
Every Wednesday, meet us at the intersection of chaos and fate. We’ll briefly explore the origins of some of history’s most well-known superstitions. Then, we’ll dive into a fictional story that illustrates what might happen if you fail to adhere to these strange beliefs. Can we truly sway supernatural forces to work in our favor? Or are these eerie codes of conduct simply about exerting control in an unpredictable world? Superstitions is a Spotify Original from Parcast.

Society & Culture
Season of the Witch: Witch's Sabbath
The final episode in our four-part series on witches. Our three young witches enjoy a magical retreat, and discover they all share a diabolical connection.
49 min
Season of the Witch: Broomsticks
Where did the association between witches and broomsticks come from? An au pair named Jia is about to find out.
41 min
Season of the Witch: Familiars
They might take the form of innocent pets like cats, dogs, or toads. But familiars are far more than cute little witches’ companions. They’re demons from Hell — and they’re here to wreak havoc.
38 min
Season of the Witch: The Witch’s Mark
It’s a strange blemish that can take many forms, but always says the same thing: this woman has been touched by the Devil. When Sadie gets a mark of her own, she’s thrust into a world of witchcraft and power.
49 min
Going Home After a Funeral
In the Philippines, Pagpag means “to shake off dust or dirt.” The belief is that you should not go straight home after a funeral or a wake, lest an evil spirit attach themselves to you and follow you home.
33 min
NASA Superstitions
Just because you leave the planet doesn't mean you leave superstitions behind. Since the early days of space travel, NASA astronauts have been taught to observe specific rituals before going to space.
35 min
Birthday Superstitions
From a certain point of view, birthday celebrations can be seen as a little... ritualistic. Candles, special songs, birthday cake... Where did all these practices come from? And what are they meant to protect us against?
38 min
Cutting Your Nails
Your luck can change drastically depending on what day of the week you cut your nails. Fortunately, there’s a playful rhyme to help you remember.
37 min
Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit
In a ritual that can be found around the world, invoking the rabbit on the first day of a new month brings good luck. And in this story, a teenage witch is about to discover just how much fortune she can find…
33 min
The Evil Eye
When you become successful, all eyes are on you. But there is one eye above all others that will always be watching, waiting to take away your success.
34 min
Timekeeping devices have been around for millennia. But at what point did we stop seeing them as tools... and start seeing them as a reminder of our own mortality?
37 min
The Yo-yo Drought
Toys are supposed to be harmless and fun — their arrival signaling playtime, not disaster. But in 1930s Syria, one toy was thought to cause a devastation so severe, it was banned from the country.
42 min
Thunder and Lightning
Meteorology is an advanced study, but not a precise one. So when the heavens themselves seem determined to destroy you, who wouldn't turn to some seemingly ridiculous rituals?
33 min
Whistling on a Ship
Sailors are a superstitious lot, and refraining from whistling might sound like a typical warning from an old salt.
29 min
Confetti at Weddings
Why do we think weddings have to be commemorated with tiny flakes of paper? And what are the consequences for getting too wrapped up in the idea of "the perfect wedding"?
29 min
In the Mouth of the Wolf
To bestow good luck, an American might say “break a leg.” But in Italy, there’s a different phrase: “In bocca al bupo.” The problem is, if you say thanks in return, you might end up in the mouth of a wolf…
34 min
Lucky Number 7
If you look for it, you can spot the number seven everywhere. But of all the numbers, why did we pick this one to be the lucky one? And what happens when you rely on it too much?
33 min
In many cultures, it's considered polite to bless someone after they sneeze. But this dates back to a much older belief, where if you sneeze without a blessing, your soul can fly right out of your body.
36 min
Solstice Special: Twins
Gemini season is upon us, the season of twins. Which makes us ask: Are twins *really* telepathic? How do we explain the uncanny connection between the closest of siblings?
40 min
Solstice Special: The Great Conjunction
When planets align, chaos can follow. For thousands of years, the movements of those heavenly bodies have been used to understand — and even predict — earthly upheavals.
36 min
Crossing Your Fingers
It’s so common that we hardly think of it as a superstition. Today, we use it to wish for luck and to excuse a broken promise or white lie.
28 min
Your Future Grave
If you feel an inexplicable chill, you may be coming down with a cold… or someone just walked over the patch of earth where you’re destined to be buried.
32 min
Opening Umbrellas Indoors
It’s not just bad luck. It’s an affront to ancient gods.
33 min
Burying Bourbon
If you want a bright and sunny Southern wedding, there’s only one thing to do: One month before the nuptials, bury a bottle of bourbon.
30 min
Owl Omens
When an owl speaks, death follows. But if they can bring doom, can they reverse it, too?
29 min