American Revolution Podcast

American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.

ARP177 Republic of Vermont
In the midst of war, the people living in the disputed land between New York and New Hampshire declare themselves to be the independent Republic of Vermont. The new radical constitution is the first to abolish slavery, grant universal suffrage for al...
31 min
ARP176 Sinking the Randolph
The Continental Navy struggles to find a useful role in the war effort.  Congress cahiers the navy's commander Esek Hopkins, and does not replace him.  The navy carries John Adams to France to begin his diplomatic career. 
29 min
AR-SP04 Michael Harris on Germantown
Author Michael C. Harris discusses the battle of Germantown and his new book about the battle.Germantown a Military History of the Battle for Philadelphia, October 4th, 1777. Savas Beatie, 2020. Visit my site at for a...
57 min
ARP175 Von Steuben at Valley Forge
A down on his luck Prussian officer makes his way to America.  There he obtains appointment as the army's Inspector General and trains the soldiers in formal military drill.
29 min
ARP174 Britain and France go to War
By the end of 1777, British leaders in London express serious doubts about winning the war in America.  After hearing news of Burgoyne's surrender and the French Alliance with America, Britain must make drastic changes.  It declares war on France, th...
30 min
ARP173 Treaties with France
In 1778, the American Commissioners in Paris convince French King Louis XVI to sign a treaty of alliance and a treaty of amity and commerce, recognizing the US as an independent nation.  The revelation of this alliance forces Britain to declare war o...
30 min
ARP172 Winter at Valley Forge
Washington's Continentals suffer a lack of food, clothing and shelter as it struggles to get through the winter at Valley Forge. 
29 min
AR-SP03 James Kirby Martin on the Saratoga Camp...
An interview with author James Kirby Martin who recently wrote about the Saratoga Campaign in the new book The 10 Key Campaigns of the America Revolution. 
52 min
ARP171 Conway Cabal
Following the victory at Saratoga, political leaders consider the idea of replacing General George Washington with General Horatio Gates as Commander in Chief.
29 min
ARP170 Whitemarsh
In the weeks following the battle of Germantown, the Continentals camp at Whitemarsh, only a few miles from the British lines.  There, they set up defenses and prepare for another battle.  Washington deploys Alexander Hamilton to see Horatio Gates in...
30 min
ARP169 Articles of Confederation
With the British Army in Philadelphia, the Continental Congress moves to Lancaster, Pa, and then to York.  There, they have to fight off defeatism while many delegates, including President John Hancock, return home.  The Congress does finally finish...
30 min
ARP168 Forts Mercer and Mifflin
The Hessians under Col. von Donop fail to capture Fort Mercer following an aggressive attack.  The British focus on Fort Mifflin, subjecting the garrison to a massive artillery barrage for days.  Eventually the surviving defenders make a nighttime es...
29 min
AR-SP02 Author Kurt Avard on his book "First, D...
An interview with author Kurt Avard, about his new novel First, Do No Harm.In 17th Century Vienna, a local watchman discovers a dead body outside of Stephansdom Cathedral.  He soon realizes that the black plague is sweeping across the city.  He must...
46 min
ARP167 Defending the Delaware
After capturing Philadelphia in 1777, the British spend weeks trying to open the Delaware River so that the navy can supply the occupying army.  The Americans spent years installing barriers and forts to make the approach difficult and dangerous.Vis...
29 min
ARP166 Surrender at Saratoga
After failing to push through the American Lines, British General Burgoyne holds out for a relief force from New York City. 
32 min
ARP165 Bemis Heights (2nd Saratoga)
The British under General Johnny Burgoyne make a desperate push against the Americans under the command of General Horatio Gates on Bemis Heights, in upstate New York.General Benedict Arnold defies Gates' orders to stay away.  Instead, he leads the ...
32 min
ARP164 Forts Clinton and Montgomery
British General Sir Henry Clinton makes a desperate attempt to distract the Continental Army facing General Burgoyne in the upper Hudson Valley.  Clinton captures Forts Clinton and Montgomery but fails to cause any of the Continentals under Horatio G...
32 min
AR-SP01 Dr. Ronald Gibbs on Medical Care and th...
Special Episode: Discussion with Dr. Ronald S. Gibbs on Medicine and the American RevolutionVisit my site at for more text, pictures, maps, and sources on this topic.Dr. Gibbs' Novel: The Long Shot: The Secret History ...
56 min
ARP163 Germantown
On October 4, 1777 the Continental Army attacks the main British Army at Germantown, several days after the British occupied Philadelphia.General Washington attempts a complex four pronged assault on the British camp.  The attack falls part as units...
30 min
ARP162 Raid on Fort Ticonderoga
As General Burgoyne's British army faces off against General Gates' Continentals near Saratoga, Colonel John Brown leads an attack on the British rear at Fort Ticonderoga.  The Continentals fail to capture the fort, but take 300 prisoners and thrown ...
30 min
ARP161 Freeman's Farm (First Saratoga)
The British army under General Burgoyne finds itself increasingly isolated.  On the American side, General Gates replaces General Schuyler as commander of the northern army.  Gate's picks a fight with General Arnold while setting up defenses to take ...
31 min
ARP160 Paoli Massacre & Fall of Philadelphia
As the British Army plans its final assault on Philadelphia, the continentals leave an army in the British rear to harass them.  This army, led by General Anthony Wayne, took a position near Paoli Tavern.  A British force led by General Charles Grey ...
29 min
ARP159 Battle of the Clouds
Following the American loss at Brandywine, Congress reevaluates its officers.  At the same time, Gen. Washington prepares to rally for the next confrontation.  The Continentals and British advance on each other near White Horse Tavern. 
28 min
ARP158 Battle of Brandywine
General Washington sets his defenses along Brandywine Creek, hoping to prevent General Howe's advance on Philadelphia. 
29 min
ARP157 British Landing and Cooch's Bridge
The British Fleet deploys an army of over 15,000 British and Hessian soldiers at Head of Elk, Maryland. 
30 min