The Rick Sanchez Podcast

Finally, a podcast that shatters the stereotypes and misconceptions about Latinos in America. It’s candid, sometimes audacious, and says what needs to be said in an environment where Latinos have become outliers and oftentimes vilified simply because of how they are portrayed in the media. Latinos in America are a global economic powerhouse that businesses ignore at their own peril. If you want to learn all about the “New American Mainstream,” come onboard with Rick Sanchez and he will share the lessons he has learned after 30-plus years working in the mainstream media. He will help you to grow and succeed by sharing what’s worked and hasn’t worked for him in the past. The Rick Sanchez Podcast. 

An Agua Media Production.

Society & Culture
#75 What You Can Do to Bridge America’s Divide.
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick and Dr. Jay Van Bavel, professor of psychology and neural sciences to discuss the importance of free thinking and opinions in today’s divided political environment.
38 min
#74 Know Who You Are, Evolve Past the Mob.
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick to discuss the dangers of group thinking and the importance of self-awareness and accountability.
41 min
#73 George Lopez Tells Why He First Turned Down...
Rick Sanchez welcomes comedian/actor George Lopez and they discuss the bumpy road experienced by both of them on their way to success.
46 min
#72 Robert Mack’s Guide to Happiness.
Rick Sanchez welcomes therapist, author and life coach Robert Mack to discuss his proven techniques for achieving personal and professional happiness.
50 min
#71 Don’t Let Distractions Destroy Your Journey.
Rick Sanchez discusses the importance of not allowing distractions to derail you from your daily routines.
32 min
#70 How to Put Love Before Hate and Succeed Wit...
Rick Sanchez discusses the hate culture that has currently become the norm in this country and how it can affect us in our personal and professional lives.
36 min
#69 How to Become “Disciplined Consistently” to...
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick and Motivational Speaker and ex-Olympic athlete Ruben Gonzalez to discuss the importance of being consistently disciplined in order to succeed.
57 min
#68 How to Survive Obnoxious Friends and Family
Rick Sanchez welcomes Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Josh Klapow to discuss the impact that talking politics during family gatherings can have during the holidays.
49 min
#67 How To Succeed by Breaking the Rules
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick to discuss the secrets of getting ahead in business and in your career.
45 min
#66 How to Make Yourself More Valuable
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick and Dr. Michelle Rozen P.H.D. to discuss the importance of making yourself as valuable as possible in the workplace and in your personal life.
54 min
#65 What You Need to Know about How Republicans...
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick to discuss the surprising results of the midterm elections.
58 min
#64 Business Lesson 4: Overcome Your Fear.
Rick Sanchez welcomes Business Strategist Danny Morel to discuss the importance of being in the right frame of mind when it comes to moving forward with your career.
55 min
#63 Business Lesson 3: Find Your “Why.”
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick and workplace strategist Jeff Butler to discuss the process of re-inventing yourself when you lose your job or your business.
53 min
#62 Business Lesson 2: Stay in Your Lane/Elon’s...
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick and financial expert Pedro da Costa to discuss a variety of topics including the US economy and Elon Musk’s stumbling start as the new head of Twitter.
53 min
#61 Business Lesson: If You Don’t Have a Routin...
Rick Sanchez welcomes entrepreneurs Juan Alanis and Anjelica Cazares, a married couple from Texas who managed to transform their hobby into a full-blown business.
51 min
#60 Pelosi Attack is Proof America is Sick Poli...
Rick Sanchez welcomes activist Samantha Barrios to discuss the home invasion and brutal attack suffered by Paul Pelosi, husband of current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
50 min
#59 Fact Check: Are Latino Immigrants Bringing ...
Rick Sanchez welcomes show producer Scotty Mednick and journalist-podcaster Mike Leon to the show to discuss recent statements made by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake when she claimed that Latino immigrants were mostly to blame for the fentanyl crisis in the US.
60 min
#58 Halloween vs El Dia de los Muertos
Rick Sanchez welcomes Podcast host Mario Gongora and they discuss the differences between Halloween and the Latin American version of the holiday called “El Día de los Muertos.”
51 min
#57 Craziest Court Case Ever; Darrell Brooks Ge...
Rick Sanchez welcomes trial attorney Peter Tragos to discuss the Darrell Brooks trial, the man recently accused of intentional homicide after driving his vehicle full speed into a crowd of people in Wisconsin last year.
47 min
#56 Kanye Doubles Down! Latest.
Rick Sanchez and show producer Scotty Mednick break down the recent scandal surrounding Hip Hop artist Kanye West and his wild, antisemitic remarks that have been in the news lately.
60 min
#55 “No Mexicans or Dogs Allowed.” The Untold H...
Rick Sanchez welcomes Emmy-nominated filmmaker Carlos Sandoval to discuss his documentary “A Class Apart” which exposes the brutal and shameful treatment of US Latinos during the 1950s.
50 min
#54 LA Scandal Shows Why Latinos Should Questio...
Rick Sanchez welcomes Dr. Karina Moreno (PHD) professor of Urban Policy and Planning to further discuss the ever-evolving scandal in LA involving former City Council President Nury Martinez.
57 min
#53 LA Latinos Now Even More Powerless.
Rick Sanchez doubles down on his opinion concerning the Nury Martinez scandal in Los Angeles.
62 min
#52 US Prisons. What Really Happens Behind Bars.
Rick Sanchez welcomes Correctional professionals Antony Gangi and Connie Alleyne to discuss the current state of Prisons in the United States.
60 min
#51 US/British Tell Zelensky, “No Peace Deal wi...
Rick Sanchez welcomes filmmaker/political commentator Katie Halper to the show to discuss some of the myths and misconceptions about the war between Russia and Ukraine.
42 min