Cheers To Comics! Podcast

For readers both new and old, Brian Wayne raises a glass to comics with creator interviews and speculation insights!

#132- Best of 2019 Awards Show!
Brian Wayne brings on guest co-host Ken M. of the ODPH Podcast to hand out fake awards to he best of 2019! And the nominees are... ________ Support the show on PATREON: TWITTER: @cheerstocomics INSTAGRAM:...
146 min
#130- Suicide Podcast
Brian Wayne discusses the comic books released on 12/18/19. Topics include Guardians of the Galaxy, Batman, Suicide Squad, and so much more! ____________________ News Overviews 06:30- Once & Future #5 09:00- Farmhand #12 15:55- Middlewest #13 20:25-...
81 min
#129-Creator Corner: Chuck Brown (Bitter Root)
Brian Wayne gets to chat with the one and only Chuck Brown. You know Chuck from hits like Bitter Root and Black Panther. So much is packed into this interview, including a Cheers to Comics! exclusive announcement on a future project being developed!...
46 min
#128- December 25th's Priorities
Brian Wayne fills you in on the comic books hitting shelves next Wednesday... or more than likely Thursday since NCBD falls on Christmas... Listen in and you won't miss out on great books like Doctor Strange, Kill Lock, and more! __________________...
25 min
#127- Creator Corner: Matthew Rosenberg (Punisher)
Brian Wayne gets to pick the brain of the of one and only Matthew Rosenberg. Topics include his work on Punisher, Kingpin, Uncanny X-Men, and lots more! ______________________ Support the show on PATREON: TWITTER:...
63 min
#126- December 18th's Priorities
Brian Wayne fills you in on the comic books hitting shelves next Wednesday! Listen in and you won't miss out on hot books like Batman, Middlewest, Guardians of the Galaxy, and much more! __________________ Support the show on PATREON:...
62 min
#125- Creator Corner- Charlie Stickney (White Ash)
Brian Wayne gets to have a chat with the incredible Charlie Stickey! You'll be hearing his name a lot when his book "White Ash" hits comic book shelves in January! Brian and Charlie talk about everything from industry transitions, creative process,...
64 min
#123- Podcast of Champions
Brian Wayne discusses the comic books released on 11/27/19. Topics include Shazam, Killadelphia, Venom, and so much more! ____________________ News Overviews 06:10- Detective Comics #1016 11:05- Batman Beyond #38 14:50- Shazam #8 19:40- Avengers #27...
62 min
#122- Creator Corner: Rob Guillory (Chew/Farmhand)
Brian Wayne gets to have a chat with one of the most talented creators working and behind books like "Chew" and "Farmhand", Rob Guillory. Topics go from where it all began, transitions in the industry, having a TV series in development, and yes, of...
72 min
#120- Super Saiyan Han Solo
Brian Wayne toasts to the comic books released on 11/20/19. Topics include: Rai, Absolute Carnage, Deadpool, and much more! ________________ News Overviews: 06:50- Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #2 10:35- Heart Attack #1 15:50- Rai...
91 min
#119- Comic Book Therapy: Dee's Issues
Dee, host of the FTO Podcast, gets a therapy session with (Not a doctor) Brian Wayne. Topics include Black Adam, Teen Titans, Brian Michael Bendis, and so much more! ______________ Support the show on PATREON: TWITTER:...
81 min
#116- Creator Corner: Lukas Ketner (Count Crowley)
Brian Wayne gets to pick the brains of Lukas Ketner, the illustrator behind "Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter!" Lukas talks about what it's like working with a rookie comic book writer that just so happens to be a huge movie star, as...
66 min
#113- Trade Negotiations: Chew Vol.10: "Blood P...
Brian Wayne gives you an in depth rundown of "Chew Volume 10: Blood Puddin'" by John Layman and Rob Guillory. _______________ Support the show on PATREON: TWITTER: @cheerstocomics INSTAGRAM: @thecheerstocomicspodcast...
40 min
#114- Going to the Podcast
Brian Wayne toasts to the comic books released on 11/6/19. Topics include: Batman, Going to the Chapel, Undiscovered Country, and many more! ________________________ News Overviews: 03:55- Berserker Unbound #4 09:40- Wretches #1 12:00- Going to the...
96 min
#108- Trade Negotiations: Thumbs Vol.01
Brian Wayne gives you an in depth rundown of one of the best indie comic mini series of the year, "Thumbs", by Sean Lewis and Hayden Sherman. _______________________________ Support the show on PATREON: TWITTER:...
44 min
#106- Dawn of Podcast
Brian Wayne goes over the books that were released on 10/16, while drinking Sam Adams Octoberfest. Titles discussed include X-Men, Absolute Carnage, Batman, Once & Future, and many more! ______________ News Overviews: 05:15- X-Men #1 10:15- Spider-Man...
74 min
#105- Creator Corner: Kyle Starks (Rick & Morty)
Brian Wayne gets to chat with Kyle Starks, writer of comics like Rick & Morty, Rock Candy Mountain, Old Head, and many more! Head over to KICKSTARTER and back Starks' latest creator owned indie comic, "OLD HEAD." >>>...
59 min
#102- Creator Corner: David Booher (Canto)
Brian Wayne gets to chat it up with David M. Booher, the writer and co-creator of the IDW sensation, "Canto." ________________ Support the show on PATREON: TWITTER: @cheerstocomics INSTAGRAM: @thecheerstocomicspodcast...
70 min
#100- Trade Negotiations: The Batman Who Laughs
Brian Wayne talks about one of the most sought after titles of the year, "Batman Who Laughs" by Scott Snyder and Jock. This mini series is worth diving into if you have any interest at all in the DC universe and it's next big villain. _______________...
65 min
#98- Birthday Podcast
Brian Wayne celebrates 1 year of The Cheers to Comics! Podcast, while giving the weekly rundown on the comic book news and issues of 9/25/19! ________________ Check out the INDIE CREATOR SUBMISSION: "The Offspring" by: David Whalen & Jason Sylvestre...
89 min
#97- Trade Negotiations: Chew Vol.09: Chicken T...
Brian Wayne is once again on Chew, by John Layman and Rob Guillory. This time the talks are on Volume 9: Chicken Tenders! ___________________ Support the show on PATREON: TWITTER: @cheerstocomics INSTAGRAM:...
41 min
#95- Flippin' Sweet Podcast
Brian Wayne runs down the comic books and comic book news of 9/25/19! ________________________________ News Overviews- 08:40- Middlewest #11 11:15- Napoleon Dynamite #1 13:25- Once & Future #2 16:45- Rick & Morty D&D II #1 19:45- Batman #79 22:15-...
80 min
#109- Count Podcast
Brian Wayne runs through the comics released on 10/23. Topics include: Count Crowley (RMMH), Detective Comics, Batman/Superman, Marauders, and many more! _______________ News: Overviews: 02:24- Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #1...
128 min
#103- Criminal Podcast
Brian spikes his coffee and talks the comics of 10/9/19. Topics include: Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity, Superman, Batman's Grave, and so many others! _______________________ News Overviews: 02:30- Oliver #4 07:00- Outer Darkness #11 11:40- Reaver #4...
63 min
#89- Trade Negotiations: Spider-Man: Life Story
Brian Wayne gives a detailed run through of the complete and incredibly popular "Spider-Man: Life Story" by Chip Zdarsky & Mark Bagley. _______________ Support the show on PATREON: TWITTER: @cheerstocomics INSTAGRAM:...
42 min