Doing It At Home - The Home Birth Pod...

Doing It At Home - The Home Birth Podcast is a weekly podcast about home birth and our decision to go from a traditional hospital birth with an OBGYN to a natural birth at home with midwives. This is a raw and honest show that explores homebirth from every angle. We talk about the fears and judgements thrown at you when you choose home birth. We share resources that we found tremendously helpful for understanding our birthing options. We confess the magic and craziness in preparing for pregnancy, home birth, motherhood and fatherhood. We talk about having sex while pregnant and maintaining your connection and intimacy as a couple. We reveal how to stay centered and not lose yourself through pregnancy, and tons more! This show is all about adding an empowered conversation to the topic of home birth and natural birth, while keeping it real, grounded and fun. So strap in and join us as we’re doing it at home!

Kids & Family
361: HOME BIRTH STORY - Using Trust and Intuiti...
What do you do when your care providers drop you and tell you to change your birth plan, at 35 weeks? This is the exact circumstance that Adina Rivers found herself in during her second pregnancy. Originally planning for a home birth with a midwife, Adina was now facing not only her midwife releasing her from her care, but no other midwife in her area in Bali would take her. Virtually everyone was telling her that she had to have a hospital birth. “F*** that,” was her basic response. She told her partner Oliver, “we’re going to do it at home.”
53 min
360: HOME BIRTH STORY - Normalizing Going Past ...
What happens if you go past your due date? That depends on a number of factors. One thing that we’ve found helpful when it comes to due date or “guess date,” as we’ve seen it referred to (and tend to prefer), is that this is an area of variation of normal. That a very small percentage of babies are born on the projected due date, and that it’s not an exact certainty. Today’s guest Jessica shares her journey of her second pregnancy and birth and what influenced her to shift from a hospital plan like she had with her first birth.
77 min
359. Top 3 Things on Learning About Motherhood ...
How do you train for motherhood? This is the question that Jessica Lorion found herself asking. And from her own personal inquiry, that question sprouted a podcast and community dedicated to preparing for motherhood.
36 min
358: HOME BIRTH STORY - Second Home Birth Abroa...
How can you be very intentional and faith-driven in your birthing plans? This is a big theme of our conversation with Amy Jo and JJ Mann, veterans of the Doing It At Home podcast. In our second interview with the couple, they share the details of their second home birth experience.
50 min
357: HOME BIRTH STORY - Peaceful Home Water Bir...
Today’s birth story features Briahnna Roy and Jeremy Scott, a couple sharing their journey to home birth. For their first baby, Briahnna and Roy chose to deliver in a birth center. The experience wasn’t everything they wanted, and when it came time to decide on the location for baby number two, they opted for home birth. From Briahnna: “The second birth was incredible. It was the most unreal, beautiful experience. Everything was so calm. I was very quiet and so in control. I was surprised by myself. I can honestly say that it was not painful. It was everything I ever wanted.”
70 min
356: Top Tips for Creating Comfort and Pain Man...
What can you do to ease pain (or sensation) during labor and birth? Today’s interview with Sara Lyon, birthing expert, doula and founder of Glow Birth & Body breaks down techniques for creating comfort during the labor and birth experience.
49 min
355: HOME BIRTH STORY - Choosing Home Birth as...
Can you over prepare intellectually for birth? This is a topic that comes up in our interview with Shira Page, NP and CLC. We also talk about the details of her first and second births, including some of her postpartum and breastfeeding journey.
58 min
354: Optimal Nutrition for Preconception, Pregn...
How do you know if your prenatal vitamin measures up? When should you start taking a prenatal vitamin? When should you stop? Can a man take a prenatal vitamin? In today’s sponsored episode, we’re speaking with Ryan Woodbury, co-founder of Needed, a nutrition company working to optimally nourish families before, during and after pregnancy.
46 min
353: HOME BIRTH STORY - The Healing and Life-Ch...
Why choose home birth? In our conversation with Abby Marks, she shares the journey of what felt like “giving power away” and not questioning any of the process in preparation for her first birth.
47 min
352: Practicing Midwifery to Honor the Mystery ...
