Nick Gallo welcomes chief engagement & strategy officer at Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) and Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA), Adam Turteltaub, to the show!
In this episode, Nick and Adam chat about the value of compliance, why compliance professionals need to be tenacious, how compliance is a control function and so much more!
64 min
Episode 088 - Robert Zafft
Nick Gallo welcomes author, Forbes contributor, ethics keynote speaker, executive leadership developer, and corporate trainer, Robert Zafft, back to the show!
In this episode, Nick and Robert discuss the founding principles of ESG, understanding your duties within the legal regime, measuring ESG performances, and so much more!
73 min
Episode 087 - Hasani X
Nick Gallo welcomes personal business and leadership coach & mentor of MRX, Hasani X, to the show!
In this episode, Nick and Hasani chat about how he transitioned from building businesses to building people, how compliance professionals can invoke action by creating an emotional impulse, why you should pay more attention to your strengths and so much more!
74 min
Episode 086 - Alexander Hall
Gio Gallo welcomes Alexander Hall, founder of Dispute Defense Consulting and board advisor of #UNLV’s customer experience program, to the show! In this episode, Gio and Alexander chat about his experience working in fraud prevention, finding a balance between establishing a positive customer experience and reducing the risk of fraud, how good-hearted consumers commit ‘friendly fraud,’ and so much more!
45 min
Episode 085 - Ludovic Roptus
Nick Gallo welcomes Ludovic Roptus, compliance & ethics officer, to the show! In this episode, Nick and Ludovic discuss why ESG is a marketing tool, how to ask reflective questions instead of lecturing employees, why compliance professionals should be passionate and excited about the role they have in an organization, and so much more!
62 min
Episode 084 - Mary Menard
Nick Gallo welcomes Mary Menard, vice president of regulatory compliance, privacy & security officer at CHS Therapy, to the show!
In this week's podcast, Nick and Mary discuss healthcare providers who commit fraud against patients, the increase in health care fraud, how compliance and quality work together, and so much more!
39 min
Episode 083 - Alain Hunkins
Nick Gallo welcomes Alain Hunkins, CEO of Hunkins Leadership Group, Forbes contributor, author of ‘Cracking the Leadership Code,’ and TEDx Speaker, to the show!
In this week's podcast, Nick and Alain discuss the importance of leadership investing in employees and keeping them engaged, tips for new leaders who fear level setting in their roles, why you should lead by asking instead of leading by telling, and so much more!
61 min
Episode 082 - Sejal Thakkar
Nick Gallo welcomes , TedX speaker, chief culture officer, and chief civility officer, Sejal Thakkar to the show!
In this week's podcast, Nick and Sejal chat about unconscious bias, why organizations should create a psychologically safe work environment, negative connotations associated with certain words, and so much more!
58 min
Episode 081 - Jamal Theodore
Gio Gallo welcomes technology and risk vice president, Jamal Theodore to the show! In this week's podcast, Gio and Jamal chat about the rapid growth of cyber security threats, why compliance professionals should be skilled in persuasion, the importance of controlling the use of personal devices for work, and so much more!
44 min
Episode 080 - Julio Briones
Gio Gallo welcomes CEO, trainer, and consultant of Briones Consulting Group, Julio Briones, to the show!
In this episode, Gio and Julio chat about understanding the needs of your employees, why retention is more important than recruitment, how to build a solid retention strategy, and so much more!
43 min
Episode 079 - Matt Elton
Nick Gallo welcomes Lameer Inc’s director of international strategy, Matt Elton, to the show! In this episode, Nick and Matt chat about how compliance unlocks business value, why regulatory compliance is not an easy sell, how ESG and regtech are integrating, and so much more!
55 min
Open To Work Bonus Episode 007: Lorena Acosta
Nick Gallo welcomes Lorena Acoasta, personal brand consultant and founder of Be Busy Being Awesome Agency, to the show! In this episode, Nick and Lorena chat about aligning your external brand with your internal brand, how to accelerate your career using social media, the importance of respecting others’ thoughts and beliefs, and so much more!
