
Welcome to Jesuitical, a podcast for young Catholics hosted by two young, lay editors at America—Zac Davis and Ashley McKinless. Each episode features a guest who offers a unique perspective on faith, culture or current events. We also bring you some of the top (and maybe more obscure) Catholic news of the week. And we'll ask: Where do we find God in all this?

Religion & Spirituality
Picture this: What it’s like to walk with Jesus...
Bonus Quarantine Ep.2
34 min
How the Catholic Church adapted during the Blac...
It’s not really fair or responsible to draw comparisons between the Black Plague and our current coronavirus pandemic. Our situation pales in comparison to 50 million deaths, or roughly 50% of Europe’s population alone in the mid-14th century. But...
43 min
Bonus Episode: Jesuit leadership lessons during...
Bonus Quarantine Ep.1
28 min
One bishop’s response to the coronavirus. Ep. 134
No priest becomes a bishop imagining he will one day tell his people not to come to Mass. But across the United States and much of the world, bishops have had to make the heartrending decision to shutter their churches and cancel the public...
38 min
Catholic health care during the coronavirus pan...
Dr. Amy Compton-Phillips treated the United States’s first coronavirus patient. She is the chief clinical officer and executive vice president at Providence St. Joseph Health, a Catholic hospital located outside Seattle. We asked her about where we...
38 min
Is diet culture obscuring Lent? Ep. 132
With Lent in full-swing and warmer weather around the corner, many Catholics are probably thinking about food and their bodies more than normally. But what if the way that we’re approaching fasting and dieting is harmful—especially to our...
50 min
What’s it like to say Mass on death row? Ep.131
For the past 10 years, George Williams, S.J., has passed through metal doors plastered with the word “CONDEMNED” to minister to the men on death row at San Quentin State Prison, located on the north side of the San Francisco Bay. As the Jesuit...
30 min
Meet the Louisiana priest behind a 100-gallon t...
It is a beautiful thing when the sacred and the quirky come together in such a way that only Catholicism can arrange. Filling a crop duster plane with holy water and blessing an entire small town definitely qualifies as sacred and quirky in the best...
49 min
The untold history of black nuns in the United ...
Ask most people what they know about black Catholic sisters, and they will probably murmur something about “Sister Act.” Dr. Shannen Dee Williams did, too, until she began digging into communities’ archives and uncovering the previously hidden...
23 min
Can Jesuit spirituality save our politics?
Cyrus Habib is perhaps most interesting (and inspiring) politician you haven’t heard of—yet—unless, of course, you listened to our interview with him back in May 2018. Amid a chaotic primary season and after a polarizing impeachment trial, we...
28 min
Your Catholic guide to the Oscars 2020. Ep. 129
With two dramatized popes up for Best Actor () and Best Supporting Actor (Anthony Hopkins), are this year’s Oscars the most Catholic yet? To find out, we spoke with America’s film critic, , about the nominees for the 2020 Academy Awards, airing...
30 min
What it’s like to get to know your bishop on pi...
It’s not surprising that most Catholics—especially young Catholics—don’t personally know their bishops. Sure, they might have put some oil on your forehead at confirmation and made you worry about what it would do to your acne problem (this is...
37 min
A Catholic veteran on faith in war. Ep. 127
When Pete Lucier deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 he believed in the war and the Marine Corps and violence. It was only after returning to civilian life that he began to question not only the reasons for the United States’ Middle East wars but his...
34 min
Learning the stories of the enslaved people own...
Awareness of the Catholic Church’s—and the Jesuits’— role in slavery in the United States has grown in recent years thanks to reporting and research from , and . But there is still much that remains unknown about the enslaved people owned,...
32 min
Dorothy Day’s granddaughter on prayer, prison a...
In April of last year, seven Catholic activists broke into the naval submarine base in Kings Bay, Ga., home to several nuclear-armed submarines. Inside, they carried out nonviolent actions to protest the U.S. nuclear weapon’s program: They spilled...
38 min
A workout program for you, from the formerly in...
Are you working out for the body of a god? What about the body of a convict? Meet Coss Marte, our guest this week. After being arrested at 19 for running a multimillion dollar drug trade in New York City, Coss was sent to prison. There, doctors told...
19 min
The one where Olga says goodbye. Ep. 124
It’s the end of an era. As you heard on last week’s episode, our cohost Olga Segura is leaving America Media, and therefore Jesuitical, to freelance full-time and work on a book on race, the Black Lives Matter movement and the Catholic Church,...
28 min
Meet the star of “The Two Popes”. Ep. 123
If you are a fan of HBO’s “Game of Thrones,” you probably remember thinking when you first saw the High Sparrow: . That guy was Jonathan Pryce, a distinguished Welsh actor on the stage and screen. And it was a likeness that proved irresistible...
34 min
Spiritual direction for Nones. Ep. 122
This week, we talk to Kaya Oakes, a contributing writer for America and a teacher at the University of California, Berkeley. Kaya is the author of on the religiously unaffiliated or religious “nones.” Most recently, she wrote on spiritual...
35 min
The complicated history of AIDS and the Catholi...
The story of Catholics and the AIDS epidemic in the United States is often told as one of “gays versus the church.” But the reality was much more complicated than that. So complicated that our colleague, Michael O’Loughlin, has spent years...
41 min
Introducing PLAGUE: Untold Stories of AIDS and ...
This week the Jesuitical team are bringing you a new podcast from America Media. In “,” America’s Michael O'Loughlin investigates stories of AIDS and the Catholic Church. The release of the first episode coincides with World AIDS Day. In this...
42 min
Gentiles and Jews interrupt each other over boo...
This week, we welcome, for the second time, Stephanie Butnick and Liel Leibovitz, two-thirds of the Jewish podcast, “.” They just published an amazing new book, . We talk to them about Jewdar, Chinese food and Christmas, Drake, Thanksgivuhkuh and...
46 min
Pope Francis’ struggle to reform the Catholic C...
Pope Francis’ reforms of the Catholic Church are, depending on whom you ask, a long-awaited breath of fresh air or a slippery slope toward surrender to the modern world. Austen Ivereigh, who has already written one biography of Pope Francis and...
43 min
What the Left (and everyone else) can learn fro...
We’ve all heard Jesus’ command to “love your enemy.” But can you love your enemies if you don’t know who they are? On the podcast “,” hosts Matthew Sitman and Sam Adler-Bell—self-described Bernie Bros—try to understand their...
51 min
Where is former Cardinal McCarrick now? Ep. 117
This week Ashley and Olga interview Ruth Graham, a staff writer at Slate who consistently reports on religion with sensitivity and nuance. Ruth isn't afraid of tackling the most difficult topics—she recently got an interview with former Cardinal...
22 min