How can care providers and patients work together to create greater understanding and better outcomes for mothers and babies? This is a question we found ourselves asking throughout our conversation with Dr. Nathan Riley, OBGYN.
51 min
351: HOME BIRTH STORY - Two Confident and Fearl...
When it comes to birth, what does it mean to “do your homework?” This is a big theme of our conversation with Emily Stanwyck, birth doula, Birthfit trainer and home birth mom of 2.
56 min
350: HOME BIRTH STORY: The 40-Hour Home Birth T...
How can you utilize the power and intention of prayer for your birth? Regardless of your faith, setting intentions for your birth experience can be a big part of preparation for the experience. Today’s guest, Josephine Breen, weaves her faith into her birth story of her daughter Myriam.
48 min
349: Welcome to Fatherhood: The Modern Man's Gu...
How can fathers be prepared and support mothers during the pregnancy and birth experiences? This is the crux of David Arrell’s work as he helps partners to be helpful, supportive, involved and all the other great adjectives that benefit both parents. So this episode is absolutely one to have your partner listen to - either on their own or listen together as a couple.
49 min
348: Dr. Sarah Buckley on The Science Of Natura...
In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Sarah Buckley on the science of natural and undisturbed birth. Dr. Buckley is the author of the best selling book Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, the author the report Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing, and all around natural childbirth expert.
45 min
347: HOME BIRTH STORY: 8-Hour Labor with Should...
How do we deal with “expectations vs. reality” when it comes to birth? This is a great theme and pattern that shows up in today’s interview, and one that many of us can relate to. You think something will go one way OR you don’t think something will pop up and then what happens….you can guess! Miranda Cottrell, chiropractor and home birth mama shares her story.
45 min
346: The Most Common Reason for Home Birth Tran...
Why do a small percentage of planned home births transfer to the hospital? There are a number of reasons. Today’s conversation is with our friend Anne Margolis, a certified nurse midwife and a powerhouse in the birth world.
42 min
345: HOME BIRTH STORY - 36-Hour Thanksgiving Ba...
How do you build trust for the birth experience? This entire episode encapsulates and embodies this question. Heather and Chris join us to share their birth journey of their daughter Eliana.
57 min
344: HOME BIRTH STORY - 3 Birth Stories: Releas...
Did you hold onto any shame from your birth or postpartum experience? In today’s episode, our guest Dorit Palvanov is setting an example on how to let that go.
54 min
343: The Hybrid of Medical and Midwifery: Talki...
How do we make birth better? Today we’re chatting with one of the country’s top leaders addressing this question, and not just addressing it, but matching his conviction with his actions.
91 min
342: How to Mentally Prepare for When Things Do...
In this episode, Matthew and Sarah chat with sisters Jenny and Wendy, creators of Pure Motherhood, a company that provides education, products, support and empowerment for moms and moms-to-be.
49 min
341: HOME BIRTH STORY - Precipitous Labor with ...
Can you still have a home birth with gestational diabetes? This question comes up often in the community. Today’s birth story is an example of an answer in the affirmative. Crystal Boymistruk joins us to share her birth story of her second child, daughter Mila.
47 min
340: HOME BIRTH STORY - Home Birth at the Heigh...
How do you deal with the “what if” questions that can come up around any type of birth? Today’s guest Lauren shares how she and her husband Jordan navigated the “what if’s.”
42 min
339: HOME BIRTH STORY - Courageously Processing...
How can you advocate for yourself in the midst of chaos? How can you be an active participant in your birth when you feel like all of your control is being taken away? In today’s episode, we’re talking to Caitlin Thompson about her 2nd birth.
60 min
338: Tools to Prepare You for Birth and Convers...
What narratives are you telling yourself and buying into when it comes to pregnancy, birth and postpartum? We go through some of these in our conversation with Brooke Cates, CEO/founder of The Bloom Method, a pre and postnatal fitness method.
52 min
337: HOME BIRTH STORY - Switching to Home Birth...
How do you move through and relate to a lot of the challenges that can come up when you make the switch to have a home birth? Today we have a unique episode. Our guest is Sarah Bivens! Usually acting as co-host, the roles got shifted up a bit when Matthew and Sarah decided to sit down and have Matthew interview Sarah on her pregnancy and birth experience.
68 min