American Revolution Podcast

American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.

Episode 031: Wilkes and Liberty & Tar and Feathers
Radical John Wilkes returns from France in 1768 to face the charges for seditious libel.
20 min
Episode 030: The Occupation of Boston
 With officials in Boston unable to control the people and enforce the law, Secretary of State Hillsborough decides enough is enough and orders four regiments of British regulars to occupy the town. 
20 min
Episode 029: The Liberty Riot
The American Board of Customs arrives in Boston in 1767 ready to enforce the new Townshend duties. 
19 min
Episode 028: Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer
Following passage of the Towshend Acts in 1767, the colonists are unsure how to respond, until John Dickenson writes his letters..
20 min
Episode 027: Prime Minister Pitt Falls from Power
Prime Minister William Pitt's illness prevents him from running his administration.  The Duke of Grafton becomes acting Prime Minister for over a year and eventually take the office officially when Pitt resigns in 1768. 
20 min
Episode 026: The Townshend Acts
William Pitt's Lord of the Exchequer, Charles Townsend, tries to boost revenue by increasing tariffs on a wide variety of colonial imports.
20 min
Episode 025: Tensions Simmer
Following the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766, colonial protests stopped and trade resumed.  Parliament is not happy about the pushback and seems determined to find a way to put the colonies in their place. 
21 min
Episode 024: Stamp Act Repeal and Declaratory Act
The Stamp Act took effect on November 1, 1765.  But colonial opposition prevented the use of any stamps.
20 min
Episode 023: The Stamp Act Congress
Colonists at all levels of society protested the Stamp Act of 1765. 
21 min
Episode 022: The Stamp Act and Quartering Act o...
In 1765 Prime Minister Grenville led passage of the Stamp Act through Parliament. 
20 min
Episode 021: The Colonies React to Taxes
Following the passage of the Sugar Act in 1764, the British colonies in North America begin to organize opposition. 
21 min
Episode 020: The Sugar Act & Currency Act of 1764
In 1764, with Britain under a massive debt from the Seven Years War and with increased costs of maintaining its new colonies, the Grenville Ministry passes the Sugar Act to raise revenue from the colonists. 
20 min
Episode 019: Suppressing the Indians
In 1764, in response to the Native American attacks known as Pontiac's War, the colonists strike back at the Indians, killing the guilty and innocent alike.
20 min
Episode 018: Pontiac's War
By 1763, France has left Canada after losing the the French and Indian war.  British soldiers and colonists continue to occupy land west of the Allegheny mountains in violation of promises. 
21 min
Episode 017: Parsons Cause, Bishops, and Trade
As the Seven Years War comes to an end, Britain and her colonies begin bickering over issues unrelated to the war.
21 min
Episode 016: Treaty of Paris & Wilkes Affair
Britain finally ends the Seven Years War with France and Spain through the Treaty of Paris in 1763.
20 min
Episode 015: Cherokee Uprising, Fighting in Wes...
The Cherokee go to war against the settlers in the Carolinas who are encroaching on their land.  Britain captures French colonies in the West Indies. Spain joins France in the war against Britain.
19 min
Episode 014: Canada Becomes British & Britain G...
The British Army in America captures the final concentration of French forces at Montreal in 1760.  This effectively ends major combat operations in North America.  With the death of his grandfather, 22 year old King George III claims the throne.
19 min
Episode 013: The Battle of Quebec
British Gen. Wolfe defeats French Gen. Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham in 1759.  The British capture the key city of Quebec.
19 min
Episode 012: The Fall of Forts Duquesne, Niagar...
After convincing most Indians to abandon the French in the Ohio Valley, the British take Fort Duquesne at the end of 1758. 
18 min
Episode 011: Louisbourg, Frontenac, & Treaty of...
Gen. Amherst captures Louisbourg in Britain's first major victory of the French and Indian War.  The British follow up with a successful raid on Fort Frontenac.  In Pennsylvania, the British sign the Treaty of Easton.
20 min
Episode 010: New British Strategy & Attack on F...
After continuing defeats, Britain changes leaders.  It also adopts a new strategy for encouraging British colonial support for the war in North America. 
19 min
Episode 009: Fort William Henry Massacre & Rise...
The French offensive continues in 1757 as Gen. Montcalm takes Fort William Henry. 
19 min
Episode 008: Surrender of Fort Oswego
The French go on the offensive, capturing Forts Ontario and Oswego.  
20 min
Episode 007: Acadia, Lake George, and Loudoun
The British expel the French inhabitants, of Acadia.  The French and British fight over Lake George.  Britain gets a new Prime Minister, the Duke of New Castle.  Lord Loudoun arrives in America as the new British military commander.
23 min