American Revolution Podcast

American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.

Episode 106 Arms Race on Lake Champlain
The British spend months putting together a fleet to crush the Americans on Lake Champlain and retake Fort Ticonderoga.
26 min
Episode 105 Staten Island Peace Conference
After capturing Brooklyn and Long Island General Howe and Admiral Howe halt their military offensive for two weeks.  During that time, they invite three members of the Continental Congress to discuss the possibility of a negotiated peace.
28 min
Episode 104 Submarine Warfare
The Continental Army attempts to blow up the HMS Eagle in New York Harbor in September 1776.  Using the work of David Bushnell and a small team, attempts to attach an underwater mine after reaching the ship using a one man submarine. 
27 min
Episode 103 The Battle of Brooklyn
The British land 20,000 men on Long Island.  Using a flanking maneuver, they easily kill, capture, and scatter the inexperienced Americans.
25 min
Episode 102 Cherokee War in the South
British Indian Agents encourage the Cherokee to attack the colonies in rebellion. 
26 min
Episode 101 The British Land at Staten Island
The British get off to a late start, not assembling their massive invasion force at New York until August 1776. When they disembark on Staten Island, the Continentals see the largest overseas military force Britain had ever assembled.
26 min
Episode 100 The Declaration of Independence
We review the Declaration line by line and explain what it means.
28 min
Episode 099 Drafting the Declaration
The Continental Congress appoints a committee headed by Thomas Jefferson to draft a declaration while debate over independence continues.
26 min
Episode 098 Voting for Independence
In the spring of 1776, the Second Continental Congress struggles to reach a unanimous vote on independence.
27 min
Episode 097 A Coup in Philadelphia
Radicals in Philadelphia overthrow the conservative colonial government.  They install radicals just in time to get Pennsylvania to support independence.For more text, pictures, maps, and sources, please visit my site at
27 min
Episode 096 The Battle for Sullivan's Island
General Henry Clinton and Commodore Peter Parker attempt to capture Fort Sullivan in the harbor of Charleston South Carolina.
27 min
Episode 095 The Battle of Trois-Rivières (Three...
General Sullivan takes command in Canada, only to be overwhelmed by the British reinforcements commanded by Generals Carleton and Burgoyne.  The Continentals attack the British at Three Rivers, only to be repelled.
25 min
Episode 094 War at Sea, Battle of Turtle Gut Inlet
Elements of the Continental Navy as well as a hoard of privateers harass and battle with the British Navy up and down the East coast. Naval Commodore John Barry emerges and an early naval hero.
26 min
Episode 093 The Dave Mathews Band Breaks Up
General Washington struggles to set up defenses in New York despite Tories all around him.  The Continental army riots with NY Prostitutes after they murder two soldiers.  The Army discovers and shuts down a plot to murder Washington.
25 min
Episode 092 State Constitutions, Part 2
Following the Declaration of Independence, most of the remaining States adopt new Constitutions. 
27 min
Episode 091 State Constitutions, Part 1
In 1775 and 1776, even before officially declaring independence, the colonies begin adopting constitutions.
27 min
Episode 090 Battle of the Cedars
General John Thomas takes command of Continental forces around Quebec.  Despite his efforts, the Continentals must withdraw as the British relief fleet arrives in spring 1776. 
26 min
Episode 089: Washington Moves to New York
In the months between the time the British evacuate Boston and land in New York, Washington had plenty of time to work with his army to build up defenses around New York City and to confer with leaders in Philadelphia.
26 min
Episode 088 British War Plans 1776
The North Ministry settles on a plan to send an overwhelming force.  They will shock and awe the colonists into submission. 
26 min
Episode 087 Canada Spring 1776
Following the failed attempt to take Quebec City, the Continentals keep a token force around the city.
26 min
Episode 086 The Evacuation of Boston
After the Continentals capture Dorchester Heights, the British Army and Navy must leave Boston right away. 
25 min
Episode 085 Dorchester Heights
The Continental Army occupies Dorchester Heights overnight, surprising the British and forcing them to evacuate Boston.
26 min
Episode 084 The Continental Navy Raids the Bahamas
The Continental Congress builds a small fleet to take on the British Navy. 
25 min
Episode 083 Continental Congress Winter 1776
Delegates to the Continental Congress, including conservatives, begin to consider independence as a realistic option. 
27 min
Episode 082 The Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge
General Henry Clinton leaves Boston to secure the southern colonies. 
27 min