American Revolution Podcast

American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.

Episode 056: The Shot Heard 'Round the World
The Siege of Boston begins as soon as the regulars retreat back to Boston following the battles at Lexington and Concord.  The New England Provincial army springs up overnight from minutemen and militia units throughout New England. 
25 min
Episode 055: British Retreat from Lexington and...
By the afternoon of April 19, 1775, having completed his search and destroy mission to Concord. Lt. Col. Smith finds himself facing a twenty mile gauntlet back to Boston. Thousands of angry militia stand ready to attack. 
24 min
Episode 054: British Advance on Lexington and C...
On the evening of April 18, 1775, Lt. Col. Smith leaves Boston via Charlestown. His goal is to seize and destroy munitions in Concord. Delays prevent his force from leaving Charlestown before Paul Revere and other riders alert the countryside.
20 min
Episode 053: Paul Revere Rides
As Gen. Gage prepares to deploy a brigade of regulars to Concord, the Patriots activate their warning system.  Joseph Warren deploys William Dawes and Paul Revere to alert countryside. 
20 min
Episode 052: Salem Alarm & Hearts and Minds
In February 1775, Gage attempts to grab a cache of Patriot cannon in Salem. Col. Alexander Leslie leads a regiment of regulars on what is supposed to be a surprise sail up the coast and a fast dash to Salem to grab the guns. 
21 min
Episode 051: The Portsmouth Alarm
By the end of 1774 Britain had banned all munitions imports to the colonies.  After fearing that the British Navy might seize munitions at Fort William and Mary in New Hampshire.  Paul Revere rides from Boston to alert the local militia. 
20 min
Episode 050: Britain Prepares for War
In late 1774, Prime Minister North calls for early elections. This results in a solid majority in favor of getting tough on the colonies.
20 min
Episode 049: The Provincial Congress of Massach...
Gen. Gage retreats with his regulars into Boston in the summer of 1774. Patriots take control of all of the rest of Massachusetts.
21 min
Episode 048: The First Continental Congress
Parliament closed the Port of Boston following the Boston Tea Party. In response, colonial leaders met in Philadelphia in a "Grand Congress."
21 min
Episode 047: The Suffolk Resolves
Gov. Gage decides he does not have a large enough army to control the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
19 min
Episode 046: The Powder Alarm
On September 1, 1774, Gen. Gage sends a regiment to secure gunpowder stored at a powder house several miles from Boston. 
21 min
Episode 045: Governing from Salem
Governor Gage moves the colonial government to Salem and begins enforcing his policy of firmness, ignoring colonial protests and implementing the Coercive Acts. 
20 min
Episode 044: Lord Dunmore's War
In late 1774 Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore leads militia into Western Virginia.  He hopes to stop local tribes who are attacking colonists.
20 min
Episode 043: Colonies React to the Coercive Acts
Gen. Gage travels to Boston to replace Hutchinson as the new Governor of Massachusetts.
20 min
Episode 042: The Coercive Acts
In response to the Boston Tea Party, Parliament gets tough by passing several acts designed to punish Massachusetts.
20 min
Episode 041: Tea Party Aftermath
Despite the open destruction of private property, the colonies generally seem to approve of Boston's reaction to the tea ships. 
20 min
Episode 040: The Boston Tea Party
Parliament tries to win the fight over tariffs by greatly reducing the cost of tea, and maintaining only a nominal three pence per pound tax on tea.  Officials hope the lower prices will end the tea boycott.
20 min
Episode 039: The Politics of Tea
After several years of calm in the colonies, Parliament changes the way tea is distributed and taxed throughout the Empire. 
20 min
Episode 038: The Green Mountain Boys
After New Hampshire issues thousands of land grants in a disputed region, New York gets the King to declare the land part of the New York colony.
20 min
Episode 037: Committees of Correspondence and t...
As events quiet down after 1770, London tries to make many minor behind the scenes changes to the colonial power structure, making it harder for the colonies to resist the next confrontation.
20 min
Episode 036: Sinking the HMS Gaspee
Rhode Island colonists, like just about all other colonists, greatly resented the new tough enforcement of trade laws by British officials.
20 min
Episode 035: Carolina Regulators and the Battle...
In both North and South Carolina, colonists on the western frontier run into conflicts with the east coast dominated government.  Westerners in each state form Regulator movements to enforce the law locally as they see fit.
20 min
Episode 034: Massacre Fallout and Townshend Act...
After British Regulars kill five colonists and injure others at what becomes known as the Boston Massacre, local radicals force the government to relocate the soldiers to Castle Island, out in Boston Harbor. 
21 min
Episode 033: The Boston Massacre
Over the winter of 1769-70, locals in Boston make life as uncomfortable as possible for the British Regulars occupying the city.
20 min
Episode 032: The Battle of Golden Hill
During the winter of 1769-70, New Yorkers fight with British Regulars. 
20 min