The Age of Napoleon Podcast

The Age of Napoleon is a history podcast about the life and career of Napoleon Bonaparte as well as the general context of Europe between the early eighteenth and early nineteenth century. It is about big trends and the grand sweep of history, as well as the smaller, individual stories that bring them to life.

Society & Culture
Episode 27: The Legend of Lodi
The First Italian Campaign continues. Napoleon outfoxes the Austrians and takes Milan. The Army of Italy fights a famous battle at Lodi, which probably does not deserve its legendary reputation. We also take a look at Napoleon's propaganda machine.
53 min
Episode 26: The Promised Land
The First Italian Campaign begins in dramatic fashion, with two weeks of lightning battles at Montenotte, Millesimo, Dego, Ceva, and Mondovì. Napoleon negotiates with Piedmont, and worries about looting, and about his wife.
56 min
Episode 25: Naked and Underfed
We meet the Army of Italy, which Napoleon finds in a "state of destitution." Paris provides little support, but Bonaparte attempts to get his command into shape for the offensive.
45 min
Episode 24: To Destiny
For better and for worse, a new government takes over in Paris: the Directory. Napoleon and Josephine are married, and we examine her unhappy early life. Napoleon leaves Paris to meet his destiny.
38 min
Epiode 23: Momentum
An update from the front lines, and Napoleon enjoys his success.
42 min
Episode 22: The Man of Bronze
With the defeat of the French left, the right begins a violent resurgence, culminating in a rebellion that nearly conquers Paris. Napoleon saves the Convention (and his career with it). We meet two memorable characters: Paul Barras and Joachim Murat
44 min
Episode 21: Down and Out in Paris
With so many of his political patrons dead, Napoleon's career stalls. He spends some aimless months in the capital trying to improve his situation. He finds high society transformed along with politics. Also discussed: Napoleon's love life, republican...
38 min
Episode 20: Thermidor
An eclectic episode. Napoleon gets out of jail, fights another battle in northern Italy, and comes tantalizingly close to a triumphant return to Corsica. Other topics include: the fall of Robespierre, the Kościuszko Uprising, Thermidorian...
39 min
Episode Nineteen: The Principles of Mountain Wa...
Napoleon reports for duty with the Army of Italy, which is fighting a tough campaign in the rugged Alps. André Masséna is introduced. Napoleon's plan and Masséna's daring win a victory at Saorgio. Napoleon undertakes an ill-timed mission...
39 min
Episode Eighteen: Vindication
Napoleon takes charge as head of artillery for the Army of the Alps, clashes with his incompetent commanders, and finally wins recognition on the battlefield during the Siege of Toulon.
41 min
Episode Seventeen: A Nation in Arms
Napoleon finally reports to the regular army, just as France sinks deeper into chaos. The Jacobins come to power and launch The Reign of Terror. The army continues to transform. Napoleon finally achieves some success writing, and wins some powerful...
46 min
Episode Sixteen: Into the Storm
SURVEY:   Napoleon returns to Corsica. The former king is executed; royalists rise up to avenge him. Napoleon fights in his first (real) battle. Paoli breaks with the Bonapartes and with France....
38 min
Episode Fifteen: the Mob
Napoleon bungles his first test as a National Guard officer and bears witness to the revolution's darkest days survey: Patreon:
34 min
A Guide to the Infantry of the Napoleonic Era
A short episode delving into the organization, equipment, and uniforms of Napoleonic foot-soldiers.
20 min
Episode Fourteen: The People's Army
Back on the mainland, 1792 saw the revolution face an existential crisis, which gave birth to a new new kind of army. Topics include Count Guibert and his theory of the citizen-soldier, the Battle of Valmy, and the foundation of the First Republic.
36 min
Episode Thirteen: The Coriscan Gracchi
The Bonaparte brothers launch their political careers with very mixed success, Paoli returns from exile a changed man, and we take a close look at the crooked, violent world of eighteenth century Corsican electoral campaigning. Also: Joseph Bonaparte...
31 min
Episode Twelve: Long Live the Fatherland
Napoleon is bored in a peacetime army and fills his time with writing and the study of military theory. He returns to Corsica for the first time since childhood. The revolution turns his political beliefs upside down. Also discussed: rich Uncle...
44 min
Episode Eleven: Cadet Paille-au-nez
Napoleon grows up: surviving military school, coping with the death of his father, and becoming an officer in record time. Also discussed: Bourrienne's problematic 'Memoirs,' Napoleon's love of books, talking to girls, and how the Bonapartes were like...
36 min
Episode Ten: As the Fatherland Was Dying
the life and death of Carlo Bonaparte, Napoleon's childhood, Napoleon leaves home
30 min
Episode Nine: The Iron Soil of Corsica
Napoleon's roots. Topics include: vendettas, the Corsican War of Independence, Napoleon's hero- Pasquale Paoli, and James Boswell's Corsica cosplay
31 min
Bonus Episode: Robespierre
The last of the bonus shows: Maximilien Robespierre, his career, character, and legacy, with a special focus on his role in The Terror. Find out why he was the Serpico of the Revolution
19 min
Bonus Episode
Bonus Episode by The Age of Napoleon Podcast
30 min
Bonus Episode: The 28th Messidor of Matt Christman
A discussion on Karl Marx's '18 Brumaire of Louis…
29 min
Episode Eight: Fracture
French society begins to fracture as the Revoluti…
46 min
Episode Seven: The Undesired
The road to the French Revolution. The Bastille, …
49 min