The Bible For Normal People

A weekly podcast talk show having serious talks about the sacred book. Hosted by Peter Enns and Jared Byas.

Religion & Spirituality
Episode 27: Pete and Jared - Authority, Revela...
On this week's episode, Pete and Jared riff with great eloquence and profundity on three big words that come up sooner or later whenever you start talking about the Bible, especially when you start thinking about the Bible in new ways. Is the Bible still...
51 min
Episode 26: Drew Hart - The Bible, Race, and Wh...
On this episode, Pete and Jared speak with Drew Hart about race and the Bible. Hart is assistant professor of theology at Messiah College, author of Trouble I’ve Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism, and an activist with ten years of pastoral e...
45 min
Episode 25: Jared Byas - Jonah
On this week's episode, Jared digs deep into that theologically deep, literarily complex, and definitely not "children's story,"  the book of Jonah.
35 min
Episode 24: Nyasha Junior - Womanist Biblical I...
This week's episode looks at Womanist Biblical Interpretation with Pete and Jared’s guest Nyasha Junior, assistant professor in the department of religion at Temple University in Philadelphia. She writes, teaches, speaks, and frequently tweets on race, g...
46 min
Episode 23: Beverly Gaventa - What is The Book ...
This week, Jared and Pete speak with Beverly Gaventa. Beverly is Distinguished Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Baylor University and Helen H.P. Manson Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis Emerita at Princeton Theological Semina...
49 min
Episode 22: Pete Enns - 5 Things Jesus Wants Yo...
In this week's episode, Pete Enns lays out 5 things to keep in mind when reading the Adam story that will challenge your preconceptions, offer fresh points of view, and likely turn our entire political climate around for the better.
51 min
Episode 21: Jon D. Levenson - Resurrection in t...
On this episode, Pete and Jared talk with Hebrew Bible scholar and theologian Jon D. Levenson about where the idea of resurrection shows up in the Hebrew Bible and early Judaism, what it means when it does, and how some of that finds its way into the New...
58 min
Episode 20: Diana Butler Bass - Reading the Bib...
This week Pete and Jared talk with speaker, author, and theologian Diana Butler Bass about her love for the Bible that has led her beyond code words and conventions to something deeper and more spiritually sustaining.
58 min
Episode 19: Megan DeFranza - The Bible and Inte...
On this episode of the Bible For Normal People, Pete and Jared talk with theologian Megan DeFranza (actually, Megan educates us) on a topic that affects deeply the lives of many, but that few Christians even know is a topic. And Megan might surprise you ...
49 min
Episode 18: Jared Byas - Taking the Bible Serio...
This week, Jared Byas takes on his first solo episode. Since he's a plebeian and doesn't have his own Wikipedia page (unlike Pete), he begins with a little autobiography and the recurring theme of taking the Bible seriously but not literally. And encoura...
34 min
Episode 17: Denis Lamoureux - The Bible, Evolut...
This week on The Bible for Normal People, Pete and Jared speak to Denis Lamoureux on a topic that never seems to go away. Lamoureux is associate professor of science and religion at St. Joseph’s College in the University of Alberta. 
47 min
Episode 16: Ellen Davis - What is the Practical...
On this episode, Pete and Jared talk with Ellen Davis, Amos Ragan Kearns Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Duke Divinity School, about the value of the Old Testament for Christians. 
53 min
Episode 15: Brian Zahnd - Violence in the Bible...
On this week's episode, Pete and Jared speak with Brian Zahnd about violence in the Bible. Brian Zahnd is the founder and lead pastor of Word of Life Church (Saint Joseph, MO), and he writes, blogs, and Tweets regularly on the problem of violence in the ...
50 min
Episode 14: Matthew Vines - The Bible and The G...
On this episode of the Bible For Normal People, Pete and Jared talk with Matthew Vines, author of God and the Gay Christian, about the complexities of biblical interpertation surrounding human sexuality.
52 min
Episode 13: Marc Brettler - On Being a Jewish B...
On this episode, Pete and Jared talk with Marc Brettler on the conversation between the insights biblical scholarship, Jewish tradition, and the nature of the Bible.
45 min
Episode 12: Pete Enns and Jared Byas - Faith an...
On this episode, Pete and Jared discuss how doubt in the life of faith is normal, biblical, and spiritually beneficial.
46 min
Episode 11: Benjamin D. Sommer - Jewish Views o...
On this week's epsiode, Jared and Pete speak with Ben Sommer, professor of Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary (NYC). Christians have A LOT to learn from Jews about how their Bible works.  
62 min
Episode 10: Pete Enns - The Israelites Believed...
In this week’s episode, Pete Enns explores "monolatry," the ancient Israelite belief that many gods existed but only one God, Yahweh, was worthy of worship. The ancient Israelites were not monotheists, and thinking they were obscures the theology of many...
41 min
Episode 9: Daniel Kirk - Understanding The Huma...
New Testament scholar Daniel Kirk joins us this week to discuss the humanity of Jesus and why that shouldn't be obscured. 
56 min
Episode 8: Kent Sparks - Where Did the Israelit...
On this week's episode Pete and Jared talk with historian and Old Testament professor Kent Sparks about the mysterious origins of the Israelites.
58 min
Episode 7: Pete Enns and Jared Byas - Teaching ...
On this week's episode Jared and Peter talk about their experiences with the challenge of teaching the Bible to children. 
45 min
Episode 6: AJ Levine - Jesus, Judaism, and Chri...
On this week's episode of The Bible for Normal People, we speak with Amy-Jill Levine on understanding Jesus is his Jewish context. Levine is University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School and the author of a number...
49 min
Episode 5: Mike McHargue - That Topic that Isn'...
On this week's episode, we talk with Mike McHargue about science and faith.  Mike is the author of Finding God in The Waves and the host of two popular podcasts, The Liturgist Podcast and Ask Science Mike. 
63 min
Episode 4: Walter Brueggemann - Resurrecting th...
This week's podcast is a discussion of the state of the Bible in the mainline church with Old Testament scholar and theologian Walter Brueggemann.
42 min
Episode 3: Rachel Held Evans - Unraveling and R...
On this week's episode, we speak with Rachel Held Evans on unraveling and re-raveling the Bible. Rachel has written three best-selling books exploring her evolving journey of faith.
51 min