3AM Scary Stories

You're in the woods with your best friends, the campfire is roaring, and you’re telling scary stories. If that’s your thing, then this podcast is for you. We tell first and second hand stories in a non-dramatized setting. 3AM is the telling of supernatural occurrences and exploration of the unknown hosted by Charles Hatch, DeeJay Pasikala, & Sean Gassaway. Want an extra story with every episode? Click here!

True Crime
Society & Culture
18 - Dark
- Montana Cabin Incident - Children's abilities to sense what adults cannot - Discovering photos on your phone of someone else's doing - Dyatlov Pass Incident - Russian Serial Killer - American Monster Albert Fish - The Hidden Holocaust - The Window...
73 min
3PM: Reid Arné on Thailand
The list of culture rich areas that are soaked in stories and tradition is long, and Thailand is no exception. Along with Thai heritage, we learn of Reid's experience involving superstitions and a demented woman chasing them throughout the countryside.
68 min
17 - Bigfoot
A few stories on quite possibly the most infamous of all cryptids, the devil commanding the severing of limbs, and negative preoccupations in houses from Pennsylvania and Mexico.
48 min
16 - Alaska
The lucrative history of Anchorage, the unsettling feeling when you're abroad in crowded places as well as remote, and fan's physical altercation during an alleged sleep paralysis.
68 min
3PM: Leah Hardy on Skinwalkers
In this episode, we unearth the anonymity behind skinwalkers and hear first hand experiences from a full blooded Navajo. The culture behind it is fascinating and stories terrifying.
85 min
15 - Murder
A closer look into the infamous Killing Fields, Vampire Clan, Cult Behaviors, and Yellowstone disappearances. All of our points of discussion involve unexplainable disappearances and some of the most gruesome of murders.
83 min
14 - Glitch
Ruptures in the spacetime continuum, slips through parallel universes, and the infamous elevator game. The stories we focus on in this episode is new territory for us and share a common denominator of the difficult to comprehend cosmic horror.
57 min
3PM: Caroline Patterson on Energy
Caroline Patterson details the importance of good and bad energy and how grounding yourself and having pure intentions affect energy output.
57 min
13 - Visitors
EMTs respond to a brujeria incident near the Mexican border, a family attempts to cast out unwanted visitors and call upon their ancestors for protection.
53 min
12 - The Woods
A girl appearing in multiple places around the globe, a trailer in Santa Cruz, a family cabin in Maine, and scout trip with a new face in the troop.
84 min
11 - The Lady and the Shadow
Stories from the Dominican Republic and the Philippines. A special guest shares their experience with a physically harmful shadow.
58 min
10 - Haiti
Voodoo workings, animal hauntings, and anonymous letters; it seems as if foul play is fun for some. Few things are as terrifying as things that find pleasure in our fear.
59 min
9 - Permission
Whistling at night, getting dragged out of bed, statues that behave on their own accord; there are forces that don't have permission to act yet ignore our boundaries regardless.
83 min
8 - Folklore
These are the stories that the village elders have shared. We've seen it in their eyes and felt it in the land.
55 min
7 - Closure
Peacock mansion, radioactive sampling in the North Pole, and Ouija Boards. A lot of what we find leaves us questioning and without closure; a main component in what makes all of this so unsettling.
54 min
6 - The Rushing
From paintings and petrified wood to human remains and astral projections, there's always a moment where you feel that something is awry.
67 min
3PM: Kevin Patterson on Texas
Welcome home to your haunted house, complete with blood stained walls, skinned animals, and where the previous tenants worshipped the devil himself.
65 min
4 - Sleep
The phenomenon of sleep paralysis is commonly experienced by many. What have you heard or seen in the darkness?
79 min
3AM Scary Stories Trailer
0 min