American Revolution Podcast

American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.

ARP156 The Siege of Fort Henry
Over the summer of 1777, native tribes along the western frontier attack American settlements.  In August, they attack Fort Henry in Virginia.  After a sustained attack, the garrison receives reinforcements and forces the attackers to abandon the sie...
28 min
Episode 155 The Battle of Bennington
German troops under Col. Friedrich Baum are defeated by the militia raised by General John Stark  near Bennington.  Later that same day, Stark's forces defeat a relief column under the command of Col. Von Breymann. 
27 min
Episode 154 John Stark Raises an Army
With a demoralized and shrinking Continental Army facing General Burgoyne's invasion of upstate New York, New Englanders turn to a disaffected former Continental colonel, John Stark, to form a militia army.
28 min
Episode 153 Staten Island and Setauket
On August 22, 1777, the Americans launch two independent raids on British defenses around New York City.  General Sullivan leads an attack on Staten Island, while General Putnam orders a raid on Setauket, Long Island.
29 min
Episode 152 Fort Stanwix and Oriskany
General Nicholas Herkimer leads a militia relief force to save Fort Stanwix. 
29 min
Episode 151 The St. Leger Expedition
As General Burgoyne Launches his Campaign from Canada into upstate New York, General Barry St. Leger leads a second army made up primarily of Native Americans and Loyalists through Western New York's Mohawk Valley. 
29 min
Episode 150 Howe Leaves New York
General William Howe gets a late start to the 1777 fighting campaign, not leaving New York City until the end of July.  He opts to sail all they way to Virginia and then up the Chesapeake Bay to land in Maryland, with Philadelphia as his goal.
28 min
Episode 149 Lafayette Comes to America
The Marquis de Lafayette, a young French noble with dreams of fighting for liberty travels to America to become a major general in the Continental Army.  In doing so, he must overcome skepticism and resistance from both sides of the Atlantic.
28 min
Episode 148 Murder of Jane McCrea
General Burgoyne's army reaches the Hudson river after slogging through the wilderness for most of August 1777.  Burgoyne relied on his Indian allies to keep the enemy from setting up ambushes or otherwise interfering with progress.
27 min
Episode 147 Kidnapping General Prescott
After the British occupy Newport, Rhode Islanders kidnap the British commander, General Richard Prescott in hopes of exchanging him for General Charles Lee.
30 min
Episode 146 Battle of Hubbardton
As the Fort Ticonderoga garrison escapes the attacking British under General Burgoyne, American General Arthur St. Clair leaves a rearguard at Hubbardton to prevent the British from advancing on the retreating army.
29 min
Episode 145 Retreat from Ticonderoga
The American garrison at Fort Ticonderoga make a confused nighttime escape from Fort Ticonderoga, just in time to avoid capture. 
31 min
Episode 144 Defense of Fort Ticonderoga
After the British fail to take the Fort Ticonderoga in 1776, the Continentals squander the winter fighting among themselves. When General Burgoyne's British army moves to surround and assault the fort in the summer of 1777,
30 min
Episode 143 Burgoyne's Northern Army
General Burgoyne assembles his army in Canada. 
32 min
Episode 142 Disease and the Revolution
Throughout the Revolution, disease was a far greater killer of soldiers than the enemy. 
31 min
Episode 141 Congress Returns to Philadelphia
Congress returns from its removal to Baltimore after the fear of British occupation of Philadelphia passes.  The new session approves a new American flag on June 14, 1777.  Congress also promotes new generals. 
30 min
Episode 140 Battle of Short Hills
The British attempt to lure the Continental Army out of the Watchung mountains by marching back into New Jersey.  General Washington refuses to engage. 
30 min
Episode 139 Meigs Raid on Sag Harbor
A patriot force under the command of Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs raids British occupied Long Island from Connecticut.  The Americans capture loyalist prisoners and destroy British supplies before returning back to Connecticut.  The patriots conside...
27 min
Episode 138 Battle of Thomas Creek
Patriots invade East Florida in hopes of capturing the colony and eliminating the British threat from St. Augustine.  The small and divided force is massacred at Thomas Creek as they retreat back to Georgia. 
28 min
Episode 137 Lambert Wickes
Continental Navy Captain Lambert Wickes delivers Benjamin Franklin to France, then attacks British shipping in British waters, nearly provoking a war between Britain and France.
32 min
Episode 136 Franklin in Paris
Benjamin Franklin travels to France to join the American Delegation.  He arrives in December 1776 and immediately gains pop star status with the French people.  Getting the French government to go along would take longer.
28 min
Episode 135 The Danbury Raid
An army of regulars led by New York Governor and General William Tryon, raid an American supply depot at Danbury, Connecticut. 
28 min
Episode 134 The Battle of Bound Brook
A large British force attacks General Lincoln at Bound Brook New Jersey. 
27 min
Episode 133 The Peekskill Raid
The British in New York City send a raiding party up the Hudson River to attack an American supply depot. 
27 min
Episode 132 Britain Adjusts its War Plans
Over the fall and winter of 1776-1777, General Howe proposes his strategic plans to officials in London. 
30 min