1999: The Podcast

Was 1999 the best year in movie history? We think it might be!

John Brooks, Julia Sirmons, and special guests work their way through all the year has to offer, one movie at a time, and we’ll ask special guests to share their memories of this amazing year and the movies that made it unforgettable. Unfortunately, nobody can be told what 1999: The Podcast is… you have to hear it for yourself!

TV & Film
Film History
Film Reviews
DICK: "Tricky" - with Alex Steed
Old friend Alex Steed returns to the show to talk all about 1999's Watergate comedy/satire/teen romp "Dick"
87 min
Bonus Features - WATERGATE MEDIA
73 min
New Year's Eve Special - 200 CIGARETTES
We spend New Year's Eve talking about "200 Cigarettes", for better or worse one of the only New Year's Eve movies ever made.
75 min
Christmas Special - ONE SPECIAL NIGHT: "Happy ...
Film critic Audrey Fox, who recently wrote about the 25 best Hallmark Christmas movies ever, joins to talk about "One Special Night".
96 min
TITUS: "There Shalt Be Blood" - with Carmen Pa...
Film critic and Shakespeare fan Carman Paddock helps us pick through the bloody carcass of Julie Taymor's "Titus".
88 min
GIRL, INTERRUPTED: "Interrupted" with Jane Altoids
Film Twitter superstar and mint dynasty scion Jane Altoids joins John and Julia to talk about the Winona Ryder passion project, "Girl, Interrupted"
91 min
MAN ON THE MOON : "Andy" with Sean Malin
Writer/critic Sean Malin joins John and Julia to talk Kaufman, Carey, and the biopic genre as they look at Milos Forman's "Man on the Moon"
92 min
PAYBACK: "Mel" - with Jim Woods
Writer Jim Woods, the world's biggest fan of "Payback", joins John and Julia to talk about "Payback".
93 min
SUMMER OF SAM: "S.O.S." - with Julia Sirmons
Julia Sirmons returns to talk about Spike Lee's gritty, ambitious dud, "Summer of Sam"
89 min
WOODSTOCK 99 - An End of Summer Special Episode
Dan Colón, of CageClub's very own The Monsters That Made Us podcast joins John to talk about the greed, mayhem, and madness that defined Woodstock 99
65 min
THE EMPTY CINEMA - A Special Summer Episode
51 min
ARLINGTON ROAD: "Boom" - with Matt Belenky
Matt Belenky joins us to talk about one of 1999's most overlooked gems, the paranoid thriller "Arlington Road"
113 min
SOUTH PARK - Summer Rerelease! - with George Fr...
A special 25th anniversary rerelease!
84 min
TARZAN - Summer Rerelease! - with Heather Antos
Artist and IDW's senior editor Heather Antos talks to John and Joey about her love of Disney's adaptation of the beloved Edgar Rice Burroughs character.
80 min
THREE TO TANGO: "No La Tango" - with R. Lee Fle...
"She's All That" writer R. Lee Fleming Jr. joins John and Jenn to talk about the tango-free romcom, "Three to Tango"
108 min
NEVER BEEN KISSED: "Grosie" - with Trae Crowder...
Trae Crowder and Corey Ryan Forrester join to talk about high school trauma, inappropriate relationships, the ethics of the 1990s, and Drew Barrymore in "Never Been Kissed"
126 min
FORCES OF NATURE: "Planes, Trains, and Geo Metr...
Julia Sirmons makes her record third appearance to talk about the strange and surprising Bullock/Affleck vehicle "Forces of Nature"
109 min
PHANTOM MENACE @ 25 - A Special Anniversary Rel...
125 min
BLAST FROM THE PAST: "Adam & Eve" - with Samm L...
"Freaks and Geeks" star Samm Levine joins the John and Jenn to talk about Brendan Fraser's 2nd-best 1999 movie, "Blast from the Past"
135 min
PUSHING TIN: "Control" - with Joe Kwaczala
Comedian Joe Kwaczala joins the show to discuss the very original and absurdly misguided rom-comish drama thing, "Pushing Tin"
102 min
MICKEY BLUE EYES: "Gid Ouda He" - with Meghan L...
Writer and minor Twitter celebrity Meghan Leigh Paulk talks crime, love, and Hugh Grant in "Mickey Blue Eyes"
88 min
QUIET ON SET - A Very Special Episode
69 min
SHE'S ALL THAT: "Kiss Me" - with Chase Mitchell
Writer and all-around good guy Chase Mitchell joins John and Jenn beneath the milky twilight to talk "She's All That".
110 min
RUNAWAY BRIDE: "Eggs & Lamps" - with Greg Pilgrim
Jenn's person Greg joins the show to discuss a movie about eggs, lamps, and the ethics of being a USA Today columnist, "Pretty Woman 2: Runaway Bride".
102 min
NOTTING HILL: "Just A Girl" - with Courtney Brooks
John's wife Courtney joins the show for the first time (and we welcome a special guest!) in an episode that is a love letter to a love story: Notting Hill.
133 min