American Revolution Podcast

American Revolution Podcast explores the events of the American Revolution, from beginning to end. It publishes weekly. Be sure to check out the related blog for access to pictures, maps, and links to more useful information on each week's episode.

Episode 131 Congress - Baltimore Edition
Fearing an imminent British invasion of Philadelphia, the Continental Congress adjourns in December 1776 with a resolution to meet a week later in Baltimore, Maryland.  Congress holds session in Baltimore for three months. 
29 min
Episode 130 Fort McIntosh, Georgia
Loyalists in Florida with the aide of Seminole Warriors, raid the Georgia borders in an attempt to roll back patriot control.  Meanwhile Button Gwinnett becomes President of Georgia and uses the opportunity to attack his political opponents.Visit my...
29 min
Episode 129 Prisoners of War
Thousands of American Prisoners suffer and die in New York City prisons and prison ships during the Revolutionary War.
27 min
Episode 128 Fort Independence
Continental forces under General Heath attempt to recapture Fort Independence, just north of New York City in January 1777.
27 min
Episode 127 The Forage War
Following the Battle of Princeton, New Jersey militia keep the British Army hunkered down in a couple of North Jersey cities near New York.
29 min
Episode 126 The Battle of Princeton
The Continentals surprise the British by pulling out of Trenton on the night of January 2, 1777 and marching up a back road to attack the British rear at Princeton the next morning.
30 min
Episode 125 Second Battle of Trenton
General Cornwallis is tasked to deal with the Americans who captured the Hessian outpost at Trenton. 
28 min
Episode 124 Back Across the Delaware
After its victory at Trenton, the Continental Army retreats with its prisoners and equipment back to Pennsylvania.  After discovering that the Pennsylvania militia had crossed into New Jersey, Washington opts to cross back again and reoccupy Trenton.
27 min
Episode 123 First Battle of Trenton
The Continental Army led by General Washington attacks the Hessian outpost at Trenton on December 26, 1776.
28 min
Episode 122 Crossing the Delaware
December 25, 1776: Washington assembles enough troops to attempt an attack on the British, days before the enlistments of most of his remaining soldiers expire.
28 min
Episode 121 Battle of Iron Works Hill
In late December 1776, General Washington sends a small force into New Jersey to harass the Hessian garrisons. 
29 min
Episode 120 The American Crisis
As the Continental Army struggle to keep itself alive at the end of 1776, Thomas Paine writes The American Crisis to rally Americans to fight the British and Hessians.
31 min
Episode 119 Fort Cumberland Nova Scotia and New...
Over the winter of 1776-77, Patriots attempt to capture Fort Cumberland and bring Nova Scotia into the rebellion.  Also, the British capture Newport Rhode Island to use as a winter port for the navy. 
28 min
Episode 118 British Capture Stockton and Lee
As the British Army sweeps across New Jersey, it captures Signer Richard Stockton and General Charles Lee.
29 min
Episode 117 Retreat Across New Jersey
Washington completes his retreat to Pennsylvania by early December 1776.  The British slowly force the march but do not attempt to capture the Continentals.  Washington's subordinate generals fail to come to his assistance. 
26 min
Episode 116 American Terrorist in Britain
James Aitken, a petty criminal in Britain, schemes to burn down all of the Naval portyards in England to cripple the British Navy. 
28 min
Episode 115 Congress and French Diplomacy
The Continental Congress makes no real progress approving Articles of Confederation and has trouble supporting its own army.  It sends a delegation to France to get an alliance with France. 
29 min
Episode 114 Escape from Fort Lee
A British and Hessian force led by Lord Cornwallis storms Fort Lee in New Jersey, forcing the Continental Army led by George Washington to flee further south. 
28 min
Episode 113 The Fall of Fort Washington
General Washington ignores British General Howe's repeated hints that he needs to evacuate Fort Washington.  Instead, he leaves the decision up to General Nathanael Greene. 
26 min
Episode 112 The Battle of White Plains
The British under General Howe continue to push back the Continentals under General Washington, slowly nudging them off Manhattan island, but refusing to surround them or force a major battle.
28 min
Episode 111 Retreat from Lake Champlain
Benedict Arnold avoids almost certain capture near Valcour Island with a daring night move.  The British fleet catches up with him, but Arnold is able to ground most of his ships and escape overland back to Fort Ticonderoga.
28 min
Episode 110 The Battle of Valcour Island
General Benedict Arnold forces the British fleet to attack him at the location of his choosing, near Valcour Island. 
26 min
Episode 109 Great Fire of NY & Hanging Nathan Hale
After the Continental Army evacuates and the British occupy New York City, a night fire burns a quarter of the town.  The British capture Captain Nathan Hale and hang him as a spy.  The Americans court martial a deserter.
27 min
Episode 108 The French Connection
France makes plans for covert aid to America.  Silas Deane arrives to encourage such aid.  French foreign minister puts him in contact with a playwright and part-time arms dealer name Beaumarchais. 
28 min
Episode 107 Kip's Bay and Harlem Heights
The British land at Kip's Bay on Manhattan, scattering the patriot defenders.  A few days later, British advance forces run into more effective resistance at Harlem Heights.
26 min