66 min
Episode 078 - Dan and David Staker
Nick Gallo welcomes president and vice president of Plastic Packaging Technologies, David Staker and Dan Staker to the show!
In this episode, Nick, Daniel and David chat about having alignment at the top of your organization, establish and living your core values, how they have managed to own a successful business as brothers, and so much more!
54 min
Episode 077 - Rory Sheriff
Nick Gallo welcomes producer and CEO of BNS Productions, Rory Sheriff to the show! In this week's podcast, Nick and Rory chat about how he helps create diversity in theater, the benefit of proving dream killers wrong, sharing the black experience through theater, and so much more!
51 min
Episode 076 - Yonason Goldson
Nick Gallo welcomes keynote and #TEDx speaker, Yonason Goldson to the show! In this week's podcast, Nick and Yonason chat about unconscious bias, resisting temptation, ethical leadership and so much more!
58 min
Episode 075 - Eric Young
Nick Gallo welcomes Fordham University School of Law adjunct professor, Eric Young, to the show! In this episode, Nick and Eric discuss Young’s Vision, the Compliance Hexagon, Eric's new book, "Declaration of Independence: How Compliance and the Board Can Strategically Partner to Hold Management More Accountable," and so much more!
64 min
TEE Most Ethical Companies Bonus Episode 002: C...
Nick Gallo welcomes Waste Management’s VP and chief compliance and ethics officer, Charles Schwager to the show for our Most Ethical Company series!
In this episode, Nick and Charles chat about the importance of integrity, operationalizing ethics, the concept of structure collaboration, and so much more!
43 min
Episode 074 - Daniel Ayala
Nick Gallo welcomes founder of MentorCore, Daniel Ayala, to the show!
In this episode, Nick and Daniel discuss the power of asking questions, the similarities between compliance and information security, society’s increasing awareness of actions and reactions, and so much more!
60 min
Episode 073 - Kurt Nemes
Nick Gallo welcomes seasoned trainer in diversity, equity, inclusion, sexual harassment prevention, gender equity, unconscious bias, ethics, conflict resolution, Kurt Nemes to the show!
In this week's podcast, Nick and Kurt chat about why many , gender equity, the shareholder approach versus the stakeholder approach and so much more!
61 min
Episode 072 - William Simmons
It's time for a new episode of The Ethics Experts podcast!
Nick Gallo welcomes Lonza’s head of global investigations and associate director of ethics & compliance, William Simmons, to the show!
In this week's podcast, Nick and William chat about the importance of transparency and communication, taking risks, multiplying business with an effective E&C program, and so much more!
58 min
Episode 071 - Amii Barnard-Bahn
Nick Gallo welcomes coach, consultant, speaker, and author, Amii Barnard-Bahn, to the show!
In this week's podcast, Nick and Amii chat about how she helped a client overcome being blocked from a promotion, the importance of keeping jobs interesting for employees, why you should hire a career coach, and so much more!
56 min
Episode 070 - Benjamin Halpert
Nick Gallo welcomes the head of ethics and compliance at Anheuser Busch, Benjamin Halpert, to the show! In this week's podcast, Nick and Benjamin chat about the challenges of ethics and compliance, staying calm under pressure, why you should ask the tough questions, and so much more!
52 min
Episode 069 - Tom Fox
In this week’s episode, Nick Gallo and Gio Gallo sit down with The Voice of Compliance and C-Suite Network Executive Leader, Tom Fox. Nick, Gio, and Tom discuss creating a culture of speaking up, how to crowdsource ideas, and why you need Tom’s new book, “The Compliance Handbook, 2nd Edition.”
48 min
Open To Work Bonus Episode 006: Gwen Hassan
Nick Gallo welcomes Gwen Hassan to the podcast!
In this week's podcast Nick and Gwen chat about trusting your own voice, the FCPA enforcement, building compliance into your organization, and so much more.
57 min
Episode 068 - Terry Stringer
This week, the head of ethics and compliance office & center of excellence at HP, Terry Stringer, joins Nick Gallo on The Ethics Experts podcast. Nick and Terry chat about changing the engagement of leadership, getting ahead of spikes in retaliation, how compliance can collaborate with HR, and so much more!