes has yielded benefits for medical science, but roundups have their critics.
3 min
When Irish Songs Were Branded
"There was some tunes you couldn't play, because it belonged to someone else."
2 min
When Irish Folk Music Migrated to England
"If you couldn't put on an American accent around here you couldn't sing."
2 min
Everyone's Invited
In Turkish cities, wedding celebrations may begin in a courtyard, but they'll soon spill out into the streets.
2 min
Dangerous Display
Although prairie chicken males need to strut their stuff to attract mates, they run the risk of attracting some unwanted visitors.
2 min
Preening in the Lek
During mating season, male prairie chickens perform one of nature's most striking displays.
3 min
India becomes a much more colorful place as people are lay aside their differences in celebration of Holi.
2 min
Wild Turkeys
It's mating season for a uniquely American bird that's been brought back from the brink of extinction.
2 min
Sage Grouse Mate
The strange sounds of the male sage grouse are matched only by their equally unusual reproductive behavior.
2 min
Emerging From Hibernation
Brown bears are emerging from hibernation around Europe, and many of them have to face the dangers of an increasingly hostile world.
2 min
A World-Class Gathering
The yearly migration of Sand Hill Cranes brings half a million birds to roost in Nebraska's Platte River.
2 min
Sandhill Cranes Migrate
Hundreds of thousands of sandhill cranes are convening at the Platte River in Nebraska -- one of the largest bird migrations in the world.
2 min
Bulgaria's Koukery Festival
Giants in goat-hair costumes and a costumed masquerade troupe characterize this springtime fertility festival.
2 min
Are We on the Mountain Lion's Menu?
A 150 pound house cat or a dangerous predator?
2 min
Finding a Place to Pounce
A Mountain Lion's dilemma - deep forest or open meadow?
2 min
Mountain Lion - Predators
When winter comes, Mountain Lions are on the move, in pursuit of their primary prey.
3 min
Winter's Unwanted Guest
Having a humidifier in your house may reduce the chances of getting the flu.
2 min
Nile Crocodiles
This month, in northeastern South Africa, Nile Crocodiles are hatching their young.
2 min