Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe

A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.

Natural Sciences
Can Dark Matter feel itself
What happens when DM bumps into DM in the dark?
44 min
How do LEDs work?
The Nobel-prize winning physics of.... reading lights.
44 min
Should we believe any alien abduction stories?
Daniel and Jorge talk about how to be skeptical and open minded.
53 min
Does Stephen Wolfram's Theory of Everything Work?
How does Stephen Wolfram's Physics Project work and what have we learned?
44 min
The SF Universe of Sue Burke's "Semiosis"
Daniel and Jorge talk about what happens when plants can think. Is eating a banana now murder?
48 min
Can planets lose their atmospheres?
How do planets get atmospheres, and how long do they last? Will Earth one day run out of air?
38 min
What is the Cosmological Constant?
Was it Einstein's greatest blunder, or smartest prediction?
42 min
How quarks were discovered?
One day in November 1974 that changed particle physics forever.
43 min
What is the tallest mountain in the solar system?
Where is the biggest, tallest or widest mountain in the Solar System? Hint: it's not on any planet.
37 min
The SF Universe of Mary Robinette Kowal's "The ...
Daniel and Jorge discuss the book "The Calculating Stars" and interview the author. Mary Robinette Kowal's science fiction debut, 2019 Winner of the Hugo and Nebula Award for best novel, The Calculating Stars, explores the premise behind her award-winning "Lady Astronaut of Mars."
58 min
Could dark matter be made of quarks?
Learn about hexaquarks with Daniel and Jorge
44 min
The SF Universe of Becky Chamber's "The Long Wa...
Daniel interviews Becky Chambers about her book "The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. " Volume 1 of the Wayfarers series which won the Hugo award for best series.
55 min
Listener Questions 9
Daniel and Jorge answer questions from listeners, like you!
39 min
What are virtual particles?
Discover virtual particles with Daniel and Jorge
39 min
The SF Universe of Blake Crouch's "Recursion"
Daniel and Jorge discuss the science fiction book "Recursion" by Blake Crouch. Blake comes on for an interview to discuss his thoughts and method. Pickup your own copy of Recursion. It's a thrilling novel!
40 min
How small is an electron?
Shrink down the the quantum realm with Daniel and Jorge and discover the size of the electron
46 min
Why is strange matter so strange?
Explore the mystery of strange matter with daniel and jorge
39 min
The science fiction universe of "Ancillary Just...
In this very special new series of episodes Daniel and Jorge interview famous authors. Today we discuss "Ancillary Justice" the debut novel of the talented Anne Leckie. It's the only novel to ever win the Hugo, Nebula and Arthur C. Clarke awards.
41 min
What is the biggest explosion in the universe
What is the biggest explosion in the universe that mankind has ever witnessed? Find out with Daniel and Jorge.
41 min
Is it possible to move the sun?
If we needed to move the sun, could we do it?
42 min
Is the Universe infinite?
Is the universe finite or infinite?
45 min
What have we learned from the Spitzer Space Tel...
The Spitzer Space Telescope is retiring. What have we learned from it?
42 min
Choose your own physics adventure!
Which of these four physics adventures would you prefer? Visit the Quantum Realm. See inside a Black Hole. Travel faster than light. Meet intelligent aliens.
40 min
Can quantum gravity save physics?
Daniel and Jorge discuss loop quantum gravity with a special appearance from Bianca Dittrich, a PhD in gravitational physics and an expert in loop quantum gravity and spin foam.
48 min
Listener Questions 8: Can AI understand humor?
Daniel and Jorge answer questions from listeners like you!
45 min