Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe

A fun-filled discussion of the big, mind-blowing, unanswered questions about the Universe. In each episode, Daniel Whiteson (a Physicist who works at CERN) and Jorge Cham (a popular online cartoonist) discuss some of the simple but profound questions that people have been wondering about for thousands of years, explaining the science in a fun, shorts-wearing and jargon-free way.

Natural Sciences
What would happen on earth if the moon disappea...
The moon has just been deleted from the simulation. What will happen here on earth?
33 min
Listener Questions 5
Daniel and Jorge answer questions from listeners, like you!
45 min
What would happen if the sun became a black hole?
Listen to Daniel and Jorge answer a hypothetical question in today's episode
31 min
What are white holes?
You've heard of black holes but what are white holes?
37 min
Take a cruise of the exoplanets
Put on your stretchy pants and join Daniel and Jorge while they take you a guided cruise of the exoplanets.
40 min
How old is the earth?
How do we know the age of the earth?
41 min
Do aliens exist?
Daniel and Jorge answer questions from Karah and Oz, the hosts of the podcast Sleepwalkers.
51 min
Can you see an electron or other tiny particles?
If you were Ant-Man and shrunk to the quantum realm. What would that actually look like?
42 min
What is the strongest magnet in the universe?
EXTREME UNIVERSE: What is the strongest magnet in the universe?
50 min
Why haven't aliens visited us?
What is the best way to explore the galaxy?
46 min
What is the Weak Force?
Find out about the Weak Force on today's podcast with Daniel and Jorge.
42 min
What is Cold Fusion?
Will we ever be able to create unlimited energy with cold fusion?
42 min
How do you make gold?
Where does gold come from? Can scientists make it?
38 min
How do MRIs work?
What is an MRI and how does it work?
32 min
What is the hexagon on saturn?
Is it natural or artificial?
29 min
What is Quantum Tunneling?
Hint: It's not tunnels in switzerland.
37 min
Can you sail on light?
How can we travel through the universe without running out of fuel? Find out today with Daniel and Jorge.
35 min
What is the densest thing in the universe?
EXTREME UNIVERSE! What has the most stuff stuffed into it?
44 min
What do Quarks taste like?
Quarks have flavor and color but what do they taste and look like?
39 min
Listener Questions 4
Daniel and Jorge answer questions from listeners, like you!
39 min
What is the brightest thing in the universe?
EXTREME UNIVERSE! (Hint: It's not the sun)
37 min
Is the Earth round?
How do we know the earth is actually round and not just "global conspiracy?"
41 min
How can we see Dark Matter?
We know it exists but what is it and how can we see it?
44 min
Listener Questions 3
Daniel and Jorge answer questions from listeners, like you!
42 min
What Is Radiation?
Is it bad or good or spicy or mild?
42 min