The Bible For Normal People

A weekly podcast talk show having serious talks about the sacred book. Hosted by Peter Enns and Jared Byas.

Religion & Spirituality
Episode 75: Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch - The Bible...
We talk often about how the Bible isn’t opposed to culture but is deeply embedded in it. Rhonda Burnette-Bletsch shows us how true that is in film by walking us through a few popular movies and how they relate to the Bible. You can find Rhonda's list o...
44 min
Episode 74: Pete & Jared - God’s Children Tell ...
All human beings are encultured creatures and limited by their humanity—as were the Biblical writers, and evidence for that jumps out at us at every page. The raw and limiting humanity of Scripture is to be embraced and celebrated rather than explained a...
43 min
Episode 73: Propaganda - What Does Christian Ar...
Hip Hop artist Propaganda joins Pete and Jared for the season 3 opener and shares some deep—and we mean deep—thoughts about the music industry, artistic integrity, and what being Christian in all that means and doesn’t mean. Download Propaganga's album...
47 min
Season 3 Teaser
Here's a sneak peek of what's coming in Season 3 of The Bible For Normal People podcast. http://www.thebiblefornormalpeople.comhttps://peteenns.com
3 min
Episode 72: What Is the Bible & What Do We Do w...
In this episode, Jared and Pete look back at all of their guests in Season 2 to talk about language, history, and how personal experiences can't help but affect how we read the Bible. All in the effort to ask that perennial set of questions: What is the ...
40 min
Episode 71: Brad Jersak - The Bible And Orthodo...
In this episode, Jared & Pete talk to Brad Jersak about how Orthodoxy views the Bible, and some other things, and how those differ from Evangelicalism. Resources mentioned in this episode:"The Mirror of Scripture" by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo"A More Ch...
42 min
Episode 70: Pete Enns - TGC Doesn’t Really Get ...
In this episode, Pete responds to an article from The Gospel Coalition entitled, "3 Beliefs Some Progressive Christians and Atheists Share." He takes issue with the harmful rhetoric that polarizes Evangelicalism creating an "us vs. them" mentality among ...
55 min
Episode 69: Daniel Kirk - Five Things You Need ...
In this episode, Pete and Jared speak with Daniel Kirk about the Gospel of Mark. Mark's gospel goes to great lengths to provide unparalleled detail and symbolism that get more and more meaningful the deeper you traverse into the text. You'll find yoursel...
51 min
Episode 68: Trey Pearson - Hey Jesus
In this episode, Pete & Jared speak with Trey Pearson, former lead singer of the popular Christian band Everyday Sunday. Two years ago, Trey came out publicly and lost the support of his record label, church and many friends. He shares openly about the i...
49 min
Episode 67: Jonathan Merritt - Re-imagining Sac...
In this episode, Pete & Jared talk to Jonathan Merritt about the language of scripture, how it's changed over the years and how our interpretation and understanding must adapt to fully appreciate what the Bible has to say.linksLearning to Speak God fro...
52 min
Episode 66: Jared Byas - The Book of Jeremiah
In this episode, Jared takes us into the book of Jeremiah and delves into some of the historical and cultural signifigance of the text. A Commentary on Jeremiah: Exile and Homecoming by Walter Bruggemann http://www.thebiblefornormalpeople.comhttps:/...
32 min
Episode 65: Kent Sparks - Where Did the Israeli...
In this episode from Season 1, Jared and Pete talk to Dr. Kent Sparks about the origins of the Israelites. Along the way they get into the nature of the Bible, the nature of the Christian faith, fundamental theological issues like soteriology, and the na...
58 min
Episode 64: Kevin Makins - Reading the Bible To...
This week Pete & Jared sit down with Kevin Makins, founding pastor of Eucharist Church in Hamilton, Ontario. They talk about community, how he reads the Bible and how it informs the culture of his faith community.http://www.thebiblefornormalpeople.comh...
53 min
Episode 63: Pete Enns - What Does the Bible Hav...
What does the Bible have to say about politics? Nothing, really. On the other hand, a lot—but not the way many tend to think. Rather than supporting a political agenda, the biblical story challenges us to hold those agendas to account when they fail to p...
52 min
Episode 62: Brent Strawn - A Gentle Reminder th...
This week, Jared & Pete talk to Brent Strawn about the Old Testament. They discuss some of the common criticisms of the Old Testament and how the modern Church has over-emphasized the New Testament much to its detriment. Follow Brent on Social Media:F...
48 min
Episode 61: Pete & Jared - Creeds, Confessions ...
In this episode, Pete & Jared discuss the value that creeds have in shaping the way we practice our faith. And how they can sometimes fall short, as demonstrated by the modern Statement on Social Justic & The Gospel. LINKS:The Statement on Social Just...
45 min
Episode 60: Mark Smith - Who Is Yahweh & Where ...
In this episode, Jared & Pete talk to Mark Smith about the origin of Yahweh and how the term was understood in the first century. RESOURCES:The Early History of GodThe Origins of Biblical Monotheism The Bible For Normal People websiteThe Bible ...
54 min
Episode 59: Jared Byas - How to Talk to People ...
In this episode, Jared tackles the question of how to engage with people that believe differently that we do. Many times we're guilty of shutting down the conversation and alienating people with opposing viewpoints rather than seeking to hear and underst...
31 min
Episode 58: Bill Schniedewind - When and Why th...
In this episode, Jared & Pete talk to William M. Schniedewind, professor of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures at UCLA. They discuss the challenges of accurately capturing the oral tradition of the Hebrew scriptures and what we can learn from looking at t...
50 min
Episode 57: LIVE from Wild Goose
The Bible for Normal People podcast LIVE from the Wild Goose festival.
48 min
Episode 56: Pete Enns - Evangelicals and the Pr...
In this episode, Pete Enns unpacks some of the problems presented by the Bible additional resources mentioned in this episode:Benjamin D. Sommer, "Revelation & Authority"Benjamin D. Sommer, "Jewish Concepts of Scripture"Benjamin D. Sommer, "The Bodi...
45 min
Episode 55: Rachel Held Evans - Unraveling and ...
In this reissue from Season 1, Jared and Pete talk to Rachel Held Evans on wrestling with doubt, how women are portrayed in the Bible and loving the scriptures even through personal doubt and deconstruction. webhttp://www.thebiblefornormalpeople.comh...
47 min
Episode 54: Jared & Pete - Q & A
In this episode, Jared & Pete answer questions submitted from The Bible For Normal People community. resources mentioned in this episode:The New Interpreter's Study Bible The HarperCollins Study Bible The Jewish Study BibleThe Jewish Annotated New ...
41 min
Episode 53: Sarah Bessey - Connecting The Holy ...
In this episode, Pete & Jared talk with Sarah Bessey about her background in the Word of Faith movement, her deconstruction, and her journey to finding freedom in the Scriptures as she learned to read and understand it in a new way. They also discuss how...
38 min
Episode 52: Pete Enns - Ecclesiastes
In this episode, Pete takes a look at 9 things you need to know to get  the somber book of Ecclesiastes. He cautions us against an optimistic reading as the author intends to question everything—even God. It's a book that's not for the faint of heart (or...
63 min