American Revolution Podcast

American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.

ARP285 Hobkirk Hill
In May of 1781 Nathanael Greene's Continentals attakc British Outposts in SC.
30 min
ARP284 Pensacola
Spring of 1781: the Spanish Army lays siege to the British at Fort George in Pensacola in West Florida
30 min
ARP283 Petersburg
In the spring of 1781, the British deploy a larger army under General William Phillips to Virginia.  Phillips and Benedict Arnold move on Petersburg with the intent of entering and occupying Richmond.Blog includes a com...
29 min
ARP282 Lafayette in Virginia
Following the British raid on Richmond by in early 1781, the Americans target its commander, former American General Benedict Arnold.  Washington deploys General Lafayette to check the British in Virginia.  Lafayette has trouble getting his army into...
30 min
ARP281 Ratifying the Articles of Confederation
In the spring of 1781, Congress sets up executive departments, run by secretaries, to help manage the government.  It also finally convinces Maryland to ratify the Articles of Confederation.  The British reveal letters from Silas Deane arguing that C...
31 min
AR-SP22 John Paul Jones by Shipwrecks and Seadogs
In this special episode we hear from podcaster Rich Napolitano from Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs.  He discusses the life of John Paul Jones.For more info on the Shipwrecks and Seadogs Podcast, go to https://www.shipwrecksandseadogs.comThis podcast, alon...
40 min
ARP280 Guilford Courthouse
In March 1781, General Nathanael Greene returns his Continental Army to North Carolina for a showdown with the British under General Charles Cornwallis.  The two armies meet on the battlefield at Guilford Courthouse.Blog
29 min
AR-SP21 France and the Revolution, with Grey Hi...
William Clark of the Grey History Podcast, and Michael Troy of the American Revolution Podcast discuss France's role in the American Revolution, and the American response to the French Revolution.To learn more about the Grey History Podcast, go to h...
47 min
ARP279 Race to the Dan
In early 1781, the British army under General Cornwallis chases the Continentals under General Greene across North Carolina toward the Dan River and Virginia.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and...
30 min
ARP278 Arnold Raids Richmond
In January 1781, now-British General Benedict Arnold sails for Virginia and raids its capital, Richmond.Blog includes a complete transcript, as well as pictures, and links related to this week's episode.Book Recommenda...
29 min
AR-SP20 Why didn’t Canada Join the Revolution?
This is a sample of the Everything Everywhere Daily Podcast.  It looks at why Canada did not join the rest of the British colonies in declaring independence.
13 min
ARP277 Battle of Cowpens
British Colonel Banastre Tarleton chases down General Daniel Morgan's force of Continentals and militia.  Tarleton traps the Americans who cannot cross the river at Cowpens, South Carolina.  The armies clash in a short but decisive battle.Blog https...
31 min
ARP276 Mutiny in the Continental Army
On January 1, 1781, the Pennsylvania Line of the Continental Army abandons its officers and begins marching from its winter camp in Morristown New Jersey to Philadelphia to demand release from enlistment.  Several weeks later, the New Jersey line doe...
30 min
ARP275 The War Goes Dutch
In December 1780 Britain declares war on the Dutch
30 min
ARP274 Greene Takes Command
Major General Nathanael Greene takes command of the southern army in December 1780. 
30 min
ARP273 Fishdam Ford and Blackstock
General Thomas Sumter defeats the Notorious Colonel Banastre Tarleton and Blackstock's Plantation. 
30 min
ARP272 Chasing the Swamp Fox
After the southern Continental Army is wiped out at the battle of Camden in late 1780,
31 min
ARP271 Advancing on Detroit
Colonel Augustin Mottin de la Balme attempts to rally French-Canadian settlers in an attempt to take control of Detroit. 
30 min
ARP270 Stone Arabia & Klock’s Field
Loyalist forces continue their campaign of destruction across the Mohawk Valley in the fall of 1780. 
30 min
ARP269 The Ballston Raid
Canada's Governor Frederick Haldimand sends raiding parties into upstate New York in the fall of 1780.
30 min
AR-SP19John Burgoyne, with Norman Poser
I speak with author Norman Poser about his new book: From the Battlefield to the Stage: The Many Lives of General John Burgoyne. 
48 min
ARP268 King’s Mountain
The Overmountain Men confront loyalists under the command of Major Patrick Ferguson at King's Mountain.
30 min
ARP267 Battle of Charlotte
The British under General Cornwallis find advancing into North Carolina much more difficult than expected. 
30 min
AR-SP18 Nathanael Greene with Salina Baker
Author Salina Baker is writing a book called The Line of Splendor, a historically-accurate novel about the life of Major General Nathanael Greene.  I spoke with Ms. Baker about the life of Nathanael Greene.
56 min
ARP266 Hanging Major André
After Benedict Arnold's treason is exposed in the fall of 1780, The Continentals must determine the extent of the conspiracy, and deal with the captured British Prisoner, John André.
29 min