American Revolution Podcast

American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.

ARP198 Raid on Old Tappan
1778: The British Army in New York City launches raids against the Continentals and into New Jersey before much of the army must leave for other parts of the British Empire.
29 min
ARP197 Cobleskill & German Flatts
British Canada gets a new military commander.  Native warriors and loyalist militia step up their raids into northern New York in an attempt to reclaim the area for the King.
30 min
ARP196 Rhode Island Campaign
The Continental Army, backed by New England militia, attempts to capture the British garrison at Newport.  The French Navy agrees to secure the waters around the island and contribute to the assault.
30 min
ARP195 Courts Martial of Lee St Clair and Schuyler
In the late summer and fall of 1778, the Continental army holds inquiries into the leadership abilities of three of its top major generals: Charles Lee, Arthur St. Clair, and Phillip Schuyler.  A fourth General, Thomas Mifflin, resigns.
29 min
ARP194 Battle of Ushant
British Admiral Augustus Keppel and French Admiral Louis Guillouet, the comte d'Orvilliers lead fleets into the Atlantic.  Each hope to destroy the other's fleet.
31 min
ARP193 Silas Deane Hearings
After receiving a vague letter from Congress recalling him in spring 1778, Silas Deane returned to Philadelphia. He sailed aboard the French fleet and having successfully finalized the Treaties of Amity and Commerce. 
30 min
AR-SP08 David Stewart: George Washington
Interview with author David O. Steward about his new book: George Washington: The Political Rise of America's Founding Father. 
45 min
ARP192 The Wyoming Valley Massacre
Colonel John Butler leads Butler's Rangers, along with various Iroquois warriors to the Wyoming Valley in what is today northeastern Pennsylvania. 
29 min
ARP191 Alligator Bridge
General Robert Howe struggles his own subordinates Continental officers, State leaders, and militia, in addition to the enemy as he attempts to secure Georgia and fend off threats from British-held Florida. 
31 min
ARP190 French Arrive in America
In July 1778, the first French fleet sails into Delaware Bay.  It drops off the new French Minister, Conrad Alexandre Gerard, as well as returning diplomat Silas Deane. 
29 min
ARP189 Battle of Monmouth
In late June 1778, the British Army halts its retreat from Philadelphia to New York to confront the pursuing Continentals. 
31 min
AR-SP07 Larry Kidder - Revolutionary Princeton
William "Larry" Kidder, author of the book Revolutionary Princeton 1774-1783, talks about life in Princeton, New Jersey during the American Revolution.
60 min
ARP188 Pursuit Across New Jersey
After the British evacuation of Philadelphia in the summer of 1778, the Continental Army crosses into New Jersey to confront the British before they can reach New York City. 
29 min
ARP187 Evacuation of Philadelphia
The British Army evacuates Philadelphia on June 18, 1778, abandoning many  loyalist residents, and a city devastated by nearly nine months of occupation.
29 min
ARP186 Carlisle Peace Commission
The loss at Saratoga and France's entry into the war prompts British leaders to repeal all offensive laws and send a new peace commission to America, ready to concede anything, short of full independence.
29 min
ARP185 Mount Hope Bay Raids
British General Robert Pigot, in command of the British garrison at Newport, deploys several raiding parties in the region to destroy American efforts to launch an attack on Newport. 
32 min
AR-SP06 David Price John Haslet's World
Interview with author David Price about his new book: John Haslet's World.
53 min
ARP184 Mischianza and Barren Hill
Lafayette leaps ahead of other generals to take a division command in the spring of 1778.  The British throw a massive party for the departing General Howe in Philadelphia. 
30 min
ARP183 Doan Brothers & Crooked Billet
During the winter when the Continental Army regrouped at Valley Forge and the British occupied Philadelphia, Pennsylvania militia attempted to control the area in between the two armies.
30 min
ARP182 British Occupation of Philadelphia
The British Army occupies Philadelphia over the winter of 1777-78.  They discover that the capture of America's leading city is more trouble than it is worth.
29 min
ARP181 West Point Chain
The Americans construct a chain across the Hudson River to prevent further British incursions up into the Hudson Valley.  To protect the chain, they build a series of forts, one in an island in the river and more on the western side of the river.
30 min
ARP180 John Paul Jones Raids Whitehaven
Escaping from the law, Captain John Paul finds his way to America, changes his name to Jones, and after the Revolution begins, joins the Continental Navy. 
29 min
AR-SP05 Christian McBurney - George Washington'...
Interview with author Christian McBurney about his new book: George Washington's Nemesis: The Outrageous Treason and Unfair Court-Martial of Major General Charles Lee during the Revolutionary War.
45 min
ARP179 Prisoner Exchanges
Over the winter of 1777-78.  General Washington and General Howe try to come to an agreement to exchange prisoners of War.  While an agreed cartel proves elusive, their efforts see the return of General Charles Lee and Colonel Ethan Allen.Visit my s...
29 min
ARP178 Hancock's Bridge Massacre
Americans under General Anthony Wayne and Navel Captain John Barry engage in a series of raids along southern New Jersey.  Wayne's mission to seize cattle to bring back to the starving soldiers at Valley Forge. Barry helps Wayne get his force across...
30 min